Elijah knocked on the door of Aliyah's office, she had summoned him which was understandable as the alpha.

"you can come in Elijah"

stepping in he sat down, his wolf stirred, last night was easy to manage as others were around but alone, it was not going so well.

She had not changed much, except the strain on her face that was not easily noticeable but he could tell she had a lot on her mind.

She looked straight at him, his heart skipped a beat. Damn it, all these years and he could still not get over her.

"I called you to ask what your plans are, are you staying for good?" She clasped her hands settling it over the table, a business look fixed on her face.

"No, I'll be gone by next weekend" he non-hesitantly supplied

Aliyah felt her heart fall, how much he must have despised her to not want to stay longer.

"is that all?" he asked eager to leave

"no" she held his gaze searching to see if there was an atom of hope for them. All that was there was just coldness, his emotions masked behind his stoic expression.

"Elijah, can we talk about-"

He abruptly stood up knowing where this conversation was going

"have a good day Alpha"

Aliyah was not letting him go.

Before he could reach the door she grabbed him making him face her she had not known how desperate she was until now. All these years she had gathered information on where he was hoping to get a chance to fix what was broken.

"Please Elijah, I know I was wrong" her voice strained with emotion

"Aliyah you made your choice when you decided to go with a sure means of achieving your dream. That dream did not include me "

Aliyah refused to believe it was over. He had to still feel something, standing on tipped toes she captured his warm lips in hers hoping to get a reaction but he just stood still. she tugged at his lower lip feeling his lips twitch a little in response just as quickly as it came it was gone. A cold edge back in its place.

She stepped back. This was what she feared the most any reaction even anger would be better than none.

"I can give up my post if that's what you want" desperation evident in her voice.

"Aliyah," he reached out and wiped a tear that ran down her cheeks she leaned into his touch, craving him.

"I don't want you to do anything. There is nothing and will never be anything between us, obviously the moon Goddess made a mistake" with that he left her broken. She stood there staring into space.


Aliyah bottled up her emotions she had a pack to oversea. "Faster !" she bellowed.

The shadow pull was coming up next week and not only did she want to be in her best condition she also wanted the pack to be in theirs.

"hey!!! is that how to throw a punch? do I give you a personal demonstration?" she shouted at the young wolves fighting.

"no alpha!" they responded, frightened.

Maxwell noticed thier uneasiness and came closer to Aliyah.

"Hey, are you alright"

"why," she asked keeping her eyes fixed on the fight

"you seem a bit tense "

"I'm fine Maxwell, let's get back to training"

Moments later she noticed the clamor at a corner as she moved around the field. walking closer she saw Elijah surrounded by a few pack members excited to see him.

He looked uncomfortable motioning to them to keep it down. When he realized he could not watch the practice without gathering attention he made to exit.

But something in Aliyah sparked. He probably had fun with all those girls she found out he dated over the years while she waited for him. She had not said anything because it was her fault they broke up, still, she felt cheated, he seemed so unaffected.

"Leaving so soon?"

Elijah and those around turned looking at Aliyah who stood arms crossed .

"Alpha" the bowed in respect, she ignored them walking towards Elijah.

"why not do your fans here a favor? have a quick fight before you leave"

"I'm not interested Alpha, just came to check out the training. I'll be on my way" he declined.

"once an Omega always an Omega" she smirked wanting him to feel the same pain she felt.

"fine by me" he walked away

Aliyah jumped into the ring close by, "hey! Omega" she yelled

"running away, like the coward you are huh?, I'll let you win don't worry just wanna make sure you can protect yourself"

Most of the pack members present watched intently. Elijah paused his wolf felt insulted, he had always known Aliyah underestimate him. That was one of the reasons he believed their break up was for good. She could go with someone of the same ranking.

"I'm sure your late father must be very proud of you Omega, your self-control is remarkable or rather ...your cowardice"

All these years in the military had forced him to tap into his physical side, he had always been more of an intellectual person but he realized he did not need to be an alpha to be able to defeat one. His speed and brain made up for it.

He stalked towards her, entering the ring as well,

"take a swing Omega " she taunted

He smiled. she won't know what hit her, He made as if he wanted to throw a punch anticipating her move to block it.

Using his quick reflex he grabbed her by her waist pulling her in before pinning her hands behind her .

Aliyah was stunned it all happened in the blink of an eye. She had no problem breaking free, she was still naturally stronger.

Elijah rolled his sleeves motioning with his fingers for her to come at him and she did.


In a few minutes, Aliyah noticed she was getting sloppy in her movements. He had taken advantage of her rage making her expend a lot of energy throwing punches at him. Which he effectively avoided.

He heard a low growl from Aliyah, her wolf surfacing. His responded likewise eyes turning darker. But he knew he should not take this any further.

He moved swiftly applying pressure to specific points in her body causing her to feel dizzy before she could regain her composure he wrapped his arms around her holding her tight as he held her gaze.

Aliyah knew his wolf had taken the reins now.

"You insult us mate" he growled

she panicked as she saw him extend his fangs knowing what was going to happen next.

"Elijah calm down not like this, no-"

Aliyah was cut short as she felt his fangs pierced her skin at the junction between her neck and shoulders. He was too fast for her to stop him.

Elijah retreated, letting her go. She crumbled to the ground. Too late to undo what has been done

"training is over!" Maxwell announced. He ran to help Aliyah who still sat on the floor in shock as other officials forced everyone back to their stations.

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