20 CHAOS 2

Keshia watched Aliyah as she scanned through her wardrobe, she was a totally different person, she could not decide if it was her father's death or Elijah being in a coma that sparked the change.

Aliyah no longer engaged in leisure activities like before neither did she talk back to those who insulted her she just dealt with them seeing no need for small talks.

It was surprising that Ezra was still alive. When Aliyah had determined to end his life His wife Kate had arrived just in time to plead. Aliyah had always had a soft spot for the lady beside she needed information from him.



"you need to take some time off, you spend your days working and nights in the hospital with Elijah even though you know his mom despises you, I fear you will break down especially now you have to meet with the other alphas soon only God knows how that will go."

"is that all?" Aliyah asked arching her brow, Keshia huffed in disbelief it was like talking to a brick wall.


Aliyah looked at the man who had caused her to lose her father. How she ached to wring his neck. "Ezra, I am losing my patience you better tell me what I want to hear "

Bouts of coughing fits echoed through the room in response from the frail and sickly man who had been refusing to eat and speak to anybody for days. He seemed closer to the grave with every passing day.

"I've told you, I got a letter and a video showing my son being tortured I did what any father would do, I had thought that the anonymous person would keep his side of the deal and bring me my son, but you ruined it "

She clenched her jaw in annoyance the audacity this man had, he had been saying the same thing for weeks she kept him here torturing him in hopes he would say who was behind him but he insisted the person was anonymous.

However she suspected someone already, she just needed to prove it. She took another approach "how did I ruin it?"

"The letter I got had ordered me to kill the alpha, but I figured that I could use the serum and buy time since it took three days for it to kill him, by then I would give him the antidote after I got my son back. which was supposed to be the day you ruined it!"

"did you consider the fact that Elijah had not perfected the antidote?"

running his scarred hand over his face he admitted "I did forget that part, but Elijah would have still found a way, he is smart"

"oh really, and you shot him!" she shouted colliding her fist with the table which caused a crack.

"he got in the way, I never meant to shoot him"

"so you would rather kill me? besides how can you trust an anonymous person " she settled back down.

" well it was better than nothing, you caused my son to be taken, on top of that you threatened to expose me thereby ruining my chances. I had done a lot to get my son back I could not throw it all away"

She stared him down, each gaze willingly his muscles to be stripped from his wretched looking self piece by piece...a satisfied smirk made its way to her lips ..ohhh the joy that would bring...why did he hide the fact that he had always thought she was responsible?

"you were meant to come back later than you did on the day Elijah was shot , why did you get back so early?"

he sighed, there was no need hiding it now "while the neighboring Alpha thought I was in his pack searching, I actually brided a few warriors dispersed with me to give him false information. I was using the free time to come back to the pack discreetly."

"Beta luke said he spoke with you though?" she asked confused

"yes, he did because I had to run all night back to make it back to the pack. I smelt your lingering scent in the clinic, that's why I had to make sure I was in the right place. I had suspected you saw me, so I gave the wrong date of arrival to catch any move on your part and I was right".

He stopped to take a breath "now what will happen to my Maxwell?".

Aliyah almost felt bad, it was also because she felt guilty about Maxwell that led her to stop herself from killing him. But thinking of what he took from her she wished she did. They had never stopped searching for Maxwell however it frustrated her just to think about it, no results were forthcoming.

She felt someone tugging at the mind link " what do you want Beta, you know I'm busy"

"we just found Maxwell unconscious at the border, it seems someone dropped him, he has been admitted and is presently in a coma".

She looked up at Ezra, now she really couldn't kill the man anytime soon, his son has been returned it would be unfair to deny him the privilege of seeing his son at least before he went to trial. It seemed the beta has not finished cause she heard what she had been waiting to hear for weeks.

"also Elijah just woke up."


At blood born pack's border...

A warrior on duty stood behind a tree as he made a call, making sure no one was around.

"are you sure that's all you heard from Aliyah's conversation with Ezra," a voice on the other end of the line asked

"yes. I was on duty when she came in to speak with Ezra that's when I heard about the serum" the warrior confirmed.

"fine then, that means he tried to outsmart me". there was a pause "tell me more about this Elijah- before that, what room in the clinic is Maxwell in?"

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