Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 101 Venom accidentally enters the dessert shop


In the factory, everyone who was still clamoring to teach Spider-Man a lesson was holding their broken legs and arms and screaming on the ground.

Peter, who was wearing a black spider suit, grabbed the middle-aged man's neck with one hand, completely ignoring the middle-aged man's face that was already flushed due to suffocation.

Aren't you looking for revenge on me? Peter's voice was a little gloomy, and he began to pinch the middle-aged man's hand harder and harder: Then let's continue!

Peter watched quietly as the middle-aged man flapped his arms desperately and swung his feet randomly in the air. For some reason, he suddenly felt hungry.

Driven by hunger, Peter's dark spider suit began to gradually expand. A black and ferocious black head completely wrapped Peter's spider mask, and then opened a bloody mouth full of fangs. , and slowly sent the middle-aged man into its mouth.

Monsters!!! The group of minions who were screaming on the ground looked at the scene in front of them and screamed in panic. They endured the pain of broken hands and feet and frantically moved toward the factory building. Climb to the exit.

! Amidst the bursts of shouting, the spider suit that had been swollen on Peter's body was retracted again. Peter looked at the middle-aged man caught in front of him in a daze, and for some reason he felt a trace of emotion in his heart. Feeling of irritability.

He threw the middle-aged man away and looked at the young minions around him who were struggling to escape. Spider silk erupted from his hands and fixed them to the ground.

Don't eat me, don't eat me! The minions shivered and huddled on the ground, the sweat on their bodies already flowing and making the ground wet.

Peter casually took out his cell phone from the nearest gangster and dialed the New York Police Department.

Hey, this is Spider-Man. At No. 632 Linhai Factory in Brooklyn, I subdued several bank robbers who escaped from the police station today. Please rush to the scene as soon as possible to re-arrest them.

Okay, thank you, Mr. Spider-Man. Before the police station operator could finish thanking him, Peter hung up the phone a little irritably.

No, don't eat me. Peter looked at the little guy next to him who was still talking nonsense, and stuffed the mobile phone in his hand into his mouth.

Thank you for your phone, sir.

Peter glanced around and jumped onto the factory building.

The New York police arrived very promptly this time. In just five minutes, the police from the Brooklyn branch arrested the fainting middle-aged man and the few minions into the police car.

But what confused these police officers was that when they arrested the gangsters, they kept shouting, Spider-Man is not a human, he is a monster that eats people! ridiculous rumors.

What a joke, don’t the New York police know Spider-Man’s character?

You say Spider-Man can eat people, why not say he is a zombie?

Peter sat on the roof of the factory building, quietly watching the police car leave. For some reason, he felt an inexplicable emptiness in his heart and stomach at this moment.

So hungry. Peter touched his stomach, jumped back, and disappeared into the factory.

On the roof of the teaching building of Zhongcheng Middle School, Peter held the burger he had just bought from KFC and put it in his mouth for a long time, but he couldn't take it down, but the hunger coming from his body could not be deceived.

Finally, Peter closed his eyes and bit down the burger in his hand.


A feeling of nausea came from Peter's mind, and Peter covered his mouth hard to suppress the nausea.

Originally, Peter's financial situation was very tight. Although he helped Professor Connors at Osborne Industries during this period, Peter only received the salary he should have received as an intern. For Mr. Norman, in order to help him As for the extra salary, Peter asked Professor Connors to return all of it to Mr. Norman.

So for Peter, buying a hamburger as a late-night snack is already a very luxurious act. If he spits out the burger because of nausea, it would be a real waste.

Peter suppressed his nausea and swallowed the burger in his mouth. Then he looked at the half of the burger left in his hand. He felt cruel and continued to eat with his eyes closed.

But Peter didn't know that in the shadow behind him, a swollen and twisted figure was looking up to the sky and roaring, as if venting his dissatisfaction.


As the night got darker, a low growling sound came from the dessert shop.

Meat! I want meat! Fresh meat!

As an alien symbiote creature that had just arrived on Earth, Venom was originally grateful that he had found a host that was physically strong and highly adaptable.

But Venom, which must rely on eating fresh creatures to maintain its own life, did not expect that the willpower of Peter Parker, the host, was a bit too strong.

Originally, Venom wanted to control Peter to eat a few bad guys to fill his stomach, but Peter always inadvertently counterattacked and regained control. Not only did he give the bad guys he got to the police, but he also forced himself to eat one. A burger with absolutely no vital signs!

