Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 105 Who is this?

Reverse time and go back to the moment when Su Heng took the Rainbow Bridge and arrived at Watt Alheim.

The dark elves guarding outside the palace were the first to discover this extraordinary pillar of light. They raised the firearms in their hands and walked warily towards the direction where the Rainbow Bridge landed.

Through the billowing smoke and dust in front of them, the dark elf guards could vaguely see a figure in it.

Who is that person? The guards aimed at the figure in the smoke and shouted, Get out.

But before the figure in the smoke could say anything, a gray light curtain quickly expanded outward from the smoke.

! The guards looked at the scene in front of them and pulled the triggers in their hands vigilantly.

The silent firearms emitted little flashes of light, but the bullets they fired seemed to stay motionless in the air.

The guards opened their mouths, but found that they could not say any words, and then a feeling of sleepiness spread throughout their bodies.

By the time Su Heng walked out of the smoke, a large group of dark elf guards were already lying on the ground, sleeping silently.

Su Heng raised his head and looked at the Jingpai and Mianpai who had opened their eyes and stared at the surroundings in the sky.

As Su Heng poured his magic power into Jingpai and Mianpai.

The gray light curtain is expanding faster and faster, and when each dark elf is enveloped by the light curtain, the sleepiness in his mind will become more and more intense.

Even Algorim, the bravest cursed warrior among the dark elves, was not immune and fell softly to the ground.

Ah Malekith, who had just walked out of the palace, watched Algorim fall to the ground. Before he could say anything, he was silenced by the gray light curtain.

Malekith felt the sleepiness coming from his mind, and two black mist lit up in his hand. The mist enveloped Malekith's body, completely clearing the original sleepiness from his mind.

Is that so?

Malekith instantly understood why the soldiers around him were lying on the ground. Just when the black mist in his hand was about to spread vigorously around him, a long sword with a cold light was already lying across him. between the necks.


Su Heng made a silent snap of his fingers. Jingpai in the sky lowered his head and glanced at Su Heng. In the silent gray light curtain, a blank area was cleared around Su Heng and Malekith.

Cough! Su Heng opened his mouth and coughed dryly. After making sure that he could speak, he asked Malekith: Are you Malekith?

Malekith's eyes twitched and he tentatively opened his mouth: Not bad.

So who are you? Malekith licked his dry lips and asked Su Heng.

Just a passerby. Su Heng didn't intend to exchange too many greetings with Malekith and asked him directly: I heard that you can absorb the ether particles attached to the human body?

Aether particles! Malekith looked at Su Heng with wide eyes.

So it can, or it can't? The sword card in Su Heng's hand was close to Malekith's neck. The sharp blade had already cut through his neck, and the blood seeping out made Malekith swallow hard.

Okay! Malekith shouted quickly.


On Su Heng's chest, the brilliance of the scale flashed away.

Can the ether particles be stripped out without harming the host's life? Su Heng continued to ask Malekith.

It's possible. Malekith rolled his eyes slightly and said to Su Heng, But it will take a little longer.

about how long?

A day or two. Malekith gave an uncertain answer.


If you want to deal with me, I can find someone else. A chill appeared in Su Heng's eyes, and the sword edge went deep into Malekith's neck.

One day! The fastest time is one day! Malekith felt the coldness coming from his neck and shouted quickly.


Beautiful! If you don't want to tell the truth, then go to hell. I don't believe that in such a huge universe, we can't find a second guy who can peel off ether particles! Su Heng completely lost his patience and held the sword in his hand. The card was drawn decisively towards Malekith's aorta.

But just as the sword in Su Heng's hand was slashing towards Malekith's neck, he suddenly noticed a light touch on the sword, and Malekith turned into a ball of black smoke and fled away from the palace.

Su Heng looked at the black smoke in the sky, and his other hand turned into a grabbing gesture from the air.

The black smoke that was about to leave the palace suddenly returned to Su Heng's hands.

Just when the black smoke was about to disperse from Su Heng's hand, a Clow card in Su Heng's hand flashed away.

Malekith, who turned into black smoke, felt his body sink, and he didn't know when he had returned to his physical form.

