She knew it was futile to argue with her father, she would only end up being shackled but she felt as though she would explode, perhaps if she knew the person that was to go with him she could reason it out.

"Okay, who do you plan to take with you."

Kalista looked at his daughter knowing she was trying hard to control her self, he knew she wanted to be actively involved in the pack business which he did support, but he had other plans today.

"Elijah" he stated calmly as he continued his work

"the..the Omega?"

"yes the very one."

Aliyah willed someone to tell her she heard wrong, closing her eyes she curled her fists. Ugh! that Omega coming in to destroy her life and now taking her spot, punishment be damned this anger has to be unleashed.

Alpha Kalista was not surprised when his table split in half, luckily he was done with all the files. Aliyah was known for her short temper.... that, she got from him her mother was as gentle as a lamb.

This was the thirty-fourth table that has been laid to rest by his daughter, not counting other house appliances that have suffered from her wrath.

Each time, he made her take up jobs to pay for the damage coupled with punishments. He has had her placed in a silver collar, locked in the dungeon for several days, making her do hard labor he even went as far as reliving her from her duties, confiscating her possessions... name it he had done it but it seemed the fruit did not fall far from the tree, she had a head of stone.

"I'll find my way to the dungeon" she stated turning to leave

"make sure to put on the silver collar while you are there, we can't leave that out now can we?" Alpha Kalista added.


later that day...

Alpha Kalista watched as Elijah's mother fawned over him, he had come to pick up the omega who now tried to desperately get away from his mother. The lady had come to his office earlier today to ask what crime her son had committed, an alpha's meeting was no place for an Omega. He did not blame her the boy had guts to have even brought up the idea.

Alpha Kalista had gone to the lab to check on thier progress walking in he saw Elijah concentrating as he jotted down on his note. He didn't even notice him come in.

"any updates?"

Elijah jumped off his seat turning to notice Alpha Kalista he immediately bowed his head in respect

"Alpha, I actually was about to request a meeting with you Sir."

"well, it's your lucky day shoot"

Elijah briefed him on the progress of the serum, although the head warrior had submitted a report to him he had wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.

"do you have any plan on how to get samples from other alphas without alerting them, " Alpha Kalista asked after listening to Elijah.

"as a matter of fact, I do "

And that was how the plan to have him accompany him came about, This one Omega never ceased to amaze him, how he found out about Alpha Vernof's plan in time before the shadow pull was still a mystery to him.

"so you want to switch the wine cups with ones with slightly sharper edges during the meeting but only sharp enough to leave a prick on the alphas lips ."

"yes sir "

"Alphas are extremely sensitive young man how do you plan to achieve this?"

" well if you remember Alpha I specifically mentioned switching the cups during the meeting by then the atmosphere would be relaxed and they would have had a couple of drinks not paying attention the next cup they order" Alpha Kalista moved his body into the armed chair he occupied as Elijah continued.

"Luckily our pack is the leading pack, therefore, we can easily arrange to supply the wine during the meeting which would contain a large percentage of alcohol mixed with the enhancing potion I made from herbs to ensure they lose themselves a little knowing since alphas don't get drunk. I would like to work as the head server, thereby ensuring I switch the cups at the appropriate time and it would satisfy the curiosity of other alphas as to why you would bring an Omega like me.

"don't you think you need more hands for the job"

"I've thought about that Alpha and I believe it's best to keep it as simple as possible the fewer the people that know about this serum, the better" Elijah responded with conviction.

Alpha Kalista remembered thinking, what an Omega. He was more than just another good-looking young man. Kalista was curious to see just how far this young man would go in the Future.

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