Aliyah stepped into the shower toes flinching as they came in contact with the ceramic floor.

Her mind was being pulled in different directions, as she contemplated on how to handle her predicament, her wolf was very uneasy since she found out about her mate, but that did not stop the feeling of disappointment that swept through her when she remembered her father had punished her all because of that omega.

She had experienced another walk of shame as she walked back home after the night in the dungeon, everyone in the pack was used to it now, they have witnessed her being punished multiple times. It only served to remind them that no one was above the law. She always made sure to walk with her head held high trying to salvage her pride.

She stepped out of the shower then wrapped herself in a towel. Walking into the room she smiled, at least she had one thing to look forward to today, Training. She relished in the brutality of it all, using it as an outlet to get rid of stress.

A few moments later she arrived at the training grounds, nodding towards the people that bowed their heads as she passed by. The training ground was as large as a football field, although they had an equally massive hall the open field was preferred due to their nature as werewolves, the fighting rings were made of silver making it hard for one to escape a fight. Multiple rings span across the field, to allow for effective training and multiple training.

Warriors barked out orders to younger wolves who obeyed without questions, a few other wolves practiced endurance by running a non-stop marathon around the field.

"Aliyah, glad you could make it " she turned to see Maxwell, the son of the Chief warrior who walked in his father's footstep preparing to take over the post when Ezra stepped down, he walked over to her giving her a hug

"Hey Max, of course, i'll always make it to practice"

"I just thought we wouldn't be seeing you since you just had another episode "

he smirked bending down as he dodged her flying fist, "girl you are aggressive"

"boy, you asked for it" she fired back

wrapping his arm around her he pulled her in "I know you are sad, but after a good sparring you'll feel better " he smiled at her exposing his dimples, she couldn't help but smile back his smile was contagious.

"Hola beautiful, ready to get your ass whooped today?"

Smiling she turned to face Bricks, he was the beta's son, she usually sparred with the boys as they moved more in her tempo, hardly were females fighters in the werewolves community, she was the only female in the Blood Born pack as a whole who fought the rest of the females just tackled low-key with each other to keep fit.

"I hope you are keeping count of the number of times I've pinned you to the ground Bricks"

"well that's before I learned this new move", he arched his eyebrows

"and what would that be?"

making his way to the ring motioning to her to step in. They encircled each other, suddenly he ripped his shirt Aliyah huffed in disbelief as he began flexing his muscles doing various poses, was this the new move?

"you see this babe?" he kissed his biceps, the people that had now gathered around the ring burst out laughing, they loved to watch Aliyah fight but nobody expected this funny stunt Brick pulled.

Aliyah let out a small laugh before suddenly landing a kick straight at Brick's face that cut him off as he fell flat on his back more laughter erupted from the crowd.

"seriously? why not give me a heads up " he groaned his hand on his face.

Just then the alpha walked in everyone stopped whatever they were doing, Bricks jolted to his feet, this was a rare opportunity the alpha barely came to training himself, he had his own training with the higher ranking officials of the pack. This was the moment to prove one's worth. Aliyah flexed her neck getting ready there was no way she was going to mess this up.

"Alpha" the crowd echoed bowing their heads, the officials rushed to the alpha's side in case he needed to ask them about their work, raising his hands he halted them

"continue what you were doing before I came in, don't mind my presence "

what a joke Aliyah thought who would not recognize the presence of the alpha, they dared not.

5 minutes have passed since Aliyah entered the ring, cheers of victory rang through the crowd, the match was not over but anyone could see it was a done deal as Brick struggled to stay afloat.

Alpha Kalista watched as his daughter showed off her skills, he had always known she was good but he would not tell her in a bid to cut down her pride. She purposely dragged the match on to prove she was the best. defeating a member of his pack was no easy task, even the Omegas were a match for omegas wolves of the lower packs, Alpha Kalista has always prided himself in knowing his men were unbeatable. He caught his daughter's eyes and nodded, indicating for her to end it.

Aliyah's heart swelled with pride, no Omega can take this moment away from her how wrong she was for as she dragged Bricks by his feet around the ring her eyes caught someone she did not want to see.

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