Aliyah stood outside the dark and stale dungeon staring at Elijah who was still as calm as ever. He came close to the bars making sure not to touch them as they were coated with silver.

"it's okay Aliyah, just bother about the pack I'll handle this " Elijah assured taking tentative steps closer.

"very funny, how will you handle it from behind these bars?"

Aliyah answered a serious look on her face.

The elders had allowed her to speak with him before the full weight of the punishment began. She wondered why they were so generous

"that's for me to know and you to find out" he smiled trying to soften the mood.

"I'm sorry."

"don't apologize I understand. They can wipe out the pack if they choose. It would be foolish for both of us to anger them at once" slipping his hands through the bars he held the side of her face

"Thay want me to kill Ezra, they also want me to find more evidence to prove that Vernof had a hand in the rogue attack and my father's death"

she let out a tired breath and continued "I had postponed his trial and let him out under constant supervision so he could be with his son, at least for a few months in hopes that Maxwell would regain consciousness by then. I can't forgive him for what he did to my father but his family especially Maxwell are dear to me."

"Aliyah, I think we need to revisit this investigation from another angle what if Alpha Vernof is not guilty?"

"everything points to him Elijah beside who else would want my father dead?"

"your probably right "

"you did not comment on Ezra " Aliyah pointed out skeptically

Elijah sighed that was a sensitive topic he did not want to go into, he had not seen him since he came out of coma.

Elijah felt betrayed although he understood why he would do such a thing.  He had trusted the man so much he was ready to discard what Aliyah had said.

He really should stop trusting people easily, this was not the first time he has been tricked. Once he had saved a fellow omega who claimed she was abused by her father, convincing his mother to take her into their home temporarily only to find out weeks later that she had tried to break into the lab to steal. Planning to sell weapons to other packs.

It was Ezra who had caught on to her trick, further investigations revealed she was never abused by her father the poor man was accused falsely and it was easy to believe because he drank a lot.

Since then tighter security measures have been put in place and Elijah gave up on having the key to certain sections of the lab, one bad experience was enough for him.

"I don't know what to say, Aliyah. I know I can't save him, I don't even hate him after all his done"

"No, I get it he did mean a lot to you". she smiled assuring him.

"just help me look after mum and Sarah,"

"sure "

Aliyah was linked by Beta Luke "I have to go, Elijah, it seems the elders have come to a conclusion"

just then, some warriors came in  "the Elders ordered for us to proceed Alpha"

And the torture began....


Marcus observed Aliyah as she walked in, he knew just how to kill two birds with one stone, if this girl was anything like her father she would always put the pack first.

"Aliyah do you know why I have called you?

"no "

"I have a proposition for you, one that you would not want to refuse" stepping down from his chair he motioned to her

" come. walk with me child"

They both stepped out to the balcony, Aliyah realized why he had brought her out.

The guards dragged Elijah to the middle of the pack binding both of his arms to each pole impeded to the ground at the centre of the field at both sides, they ripped off his shirt baring his back.

Aliyah gulped her wolf clawing to be let out as they drew out the double-head whips which were almost the size of an average teenager's forearm entirely coated with silver. Pack members gathered to watch from a distance.

Marcus raised his hand beckoning them to start, stroke after stroke, they gave him no breathing space as two of the strongest wolves one on each side delivered skin ripping lashes with the silver coated whips.

"he is one tough young man I'll give him that, he hasn't even made a sound..." putting a hand under Aliyah's chin he turned her face from the horrific sight, to face him. She cringed back in disgust, rage coursing through her frame. It took everything to restrain herself from gouging out his miserable eyes.

"...that doesn't change the fact that you cannot be mated to him. so I have decided to back you up and ensure you take over the position as an alpha, and gradually with my help you can reclaim your pack's lost glory, all you have to do is reject him"

Aliyah felt her spirit leave, her wolf thrashing inside begging to be let out to save her mate, as the sound of the whip cutting through his bloody back that was now barely recognizable drifted into her ears coupled with gasps and the cries of his mother who was held back by pack members.

"I won't make this offer again and I'll still win beside is an Omega worth you giving up everything for? do you really think this is a fight you can win?".

"I can't ..." Aliyah could feel her legs wobble beneath her

"fine, your father would be so proud of you"

That did the trick ...she was the Alpha of this pack. She had to make sacrifices.

Looking at Marcus who had a knowing smile on his wrinkled face, she mumbled her response.

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