












Lin Senmu had just finished the last one, and seeing that the two little ones had finished eating, he divided the body of his crab into half for each of them.

"Sensen, don't you want to eat it?"

"Lin Senmu, don't you want to eat it?"

The two little ones looked at him in surprise.

"I don't like this."

Lin Senmu poked the yellow in the crab shell with chopsticks, and then ate the beef.

It's not that I don't like it, I just saw that you like it.

"How is it?"

Although she was very confident in her cooking skills, Ji Yingge's face was a little nervous when she saw her good friends eating the main course.


Lin Senmu gave a thumbs up.

"Then you eat more!"

Ji Yingge smiled brightly.

Jiang Yuan ate a big shrimp and smiled with a small dimple, praising: "This shrimp is also delicious."

"Hehe, Xiao Qingyuan should eat more, and there is soup. Drinking soup in winter is super warm..."

As she said, Ji Yingge looked at the corn and pork ribs soup and exclaimed: "Oh, I forgot to take the soup bowl, wait for you."

The meal was very warm, making the big house full of joy and excitement.

After the meal, Lin Senmu took the initiative to take the job of washing the dishes, "You go to the living room to rest. Although I can't cook, I have done this at home."


The two little ones ate well, both of them are thin and belong to the kind of people who will not gain weight.

Therefore, they did not walk around to digest the food, but went directly to the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched TV by the fire.

After washing the dishes, Lin Senmu wiped the kitchen, tied the garbage bag tightly, opened the door and threw it into the environmentally friendly garbage bin in the corridor.

After finishing his work, he sat down next to Jiang Yuan and put his legs into the firebox.

Jiang Yuan was immersed in watching the drama and soon found that her feet were stepped on. She pushed Lin Senmu away and said, "Go away. I won't let you warm yourself by the fire. You are like a stove. Your feet are not cold. You come here to make trouble for me."

Lin Senmu turned around, moved a small stool, and entered from Ji Yingge's side, intending to sit sideways and put his legs into the firebox.

If Jiang Yuan stepped on her feet like this, she would not be able to hit herself.

Ji Yingge twisted her body to block Lin Senmu.

Lin Senmu was annoyed, "Can you let me put my feet in to warm myself by the fire?"

"No, go find Xiao Qingyuan."

Ji Yingge's feet were stepped on indiscriminately again. If she had known, she would have bought an extra-large firebox.

The current firebox is too crowded for three people to put their feet.

Lin Senmu stared at Ji Yingge. Since there was no reason to use physical attack, he cast a spell and took out his phone to play Ji Xiaozhi's recording, "Dad!"

Ji Yingge was stunned. This seemed to be her own voice?

The white-haired girl was embarrassed and angry, "You, you, why did you record the voice?"

"Lin Senmu, you are using this trick again."

Jiang Yuan rushed over with her little fist. Although she didn't use her own, she knew that she must have more than her own.

After all, in the past two months, she had called Sensen so shamefully countless times.

Beat him to death!

Lin Senmu quickly dodged and ran away, while playing the next recording of Jiang Xiaozhi, "Dad!"

"Lin Senmu, come out."

Jiang Yuan and Ji Yingge chased to the second bedroom, knocking on the door and cursing.

"Go to sleep, good night!"

Lin Senmu locked the door and hid in the room without coming out.

Anyway, there is a private bathroom. I can wash up, turn on the heater, lie down on the bed and sleep comfortably.

However, when he finished washing up, he found a thief in the room!

No, there is someone!

The two little ones sat on the sofa opposite the bed, staring at Lin Senmu expressionlessly.

Almond eyes and peach blossom eyes, full of murderous intent!

"How did you get in?"

Lin Senmu was terrified.

"Lin Senmu, this is my home!"

Ji Yingge shook the key in her little hand.

"Tell me, where do you store our recordings?"

Jiang Yuan had already taken Lin Senmu's mobile phone on the bed, and searched for a long time, but couldn't find it.Find the recording file.

Lin Senmu decisively raised the white flag.

He walked over, cut into the penguin in front of the two little ones, and deleted the recording file.


"Bang, beat you to death!" Jiang Yuan punched him twice angrily.


Before leaving, Ji Yingge kicked Lin Senmu's calf in anger.


Lin Senmu grimaced in pain. His girlfriend and good friend were ruthless this time.

He decided to listen to the voice to ease the pain, so he searched in his mobile phone, and soon it sounded:

Girl's whisper version, Dad~~

Girl's shy version, Dad~~

"Little guy, can you beat me?"

Lin Senmu was arrogant. He had already taken precautions and uploaded the cloud backup.

The next moment, he was a little confused again. He didn't understand why he kept these when he didn't have any special fetishes?

The two little ones returned to the living room and continued to sit in front of the firebox, warming their feet with a small quilt, and chasing the bloody drama in Lin Senmu's eyes.

Jiang Yuan ate a cherry, spit out the small pit, and said: "Little Yellow Oriole, let's eat at home tomorrow."

"Huh? If we go out to play, we will come back to cook?"

Ji Yingge was also eating cherries. She ate two at a time. Before chewing, her cheeks looked a little bulging.

Originally, I wanted to take my two good friends out to play tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and I have already made a travel plan.

But if we play outside, we have to come back home to cook, which is too tight.

"If you don't want to go out to play, let's go buy vegetables tomorrow morning, and you teach me to continue cooking."

Jiang Yuan's mind was all on learning cooking.

I want to have the opportunity to cook for the person I like as soon as possible.


So that's what you mean, Ji Yingge nodded gently.

"Teach me how to make braised spareribs tomorrow. Sen Sen likes this."

Jiang Yuan recalled the dish that Lin Senmu ordered most often during their time together.


Ji Yingge agreed.

Lin Senmu just walked to the corner and heard the two kids chatting. He thought about it, but went back to the room to watch TV.

He unlocked his phone and stared at the photo of him and Jiang Yuan on the screen, his face full of warmth.

At this time, he received a message from Nie Hao and replied with a "congratulations", but did not wait for the next message.

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