A knowing smirk formed on Keshia's lips as she watched Aliyah pretend not to be nervous about Elijah's return. She avoided any conversations by playing with Keshia's daughter who just turned four.

Just then Maxwell came in whispering something to her, she looked over to Aliyah,

"you are staying for dinner right?

"I have work to do, but I'll come if I'm able to round up in time".

Aliyah then mind-linked Beta Bricks "Bricks, bring all the unfinished work to my office "

"are you serious?"

"is that a question?"

He laughed "sorry, I just don't know why you choose to work this extra hard today-" she cut the link off.

The pack had accepted her, after all these years, the backing of the Elders did help in facilitating the process. This was what she always wanted, she even gave up on Elijah for this so why wasn't she happy?

This question always lingered at the back of her mind.


Elijah drove through the pack, he realized how much he missed home, not much had changed but he did notice the renovations on various structures.

Soon he got to his destination, getting down from the car he walked to the front porch.

Immediately the door flung open-- time stopped, he looked at his sister who had spent most of her life on a hospital bed, her blonde hair just like their father's and baby blue eyes. she looked so pale and fragile.

"Elijah!!" she flung her self at Elijah who caught her, right then he knew he had made the right decision in coming home as he reunited with his family after six years.


(the same day, at night.)

Elijah laughed at Keshia's jokes, he and his sister had been invited to dinner. He couldn't refuse cause Sarah wanted to socialize saying she has missed a lot while in coma. He had to agree with her on that.

A painfully familiar scent drifted through the air.. it couldn't be right? she wasn't supposed to make it to this dinner?? Elijah's grip on his fork tightened, this could not be avoided.

Just then Aliyah walked in.

Everyone could feel the awkward tension in the room. Aliyah felt a wave of emotions wash through her. Excitment, relief, shame, hope...

Elijah held her eyes for a moment taking in her ever- exqusite apperance her ginger locks that now spilled past her waist, ocean blue eyes that seemed to have lost a bit of it's spark and plump lips begging for attention.

For the first time in years it felt as though something in him came alive, His wolf stirred with renewed vigour. Suppresing all feelings he nodded in acknowledgment like he just met her for the first time. A formal expression on his face, lips in a grim line.

"Aliyah! you made it, I thought you wouldn't so I invited Elijah and ..." looking around Keshia asked, "where is Sarah?"

"she is with Lily upstairs they will be down soon" Maxwell answered louder than necessary as Aliyah took her seat at the opposite side of the table.

Thankfully, Sarah with lily wrapped in her arms came down breaking the silence.

Gently passing Lily to Elijah Sarah immediately rushed to the seat beside Aliyah grabbing her arm, Aliyah patted her hair she had grown fond of Sarah following her recovery a few days ago.

"Are you set to eat as much as you can?" she smiled knowing how much Sarah was determined to make up for all she had missed.

"yup, then we can discuss our next shopping date" Sarah added excitedly. Aliyah smiled, Sarah still had that childish side to her even though she was 21, her voice even sounded like that of a child.

Elijah was at first uncomfortable with Aliyah associating with his family but he decided to ignore it when he remembered she had no one else, her parents were gone and Elijah has never heard of any relatives. As far as he avoided her it would be okay.

"She is gonna stick to you like a leech Aliyah", Maxwell interrupted laughing.

Memories of how overbearing Sarah has been the few days after she woke up still prominent. It was like she was anywhere Aliyah was at any opportunity she got. She was smitten especially by her dark red hair wanting to dye hers as soon as she could.

The Atmosphere was now bearable as other lighthearted responses followed.

Elijah was preoccupied with little Lily who took an instant liking to him.

Setting her on his lap he let her play with his fingers, tickling her once in a while.

Soon the table was set, "Lily come here so Elijah can eat" Keshia opened her arms to lily who shook her head in opposition.

"I'll feed her Keshia, don't worry, I'm good". Elijah reassured a small smile grazing his lips.

Aliyah has been stealing glances at Elijah who hasn't even looked her way once. he has changed, he was now more muscular, his hair was left to grow up to his shoulders with part of it tied to the back and some strands framing his face.

Looks like life had been good without her. She sighed, raising her head she saw all eyes were on her it seemed she had sighed out loud. Trying to save herself the embarrassment she stuffed her mouth with food in rapid sucessions.

Noticing the inquisitive and pity filled gazes thrown at her Aliyah cupped her hand over her full mouth as she chipped in "the food is really good right?"

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