Close Combat Mage

Chapter 257: Armored Battlegear

The structure of the decoupling is very complicated. The complexity is not the structure of the decoupling body, but the magic symbols that cover the surface of the decoupling body and the pattern of the magic array in the decoupling body. This is the essence of the decoupling. .

However, after researching for so long, Soga's technique of magic array has been in full swing, especially with the help of special launch modes, the error is even smaller and negligible, so ... What Soga is going to do now is Imagination becomes reality!

Excited to the smelting field outside the city of Soga, Soga directly took some smelted, the most suitable for the production of magic coupling Ujin back, the best material for making magic coupling is Ujin, with a super strong Hardness, very light weight, and high magic performance, but ... Ukin is very rare and very precious, and the quantity produced every day is very rare. The price of the same volume is more than ten times higher than the gem!

However, Soga was not scarce. As long as he could solve the problem, Soga was hesitant to spend money. With so many jins, Soga rushed to the master-level blacksmith hired by Soga City. The next week, in Soga Under the guidance of the master, the master blacksmith knocked down, and the body parts of the magic couple were knocked out one after another.

Looking at these dark black shiny nails, Soga was so excited that she couldn't assemble it immediately. Experiment, but as long as there is still one part not assembled, the assembly can't begin, so Soga can only wait.

Fortunately, after one week, all the parts are completed. The metal of Ujin has higher hardness than steel and is very light. It is almost the same as ordinary wet wood, and its magic conductivity is beyond words.

Of course, any kind of thing has both a good side and a bad side. There can be no perfect existence. Ukin's disadvantage is that it is not sharp, and you can never make him into a weapon.

In addition, Ukin's biggest disadvantage is brittleness, as long as the power is large enough to be broken, so in general, Ukin can not be used to make armor, thin armor, can not withstand the bombardment of masters.

Generally speaking, Wujin's main use is as a shield. Although Wujin is a bit brittle, it is also relatively speaking. If it reaches a certain thickness, it is impossible to break the general strength. A person can break a piece by one centimeter with his bare hands. Thick ice, but it is absolutely impossible to break the ten-meter-thick ice with bare hands, even with a hammer. Basically, the shield forged with Ujin is equivalent to being unbreakable. There are not many people who can break it, but there are too few and too few. It is estimated that the ability of the Holy Magi and the Samurai can break the Ujin shield.

Originally, Grandmaster Blacksmith rejected Soga's desire to use Ujin to forge armor, because it could not withstand many attacks at all, and brittle materials could not be used as armor materials.

However, when the master blacksmith heard that the thickness of these armor fragments was all ten centimeters, he said nothing. Wujindun was only five centimeters thick. If it was ten centimeters thick, the Holy Magi might not be able to break it. Right, but the master blacksmith is very skeptical. Although Ujin is very light, can anyone wear such a thick set of armor? And it is bound to be insensitive in action!

However, after thinking about it, since the Lord of the City had ordered it, he didn't need to ask any more, he just created it. As the Lord of the City, Soga didn't have to explain anything to others.

Putting the pieces of armor into the space ring, Soga returned to the main city palace excitedly, and began to assemble these pieces of magic coupling fragments. A few hours later, a black and bright mech that was as tall as two meters , Stood in front of Soga.

It has to be said that such a armor can only be forged by a master-level blacksmith. If it is a general blacksmith, it is impossible to master the size so accurately. As long as it is slightly worse, it cannot be combined together. , The size is not the same!

Looking at the armor in front of him, Soga knew that so far, it was just a set of ordinary armor. No one could wear him to fight. Although Ujin is very light and only weighs the weight of wet wood, a whole set is also available. Two or three hundred pounds, and the 10-cm-thick armor body makes the entire set of armor very cumbersome, and it is simply not practical.

Touching his chin with satisfaction, Soga took out the alchemy furnace and began to melt the alchemy potions, and then ... with these alchemy potions, the mysterious symbols and patterns of mystery were etched on the surface of the armor.

The ability of a magic coupling is related to the magic symbols and magic lines on the surface of the body. The more complex the surface looks and the more mysterious, the larger the size of the magic circle, the better the effect, and the stronger the power of the magic coupling. .

Finally, after spending an entire afternoon, Soga drew the symbols and lines on the surface of the decoupling body. At this moment ... the surface of the black armor was covered with thin, silvery magic lines. Get up, so mysterious that I can't describe it with words!

Nodded in satisfaction, then ... Soga's job is to install an energy control module. The so-called energy control module refers to the six-man star array, which is equivalent to the computer's CPU.

With Soga's efforts, the six-horizon star array was successfully inlaid on the left chest of the armor, and the six corners of the six-horizon star array were connected with complex magic patterns, respectively. When the magical magic array on the surface of the armor gathered energy Then, along these lines, they will be transported to the six corners of the six-horizon star array to excite the six-horizon star array, thereby bringing momentum to the magic coupling.

