Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 102 The Return of Harry

Of course, the compensation for materials was just a joke by Su Heng. However, after making sure that Peter would not be controlled by the venom while he was awake, Su Heng still called Professor Connors to come and pick Peter up.

In the dessert shop, the unshaven Professor Connors rushed over from the Osborne Building, he rubbed his aching head: First it was Harry, and then it was Peter, so what is going on in this world?

Professor. Peter held a cup of hot milk in his hand and whispered to Professor Connors: I think there is nothing wrong with me.

When Harry had a problem, he thought there was nothing wrong with him. Professor Connors sighed: If there was really nothing wrong with you, how could you have gone to the dessert shop without realizing it?

. Peter's eyes fell into confusion.

Indeed, he also felt that his state today was indeed not quite right, but Professor Connors had been a little too busy recently, so Peter did not want to disturb him and planned to adjust himself, but unexpectedly, he still disturbed Professor Connors. .

So does Mr. Su Heng know anything? Professor Connors asked Su Heng.

Well, I only know a little bit about this thing. Su Heng touched his chin and said to Professor Connors and Peter: I only know that this thing is a kind of fear of strong noise and fire, and it must be parasitic on the host. Are there any surviving alien creatures?”

It's symbiosis! Venom couldn't hold it back, and a ferocious head appeared from Peter's neck, and he cursed loudly at Su Heng: I am the rarest symbiosis of alien life in the universe! You uneducated person Earthlings!

Hmm? Su Heng burst into flames in his hands and looked at Venom with squinted eyes: I didn't hear you clearly just now. Can you say it again?

Pretend I didn't say it. Venom felt the hot flames in Su Heng's hands and retracted into Peter's body with some fear.

Professor Connors looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and quickly reached out and touched Peter's neck: What was that just now?

It was also the first time for Peter to see the appearance of venom so intuitively, and he looked at Su Heng in a panic.

Mr. Store Manager, who is this guy?

Well, it's just like what the guy said just now. Su Heng dispersed the flames in his hands and said to Peter, It's an alien life symbiosis.

So can this thing be removed? Peter swallowed and quickly asked Su Heng.

Of course. Didn't I just say that? Su Heng nodded: This guy is probably afraid of flames or strong noises.

Then Peter was about to speak, but his mouth was covered by the venom that emerged again.

Hey, man, you can't do this to me. Venom stretched out a head and a hand and said to Peter: You are the best host I have found!

Bah, bah, bah! Peter pulled away the hand that covered his own with the venom, and glared at the venom on his neck: What does that have to do with me! I'm just asking why I feel like vomiting after eating a hamburger today. ! And after I fell asleep, you still controlled my body to cause damage to Mr. Store Manager!

Because I also need to eat to maintain my life, Venom said a little aggrievedly: I didn't eat those bad guys today, and you still let me eat such an unpalatable combination of synthetic meat patties and flour patties.

You're still eating people! When Peter heard what Venom said, he began to resist more and more. He grabbed Venom's hand and pulled it out: Get out of my body quickly!

I won't! Venom's hand merged into Peter's hand smoothly, leaving only one head on Peter's neck shouting loudly: I'm not going out!

Professor Connors looked at Venom, who was yelling at Peter's neck like a child, and shook his head helplessly.

Mr. Su Heng, you just said that this alien creature is afraid of fire and strong noise, right? Professor Connors confirmed towards Su Heng.


Then Peter, follow me back to the Osborne Building later. Professor Connors said to Peter: At that time, we will go to the laboratory and force this thing out of you with strong noise.

No! Venom, who was still acting like a child, began to panic when he heard Professor Connors' words.

Leave me here, I'm useful! Venom quickly said to Peter, I can enhance your physique and help you block most of the damage!

Following Venom's voice, black tentacles began to appear behind Peter. Under Venom's control, the tentacles sometimes turned into scimitars, sometimes into shields, and sometimes into spider hands.

But you eat people! Peter still resisted the venom very much.

But I just came to Earth, and I possessed you before I could eat anyone! Venom said aggrievedly.

Just came to Earth? Professor Connors seemed to remember something: Did you come out of the meteorite that fell in the suburbs of New York yesterday?

