Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 100 Night Magician Armor

At night, in the Stark Tower, a dark, cloak-like armored arm lit up with brilliance, and fierce flames erupted from the hand.

On the other side, Su Heng's hand glowed slightly with light, and a translucent round shield was blocked in front of him.

The brilliance of the black armor's other hand glowed again, and flames appeared out of thin air inside the translucent round shield.

The elimination card in Su Heng's hand flashed away, completely dissipating the flames inside and outside the round shield.

Su Heng then pulled away and kicked the armored body.

The armor turned slightly sideways, moved his hands across a semicircle, grabbed Su Heng's ankle with one hand, and used the force of Su Heng's kick to deflect Su Heng's direction, causing Su Heng to kick on the ceiling. .

The heavy force caused a large hole to open in the ceiling.

The armor's chest flashed with brilliance, and yellow sand appeared out of thin air around the armor's body, forming streaks of yellow sand spears. Under the armor's wave, the yellow sand spears stabbed hard in the direction of Su Heng.

The sword card in Su Heng's hand shook out a sword flower in the air. With the twist of his wrist, the sword directly slashed all the yellow sand spears back to their original yellow sand prototypes.

The armor collided with Su Heng again. This time the two of them fought with each other using different moves. They used different moves to solve each other's moves, which dazzled Tony outside the laboratory.

Stop, stop, stop! Tony outside the laboratory rubbed his temples and shouted loudly to the two people in the laboratory.

As Tony shouted to stop, Su Heng and the black armor stopped one after another.

Huh—— Within the black armor, Su Heng took off his helmet, took a deep breath, and looked at himself opposite.

The two nodded to each other at the same time, and then Su Heng, who was not wearing armor, turned into light dust and merged into the armored Su Heng's body.

How's it going? Tony asked Su Heng with his eyes closed.

Sure enough, it still doesn't work. After Su Heng received the memory, he shook his head towards Tony, then spread out his body and let Jarvis take off the armor on his body.

For example, where are the problems? Tony turned a pen in his hand and asked Su Heng curiously: I think my armor is almost in perfect condition.

Although this armor's learning ability is indeed very strong. Su Heng nodded: You can have extremely strong fighting ability with just two or three moves, but the loss of magic power when using element cards is a bit too big. .”

Loss? Tony was stunned: But doesn't the transmission of energy involve losses?

Hmm. Su Heng nodded: But if I use the element cards alone, there is no loss.

A Clow card appeared on Su Heng's fingertips: When I summoned the Clow card, I used my own magic power to maintain the activity time of the Clow card.

But if I put on your armor, I need to transfer the magic power to your armor, and then transfer it to the card again.

Although your armor does increase the effect of Clow cards by about 20%. Su Heng said with some regret: But the magic power I consumed is only about 30%.

In other words, I can use 30% of the magic power to strengthen the Clow card. Isn't this a whole level higher than the 20% of the magic power?

And I still feel that this armor is a bit too uncomfortable to wear. Su Heng moved his body: It still feels a bit like being stuffed in a big iron can.

This is just a preliminary trial version. Tony waved his hand on the virtual screen: My next goal is to make a set of nano-armor. By then, the close-fitting material may not make you feel stuffy.

Has nanotechnology reached this level? Su Heng looked at the armor model on the screen in surprise as it spread bit by bit towards his body.

Of course not yet. Tony spread his hands: This is just an expectation. If it is to be realized, it will take at least two or three years.

Oh, then you really have to wait.

But speaking of it, your magic that splits in two. Tony raised his eyebrows at Su Heng: Can you try it on me?

I'd love to know what kind of sparks will happen when one smart brain turns into two smart brains.

Double card? Su Heng reminded Tony: This thing is okay, but it will be a little troublesome when using it.

What trouble can there be? Don't you have no problem using it? Tony said with some urgency: It's not easy to have a guy who can keep up with your own ideas. I'm already looking forward to the discussion and research between the two of us tonight. The ideas that came out.”

Since you said so, let me let you feel it. The two cards in Su Heng's hand appeared, and the brilliance appeared on Tony's body, making Tony close his eyes.

Is this good?×2

Two identical voices rang in Tony's ears. He slowly opened his eyes and looked in the direction from which the voices came.

This is really cool.×2

The two Tonys looked at the identical selves in front of them and couldn't help but sigh to each other.

“So maybe we can come up with a good research idea tonight?”×2

While Tony was gearing up, the door to the laboratory slowly opened, and Pepper's complaints came from the door.

Tony, have you forgotten the doctor's advice? You must maintain a good routine during this period. Oh no, this is what happened! Pepper walked into the laboratory and looked at the two identical Tonys, surprised. Covered his mouth.

Hey, Pepper. ×2

The two Tonys greeted Pepper at the same time.

