Close Combat Mage

Chapter 258: Break through the three barriers

Demon Armor-Long-range attack type, two meters high, ten centimeters thick, 300 pounds in total weight, equipped with explosive gun, physical sword, can withstand attacks below level 7, and has weightlessness, speed, moisture, explosive inflammation Four major functions.

Of course, if you want to popularize the magic armor, all are made by Soga himself. There is no possibility. Fortunately ... the key of the magic armor is designed and manufactured by Soga, so he can fight the war completely. A is handed over to others to forge. There is no magic wafer produced by Soga, it is just a pile of scrap iron.

Now that the research has been successful, the next thing to do is to put it into production as soon as possible. Although Ugin is of high value, it is useless if it has no strength to protect it, no matter how much money it has, force is money!

In the next few days, Soga selected ten more intelligent slave soldiers, and trained them on the already manufactured magic armor. Fortunately, although the magic armor is complicated, it also refers to manufacturing. In fact, the operation is actually very simple. In just three days, ten intelligent slaves have thoroughly and completely mastered the operation skills of magic armor.

Subsequently, Soga sent the only magic armor to the top slave barracks, and then the ten smart slaves served as instructors to teach everyone the skills of magic armor. At the same time, the hired blacksmiths have begun Arranged production of magic armor parts.

In order to enhance the speed of production and make production more reasonable, Soga divided the ten master-level blacksmiths who were hired into ten batches to form a pipeline-like production chain. Each blacksmith was only responsible for forging one component. The magic armor is slowly moving on the assembly line. Each time it passes, an additional component is installed. When the magic armor emerges from the end of the assembly line, it is fully formed.

Later, the formed magic armor entered the alchemy workshop hired by high salary again. Although ... due to the relationship of lost tradition, these alchemists did not master too advanced magic coupling technology, but now they do not need them to understand, they only need to follow the drawings Just do it, and ... because there are ten alchemy workshops, the workers in each workshop are only responsible for carving a magic circle or a series of textures, so the probability of error is very low, and the proficiency is very high, and the speed is also A few times faster!

After the magic armor is carved in ten alchemy workshops, it will enter the next studio, which is the energy module mosaic center. Here, the main production of energy modules is the six-horse star array. Here, these magic armors will Installed on power core.

After coming out of the module setting center, the magic armor entered the gem setting center. Here, the staff will set the six series of gems in the energy module on the left arm of the magic armor to excite the energy module and generate huge power to promote Magic armor moves and fights.

Next, after the magic armor came out of the gem setting center, it entered the magic wafer setting center. Here, the magic armor will be installed with a key, and then the chest will be covered with a protective plate printed with the Soga Trade Mark. Complete the overall installation of the magic armor.

Next, the magic armor entered the test center. Although it has been installed, no one knows whether it is easy to use or not. You must know that whether it is a magic array or a description of magic symbols, nothing is worse, especially the armor. The connection between the components is not even the slightest difference. If it is a little bit worse, it will lead to inability to move or inconvenience. Once it is found to be unqualified, immediately enter the next repair room to repair the problem.

At this point, the magic armor is still unable to go down the assembly line. The next thing to enter is the grinding and cleaning center. Here, there will be professionals to polish the surface of the magic armor, handle the edges and corners, and sharp parts to make the whole The magic armor became shiny.

After coming out of the polishing and cleaning center, you can then enter the warehouse. At this point, a brand new magic armor has been officially born, and the top slave soldiers can receive it by the pre-classified serial number, one for each person!

In addition to dozens of complex production workshops, Soga has also set up repair centers, maintenance centers, and inspection centers to summarize the use of magic armor, advantages and disadvantages at any time, and then submit them to Soga. You must know ... … In this world, only Soga has the design ability of magic armor.

Although it is only a rough production workshop, the total number of workshops has reached nearly 50, occupying a large area. Fortunately, Soga has sufficient financial support, so these workshops were soon established in In a hidden valley, it is hard to find even a pirate attack.

If you change someone else, even if you have money and technology, it is impossible to produce this kind of magic armor. The general metal has poor magic conductivity, good magic conductivity and low hardness. Only Ujin can make magic armor, and Ujin's The price is ten times higher than gems!

It can be said that each magic armor is equal to the accumulation of gems. The price of each magic armor is exaggerated to an appalling level. Soga has not calculated the price of a magic armor because he is afraid he cannot bear it. , In vain chaos his own heart, but the most conservative estimate, the cost of a magic armor is also billions!

Soga knows very well that once the Magic Armor Force is to be established, it means that starting today, the city will no longer have the special Ujin product, and all Ujin produced will be used to produce Magic Armor!