That's right. Venom said honestly, This is the tool we use to migrate.

You guys? You're not the only one who came to Earth? Professor Connors looked solemn and continued to ask Venom.

Otherwise! Venom said impatiently: You are so long-winded. Didn't I make it clear enough?

In other words, do your compatriots want to eat people like you? Peter also reacted and quickly asked Venom.

I don't have to eat people. Venom muttered in a low voice: As long as you let me stay on your body, I will eat synthetic meat patties.

Don't interrupt, I'm asking about your compatriots. Peter looked at Venom seriously.

Yes, if they are not as lucky as me and can find the most suitable host, they may first possess the surrounding creatures, and then eat while looking for the most suitable host. Venom said nonchalantly.

Then what is your purpose? To invade the earth? Professor Connors frowned.

Purpose? We just want to find a suitable host. Venom tentatively stretched out his hand and put it on Peter's shoulder: As long as the host can maintain our symbiotic relationship, we will do whatever the host wants to do. .”

That's so easy to say. Su Heng glanced at Venom: Then what if your symbiotic host cannot maintain the symbiotic relationship? Will it be like tonight, taking over Peter's body while he is resting? My own desire to eat?”

. Venom was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

But if I can stay on your body, I really can stop eating people. Venom looked at Peter pitifully.

And I noticed the anxiety in your heart. Venom tried his best to sell himself: If you are worried that my kind will cause chaos on your earth, I can help you find and subdue them!

Aren't they your kind? Peter looked at Venom with a sense of urgency.

We are alien creatures, and we are not like you earthlings who talk about relatives and friends. Venom said nonchalantly: Strictly speaking, if we were dropped on a more primitive planet, there would only be nothing between us. It’s a relationship between competitors.”

As for this, I have already felt the call of justice! Venom said sternly: Partners, let's catch all those guys who disrupt social order together!

Professor Connors and Su Heng looked at each other.

Mr. Su Heng, what do you think? Professor Connors asked Su Heng.

It doesn't matter what I think. It depends on what Peter thinks. Su Heng shrugged and looked at Peter.

Me? Peter looked at the venom on his shoulder and nodded gently: Let this guy stay in my body for the time being. I will watch this guy carefully during this period. If it If something is wrong, please ask the professor to prepare the equipment to drive it away in advance.

Oh, my partner, you have to believe in my character, I will never let you down. Venom heard Peter's words and reached out his hand to pat Peter's shoulder with some joy.

Then where are your kindred spirits now? Peter asked Venom.

Ah? Don't you guys take a break? Venom was stunned: Don't you earthlings have to sleep at night?

But you said your kind can eat people, how can I sleep? Peter looked at Su Heng and Professor Connors: Professor, Mr. Store Manager, you just need to rest first, this is Leave it to me.

What nonsense are you talking about? Su Heng yawned and walked to Peter's side: Don't take it all on yourself, it's not like we can't help.

You ask Venom to first mark the location where he can sense similar species. Professor Connors said to Peter: I will contact Mr. Norman immediately and ask him to expedite the production of a batch of noise pop-ups.

Then I'll contact Tony and SHIELD. Su Heng took out his mobile phone: I hope SHIELD will be more reliable now that it has changed its leadership.

An alien parasite?

In Osborne Manor, Norman, who had just picked up Harry, listened to the call from Connors and understood the seriousness of the matter.

Are they noise bombs? I'm going to call the company right now and ask the people at the company to expedite the production of a batch.

Father, what happened? Harry looked at Norman's haggard face and asked him in a low voice.

Nothing, it's just that Peter discovered the invasion of alien parasites, and the alien creatures were afraid of strong noise and fire, so Connors asked me for help and wanted me to help produce a batch of noise pop-ups.

Are you afraid of strong noise and fire? Harry suddenly raised his head and said to Norman.

Father, I want to help Peter.

But your body? Norman looked at Harry's pale face with some hesitation.

It's okay. A burst of flames began to appear on Harry's body, and under the burning of the flames, Harry had turned into a skeleton.

Harry felt the pain of his soul being burned and said calmly.

After all, I caused Peter a lot of trouble before.

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