So far, this set of battle armor has been completed half, so Soga inlaid a magic crystal on the six corners of the six-man star array, respectively, ground, water, fire, wind, light, dark, There is one magic crystal in each of the six departments, and each type of gem is inlaid with one more ability. The higher the number of gems, the stronger the ability.

Subsequently, Soga opened the interior of the armor and began to engraved magic arrays in the interior. They were weightlessness of the ground system, nourishment of the water system, explosion of the fire system, and speed of the wind system. As for the magic of the light and dark system, Soga did not master , So I do n’t want to sculpt.

After the use of weightlessness, the weight of the magic coupling itself will be offset by the weightlessness, becoming lighter than nothing, and the moisturizing surgery need no explanation. Once activated, the user in the armor can be treated. As for the rapid effect Presumably, no explanation is needed, that is, it is driven by wind to speed up the movement.

What needs to be explained most is this explosive inflammation, which is a long-range attack method designed by Soga for Magic Coupling. In a confined environment, a violent explosive explosion will push a steel needle at the only exit, which will look like Push out like a bullet, kill the enemy remotely, and the range can reach kilometers away!

This is the so-called magic gun. It is not Soga's invention, but the most representative long-range attack weapon of magic coupling manufacturing. In fact, Soga encountered the magic coupling in Odom Alchemy Lab. Wang, is the amethyst shuttle dart fired by this magic action gun!

The magically coupled melee weapon is a single-handed large sword that is usually inserted on the back and can be used at any time in melee. As for the explosive magic weapon, it is installed above the left forearm and lifted with the left hand. It can be fired, after all ... it's really hard to let such a big guy pull a bow and shoot an arrow.

Two days later, Soga finally completed all the envisaged processes, leaving only this last process. So far, although the magic coupling has all the functions, it lacks an order setting, which is similar. The thing with the zinc plate of the computer, the reason why the decoupling is so loyal cannot be stolen, the reason is in this so-called control zinc plate.

In order for the entire magic to be coupled, a hexagonal zinc sheet must be installed in the core area of ​​the six-horizon star array. The six series of energy gathered by the six-horizon star array must be combined and distributed through the zinc panels before being transferred to their respective magic. In the field, otherwise, although the entire magic coupling is engraved with magic lines and symbols, it is still a pile of scrap iron, because the magic line is simply disconnected!

In terms of terminology, this kind of thing similar to zinc flakes is called a magic chip. Only when the magic chip is plugged in can the entire armor be activated, similar to the key of an entire armor set.

The role of this magic chip is very large. Not only is the only key to activate the magic coupling, but more importantly, as the master of the magic coupling, you can use the spirit to remotely control the switch of the magic coupling, which contains a trace of the master ’s consciousness. With this sense of consciousness, the owner can remotely control this magic coupling to explode or enter a closed state.

In ancient times, magic couplings can be loaned to friends for use, but if you want to borrow them, or use the borrowed magic couplings to deal with the original owner, it is unrealistic, although borrowed magic couplings can also be used. Use, but as long as the original owner orders with consciousness, you can let the Capricorn start the self-detonation process, or simply shut down, or even lose control, and all of this is achieved through the magic chip.

To this day, the magic coupling manufacturing technology has been lost. The last person who knows the magic wafer manufacturing method is Odom Alchemy Lab, or the current Soga. From a certain point of view, Soga also The person who belongs to Odom Alchemy Lab, at least Soga thinks so, after all ... he has inherited everything from this lab!

The magic coupling made by one person, only the same person can make the magic chip of the magic coupling. No one except him himself knows how the internal wiring of this magic coupling is laid, and how the principle is, let alone Knowing how each other's interlocking works, even if it destroys the entire set of magic coupling, don't want to figure it out.

Therefore, for the owner, the magic coupling is the most loyal and reliable existence. For millions of years, it has not been heard that the magic coupling can be stolen. The reason lies in this mysterious magic chip.

After the incident of the Angel of Wing Phoenix, although Soga apparently didn't care, in fact, he couldn't completely ignore it. In order to hold this power firmly in his hands, Soga had made up his mind. Be sure to master the manufacturing process of this magic wafer in your own hands.

As long as the magic wafer is produced by Soga, no one can betray Soga, even if the ancient demon **** resurrected, this ability is not available, as long as Soga thought, these magic couplings will be closed or self-explosion.

In ancient times, the magic coupling exploded and it exploded, but Suga made, strictly speaking, it is not a magic coupling. People who use the magic coupling must drill into the body of the magic coupling. Once the explosion occurs, The result is self-evident. Once he dared to betray, through the consciousness, Soga would let tens of thousands of troops disappear in one thought!