According to the current production speed, it is basically possible to produce a magic armor in one hour. Although the speed is very slow, no matter how fast it is, the mining of black gold cannot keep up. You must know that black gold is only a low-level associated mine No matter how much manpower is added to mine, the effect is not very good.

Basically, when the workshop is running at full capacity, 20 magic armors can be produced in a day, but people are not gods, and they have to rest and sleep. So ... working ten hours a day is almost the limit, after all ... This is all physical work, and it is impossible to persist for a long time.

Although Soga is interested in expanding the scale of production, is the master blacksmith so easy to find and hire? Just a pipeline, Soga cost a trillion dollars. If there is more, Soga will probably go bankrupt on the spot.

Originally, Soga ’s money has exceeded ten trillion. You can go and buy a ring that Zeus can hypnotize, but unfortunately, Soga spends too much money on it. Buying hypnosis rings is only I can stay until later.

Soga knows that once Soga City resumes production, money will flow in madness after having enough safety guarantees. Don't talk about the hypnotic ring at that time, it is the invisible helmet of Pluto, which is trivial.

It can be said that with the current ore mining volume, capital strength, and production capacity of Soga City, ten magic armors per day are the limit. To increase the production of magic armors, it is not only the strength that needs to be improved, but It is necessary to improve overall, more funds, more talents, more mining, more security ... This is hardly achievable in a short time.

After completing the design of the magic armor, Soga finally put aside his research on alchemy. The painstaking research in recent time has made Soga tired.

Finally, while Xiang Yun, Roger and others returned the goods, Soga expressed his thoughts. The matter here has been largely processed. Due to the restoration of the dock, the merchants began to come again, and the economy of Soga City Began to crisp.

As for production, thanks to the efforts of Sister Nico, the pit has been replenished with enough slaves, the city of Soga has begun to flourish again, and production has returned to its heyday.

In terms of life, the businessmen who brought them brought enough food and daily necessities, and no longer needed Xiang Yun and others to go busy. The merchants who passed here brought enough goods to supply Soga. The demand of the city has even increased a lot.

Finally, in terms of security, under the protection of 200 mercenary regiments, although it will cost 400 million merchants each month, unless the pirate army unites again, otherwise it is absolutely safe. It is reassuring that In a short period of time, pirate alliances will never happen. After all ... as far as the wealth gathered in Soga City is concerned, the appeal is still a little bit worse.

Although it is necessary to go through the barriers, of course, Soga cannot leave alone and leave all. Soga city must be attended and managed by others. Otherwise, who knows what will happen next time?

Despite their reluctance, Duomei and her sisters were forced to stay here. They were not only responsible for the management of the city, the mining work, the supervision of the magic armor manufacturing, but also the security work in the city.

Soga left, so many beautiful deputy city masters became the supreme commander. Everything in the city is under her management. If anyone dares to make trouble, then the thirty-six sisters of the six-winged phoenix angel will definitely let anyone It pays enough, after all ... there is only one in the world like Soga.

It must be explained that the main reason why Soga is invincible in the sea is the effect of the Trident and the Atlantis suit. If these two are removed, Soga is still overbearing, but it is impossible to be so exaggerated. With these two artifacts, and the aid of epic suits, Soga has reached the power of the God of Law in the sea, and is only one step away from God.

Before leaving, Soga gave an additional account of how beautiful it was. In any case, it was necessary to strengthen the training of slave soldiers. When Soga returned, he hoped to see a well-trained army.

Although these slaves had already been trained for a long time as early as the slave dealers, this is not enough. To become an iron army, they still have a long way to go and what they need to do. very many.

After explaining everything, Soga and Xiang Yun and others left Soga City, drove the Soga speedboat, and drove towards the death triangle before the third hurdle.

The so-called Death Triangle, located to the east of Soga City, is a terrifying sea. The reason why it is called the Death Triangle is that as long as you enter here, life and death are not up to you.

In the death triangle, the most terrifying is not pirates. Even the pirates who are home to the sea do not dare to enter this area. The horrors of the death triangle do not lie in people, but in the dangerous environment and the ferocious sea beasts. !!

Although the sea looks calm from the surface, but the color of the sea is darker, but under the calm water, there are countless reefs, covered by the dark water, unless it is near, otherwise It is impossible to discover in advance.

If it ’s just a reef, then it ’s okay to say that it is possible to make a safe route, but these reefs are floating and constantly changing position. Although this process is very slow, it has already made anyone Can't draw the route here.

In such an area, it can be described as dangerous everywhere. Every minute, every second, you may hit a reef. Even if you slow the ship to the slowest speed, you may not be able to avoid it, not to mention, who is in this area? How dare you slow down?

