The sun shines through the drawn curtains, illuminating the room.

Time unknown.

Jiang Yuan woke up with a red face, and the first thing she did was to move Lin Senmu's claws away.

She was ashamed and angry, "This bad guy, I have changed his habit of messing around, but he is restless when sleeping!"

"Forget it, it's better than being worse than a beast. Yuanyuan is still very attractive to him!"

As she spoke, the little girl reacted, blushed, and moaned, "What nonsense am I talking about?"

Jiang Yuan covered her head with the quilt and hid in the quilt to reflect.

It was impossible to get up.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 10:38.

Sen Sen didn't wake up, so she wanted to stay in bed and do something naughty.

For example, the little girl was sneaky and giggled, "Tickling Sen Sen's ticklish spot!"

"Why did Sen Sen put the remote control on the bed?"

Jiang Yuan was a girl born in the 2000s. Although she knew about television, people of this era rarely watched television.

She was very curious about this novel event, so she grabbed the remote control and pressed a button.

The screen of the wall-mounted TV lit up.

Lin Senmu also widened his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

He didn't wake up.

I didn't want to wake up.

After a while, Jiang Yuan felt that watching TV was boring, so he turned his back and played with his mobile phone.

"Good morning, baby."

Lin Senmu opened his eyes, moved over, hugged Jiang Yuan's slender waist, and was tender and gentle.

"Good morning, husband."

Jiang Yuan turned over and leaned into Lin Senmu's arms, staring at the boy who gradually became her love, and said faintly: "There are still six hours, I will go back."

Airplane ticket: 17:15, Xingcheng to Qihu City.

Lin Senmu didn't say anything, and hugged Jiang Yuan tighter.

Jiang Yuan felt the boy's reluctance from this action, and she didn't say anything anymore, and hugged him quietly.

Until he felt hungry, Lin Senmu let go of Jiang Yuan and took the phone to order takeout.

"What to eat?"

To be honest, every time I order takeout, I don't know what to eat.

"Hubby, I want to eat clay pot rice."

It's great to have a girlfriend who doesn't say anything casually.

After washing and eating, Lin Senmu and Jiang Yuan packed their luggage in the room. After checking several times and finding nothing left, they left the room in pairs.

As for Nie Hao in the next room, Lin Senmu was now filled with a strong feeling of parting, so he forgot about it.

Besides, he brought a mobile phone charger with him when he went out. The charger was here, so he never thought about the next door.

It was not until he checked out that he realized that he had missed a living person. Thinking that he had already had lunch with his girlfriend, he left a message: "The team is disbanded, we are leaving first, you wake up and have fun by yourself!"

"Oh my god!"

Nie Hao was very sad. He had just woken up, just fumbled for his phone, and was about to call his loved ones to make an appointment for lunch.

He was abandoned before he could type.

Lin Senmu saw that it was still early, so he did not go to the airport first, and took Jiang Yuan to a market.

Walking through the streets, he bought some local specialties of Xingcheng.

Black classic stinky tofu gift pack.

Dried tofu and hairy fish.

Sugar-coated glutinous rice cake.

These are also what Lin Senmu likes to eat.

"By the way, baby, at the last banquet, I saw that uncles and aunts like to eat duck meat very much. This braised duck is also a specialty of Hunan and Chu. It uses fresh duck and is made with old marinade. The skin and meat are crispy and fragrant."

"If they don't often eat spicy food, they will have a soy sauce flavor."

Lin Senmu carried large and small bags, looking focused and serious, picking and choosing on the shelves.

"Thank you, husband!"

Jiang Yuan's beautiful eyes were full of emotion. She didn't expect Lin Senmu to be so considerate and bring specialties from Xingcheng to her parents.

"It's not the kind of thank you that requires you to pledge your love for me. I don't want it!"

Lin Senmu didn't answer.

Jiang Yuan kicked him.

Lin Senmu didn't hide. He turned his back to Jiang Yuan's face and pulled out an ugly smile. He wanted to use his mouth to defeat the sadness of parting.

During the drive to the airport, Lin Senmu held Jiang Yuan's hand, and it was also tighter than usual.

People who send off can only send them to the airport security checkpoint.

After arriving at the airport, Lin Senmu saw that it was still early and was reluctant to let Jiang Yuan get off the car. With a little imperceptible pleading, "Baby, can we wait until the last minute to check in?"


Jiang Yuan smiled like a flower, so she went in later and cried in hiding.

But time always flies fast when you want to slow it down.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

The planes had to check in an hour and a half in advance, so Jiang Yuan had to get off the car to check in.

Lin Senmu loosened the seat belt he had forgotten to unfasten, propped up his body and moved from the driver's seat to the co-pilot seat.

His mouth was imprinted on her lips.

Jiang Yuan had been here for so many days, Lin SenmuHe had been holding back from kissing her, waiting until the moment of parting to put the most perfect end to the beginning of this relationship.

"I love you, Jiang Yuan!"

Lin Senmu hugged the girl who belonged to him tightly, with a strong reluctance and deep affection in his words.

"Lin Senmu, I love you too!"

Jiang Yuan gently closed her eyes and stretched out her arms to circle the boy's neck. This was her boy.

Everyone's initial liking was based on lust, but falling in love was never a whim.

The interactions in life, the harmony of personality and thoughts, willingness to accommodate, willingness to give, all these reasons formed an untouchable and unexpressible love.

Lin Senmu carried large and small bags of Hunan and Chu specialties.

Jiang Yuan carried a small pink schoolbag and pulled a white suitcase.

He sent her off.

When they arrived at the ticket gate, they could only stop there.

"Tell your husband when you get on the plane."

"Tell your husband that you are safe when you arrive in Qihu City."

"Also, not every flight has meals. I bought you some snacks. Eat them when you are hungry."

"Tell me when you get home, too. Did you hear me?"

Lin Senmu kept talking.

Jiang Yuan tried to raise her sweetest smile and listened to Lin Senmu. She nodded vigorously at every word Lin Senmu said, "I've written down everything you said~~"

Just when Lin Senmu was about to say something.

The girl let go of the suitcase, rushed into Lin Senmu's arms, and wrapped her arms around Lin Senmu's waist.

She stood on tiptoes and kissed him.

Lin Senmu was no longer able to carry the large and small bags of specialties, and let them fall to the ground with a clang. He hugged his girl with all his strength.

This hug was very short.

Jiang Yuan entered the ticket gate with a small schoolbag on her back, a suitcase in her hand, and a bunch of local specialties.

She resisted the urge to look back, fearing that if she couldn't help looking back, she would not be able to help but stay.

Until she entered the waiting room, sat on a chair, and sent a message, "Lin Senmu, this trip to Star City is the happiest time of my life!"

"My Sen Sen, see you in college!"

Lin Senmu drove to the apron. He couldn't get in, so he stood on the roof of the Bentley and looked at the time on his phone.

At 17:15, he saw a plane soaring from the runway.

His nose was sour. It was this plane that took his girl away.

"Yuanyuan, I miss you."

"From the moment you left, I started to miss you."

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