After leaving the roller skating club, Jiang Yuan looked back and found that no one followed.

He began to gossip without any worries: "Little Yellow Oriole, that guy named Ning Zhe is interested in you."

Hearing this, Lin Senmu looked at Ji Yingge, and wanted to know what Ji Yingge felt about Ning Zhe.


Ji Yingge replied softly.


Just yeah?

Jiang Yuan was full of strong curiosity, "That guy looks very elegant at first glance, don't you try to get in touch with him?"

Ji Yingge looked a little helpless, "Little Yellow Oriole, I know, if we are friends, it's okay, but I don't have that feeling for him."

Lin Senmu went to press the elevator, and poked the down button with his finger.


Jiang Yuan could understand, after all, love requires both parties to be attracted to each other.

If the sisters don't like it, Jiang Yuan will forget about Ning Zhe, the stranger.

Then he asked: "It's past five o'clock, what are we going to eat tonight?"

Lin Senmu was about to say: I'll log in to the APP to see if there are any restaurants nearby.

Ji Yingge has already spoken: "Hehe, Xiao Qingyuan, Lin Senmu, I'll take you to a place."

"Where are we going?"

Jiang Yuan asked curiously.

"Follow me and you'll know."

Ji Yingge's voice was blocked by the elevator door.

Soon after, she brought Jiang Yuan and Lin Senmu to a vegetable market.

"Xiao Huangying, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Yuan looked confused.

Lin Senmu was also confused.

"Buy vegetables, we'll go home and make dinner later."

Ji Yingge tilted her head and looked at her two good friends with a slightly playful look.

"Neither Sen Sen nor I can cook...ah..."

At this point, Jiang Yuan reacted and said in surprise: "Little Huangying, can you cook?"


Ji Yingge smiled, "I have lived alone for three years. Since the winter and summer vacations of my first year in high school, I have been cooking for myself."

Jiang Yuan did not laugh with her. In this simple and casual sentence, she thought of Ji Yingge's three years of loneliness.

Lin Senmu was the same. This silly girl, more than 1,000 days and nights in three years, how could she say it was so easy.

Ji Yingge did not look sad, and said with bright eyes: "Now I have you!"

"Hehe, then we will be good friends for life."

Jiang Yuan took the little sisters.

Lin Senmu followed the two little ones and walked into the vegetable market.

The breath of life was full of sight. The ground was very black and looked greasy.

The smell in the space was pungent, with the smell of fish and meat, the smell of various vegetables, and the smell of stewed food.

But solving the problem of food and clothing all starts from here.

"Xiao Qingyuan, what do you want to eat tonight? I'll cook it for you."

Ji Yingge's eyes cast on various vegetable stalls.

"I want to eat shrimp."

"How about fried shrimp?"


Ji Yingge looked back and asked the tail behind him, "Lin Senmu, what about you?"

"I want to eat fried beef."

"Celery beef?"

"Coriander beef, I don't like celery."


Walking forward, the first thing you see is the beef shop.

Ji Yingge picked and chose, then pointed to a piece of meat and gestured: "Master, please help me cut it from here, just cut 30 yuan."


The butcher with a face full of flesh sharpened his knife and cut off a piece of beef.

Jiang Yuan often accompanied Zhou Zhiman to the vegetable market. Seeing Lin Senmu curiously looking around, she tilted her head and smiled: "Senbao, is this your first time to the vegetable market?"

Lin Senmu shook his head and smiled: "No, my grandma and grandma took me to the market. That was when I was very young. I just found that there are many vegetables in the vegetable market that I have never seen before."

"Hehe, I recognize a lot of them."

Jiang Yuan pointed to the nearest stalls, "This is cauliflower sea bass, this is grass carp, and this is black carp."

"Winter melon, broccoli, white radish, lettuce, cabbage, bamboo shoots..."

"Hmm, what is this green vegetable?"

When it comes to the last one, Jiang Yuan doesn't know whether he can't think of the name or can't recognize it.

Ji Yingge added: "That's chrysanthemum."

"Hehe, little yellow warbler, you are really awesome." Jiang Yuan praised.

Ji Yingge was so excited by the praise that she said, "You just asked me how to buy vegetables. When buying meat, it's best to smell it to see if there is any bad smell. If there is a bad smell, it's bad."

"If there is a fishy smell, it's normal meat. Then press the meat with your hand. If it rebounds and your hand is oily and sticky, it's fresh."

"Don't buy the kind of meat with spots or grains."

"As for green vegetables, some of them are soaked in water. They look fresh but are actually old. You need to distinguish them carefully yourself."

"That's it." Jiang Yuan came to the vegetable market this time and suddenly had the idea of ​​learning to cook.

Cook for a pighead!She had originally thought about living with Lin Senmu in the future, and then she would become a little cook and control Sensen's stomach.

Now, this plan can be put on the agenda earlier. After returning home, she will go to the kitchen to watch her mother cook.

Lin Senmu was also listening carefully. He also wanted to become Chef Lin.

The three little ones went around the vegetable market, carrying a few bags of vegetables, and walked into a grocery store here to buy some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and rice.

Then drove back home.

"Wash and brush~~"

Ji Yingge tied her hair into small balls, wore a small apron, and bent over to wash crabs in the vegetable sink. The crabs were tied with ropes, so there was no need to worry about the crab claws pinching her hands.

She was going to stir-fry "fried shrimp" and "coriander beef" tonight, then stew "corn ribs soup" and steam three "hairy crabs", and finally a plate of spinach.

For three people, four dishes and one soup are enough.

Jiang Yuan was helping by washing vegetables and rinsing shrimps. She knew how to do it.

Lin Senmu was not in the Chinese kitchen. He was in the Western kitchen with a fruit plate, washing cherries. Both children liked to eat this fruit.

After placing the plate on the dining table, he went to the two children.

Ji Yingge was imparting experience to Jiang Yuan, "Xiao Qingyuan, hairy crabs are the simplest. Just clean the mud and sand on the shell and add a few slices of ginger and a scallion."

"Is that so."

Jiang Yuan was watching carefully.

"Shrimp is a bit more troublesome. Cut off the shrimp head and remove the shrimp thread. Then fry it in oil for two minutes and then add minced ginger and garlic to the pot to stir-fry. Then add the prepared sauce and shrimp and stir-fry."

"Lin Senmu is from Hunan and Chu. I won't add vinegar and sugar later."

Ji Yingge chopped the corn into pieces on the chopping board, then put the chopped ribs into the pot with cold water, added cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, and skimmed off the floating foam after boiling... Finally, she put the corn and ribs into the soup pot.

The white-haired girl was full of joy. Maybe someone was with her, or she could let her good friends taste her cooking skills later.

She learned to cook before because she was tired of takeout and wanted to eat home-cooked meals.

Other than that, she didn't feel any joy or achievement in cooking.

This time, the house was no longer deserted, but full of warmth.

"Oh, stir-fried beef with coriander."

Jiang Yuan focused on this because it was Sen Sen's favorite dish.

Ji Yingge raised her index finger and whispered, "Shh, I don't know how to do this. I've made garlic beef cubes. I'll learn how to make it by following the short video. Anyway, Lin Senmu will test the poison."


Lin Senmu looked sad, "Little Yellow Ying, I heard it."


Ji Yingge was startled and immediately hid behind Jiang Yuan...hid!

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