In addition to the big bed and sofa, the hotel room also had a small round table for taking out food.

The small round table was very close to the big bed, and Nie Hao sat alone at the table.

When he saw Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan sitting close to each other beside the bed, he remembered his own love affair that ended without success.

I don’t know if my youth was on the wrong bus or missed the bus.

Although there was no shortage of women around him, he never felt the throbbing from his soul again.

"Haozi, sooner or later you will meet the person who will accompany you to the end."

In response to Nie Hao's two words just now, Lin Senmu comforted him, and then he pulled the pull ring of the canned beer, "Come on, Haozi, I'll accompany you!"

"I hope it's as you said!"

Nie Hao and Lin Senmu clinked cans.

With a new listener, Nie Hao told his story from the beginning.

"Xiao Yu and I met while playing shooting games. When I just became an adult last year, she saw that I was at a high level, so she added me from nearby."

"Haha, an immortal star diamond. If I hadn't been bored that day, I wouldn't have played with her. You know, I'm a super ace!"

"I didn't have any other thoughts at the beginning. I just teamed up with her to play games, eat chicken with her, and die with her."

"But one time, when we were back to back and sniping at each other, it was obviously just the character models in the game, but I stared at my character and her character, and my heart was strangely trembling."

Nie Hao gulped down a can of beer and continued to confide: "Do you understand? From the moment she sent the message to establish a romantic relationship, how strong was the impact on me, who had no experience in love?"

"I was really inflated at the time, thinking that Brother Hao, I am so charming? Can I make girls want to chase me?"

The storyteller will fall into a kind of reminiscence, and Nie Hao's face is full of nostalgia.

The story he told was also something he had heard and seen before.

"Mu Tou, do you remember that my grades dropped? It was because I played games with her frequently. Games are misleading, so I quit."

"Alas, if I had told her my age at the beginning, there would have been no such thing later."

"She thought I was a working person because my voice sounded mature, and I thought she was at most a female college student because her voice sounded like a loli!"

"As a result, after we met in person, I was wearing my high school uniform that day, and Xiao Yu was dressed very sexy, like a stepmother, you know?"

"When we met in the cafe, we were both stunned, especially me. I felt like a stepmother and stepson when I sat with her."

At this point.

An uncontrollable laugh sounded in the room.

Jiang Yuan suppressed her smile and apologized hurriedly: "Nie Hao, I didn't mean it."

Nie Hao gave up a little helplessly, "It doesn't matter, if Mu Mu hadn't heard it, he would have laughed louder than you."

Jiang Yuan jumped off the bed, ran to the sofa, took out potato chips from the snack bag, and then asked: "What happened to you later?"

"Last year, she was 27 years old. After confirming that I was her online love object, she immediately got up and left, probably thinking of the scene of calling me brother every day."

"What about me? I admit that I fell and chased after her anxiously, but I was stupid. I started with a big bomb, shouting Yu Yu, my little wife, wait for me."

"I'm used to shouting like this on the Internet."

"Xiao Yu's face was flushed at the time, especially when there were passers-by around, she directly kicked me in the ass."

The first woman a boy fell in love with.

Just like the first man who took a woman's body, it is unforgettable.

During Nie Hao's reminiscence, his expression was sometimes laughing and sometimes crying. When he mentioned Xiao Yu, his eyes were full of happiness.

But this kind of happiness belonged to the past.

"Nie Hao? Nie Hao?"

Jiang Yuan was a little foodie. She had just finished a bag of lime-flavored potato chips and opened another bag of cucumber-flavored potato chips.

Just as she was about to start eating, she suddenly couldn't hear what Nie Hao said.

She looked over in confusion.

I saw Nie Hao sitting at the round table, looking down at his phone, with big tears rolling down his eyes.

"Hey, Haozi, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Senmu also noticed this situation and walked over with concern after getting out of bed.

But after calling twice, there was no response. Nie Hao was like petrified, just crying.

Lin Senmu frowned slightly and leaned over to Nie Hao to see what he was looking at.

Nie Hao's phone interface stayed on the text message bar, and the phone screen was covered with tears.

Lin Senmu tried hard to distinguish the content.

The person who marked "wife" sent a message to Nie Hao: "Nie Hao, don't send me text messages anymore. Don't you understand yet? We are just playing around."

"As for who the man was just now, I won't hide it from you. HeHe is my fiancé, and we will get married soon. "

"It is impossible for us to be together. It was a mistake from the very beginning. You have a long life ahead of you. Let's part ways and live happily ever after."

The sender was Xiao Yu. Nie Hao had so many girlfriends, and he didn't even remember the names of many of them.

Only Xiao Yu was considered by Nie Hao as his wife.

Lin Senmu was silent, "Haozi, I don't know how to comfort you anymore. ”

He had never experienced this kind of relationship between a sister and a brother who were nine years older than him. Just like Nie Hao didn’t dare to give advice on his feelings, Lin Senmu didn’t dare to give advice on Nie Hao’s feelings.

He was afraid that if he said something wrong, Nie Hao would miss his love.

Lin Senmu patted Nie Hao’s shoulder, conveying warmth in a unique way between boys.

Nie Hao felt the warmth from his shoulder, and he could no longer restrain his inner fragility. He suddenly lay on the table, covering his heart, and cried loudly, "Mu Tou, I’m in pain, my heart is so uncomfortable..."

Nie Hao cried so hard.

It was a heart-wrenching cry.

After crying for a while, he kept calling Xiao Yu like crazy, but a cold mechanical voice came from the other end: "Hello, the number you dialed cannot be connected temporarily..."

Those who understand know that this is being blacklisted.

"Mu Tou, give me your phone! "Nie Hao roared.

Lin Senmu handed over the phone.

Nie Hao called Xiao Yu again, but the call was forcibly hung up after only a few seconds. He called several times and was also blacklisted.

"Mine, here."

Jiang Yuan was very considerate. Before Nie Hao could speak, she handed him the phone.

But the ending was still the same as before.

Especially when it showed that the call was from Jiangnan, Xiao Yu directly treated it as a scam call and did not have a second chance to call back.

"Haozi, come on, keep drinking!"

Lin Senmu opened a new can of beer and forced it into Nie Hao's hand, "Just like the last few times, after getting drunk, you will be fine after a sleep."

Nie Hao gulped down the wine, and the wine slid from his lips and chin to his collar, mixed with tears that had not dried yet.

He cried very fragilely, "Mu Tou, Jiang Yuan, do you know? My WeChat was blocked by him a long time ago. I changed countless small accounts to add her, but was blocked again countless times. "

"After a long time, I finally used a new account to add her, but I dared not disturb her again. I was afraid that I would never have the chance to see her circle of friends again. I was afraid that I would never know her recent situation again. "

"It's the same with DouLe. I go to her homepage many times every day. Every time I see a new visitor to my homepage, I think it's her who comes to see me, but she has never come to see me for almost a year. "

"Wood, I know many people scold me for my birth and scumbag, but I was not like this before. "

Nie Hao suddenly shouted: "Xiao Yu, it was obviously you who came to provoke me first, but in the end it became me who kept disturbing you. "

"Ridiculous! "

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