In addition to these movable reefs, there are also endless sea beasts in the death triangle. A large number of horrible sea beasts gather here. Their volumes are exaggerated and their strength is outrageous. If they cannot pass quickly Here, one by one the tyrannical sea beasts will swallow you with no residue.

In the end, the Death Triangle area is still a sea area with bad weather. The wind was sunny and beautiful the next moment, but the next moment may be wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and violent winds raging. The climate here is completely unreasonable, and how love changes Change, no one can master the law.

However, the area that is very scary for others, but it is extremely easy for Suga, all the way into the sea of ​​death crazy, under the guidance of the compass, Suga moves at full speed, under the high-speed Mercedes, Sasso The front part of the plus speedboat was lifted out of the water obliquely, and it was soaring on the sea.

"Bang!" In the fierce roar, the speedboat's enemy slammed into a reef protruding less than one meter above the sea surface. Under the severe impact, the speedboat bounced off suddenly, gliding in midair for a long time, and landed again. The water continued to gallop.

The texture of Poseidon is absolutely not afraid of this level of impact, especially the bottom of the ship, because it always touches the water surface, even if it causes a scar, it will recover itself in an instant, no need to worry.

When the speed boat Soga was running at full speed, the speed boat was basically draught-free, and the entire hull almost floated on the water, so ... except for those reefs above the sea, all other reefs were ignored! And the reefs that are too high are completely too time to avoid, and a little higher, just cut them over.

Along the way, Soga and others completely ignored the horrors of the death triangle. Several guys took turns to drive. For them, this death triangle is simply the most exciting playground.

"Wow ..." In the fierce roar, the seawater a few hundred meters away suddenly turbulent. The next moment ... the seawater surged, and an unimaginably large sea creature slowly got out of the seawater.

Looking at it, this guy is hundreds of meters high, and he can't see the huge one at a glance. With that huge mouth alone, he can swallow the Camus-class super giant sailing boat in one bite.

Facing such a huge sea beast, Roger rushed to the front in excitement, grabbed the rudder from Xiang Yun in excitement, and said excitedly: "Let's say it is good. When we meet the next sea beast, it's up to me Come on! "

During the talk, Roger slammed the rudder to the right, and suddenly ... the Soga speedboat made a 90-degree turn in an instant, changing from forward to horizontal, and at the lightning speed of the Soga speedboat, quickly On the tip of the wave, along the way, the bottom of the ship was constantly hit by the floating reefs around it, making a bang, bypassing the huge sea beast all the way, and quickly went away.

Originally, it took at least a month's sea route. Under the full driving of Soga and his partners, it took only three days to cross. Although everyone was tired, they were very excited.

Along the way, Soga and others encountered the baptism of storms, torrential rains, and tornadoes, but either storms or torrential rains, in front of Poseidon, they could not play any role. As for the tornado, hehe ... Just let it pass.

Basically, the so-called death triangle is a super playground for Soga and others. Although everyone is exhausted from playing, they all live quickly.

Passing the third level, Soga and others appeared in front of a huge coastal city. Looking from the sea, the huge city was built along the coast. Along the coast, it spread indefinitely to both sides. Not to the head!

Soga is not an unsophisticated soil bun, but this is the first time that Soga has seen such a large city. After three days of 3,000 miles, Soga finally reached the first city in the fourth stage. The first station-by the sea!

On the shore, after the ship was saved, Soga led Xiang Yun Roger and others, and hurried over to the exchange that leaned on the sea. When he came, Soga filled everyone's space ring with precious metals— —Xuan Tie, if you don't sell it as soon as possible, then when you see a good thing and want to buy it, there is no place to install it.

Entering the exchange, Soga directly found the boss. With Soga's current status and status, ordinary receptionists are no longer qualified to receive him. After all ... every transaction in Soga is not the master of these receptionists. of.

There is no nonsense. At the request of Soga, the owner of the exchange handed the price list of the transaction to Soga. Although this price list will change at any time, each change must be approved by the chamber of commerce, so there is no need to worry about falsehood. What Suga has to do is to look up the historical transaction data of black iron ore, and then make a judgment.

The use of black iron is not large, but it is extremely precious and expensive. The characteristics of black iron are very heavy, basically the highest quality metal, and the weapons forged from black iron are the sharpest and are used by warriors. The best materials for weapons such as swords, spears, and swords.

However, although the benefits of black iron are outstanding, the shortcomings are also very obvious. The magic conduction performance is very poor, and it can hardly conduct magic. Therefore, it is a special metal for melee professions. However, the price of black iron is quite exaggerated. Is the second most expensive and rare metal after Ujin.

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