This is a small experiment, don't get too excited.×2

Su Heng, is this something good you did? Pepper looked at Su Heng with reproachful eyes.

No way, Tony said he wanted to experience what it's like to have two different selves. Su Heng shrugged helplessly.

Okay. Pepper sighed regretfully: I also said I made a small cake for each of you and wanted you to try it.


The eyes of the two Tonys shone: Is this the cake you made, Pepper? Then I have to taste it. × 2

But I only made two copies. Pepper looked at the two Tonys: I didn't know you turned into two people when I was making it.

What's the matter? The worst thing is that Su Heng won't eat it. × 2

The two Tonys said in unison.

Anyway, Su Heng, the dessert shop manager, must have been tired of eating these desserts for a long time. I might as well just let me laugh at them all.×2

Oh? Su Heng squinted his eyes, looked at Tony who was thinking beautifully, and took back the double cards that he originally wanted to change back for them.

Su Heng would not tell Tony that Pepper had asked him for advice on how to make small cakes during this period, but the result was

It’s hard to describe in one word.

But this is not good. Pepper looked at Su Heng hesitantly: After all, Su Heng is a guest.

It's nothing. Su Heng smiled and waved his hand: Although I also want to taste your craftsmanship, I will let Tony do it alone today.

Okay, then I'll go get the small cake. Pepper nodded: According to the time, it should be almost baked by now.

After saying that, Pepper left the laboratory.

Good brother, I knew I was right about you!×2

The two Tonys patted Su Heng on the shoulders and said with a smile: Speaking of which, this is the first time I have tasted Pepper's craftsmanship. I will definitely praise her more when the time comes. × 2

Just when Tony was thinking about Pepper's gentle and virtuous appearance in the future, he suddenly smelled a bitter and burnt smell.

Otherwise, let's forget it. Pepper took the tray and looked at Tony with some embarrassment.

On the tray, two small char-shaped cakes were glowing slightly red.

This is very similar to the unknown creature Su Heng told Tony he saw in hell.

Both Tony's faces twitched at the same time.

Maybe it's just burnt on the outside, but the inside might be edible.×2

The two Tonys looked at Pepper's awkward and slightly regretful expression and quickly tried to smooth things over.

The two of them picked up a small cake with one hand and peeled off the hard shell, revealing the soft core inside.

Look, what I said is right.×2

The two Tonys laughed at the same time and put the soft inner core into their mouths, then their expressions changed and they hurriedly ran towards the bathroom.

Is it really a failure? Pepper lowered her head in disappointment as she listened to the two sounds of vomiting coming from the bathroom.

Su Heng walked up to Pepper, picked up the core of another small cake and sniffed it gently.

You still put too much sugar. Next time, use an electronic weighing scale to do it little by little.



While Pepper was carefully accepting Su Heng's teachings, bursts of angry shouting came from a factory in New York.

Damn Spider-Man! A guy with a head injury shouted angrily: If it weren't for that guy today, how could we have lost so miserably!

That's right! A middle-aged man said with hatred on his face: If the vulture boss hadn't arrived in time, we would have been imprisoned.

Hmph. A rather gloomy snort came from the computer speaker.

You idiots actually want to make a fortune secretly while I'm away, right?

If it weren't for the sake of our friendship over so many years, I wouldn't want to care about your life or death!

Boss Vulture, please calm down. The middle-aged man laughed and said, Brothers, don't you have no money? By the way, do you want to try to see if the alien weapon can be used? Who knows that Spider-Man will come out halfway.

In order to save you, I killed a lot of policemen. The vulture's voice continued from the computer: You just wait and see for the time being. When the limelight passes, we will take the next step. .”

Don't worry, Boss Vulture, we brothers will definitely stay here! The middle-aged man bowed his waist and said to the Vulture again and again.

hope so

After Vulture said this, he hung up the phone, leaving several people in the factory to breathe a sigh of relief.

Bah, call him boss and he's really out of breath. The middle-aged man spat on the ground: If the brothers hadn't helped him together, would he have been able to find those alien weapons from the garbage dump so quickly? ?”

Brother, do we really have to stop for a while? The young man with the injury on his head asked the middle-aged man.

Otherwise, what should we do? Who made the Vulture guy do it lightly? With so many police officers dead, we can only take it easy for now.

When this news has passed, we brothers must avenge this!

If it hadn't been for that damn Spider-Man's meddling, we would have been enjoying the hot food by now! Why are we still hiding in this damn place!

That's right! When the storm is over, we must take revenge on that damn Spider-Man!

Revenge, revenge!

Just when everyone in the factory was sharing the same hatred.

What they didn't notice was that on the top of the factory, a Spider-Man wearing a black spider suit cast a gloomy look at them.

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Welcome to my territory~!

A boy with a Pikachu on his head asked in confusion: Territory? Where is it?

The whole sea~

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