Seeing Nie Hao trapped in love, the two young people who were listening to the story in the room were infected with some inexplicable sadness.

Jiang Yuan walked back to the bed and sat down, leaning her little head on Lin Senmu's shoulder, with a little sadness, "Sensen, can we not do this in the future?"

She had just started a relationship, and all she wanted was to go on sweetly with Lin Senmu. She didn't want to experience a breakup, and didn't want to encounter a similar situation as Nie Hao in the future.

"We will be fine."

Lin Senmu stretched out an arm and hugged Jiang Yuan tightly in his arms, his tone firm and powerful.

He had heard Nie Hao's story many times, probably because he was alone at that time, so he couldn't empathize.

This time, Lin Senmu already had Jiang Yuan by his side. He put himself in Nie Hao's shoes and understood Nie Hao's heart a little.

Love but can't get it, let it go but can't let it go, full of regrets.

"You said you loved someone you shouldn't love, and your heart is full of scars..."

Nie Hao drank beer one can after another, singing "When Dreams Wake Up", singing out the scars suppressed in his heart.

At this moment, the unrestrained prodigal in front of others looked like a stray puppy that no one wanted.

Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan both sighed softly, and secretly decided in their hearts that they must manage their love seriously.

Nie Hao cried while singing, laughed while crying, and cried again while laughing.

He vented wantonly, not caring about embarrassment, because he knew that the two people in front of him would not laugh at him.

"Mu Tou, sister-in-law, drink with me for a while."

Nie Hao howled for a while, got up from the small round table, opened two cans of beer and handed them to Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan.


Lin Senmu drank with him.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse, "Nie Hao, clink!"

The young couple drank with a wounded person until all the beer they bought was empty.

Nie Hao had been tossing and turning all night, and he was exhausted. He fell asleep on the big bed in the room, snoring loudly.

Lin Senmu staggered, supported Jiang Yuan, who was also staggering, and sent her to the door of the next room.

Returning to his room, Lin Senmu saw the mess on the ground and really didn't want to sleep here, especially since he didn't plan to sleep with a man.

After taking a picture of Nie Hao sleeping, he took the elevator to the hotel front desk and said, "Help me get another room!"

"Little brother, one ID card can only get one room!"

The front desk lady stared at Lin Senmu without blinking. He was so handsome, but it was a pity that he was someone else's boyfriend.

Lin Senmu was very satisfied with this answer because he had a reason to ask his girlfriend for help.

He took out his mobile phone, executed the little trick in his mind, sent the photo he had just taken, and then attached three pitiful emoticons.

Finally, she typed the text: "Baby, my bed is occupied. I'm at the hotel front desk now. The front desk said that one ID card can only open one room..."

At this point, Lin Senmu paused.

Then he edited three words and sent: "Please take me in!"

In the room, Jiang Yuan had just finished taking a shower and was wiping her long hair with a dry towel. Seeing the phone on the bed light up, she immediately unlocked it to see if it was a letter from Sen Sen.

"Oh my god, I shouldn't have read it if I had known. If I didn't see it, I could tell Sen Sen tomorrow that I'm asleep!"

Jiang Yuan's little face gradually turned red. It was already red after drinking and taking a shower, and now it looked like a ripe red apple.

She looked at the photos sent by Lin Senmu and felt that Lin Senmu still had room for choice, so she didn't agree for the time being, "Sesen, you can sleep with Nie Hao, just move him straight."

Lin Senmu was a little discouraged, his mind raced quickly, and he quickly thought of a solution, "Baby, but Nie Hao has the habit of touching people when he sleeps, you don't want me to suffer that kind of terrible thing, right?"

I also have the habit of messing around when I sleep.

Dear husband!

"Wife, you are the best. I dare not sleep with Nie Hao. I am afraid that he has ulterior motives towards me."

The core of this sentence is that Lin Senmu thinks Jiang Yuan has ulterior motives towards him.

In the next room, Nie Hao suddenly opened his eyes, stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, and said drunkenly: "Is someone talking about me somewhere? It would be the best if it is Xiao Yu."

Then, he tilted his head and fell asleep again.

The camera gave Nie Hao a while longer. He slept like a dead pig. Apart from snoring, he had no other bad behavior.

However, Jiang Yuan was persuaded. It would be terrible if Nie Hao did that. But that was Yuan Yuan's Sen Sen. Yuan Yuan could not touch him just because she wanted to!

"I really can't do anything with you."

Jiang Yuan bit her lip, and a rare charm appeared in her almond eyes.

Lin Senmu was overjoyed when he saw this sentence. His hands moved quickly and he had already rang the doorbell of Jiang Yuan's room.


"There's really nothing I can do about Sen-Sen!"

Jiang Yuan muttered again, blushing as she moved to the entrance to open the door.

Lin-SenMu's true nature was revealed as soon as he entered the room. After drinking, he was very bold and rushed over to hug Jiang Yuan, "Hug me, my wife~"

Jiang Yuan obediently let him hug her for a while, and then gently pushed Lin Senmu away with her hand, "Go take a shower, you smell of alcohol."

Lin Senmu entered the bathroom, the bathroom where Jiang Yuan had just finished showering.

He stared at the pink Hello Kitty cat. Between quitting drinking and quitting sex, Lin Senmu chose to quit drinking.

How can sex be the top priority if you don't drink?

This is not good when you are young, but this is also good when you are young.

Jiang Yuan huddled in the quilt, with the thick quilt covering her little head, until she felt the corner of the quilt being lifted and the air conditioning entered. She was a little puzzled and asked, "Sen Sen, why do you take so long to take a shower?"

Usually, Lin Senmu took a quick shower at home, and it was done in ten minutes. This time, it took him as long as himself.

Lin Senmu was sweating profusely, feeling really ashamed and embarrassed, and he explained with a stiff face: "I just washed our socks."


They are together, so boyfriends and girlfriends can help each other wash, anyway, they have washed before.

Therefore, Jiang Yuan did not doubt.

She began to divide the territory with Lin Senmu, "Sesen, don't cross this line in the middle, you promised me just now."

Lin Senmu nodded hurriedly, and after taking a cold shower, beauty was nothing.

Jiang Yuan half sat up, turned off the lights in the room at the head of the bed, and quietly hid back in the quilt.




She felt her heartbeat was so fast lying flat, especially the temperature on her side was so hot, Lin Senmu was sleeping next to her.

So she turned over and slept on her side.

Lin Senmu felt the same way. It was the first time that he and his beloved girl were in the same bed and quilt while both of them were still conscious.

Feeling the fragrance of the quilt, Lin Senmu took a deep breath. Jiang Yuan's scent, he felt that he might remember it forever.

Neither of them was used to alcohol. After relaxing, they fell into a deep sleep.

Before going to bed, Jiang Yuan kept hypnotizing herself and kept hinting in her mind, "Jiang Yuan, you are not allowed to mess around after falling asleep. What happened in the RV cannot happen again."

"If the past repeats itself, it will be Lin Senmu's fault. You have to sleep in someone else's room!"

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