Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 103 Missing Gwen

Late at night, close to early morning, a drunk man was walking home, carrying a bottle of wine.

But just as the drunkard was walking through an alley, a young lady with blond hair and blue eyes wearing an OL uniform suddenly came out of the alley, and the two of them knocked each other to the ground.

It smells so good. The drunk man sniffed the scent of the lady's perfume on him, and smiled drunkenly at the lady: Madam, are you in any trouble?

The young lady did not speak, but looked at the drunk man in front of her quietly.

Hiccup - why are you looking at me? Do you have any thoughts about me?

Driven by alcohol, the drunkard stretched out his hand towards the lady who was staring at him quietly.

But before the salty hand could touch the softest part of the lady's body, the lady's body suddenly swelled up, and her whole body was wrapped in a black substance.

Meat! Venom's kin pinched the drunkard's body, and viscous liquid flowed from the sharp fangs.

Strange, monster! The drunk man looked at the ferocious monster in front of him. The drunkenness in his mind had completely dissipated at this moment. He shivered as he watched the monster pinch himself and move it towards its mouth. .


Just when the drunk man was about to have his head bitten off by his Venom kin, a sound wave visible to the naked eye resounded on the Venom kin's body.

Roar - Venom's kin let out a painful roar, and directly shook off the drunk man in his hands, and his whole body began to twist in place.

It seems that ultrasonic waves can also cause a lot of damage to this guy. Tony was wearing steel armor, and the sound waves emitted from his hands kept surrounding the body of Venom's kin.

With a muffled sound of bang, this venomous kin exploded directly from the young lady's body, turning into pools of black slime that twisted and squirmed on the ground.

It was also at this time that several agents in black suits emerged from the alley. They quickly walked around the mucus and put all the mucus into special capsule bottles.

In Brooklyn, Harry was wearing a green demon armor, with a flaming glider on his feet, and a flaming chain in his hand tightly tied to a chubby middle-aged man on the ground.

Come out! Following Harry's low voice, the chain dragged a black slime-like creature directly from the middle-aged man's body.

The SHIELD agent on the side also quickly took out a special capsule bottle and put the black slimy creature into it.

Harry watched as the SHIELD agents finished what they were doing, turned around, and started moving towards other target areas that Peter had given him.

Su Heng, wearing the black cloak, stood in the playground of Zhongcheng Middle School. He glanced at the many locations sent by Peter and slowly closed his eyes.

The figure of Yipai began to shuttle quickly around, and every time the figure appeared, it brought a numb-looking New York resident from the location marked by Peter.

Roar! After seeing Su Heng, these numb-looking residents seemed to feel danger. They roared and swelled into black monsters and rushed towards Su Heng.

Su Heng stood quietly on the spot, and Huopai's figure with his hands folded across his chest gradually emerged behind him, looking arrogantly at everyone.

As the fire card appeared, a ring of fire soared into the sky, wrapping the group of monsters in it.

As the temperature of the flames increased, the flames dissipated amidst the screams of the monsters. The residents of New York had fainted on the ground, and around them were a group of creatures that looked like burned asphalt.

The SHIELD agents hidden around struck out again and put these creatures into special capsule bottles.

In addition to people with super powers like Su Heng or people with high technology like Tony, in other areas, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and military personnel are also using noise bombs from Osborn Industries to attack them. Swarms of invasive species attack.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, before the first ray of morning light broke through the darkness in the sky, all the poisonous species in New York City were finally collected.

Peter stepped out of a helicopter with a pale face.

Last night, Peter used Venom's perception of his kind to travel around New York City in a helicopter, marking Venom's companions on his tablet.

I'm so hungry. Peter asked the SHIELD agent beside him, Is there anything to eat?

Well, how about chocolate? The SHIELD agent was stunned and took out a chocolate from his arms.

Thank you. Peter tore open the chocolate foil with trembling hands and swallowed the chocolate in his hand, barely relieving the hunger in his belly.

Mr. Peter Parker? Agent Coulson came to Peter's side, holding a tablet in his hand, and asked Peter: Are you sure you have marked all the invasive creatures in New York City?

