Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 104 Ether Particles

Hello, Professor Jian? In mid-air, Su Heng, who was in free fall, was calling Professor Jian with his mobile phone.

I have arrived in London now. Can you send me your current location?

About when will we arrive? Su Heng looked at the location on his phone, opened the map on his phone and looked at the distance, then put the phone back to his ear: Probably, about ten minutes.

As Su Heng hung up the phone, his figure began to flicker in the air.

Every time it flickered, Su Heng would choose to fine-tune the direction. It was not until he saw the target location sent by Professor Jian that Su Heng slowly fell from the sky.

But after Su Heng landed outside the factory wall, Professor Jian's call made Su Heng dumbfounded.

Su Heng. Professor Jian's somewhat embarrassing voice sounded in Su Heng's ears: Gwen, we found it.

Uh. At this time, Su Heng had already walked along the wall to the gate of the factory. He held up the phone and looked at Professor Jian and Gwen standing in the open space of the factory. He sighed helplessly: But I have already It’s here.”

Store manager! Gwen, who was looking at the door, also spotted Su Heng and waved to him excitedly.

So what is going on? Su Heng walked up to Gwen and Professor Jian and asked them.

I don't know either. A trace of confusion flashed in Gwen's eyes: Just now I was accompanying Professor Jian to look for that strange fluctuation, and ended up fainting in the open space of the factory.

I also just discovered Gwen. Professor Jian pinched his nose tiredly: In other words, it was just now that I discovered that Gwen suddenly appeared in the open space.

sudden appearance?

That's right. Professor Jian nodded and pointed the instrument in his hand at Gwen.

Didi didi!

The sudden cry on the instrument made Gwen suddenly startled.

Isn't it? Gwen murmured softly.

It's probably possible. Professor Jian sighed.

So what are you talking about? Su Heng looked at Gwen and Professor Jian who were playing riddles in confusion.

If I guess correctly, the substance that Gwen and I were looking for today that caused the fluctuations in the instrument is now in her body.

So what is that thing? Su Heng frowned and asked Professor Jian.

It's an ether particle.

Just when Professor Jian shook his head in embarrassment to express his ignorance, Thor's voice sounded from behind everyone.

Professor Jian turned around with a look of disbelief, looked at Thor who appeared in front of everyone, and walked towards him.

Jane! Thor, wearing a simple shirt, opened his hands, waiting for Professor Jane's hug.


But Professor Jian did not hug Thor, but stopped in front of him and slapped him hard.

Although you left for a reason, that doesn't stop me from giving you a slap in the face as a lesson for not waiting for me!

Before Thor could recover from the slap, Professor Jian had already hugged him tightly.

Then, long time no see.

Thor's originally resolute face became softer as he listened to Professor Jian's rumbling voice, and his open hands hugged Professor Jian's waist tightly.

Although I really don't want to disturb your reunion, can you finish talking first? Su Heng led Gwen to Professor Jian and Thor and said to Thor.

According to the records in the book, ether particles can turn objects into dark matter, seek out hosts for parasitism, and absorb the host's vitality.

After Thor and Professor Jian separated again, they looked at Su Heng and others with serious expressions.

Five thousand years ago, the dark elves wanted to use the characteristics of ether particles to engulf the nine kingdoms and plunge the entire universe into darkness.

My grandfather discovered the conspiracy of the dark elves, defeated the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, took the ether particles from his hands, and placed them on the earth.

So do you Asgardians have any serious illness? Su Heng covered his head: Why do you put everything on the earth?

The Cosmic Cube was placed on the earth by my father, and the ether particles were placed on the earth by my grandfather. These have nothing to do with me. Thor shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face.

The problem now is that if the ether particles are in Gwen's body, then Gwen will be in danger. Thor adjusted the expression on his face and said to Su Heng in a heavy tone: After all, the ether particles will absorb The vitality of the host.”

Will ether particles absorb Gwen's life? Su Heng frowned.

Yeah. Thor nodded and continued: And according to what Heimdall saw, Malekith has woken up from his deep sleep. If I guessed correctly, it's because he sensed the ether. The birth of the particle is why it wakes up from its deep sleep.

