Aliyah has always loved the flow of nature. The evergreen fields, the way birds sang. Branches that waved in response to the touch of the wind. But these days everything seemed grey. She went through day by day mechanically.

It was a constant circle there was no time to breathe and take in the punches life had thrown at her. Even the weather seemed to be against her.

Standing on the podium the rain beat down hard on her, unfazed she stared right back at 200,000 werewolves letting her dominance burst through in full force. If they thought they could rebel, they had another thing coming.

After her father's death, the pack seemed to be hesitant to accept her first of all she was female, plus her scandal during the rogue attack and to top the list she was mated to an Omega.

"I have tried to be diplomatic with you all for the past two months, but I would like to make things clear today. I am your Alpha both by right and in blood not minding my sex. what has happened in the past and who I am mated to doesn't change that fact"

She paused jumping down from the platform where she stood.

"but since when do we get the message across with just words".

She ripped her shirt leaving her in just a white tank-top "those who have a problem with me no matter who you are step forward and challenge me". She announced in a cold calculated voice

Gasps passed through the crowd. this was a suicide mission for Aliyah. who could care less. she would rather die than be a pathetic ruler.

Beta luke stepped forward "you all should look at the big picture Aliyah has done more than we expected of her, she managed to hold the pack together and is constantly striving to uphold our honour which is now dwindling due to the fact that our alpha was poisoned, she has managed all this and still tries to understand you all something no alpha would tolerate, she may be a lady but she is the Alpha, don't be ungrateful!" he barked

Aliyah felt insulted she knew he meant well but she did not need anyone defending her still, she did not cut him off, one thing she has learned the hard way is to control the words that came out from her mouth ."Beta, this is my fight, let them come"

100 werewolves came out including people she thought to be her friends. Scanning the group she noted Brick, Linda, and her minions were there even Leo, other high ranking wolves and warriors she had trained came out.

She was glad they got to end this for once. Motioning with her hands she signaled for them to come one at a time. Her now golden orbs glaring. Her wolf was about to make a statement no one would forget.


It was a horrid sight. The screams of the women and tears of the children rang out as wolves lay twisted in awkward positions on the floor barely breathing, the pack doctors rushed into action to save the life of the 90 down, Aliyah had been merciful to not have killed them after all they were pack members, physical and emotional scarring would do just fine...

licking the blood from her lips her eyes scanned the 10 left she saved the best for last,  those closest to her.

her wolf growled loving the feel of blood on her skin.

"we are not scared of you Aliyah, we are of higher ranks you definitely cannot defeat us"

Aliyah's eyes scanned who had just spoken...Linda, anticipation pulsed through her veins she has been waiting to lay her hands on her for a while now.

Ignoring her she decided to raise the stakes " I'll take you all at once" she blurted out in a raspy voice that definitely wasn't hers. Fear was visible on those present

"please remember they are your friends " Gamma Kale pleaded worried since his son was there, other officials were obviously nervous for their kids but they did not have the guts to speak

Aliyah swirled around raged at the interruption she stalked towards Kale but was interrupted by Bricks "don't take out your anger on others to avoid us"

Wrong move Bricks...

On second thought she spun towards her original targets Kale forgotten powerful stride after another all in quick calculated successions. It would hurt him more to see her rip the flesh off his son.

They ran toward her as well shredding their cloths mid-air as they let their wolves out. Aliyah smirked as they collided she still in her human form. She need not change to take out these pups.

Making a somersault in the air she knocked out two wolves on both side with a double blow from opposite fists. At the same time, she brought her knee up crushing Bricks jaw from beneath before stepping on his back.

The cracking sound of his spine broke through the air along with his howl of pain, most pack members shut their eyes not willing to see any more. She reached for Linda who tried to attack from the side choking her before roughly exposing her neck. She sank her fangs into it spitting out chunks of her fur. Releasing her hold she let her drop to the wet ground almost dead giving way for the paramedics to drag her out.

She stalked forward a bloody mess, mouth filled with blood and flesh remnants with a savage look in her eyes. Her once white tank top would be mistaken for a red one, the rain poured down even harder. Aliyah shook her hair out, gaze aimed towards the rest who seemed to be rethinking their decision.

"Alpha we submit" Leo stuttered out on behalf of the 6 remaining but it was too late to apologize.

"anyone who runs, dies first," she promised. This was the release she needed.

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