Yes, sir. Peter, whose face regained some rosiness, said to Coulson: In Venom's perception, those black guys have been collected by everyone, and only some of the more alert ones are left to escape New York.

Is there anyone who escaped? Colson's face darkened, and then he said to Peter: Those guys who escaped will have to work hard for you next, Mr. Peter Parker.

Yeah. Peter nodded: This is what I should do.


With the Venom invasion coming to an end, New York City has rarely regained peace and tranquility.

Ah, you didn't catch up again?

From the dessert shop outside Zhongcheng Middle School, the wailing sounds of several Zhongcheng Middle School students could be heard.

Today is the long-awaited Crazy Thursday in the dessert shop. All the promotional desserts in the entire store have already been wiped out by the students from Zhongcheng Middle School who have been waiting for a long time.

Sorry, the desserts in the store have been sold out. If you want to buy promotional desserts, please line up earlier next time. Su Heng wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the latecomers in front of him. The Zhongcheng Middle School student said with a smile.

Okay. The students from Zhongcheng Middle School looked frustrated and left the dessert shop.

Su Heng watched the students leave the dessert shop with a smile. His body that had been standing straight suddenly collapsed. He sat on the chair behind him and his upper body collapsed on the bar.

Sure enough, I'm still a little busy on Thursday. Su Heng rubbed the stiff smile he showed because of entertaining guests, and muttered helplessly: I don't know when that guy Gwen will come back.

It has been almost a month since Gwen left New York with Professor Jane.

According to the video call with Gwen a few days ago, their experiment has been completed. Now Professor Jane and Dr. Eric are taking her and Daisy, the two interns, to attend a project report in London, England.

After the project report is over, their research team can almost be disbanded.

Unlike Daisy, the university intern who will continue to follow Professor Jane and Dr. Eric after disbanding. As a high school student who has not yet graduated, Gwen needs to continue coming back to complete her studies, and then prepare well for the college application process.

Speaking of which, Mr. Stacey and Ms. Helen are actually very open-minded in this regard, although with Mr. Stacey's relationship, it would be a good path for Gwen to choose a major in politics.

But they still hope that Gwen can choose her own favorite subjects and majors.

Judging from Gwen's current trend, she is likely to choose the same astrophysics as Professor Jane.


Just when Su Heng was lying on the table and thinking, the vibrating sound of his cell phone made Su Heng raise his head slightly.

Huh? Su Heng looked at the note that appeared on the phone and answered the call in confusion: Professor Jian? You actually called me. Could it be that Gwen finally caused some trouble?

No, Su Heng, it's Gwen who is missing! Professor Jian's anxious voice sounded in Su Heng's ears.



On the Stark private plane, the flight attendants were looking curiously at the only passenger in the cabin.

This is the first time they've had a passenger other than Tony Stark.

Su Heng closed his eyes and rested his mind, not paying attention to the stares of the flight attendants.

According to Professor Jian, this morning, she and Gwen discovered unknown fluctuations in the instruments they used to study astrophysics and space particles.

And that unknown fluctuation was almost the same as the one detected by Professor Jian when the Rainbow Bridge appeared.

Out of the scientific spirit of inquiry, Professor Jane took Gwen on a journey to find the source of this unknown fluctuation.

Until they came to an abandoned factory in the suburbs of New York.

Due to the complex terrain of the factory, Professor Jane and Gwen decided to search separately.

But after more than half an hour, Professor Jane, whose search was fruitless, was about to call Gwen to ask her what she had learned, but found that Gwen's phone number could not be reached at all.

At this time, Professor Jian realized that something was wrong, so he quickly contacted Dr. Eric and Daisy, and then called Su Heng.

Hello, may I ask, have you arrived in London now? Su Heng looked at the time on his phone, raised his hand and asked the stewardess beside him.

Yes sir. The stewardess replied with a smile on her face towards Su Heng: In about half an hour, we can land at the airport smoothly.

More than half an hour? Su Heng touched his chin and sighed softly: I can't wait so long.

In the doubtful gaze of the stewardess, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes and the eyes of several other stewardesses, and then they returned to their seats and sat down obediently.

As for Su Heng, who was originally sitting in the cabin, he had disappeared at this moment.

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