And on his hands, they had been clasped by a heavy shackles at some point, and the power in his body was completely sealed off at this moment.

The ingot card has the power of blocking.

So, I'll give you another chance. Su Heng placed the sword across Malekith's neck again, looking at him leisurely and said: This time, if you don't tell the truth, you will die. These dark elves in front of you won’t survive either!”

The blockage of power in his body and Su Heng's threat made Malekith sit on the ground helplessly. He lowered his head and whispered: Ten minutes.

As long as the host's life is not harmed, the ether particles can be taken out of the host's body in about ten minutes!


Wouldn't it be better if we said this earlier? Su Heng let go of the sword in his hand, looked at the depressed Malekith, and patted his shoulder gently.

. Malekith was silent.

The one or two days mentioned before were actually the time it took for him to perfectly integrate the ether particles into his body after taking them out.

But I didn't expect that the guy in front of me could see through his lies for some reason.

Then, Mr. Lao Malekith, please come with me. Su Heng grabbed Malekith who was sitting on the ground.

Where to go? Malekith, who had shackles on his hands, looked at Su Heng in confusion.



In the central control center of Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, Thor looked worried and looked at Heimdall hesitantly.

Thor, I know you are nervous about your human friends. Heimdall shook his head at Thor with a calm face: But your human friends have only been to Watt Alheim for less than ten minutes.

If your human friend is really as powerful as you said before, it's impossible for him to be caught or even executed by the dark elves there in just ten minutes, right?

Of course I know Su Heng's abilities. Thor squeezed the hammer in his hand: But after all, he went to the base camp of the dark elves, and he had to overcome many difficulties in the base camp of the war madmen before he could meet him. To the leader of the dark elves.”

No matter how powerful Su Heng is, it is impossible for one person to do such a thing alone.

Since he is your friend, you should trust him. Heimdall said calmly: And doesn't he have you as his backing? If there is a crisis, I will naturally open the rainbow again The bridge sent you over to rescue him.”

Now, what's going on with Su Heng, Heimdall. Thor asked Heimdall anxiously, Can't you help me take a look?

What else can we do? It only takes about ten minutes. According to the walking speed of the weak body of the earthlings, I am afraid that we have not yet reached the palace where the group of dark elves are stationed. Heimdall shook his head.

When Thor brought the three Earth humans to Asgard, Heimdall was already very unhappy.

After all, as the guardian of Asgard, even if he was optimistic about Thor, the son of the God King, his actions today still went too far.

Gwen Stacy, as the host of ether particles, allows her to take refuge in Asgard, which is feasible both emotionally and logically.

Jane Foster, as the woman Thor fell in love with on Earth, Heimdall can still turn a blind eye.

But when faced with Su Heng, who had a sullen face as soon as they met and asked him to send him to Watt Alheim, if Heimdall hadn't had a good temper, he would have almost ridiculed the reckless guy.

After all, Watt Alheim was not an ordinary place. As a friend of Thor, Su Heng knew that it was the headquarters of the dark elves, but he actually dared to let Heimdall send him there.

I really don’t know if there’s something wrong with that guy’s brain.

If it weren't for Thor's pleading, Heimdall would never have been able to agree to such an outrageous request from the Earthling.

This is also the reason why Heimdall is unwilling to look at Watt Alheim so early.

This was out of God's selfish motives. He wanted to make that human being suffer in that place and let him know the consequences of speaking nonsense.

Heimdall, just help me take a look.

But amid Thor's pleas, Heimdall still sighed.

In his opinion, more than ten minutes should be barely enough to teach this earthling a lesson.

In this case, I might as well look over with mercy and see how miserable that earthling is now.

As Heimdall looked towards Watt Alheim, what he saw was a mass of dark elves lying on the ground.

And the arrogant Earthling Su Heng that Heimdall spoke of was rushing toward the location where the Rainbow Bridge had fallen with a dejected Malekith with a pair of shackles on his hands.

Seeing this scene, Heimdall couldn't help but swallowed his breath, turned his head and asked Thor.

Thor, who is this friend of yours?

py recommends a book, a fanfic (music) about the Magician of Clow Card. Interested viewers can go and watch it.

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