He is the leader of Watt Alheim, and he has countless dark elf regiments under his command. If he wants to invade your earth for the sake of ether particles, you may not be able to stop their attack so easily.

So, the best way now is to let Gwen take refuge in Asgard temporarily. Thor said with a serious face.

Go to Asgard to take refuge? Su Heng rubbed his head: Instead of going to Asgard to take out the ether particles from Gwen's body?

I'm sorry, my friend, this is the best way I can think of. Thor looked at Su Heng apologetically: Except for Malekith, there is no way we can use the ether particles to remove this thing. take out.

. Su Heng was silent for a moment and put his hand on Gwen's head.

Store manager, what are you doing? Gwen shrank her head uncomfortably.

Don't move. Su Heng flicked Gwen's forehead with his other hand and whispered to her: Let me see if I can take that thing out.

But it is very regrettable that in Su Heng's perception, the ether particles have become entangled with Gwen's body. Whether it is moving cards or eliminating cards, there is no way to simply separate the ether particles from Gwen.

Su Heng looked at Gwen's worried eyes and whispered: Don't worry, I will find a way.

Thor. Su Heng pulled Thor aside, glanced at Professor Jian who was comforting Gwen, and asked Thor solemnly: I remember you said, Asgard's The Rainbow Bridge can reach anywhere in the Nine Realms, right?”

Yes. Thor looked at Su Heng's serious look and had some overly bold guess in his mind: So you must not be thinking...

Since you said that no one else can obtain the ether particles except Malekith, then I can only go to that guy and ask him to take out the ether particles himself.

Are you crazy? Thor whispered to Su Heng: That is a country that far exceeds yours in terms of technology and military strength!

Don't worry, I'm not stupid. Su Heng smiled: You just need to send me to the country where Malekith is, and I will naturally be able to do something about it then.

Do you really have a way? Thor looked at Su Heng with some doubts: It's not that I don't believe you, brother, I know your methods are very magical, but if you want to deal with the dark elves on your own, For that entire ethnic group, it’s really too difficult.”

Believe me! Su Heng looked at Thor solemnly: I never say anything I'm not sure of.

Yes. Thor opened his mouth. He originally wanted to persuade Su Heng again, but when he saw Su Heng's solemn eyes, he knew that he would not be able to persuade him, so he could only nod helplessly.


Watt Alheim, one of the nine kingdoms, is also the world where the dark elves are located.

The surface is endlessly desolate, covered with clouds and covered with rocks. There is no sign of life, and there are ravines and abyss everywhere.

The base camp of the dark elves is stationed in one of the ravines.

Algorim! Malekith sat on the throne and asked his general Algorim in a low voice: Where are the ether particles now?

King! Algorim knelt on the ground, looked at a precision instrument in his hand, and whispered to Malekith: The ether particles have been transferred from the earth to Asgard.

Is it Asgard again? A trace of hatred flashed in Malekith's eyes: Asgard ruined our plan back then, and now it actually wants to continue?

In this case, it's time to let those brainless warriors in Asgard taste the power of our dark elves!

Yes! Algorim nodded heavily, turned and walked out of the palace.

According to the thinking of those Asgardians, I can definitely send Algorim into Asgard, and then cooperate from the inside out. It shouldn't be too difficult to take away the ether particles by then.

Malekith pondered for a moment and whispered: Now, all we need to do is find a suitable opportunity to send Algorim there.

Just when Malekith was thinking about how to get back the ether particles and bathe the nine kingdoms in darkness.

A beam of light fell from the sky and landed outside Malekith's palace.

This situation also made Malekith's heart sink.

This is Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge!

Back then, he was caught off guard by the Asgardians who suddenly teleported over from the Rainbow Bridge, and he lost his ether particles.

At this time, the Rainbow Bridge actually appeared outside the palace. Are the Asgardians coming again?

Thinking of this, Malekith stood up from the throne and shouted loudly: Algorim, be alert!!!

But for some reason, since the rainbow bridge appeared in the sky, the palace began to become quieter and quieter.

Even Algorim, who had just left, seemed as if he had never heard Malekith's call.

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