Elijah watched Aliyah prance around the room, he had knocked earlier to deliver a message to the Beta from Ezra. It was an emergency, an alpha was coming to pay a visit to Alpha Kalista tomorrow, the meeting was planned weeks before the alpha's Illness.

Only Ezra knew of it the alpha intended to inform the other officials later on. Elijah did not know why that was an emergency until he had overheard all they had discussed in the meeting. It would be a disaster if word of the alpha's illness got out.

The Beta and Gamma had rushed out to rectify the situation not before placing Aliyah on house arrest, guards surrounded the house, insisting it was for her good as she was mentally unstable due to the stress of the past days.

"And why are you still here Omega?" Aliyah asked irritated as she looked at Elijah who sat casually, his legs crossed.

"Are you certain about what you said? cause the Ezra I know would never do such".

Aliyah narrowed her eyes at him taking one threatening step after another towards him "you are really testing my patience. First of all, you listen to information that wasn't meant for you, barge into my home uninvited, now you question my sanity"

she stood right in front of him now, wrapping her hand around his neck

"Do I have to prove to you just how serious I am when I say ..." she paused.

Proof ...that's what she needs and what better help can she ask for than that of the smartest wolf in the pack.

Elijah tensed as she wrapped her hands around his neck. She was definitely crazy, the house arrest was not a bad idea at all. He became even more perplexed as her hands unwrapped themselves and instead she cupped the side of his face straddling him.

He gulped, he could feel the heat from her core as the dress she wore had risen up exposing her thighs. Okay, he could get used to this ...

Aliyah looked at him seductively, smiling she asked in the sweetest voice

"Elijah, I need you"

"huh? me?" he stammered breathlessly. She brought her face closer, their lips now inches apart

"yes, to help me, she whispered as she looked into his eyes, she has never seen such enchanting golden eyes.

snap out of it! concentrate Aliyah. Her heart was racing, seems her plan was backfiring. She needed to end this fast.

"sure " he replied his eyes on her lips as his mind wandered to just what he would do to them.

"swear on the moon" she challenged moving her lips even closer to his so they slightly touched, Elijah paused, one cannot break a promise once he or she swore using the moon, it was like signing a contract to which you remain bound until the receiving party decides to break it.

Aliyah noticed his hesitation, she could not let him think about it knowing there was a chance he would disagree, she came even closer to him pressing her self further on his now present bulge, she moved her face to the crook of his neck letting him become immersed in her scent, knowing it would stir his primitive side.

"O..kay," he said, his voice deeper as his wolf fought to be released.

"I need you to say it " she whispered in his ear

"I swear on the moon to help you Aliyah" he responded like one in a trance.

A smile crept up her face, mission accomplished, she made to get off but Elijah was not having it, he grabbed her waist pulling her closer. A low growl escaped his lips his wolf was now in control.

"I know you wolf is behind this that's why your hands are still intact right now, so pull your self together Omega, and let go" she warned secretly wishing he would not listen, disappointment washed through her as his eyes returned to their original shade.

"you can't put me through that and not finish what you started" he smirked before pulling her in smashing her lips against his surprisingly she did not resist. He deepened the kiss loving every moment of it as her arousal drifted into the air, tongues entwined in a battle of which the winner was unclear.She felt his hands move up her thighs, that brought her back to her senses, she pulled out abruptly, blushing.

Elijah swiped his thumb across his lower lip, although the moment was short lived it still felt good.

"No need to be so dramatic Aliyah you started it" he chuckled enjoying seeing her so flustered. She got off him needing to focus.

"don't forget that you have a promise to fulfill Omega so wipe that smile off your face cause it begins now" it was her turn to smile.

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