later that day...

Elijah continuously ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he led Aliyah into his home, feeling conflicted on the recent findings they had made "let's discuss in my room "

Aliyah huffed out " you didn't even offer me anything to drink before trying to woo me to your bed"

walking to the kitchen Elijah opened the fridge "we have juice, soda, and water, what would you like? also, we can stay here if you want to risk someone walking in on our conversation then, you can explain what you are doing in an Omega's house, say the news reaches Beta Luke. That would be double trouble since I helped you break out" He stated blankly.

Aliyah did not like his sudden change of attitude, he has become so cold and distance since they found out that indeed the blood samples had been switched although they did not confirm if it was Ezra's doing. They had taken a sample from her father and tested it, comparing it with the one in the lab. It showed a different result.

"no need to be rude, we can take it to your room and I don't need your drink"

Elijah shrugged leading her to his bedroom.

"Elijah you know something, why aren't you telling?" Aliyah concluded after studying him for a while he seemed bothered.

"why are you addressing me by my name? you seem to only do that when you are in a vulnerable position or need something. " he snapped

She could feel her wolf curl up in sadness, Elijah has never looked at her with such disgust and anger before. She opened her mouth to fire back but for once she was speechless, she slowly made her way to the door

"The alpha will be dead after tomorrow "

Aliyah paused turning round to look at Elijah who met her gaze he knew he had to let her know now. Sitting down on his bed he continued

"I made a serum, it was supposed to be an antidote to the poison from the mut flower, but I soon found out it could not harm any other wolf except the alpha if he should come in contact with it especially when he had not been previously exposed to the poison from the flower. it should kill him in three days tops. Today is the second day."


Aliyah jumped down from her window using the tree growing close to cushion her landing from the two-story building. They had decided to meet up at 4 am to go to the lab. Elijah planned to continue working on the antidote he had started weeks ago hopefully he's able to finish in record time.

After their previous meeting, she had to return back home to avoid her absence being noticed, and Elijah needed time to break into Ezra's house for the key. Only the alpha and Ezra had keys to the safe containing the serum and the unfinished antidote.

That raised their suspicion. Everything pointed to Ezra but Elijah still refused to believe that the man was responsible stating he had no reason to want the alpha dead.

Aliyah found another clue that puzzled her, according to her father's diary the poison that has been used on the warriors on the day of the rogue attack which was the same one Alpha Vernof tried to use on him during the shadow pull. She would have to connect the dots.

She made her way to Elijah's window, he lived in a small flat which made things easy. She made sure to not alert his mother who she hoped would not be awake this early.

Elijah heard the knock on the window, he closed his note containing the steps he planned to take to make the antidote. He made his way out the window to meet Aliyah.

"let's go" he whispered

They arrived at the lab, Aliyah looked through Elijah's notes she could not understand a thing.

"only smart brains would comprehend that mate," Elijah smirked as he opened the safe bringing out its content which were tightly corked in small labeled glass bottles.

"so you mean to say I'm dumb" she glared at him playfully.

" you both are dumb to be here without permission don't you know I could have shot you thinking you were invaders " Ezra put the gun he had pointed towards them back in his belt.

They both jumped slightly, startled by the Intrusion. They did not hear him come in.

Elijah sighed in relief. "sorry chief something came up"

"well, you can explain as we go back. " Ezra responded sternly

"sure we will go out but not without these" Aliyah packed the small bottles into a wooden box, she looked at Ezra expecting him to disagree proving her right.

"sure " he said walking out.

She and Elijah exchanged confused looks. Elijah was sure Ezra was innocent there must be an explanation for all this. They had walked a distance before Aliyah spoke handing Elijah the box.

"look, Ezra I know you are hiding something, so let's drop this act of innocence. Everybody else may be blind to it but I'm not, as soon as we get back you will have to be held and investigated I'm not trying to be insensitive but if you are innocent you need to prove it. My father's life is at stake."

"Aliyah stop!" Elijah blurted out walking up to her " you cannot just accuse everybody you suspect without having sufficient proof"

"well that should be proof enough" Aliyah snarled at Ezra who now had his gun out.

"Elijah stand down" Ezra commanded.

It all happened in a second Aliyah watched Elijah lunged at Ezra in his wolf form but before he could get to him the silver bullet was released. The force of the shot sent him flying back as he landed on the box smashing it to pieces His grey, almost white fur stained with blood.

The sound of the gun had alerted the warriors, officials and the rest of the pack. Aliyah knew Elijah was losing consciousness, she felt his pain like her own, their bond straining as he pulled further and further away from reality.

Her wolf let out a vengeful growl, as she cried out loud enough for all present to hear "mine!". she lunged at Ezra, cloth ripping letting her wolf take over.

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