Sweat beads ran down the side of Elijah's face, as he fought to keep his mind together. Without the hate he felt inside he probably wouldn't be here, in this wilderness of chaos.

Looking around he observed soldiers scattered everywhere some laying on the sand-filled ground never to rise again, others taking cover as they fought to stay alive, the endless rattling of machine guns from the terrorist made all the soldiers take cover. The battlefield was like a flood washing away everything that crossed its path.

Suddenly the was silence as the firing ceased, he signaled to his team, taking a deep breath, he listened for movements from the enemy predicting their steps.

He opened his eyes, as he heard them proceed to reload, shouting out orders "fire at will, go! go!"  they rushed forward the ground vibrating from the pounding of boots running in unison.


Ding dong, the doorbell rang, Elijah went to open it knowing who it was

"my boy! looking good" Michael said giving him a hug.

Elijah met Micheal in a club a few months after leaving Blood Born pack. He was the D.j. Ironically that was his calling as he was the best in town, organizing shows and releasing hit songs. After High school, they had lost contact. he was glad to have met him again.

"what about the rest of the guys, the game is about to start," Elijah asked.

"On their way, they won't miss catching up with you after you spent 3 years in Afghanistan, besides your crib is dope. A pretty good place to mess around seeing  you have no girlfriend to nag you unlike some of us ."

Elijah laughed, Micheal always complained about his girlfriends jumping from one lady to another

"I thought Keshia was your ride or die girl" he teased as they got the snacks ready.

"and she still is nothing had changed man after I've had my fun I'll go find her and we'll get married " Micheal countered

Elijah held his stomach laughing hard, Micheal was such a fool if he thought Keshia would still be available, she would have probably found her mate by now. That thought stirred up a couple others, six years ago he had left the pack, he remembered the last conversation he had with Aliyah.

He had still been in the dungeon tortured for two weeks after he was whipped in public when Aliyah decided to see him. He knew the elders had banned her from coming but he hated the sight of her right now especially after what she did.

"Hey", she raised his head that had been hanging down due to fatigue, observing him as he dangled from the ceiling. His hands tied to a bar connected to the ceiling. Bruises  and stripes coated his once flawless skin. Blood and flesh in a mangled mess.

Her eyes teary and filled with emotions.

He remembered thinking how fake they were.

"How are you holding up? you are gonna be out of here by this night latest" she gave a small smile which immediately was wiped away with the next words he blurted out

"I Elijah Rockwell reject you Aliyah Jones as my mate".

she opened and closed her mouth trying to bring out words that did not form, her eyes wide.

Finally, she whispered "why?"

"do you remember why I survived last I was shot? ...

"your blood..." Elijah paused sucking in a breath he winced as it caused the now familiar pain to shoot up his ribs.

He knew it also did not make sense how would Aliyah's blood that was meant to be affected would serve to save him....There had to be more to it ...probably the combination... her blood was probably the last ingredient the half finished antidote needed. It was a jumbled mess. A miracle that every thing came together for the best in his blood stream. He felt a headache coming on as he tried to make sense of it all. Elijah furrowed his brows together. He continued

"the serum does not only affect the alpha Aliyah, for an Omega, any Omega it kills them  in a few hours, they don't have the grace of three days",

He saw she the confusion on her face, she still did not get it.

"if you recall the contents of the wooden box I crashed on penetrated my skin due to my fall so I was supposed to be dead- but that's not important. What you should know is I have heightened senses now thanks to you. I can hear just as good as if not better than any Alpha... do I really need to fill in the blanks Aliyah?".

Aliyah finally understood. he had heard her when she agreed to reject him.  No wolf should be able to hear from such a distance except an alpha.

"I can explain, you should understand it was for the pack" she slurred out desperation tinged in her voice

"Aliyah, we had a plan why did you not stick to it? and if you weren't going to, we should have left things as they were at the beginning"

His voice was barely a whisper now each word he formed took a lot of energy as pain coated his inside out.

If gazes were knives Aliyah wasn't so sure she would be alive. she tried to touch his face  as her wolf whimpered aching to reach out to her mate but he turned away

"congratulations Alpha Aliyah, now please get out of my life".

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