Soon, Soga produced a magic wafer, which was gently embedded in the center of the six-horizon star array on the left side of the magic coupling. In a slight sound, the hexagonal magic wafer was inlaid in the middle of the six-horizon star array. The next moment ... the silver-colored lines of the magical coupling suddenly lit up, shining with the radiant light.

Looking at the six-horse star array on the left chest of the armor, Soga frowned. This thing was not made by Ujin. Once attacked and destroyed, the armor would be useless!

Suga made a cover that can be opened and closed with Ugin. The surface of the cover is painted with a trident pattern to disguise. Most people seem to think that this is just an item such as a badge. No one would think of this. The following actually covers the core of power!

With a smile of excitement, Soga came to the front of the magic coupling. At this moment ... The magic coupling is dividing the middle of the chest into the two sides, and Soga leans against the armored back armor. The next moment ... The breastplate slowly closed towards the middle, finally meeting at the chest, and fastened together.

Slightly opened his eyes, and through the steel crystals in the eyes, Soga clearly saw everything around him. He tried to move his hands and feet, and Soga laughed bitterly, too heavy, too clumsy, although not impossible Move, but if you want to fight against others like this, the only end is to be smashed by others as targets!

Thinking about it, Soga tried to input the energy, and activated the poly magic array carved on the surface of the armor. The next moment ... the silver-colored lines on the surface of the armor gradually lit up, and the energy flow like water flowed quickly. Flowing and traversing those silver bright lines.

Nodded with satisfaction, all the lines are very correct, no mistakes, a lot of energy, constantly pouring into the energy module, the next moment ... Soga finally began to test.

Controlling the energy on the terrestrial energy branch line, inspired the weightless magic array, the next moment ... a green light suddenly flashed from the body of the magic coupling, the next moment ... Soga only felt that the heavy feeling disappeared instantly. I tried to move my hands and feet, but I couldn't feel the weight of the armor at all, but ... clumsy but still inevitable.

Soga tried to start the moisturizing operation. Suddenly ... A cool sensation swept over the body. Soga knew that this was the effect of the moisturizing treatment, which was enough to treat ordinary wounds.

Next, Soga smashed into a fast magic circle. The next moment ... A golden light lit up from behind Soga. At the same time, under the strong impetus, Soga's body leaned forward, if not Soga controlled and must have rushed out.

Feeling the powerful driving force behind him, Soga tentatively ran away and ran, and the next moment ... Soga was pleasantly surprised to find that after the weightlessness offset the gravity of the armor, each time under the impetus of rapid magic, Taking a step, Soga will span a long distance. The speed of Mercedes-Benz can be described as exaggerated, and it is not laborious at all. Such a run, as a warrior, can run almost infinitely.

After two laps around the room, Soga closed the speed magic with satisfaction. So far, only the explosive magic has not been tested. He slightly raised his left hand, and at the same time ... Soga sent a steel needle into it. Entrance to the launcher.

Pointing his left hand at a wall more than ten meters away, Soga instantly launched explosive inflammation. Suddenly ... powerful explosive inflammation broke out in a small space. Because the space was too small, it could not hold such a violent explosion at all. The energy, therefore ... the powerful explosive force slammed out along the only trumpet-shaped exit, pushing the steel needle, and shooting out wildly.

"哧 ..." In the sharp whistling sound, the thickness of the chopsticks, the ten-centimeter-long steel needle, was instantly nailed on the opposite stone wall, and the ten-centimeter steel needle was left under the strong impact force. Two centimeters remain outside the wall.

Looking at the steel needles on the wall in horror, Soga couldn't help adding more. Although such an attack was not enough to kill the super master, his attack strength has definitely surpassed Soga's current ice arrows.

After testing, such a warframe can instantly turn all the top slave soldiers into a single-unit long-range attack ability with a wizard or above. Although only single-unit attacks can be performed, just imagine that 10,000 cables Plus the release of ice arrows at the same time, is that different from the curse?

Next, Soga is testing the melee ability, but unfortunately, Soga is not a samurai, so it is not possible to carry out related designs. Although a large sword was designed, it was performed under the constraints of awkward armor. No tricks came out, the speed was slow, and the strength was not blessed.

Although Soga was determined to improve, but he was very helpless. For now, Soga is unable to change and lacks knowledge of the characteristics of the samurai, which prevents him from effectively designing a warrior-style armor. Already.

Finally, Soga looked at this black and bright armor, but it was covered with dense dense lines of armor. After nearly a month of research, it finally paid off. This will be the regular configuration of top slaves!

"But ..." Gently touching his chin, Soga thought secretly. This can no longer be called magic coupling. Strictly speaking, it should be a combination of battle armor and magic coupling. In this case, it is best for this guy The name should be, magic guided armor-long-range attack type!

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