In the morning, Lin Senmu came out of the hotel in high spirits.

He was full of confidence to face the elective course exam today, July 3.

After all, he was a top student in high school and a good student in college.

On July 6, it was the final exam for professional courses.

Jiang Yuan hung her head and followed Lin Senmu, rubbing the place where she was beaten from time to time.

When they arrived at the open-air parking lot, she angrily threw the car keys and said, "I don't want to drive anymore."

Lin Senmu sat in the main driver's seat and said to his girlfriend before starting the Ferrari: "Are you still naughty?"


Jiang Yuan sat sideways in the passenger seat and didn't want to pay attention to this stinky man.

I call you husband every day, what's wrong with you calling me husband?

You actually punished me!

The Ferrari shuttled through the island within the island and soon entered the campus of Ocean University and came to the third canteen.

"Baby, let's go for breakfast."

Lin Senmu stopped the car and turned off the engine, saying softly to his girlfriend.

The skin is blooming!

This Sen Sen actually acted as if nothing happened? ?

Jiang Yuan's little face was indignant, "If you don't eat, I will starve myself to death and make you have no brains!"


Lin Senmu couldn't help it, "Baby, don't be so cute!"

"Lin Senmu, I'm very angry, I'm not kidding you!"

Jiang Yuan yelled loudly, and she looked even more cute.


It seems that I need to coax her.

Lin Senmu closed the car window and called softly: "Yuanyuan..."

"What? I don't want to talk to you now."

Jiang Yuan turned her head away.

Lin Senmu was shy and shouted: "Yuanyuan... Brains?"

"Hey, my baby."

Jiang Yuan turned her head back, and her frowned brows immediately relaxed.

"Just this time, there won't be a next time."

Lin Senmu looked helpless.

"My dear, you are the best, muah."

With a smile on her face, Jiang Yuan rushed to Lin Senmu's seat and kissed him.

Then, the young couple went to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Then they came to the teaching building, holding their pencil cases, and walked into their respective examination rooms.

"Junior, my seat is inside, let me go over."

"Okay, senior."

During the elective exams this semester, Lin Senmu's neighbors were all boys, and the first exam was with an acquaintance, the junior Gufeng Club President Su Chen.

The neighbors Jiang Yuan met were all girls, and the last exam was with her classmate, the cute girl Ouyang Qiqi.

"Wow, little Qingyuan."

"Wow, little Qibao."

Just two childish ghosts.

As for Nie Hao, he did not encounter Shura Field like last semester during the three days of elective exams.

He only met one ex, the senior Lan Yue who took all his clothes.

"Bah, scumbag!"

Lan Yue didn't look good to Nie Hao.

"Good luck on the exam, senior sister."

Nie Hao encouraged her. He was actually grateful to Lan Yue. If Lan Yue had taken all his mobile phones away, it would be a disaster.

The last three days were for professional knowledge.

Students of each grade basically took exams in the same classroom with their classmates.

Lin Senmu sat next to Nie Hao in this exam.

Nie Hao nudged Lin Senmu with his elbow and whispered, "I feel that class monitor Lao Li has become a different person since he came back from leave last time."

"I chatted with him privately and asked him if he had any difficulties at home, but he didn't say."

Lin Senmu was about to answer.

Li Yuhang in the front row was very observant and smiled faintly, "Brother Hao, I'm fine."

"It's just that my parents talked to me last time I went home. I've been reading in the library for more than a month. I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination for Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future."

Nie Hao suddenly realized, "So that's it. I worried about you for nothing."

Lin Senmu smiled but didn't say anything. He was a good observer and felt that the light in Li Yuhang's eyes had gone out.

I don't know what Li Yuhang went through at the end of April, and he actually let go of his obsession for eleven years.

Lin Senmu didn't ask. It's a good thing to let go. There's no need to expose other people's scars.

Three days later in the afternoon, the exam time was over.

Countless college students rushed out of the campus with their suitcases.

"It's summer vacation."

"I'm going to travel to the north during the summer vacation."

After hearing this, someone said, "I'm going to take my partner to travel to the north during the summer vacation."

The former immediately cursed, "Get lost!"

"Brother Sen, Brother Hao, Aqi, see you in the second year."

After Yang Jian finished the exam, he said hello to everyone in dormitory 308, rode his electric donkey, and went back to the city of mansions.

"Brothers, I'm going to see you next semester."

Qiao Mubai was in a group chat with many people, and tagged everyone.

Inside dormitory 308.

Nie Hao carried a suitcase and went to meet Ying Ping'er.

His Bentley Continental was checked in yesterday, and he will continue to drive in Xingcheng during the summer vacation.

Zhang Bowen followed behind with a drooling face, and said with a smile: "Brother Hao, I'm sorry to bother you and Sister Hao. I'll take a ride when you go to the airport later."

He and Ji Qingting have been dating for two semesters. As a former sports student, he is a little malnourished due to hunger.

"Okay, you sit in the passenger seat and we sit in the back seat."

Nie Hao agreed very readily.

Then, he thought of something and reminded, "By the way, be careful when you talk on the road, don't talk about my past."

"I understand, I understand."

Zhang Bowen said that he would keep his mouth shut and would not talk about Brother Hao's romantic affairs.

As for Lin Senmu, he did not return to Xingcheng at the same time as Nie Hao.

After taking the last professional course, he stayed outside the teaching building, waiting for Jiang Yuan to pick him up in a Ferrari.

After meeting, he held his girlfriend's hand in the car and said with a smile: "My dear, stay with me for a few more days before going home."

"You wish, I can stay with you for one more night at most, I have to meet Yingbao."

Jiang Yuan rolled her eyes.

This boyfriend has to be fed well before he is willing to go home during the summer vacation.

"Baby, but the summer vacation is almost two months."

Lin Senmu said pitifully.

In fact, this situation is also a routine operation for many college couples before they part during the winter and summer vacations.

Jiang Yuan blushed and hesitated for a moment, then said: "Well, well, I can at most... change the ticket and stay with you for one more day."

"Wife, you are so nice."

Lin Senmu kissed her.

"Annoying... um."

Jiang Yuan closed her eyes gently.

Two days later, on July 11.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan came out of the hotel and drove the Ferrari downstairs of the boys' dormitory.

Then they took out each other's suitcases from the Lamborghini.

As for the two supercars worth tens of millions, Lin Senmu still did not check them back to Star City.

After taking a car to the airport, Jiang Yuan boarded the plane before Lin Senmu.

Before boarding, she threw herself into his arms, absorbed her boyfriend's breath, and whispered: "Sensen, your wife will miss you every day."

"I will miss you every day too."

Lin Senmu hugged Jiang Yuan tightly, replenishing his girlfriend's energy infinitely.

Then, he watched Jiang Yuan enter the bridge and watched the plane Jiang Yuan was on soar into the sky.

Soon, Lin Senmu checked the ticket.

Ten thousand meters above the sky, he sat in the first class cabin, staring at the island on the ground.

"Coconut City, see you in the second year of college."

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