"Brother Sen Sen, I just got out of school and am going to the cafeteria to eat, and then go to evening self-study."

Ji Yingge subconsciously reported her itinerary.

Lin Senmu said, "Eat more."


Ji Yingge nodded.

Suddenly, she glimpsed the interior of the car of her two good friends from the video, and asked curiously, "Is this the latest Ferrari 12c?"


Lin Senmu replied.


The most common sports car in Ji Yingge's garage is Ferrari. She also ordered this one, and she has experienced it when she went to 4S to pick up the car a few days ago.

But now when traveling alone, she only drives Bugatti Chiron.

Because... this sports car has been driven by a boy who is very important to her...

"Little Huangying, it's late, you should go to eat quickly, don't be hungry."

Jiang Yuan's voice sounded.

"Then I'm going to eat."

Ji Yingge showed her dimples.

Jiang Yuan's dimples slightly emerged, "Yeah, bye little yellow oriole, see you in the summer vacation."

Ji Yingge imitated her, raised her hand and waved to the camera, "Bye little green oriole, I'll come to see you after the final exam."


Inside the Ferrari, the young couple and Ji Yingge ended the video call.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuan still drove the car, circling around the campus path, getting familiar with the feeling of driving.

When it was very late, Lin Senmu suddenly suggested, "Baby, at this time, there should be few vehicles and pedestrians on the island within the island. Do you want to experience it on the real road?"


Hearing this, Jiang Yuan hesitated a little.

Lin Senmu gave a reassuring look and said, "This car has an emergency parking system, which means it will automatically brake in case of an emergency. As long as you don't step on the accelerator too fast, it shouldn't be a big problem."


Jiang Yuan was a little eager to try: "Then I'll drive out of the school?"


Lin Senmu nodded gently.

Next, Jiang Yuan drove the Ferrari out of the south gate of Haida University and entered the main road of the island-in-island area.

She has been studying at Haida University for a year. Although she is not familiar with the urban area of ​​Coconut City, she is very familiar with the area near the school.

After all, she was coaxed out by the bad Sensen and stayed in hotels countless times.

On the road, Jiang Yuan drove very slowly and steadily.

In addition, as a novice on the road, she especially obeyed the traffic rules. When she saw a zebra crossing, she would first look to see if there were any pedestrians who needed to be courteous.

In addition, occasionally seeing a car in the rearview mirror, she would also slow down to let the other party pass.

"Not bad, not bad, my wife is driving better and better."

Lin Senmu praised.

Jiang Yuan did not jump for joy, but slowed down a few miles.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Senmu was stunned.

Jiang Yuan's face fell, "Husband, I can't help but praise, and I panicked."


Lin Senmu couldn't help laughing.

He looked at the time and pointed the way: "Baby, turn left in front, turn left again, and finally turn right, and you will reach your destination."

Jiang Yuan listened to the instructions and drove seriously.

But after driving for a while, she became a little confused: "Husband, did you point in the wrong direction? This doesn't seem to be the way back to school."

"That's right, this is the way to the hotel."

Lin Senmu laughed evilly.

"Lin Senmu, you big pervert!"

Jiang Yuan was instantly embarrassed and changed her name to spit at him.

"Wrong, wrong, turn right at this intersection."

Lin Senmu said anxiously, they were about to arrive at the hotel, why did it turn left.

"Humph, I didn't drive wrong."

Jiang Yuan, who knew the way, ignored it and drove the supercar back to the south gate of the school.

"Dear wife, you messed with the ball."

Lin Senmu's Lin-style coquetry was quietly staged.

Jiang Yuan bit her lip lightly, then gave Lin Senmu a charming look, "I really can't do anything with you."

After saying that, she turned around and went to the hotel she often went to.

A night of biology discussion.

The next morning, Jiang Yuan was still driving.

After entering the school, she pressed a button, and the convertible of the car was vacated from the hood, covering her and Lin Senmu in the car.

"Hee, keep a low profile."

Jiang Yuan then said, "Today I will send my husband to the teaching building for class."

This sentence means that she will also pick up Lin Senmu tomorrow.

As for why she didn't live outside, it was because the final exam was approaching and she needed to review well to avoid failing.

The second reason was that Jiang Yuan's menstrual period suddenly came when she just entered the hotel last night.


Lin Senmu stayed downstairs of the dormitory on another morning, waiting for his girlfriend to appear.

Not long after, a red supercar drove from the front.

Jiang Yuan lowered the passenger window and smiled with her head tilted in the driver's seat: "Husband, get in the car."

"Let's go."

Lin Senmu looked at his roommate from dormitory 308 coming out of the building, said hello and leftSitting in the passenger seat of the Ferrari.

Zhang Bowen glanced at the Lamborghini parked nearby and resisted the urge to ask Brother Sen to borrow his car to show off.

Yang Jian rode a small electric scooter and urged him, "Aqi, get in the car."

Nie Hao drove the Bentley Continental to the girls' dormitory building.

On the way, he controlled the steering wheel with one hand and rubbed his chin with the other hand, muttering to himself: "Why didn't I think of this? I must ask Xiaoping to practice driving next semester, and then wait for her to pick me up in the morning."

"Wait for half a year or a year, and then have a chance to bring her home to meet her. This time, we are in a normal relationship, even if it is a girl from another place, parents should not say much."

"Then, learn from Mu and trick my father into buying a car for my daughter-in-law."

For the rest of June, except for the two days when Jiang Yuan had a stomachache, Lin Senmu would ask Jiang Yuan to practice driving around the school after dinner in the evening.

After the elective class in the evening, he would practice driving outside the school.

There were two big signs on the rear of the Ferrari:

[Intern female driver, timid, nervous, easily nervous]

[Keep your distance, don't rush me, please take care of me]

On July 2, it had been a week since Jiang Yuan drove on the road, and she was becoming more and more familiar with the vehicle.

Early in the morning, Jiang Yuan came out of the girls' dormitory and went to the charging station on the opposite side of the road to unplug the Ferrari's charging gun.

Then she sat in the driver's seat and drove the car to pick up her boyfriend for class.

Lin Senmu opened the passenger seat and got in the car.

Jiang Yuan started the supercar.

After driving for a while, her black eyes turned and her left hand controlled the steering wheel.

The slender right hand quietly reached for the passenger seat.

Then she held Lin Senmu's big hand, interlocking their fingers.


Lin Senmu looked down at the hands holding each other, and he felt very strange in his heart.

This scene is so familiar, it seems to be his classic operation.

Now, it's Tiangang.

Jiang Yuan blinked, "Hehe, I learned from you."

"Not bad."

Lin Senmu enjoyed the occasional electric shock.

Jiang Yuan's long eyelashes still fluttered, "I also learned some other things."

"What is it?"

Lin Senmu was curious.

Jiang Yuan cleared her throat and said in a low voice: "Lin Senmu, call me husband."


That night, in the hotel, Jiang Yuan burst into tears.

She kept shouting: "Ba Ba, I was hurt by my mistake!!"

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