After Venom took advantage of Peter to fall asleep, it secretly looked at Peter's memory and learned that there was a delicacy in the dessert shop outside Midtown Middle School that Peter would never forget after eating it twice.

The strong appetite made Venom excited, and he controlled Peter's body and came to the dessert shop.

But what makes Venom angry is that this dessert shop that haunts Peter's mind doesn't even have a piece of meat! Not even the burger meat I ate tonight!

In the backyard storage room, there are only various flours, butter, and eggs.

Venom smashed the egg in front of him, licked the egg liquid on his paws to satisfy his greed, and then cast his eyes upstairs to the dessert shop with some irritation.

It felt like a symbol of the vibrant life upstairs.

That's meat!

Venom's eyes gradually turned green, but just when it was about to walk upstairs and eat the life form, a few gleams of light penetrated from the ceiling.

Ganpai happily patrolled their territory with the several Culuo cards that Su Heng had recently conquered.

But what Gan Pai saw when he just flew down from the ceiling was a messy storage room.

Gampai stared blankly at the scattered flour bags, the broken butter flowing on the ground, and the remaining egg liquid on Venom's claws.

These are the ingredients she will use to make dessert tomorrow!

Tears flashed in Ganpai's eyes, and the magic wand in his hand waved towards Venom.

! Venom felt the light coming towards him, and knew from Peter's premonition that if he was hit by this light, something very bad would happen.

Spider silk shot out from Venom's hand, and the table in the storage room was pulled in front of him, blocking Gampai's magical attack.

Under the magic of Ganpai, the wooden table turned directly into crispy, sweet and delicious chocolate.

At this time, the furious Gampai's magic wand burst out with light, causing Venom to dodge in the utility room.

The Culuo cards that were originally staying in Su Heng's body also noticed the movement downstairs, and emerged from Su Heng's body one after another. They quietly took a look at the Sword Cards, Jing Cards, Dream Cards and Mian Cards guarding Su Heng's side. After the cards, the other Clow cards headed downstairs as if watching the fun.

The originally narrow utility room began to gradually expand with the addition of MIPAI.

The other Clow cards were sitting on the wall of the maze created by the mysterious cards, and they had some exchanges with the new Clow cards. After learning the whole story, they all began to react to the Ghan cards. Support Gump and turn Venom into a dessert to serve as a warning to others.

Damn little bug! This was the first time that Venom was so defeated. It roared angrily and shot Gampai with the spider silk in its hand.

In anger, Gumpai kept waving the magic wand in her hand, completely unaware of Venom's movements. When the spider silk was close to her eyes, it was already too late to dodge.

But at this moment, a flame burned away the spider silk in front of Gan Pai. Huo Pai crossed his arms and stood in front of Gan Pai, looking down at Venom.

The other Clow cards also began to take action. The sand cards turned into quicksand at some point and were tightly bound to Venom's feet.

The bow and arrow in Yapai's hand were ready to go, aiming at Venom's head.

The other Clow cards were even more eager to gather around Venom.

Wait! Venom felt the intimidation of the fire card in the sky, and he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. However, when it wanted to escape, the sand card blocked its feet under the quicksand.

The dangerous looks in the Clow Cards' surroundings made Venom feel terrified.

It's so noisy. What are you guys doing? Su Heng yawned and walked downstairs.

It was because Jingpai couldn't bear the commotion of these guys in the storage room, so he asked Mianpai and Mengpai to wake Su Heng up.

Huh? Su Heng looked at the trembling Venom surrounded by many Clow cards in the storage room, and gave it a strange look.

Under the gaze of Su Heng and many Clow Cards, Venom was still unable to withstand such great pressure, and his figure began to shrink continuously, turning back into Peter who was still sleeping.

Huh? Peter woke up slowly, looked at the Clow cards around him with sleepy eyes, and murmured in a low voice: Am I still dreaming?

It's a pity that you woke up from your dream, Mr. Peter Parker. Su Heng walked to Peter's side, looked at the messy environment around him, and couldn't help but sigh: Now I have to tell you two pieces of unfortunate news. First, You are being parasitized by alien creatures.”

Huh? Peter was stunned.

Secondly, you have to compensate me for the materials destroyed by the alien creature in your body.

Today is another py book recommendation. Interested viewers can follow the link to watch.

Yuan Dagu, the transformer who traveled through time and became Ultraman Tiga, wants to embark on an infinite journey of becoming light.

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