Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 106 Unfulfilled Ambition

Heimdall! Su Heng pulled Malekith to stand where the Rainbow Bridge had fallen, and shouted Heimdall's name loudly into the sky.

But for some reason, there was never any response from the sky.

Heimdall!? Su Heng looked at the sky in confusion and muttered in a low voice: Strange, didn't Thor say that just by calling Heimdall like this, he would open the Rainbow Bridge? Why didn't he react at all? No.

Su Heng unconsciously touched the mobile phone in his pocket. The no signal display on it made Su Heng pat his forehead.

I'm afraid there's something wrong with my brain. It's weird if I can receive a signal in this place.

Malekith looked at Su Heng's dumbfounded expression with confusion, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart: So this guy is not an Asgardian, why did he say he would take me to Asgard.

And the guy who can't even call the Rainbow Bridge to return is probably not the guy who was tricked by the Asgardians to die, right?

In Malekith's mind, a series of bloody love stories have already been imagined.

Su Heng is probably a warrior from the earth. He fell in love with an Asgardian goddess and was tired of the Asgardian gods, so he lied to this guy that the Asgardian goddess was possessed by ether particles. Parasitism, you need to find Malekith to rescue the Asgardian goddess.

But those Asgardian gods, who had high expectations but low abilities, never expected that this guy would be so strong, right?

Malekith looked towards the sky with a hint of ridicule.

Now, all he needs to do is make some small plans and find a way to turn the earthling in front of him into a friend. Maybe he will be able to get a big help in conquering Asgard by then.

Ahem. Just when Malekith was about to speak and express his emotions to Su Hengxiao, the Rainbow Bridge in the sky arrived late.

Is it finally here? Su Heng looked at the Rainbow Bridge in the sky and finally breathed a sigh of relief: I thought Thor was lying to me.

So what's your expression? Su Heng looked at Malekith's hesitant expression in confusion.

Ahem, it's nothing. Malekith coughed, hiding his inner embarrassment, and followed Su Heng to Asgard under the teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge.

My friend! As soon as Su Heng returned to Asgard, Thor stepped forward and gave Su Heng a big bear hug: I knew you would come back safe and sound.

Thor took the opportunity to hold Su Heng's shoulders and looked at Malekith, who was holding shackles on his hands beside Su Heng. He couldn't help but sigh: I didn't expect you to actually bring Malekith back.

I was already prepared to lead people to rescue you.

Let's not talk nonsense. Su Heng looked at Thor: The most urgent task now is to let Malekith take out the ether particles from Gwen's body first.

This is natural. Thor let go of Su Heng's hand and walked in front of Su Heng: Come with me. Gwen and Jane are very safe in my mother's palace now, so please don't worry. .”

Heimdall, Su Heng and I will leave first. Thor waved to Heimdall who was standing aside.

Thank you, Heimdall. Su Heng quickly nodded towards Heimdall to express his gratitude.

Yeah. Heimdall felt Su Heng's gaze and responded with a dodge in his eyes.

Su Heng didn't pay attention to Heimdall's unnatural expression, and took Malekith and Thor to walk towards the palace where his mother Frigga was.

What, so Gwen, are you Spider-Woman? In Queen Frigga's palace, Jane looked at Gwen in shock.

That's right. Gwen touched her head in embarrassment: I'm sorry, Professor Jane, I didn't mean to hide it from you. After all, not many people know my identity.

It's okay, it's okay, I should be happy. Jane walked to Gwen's side with excitement: It's such an honor to be able to teach Spider-Woman's practical class.

What an honor this is, I quite like Professor Jane's teaching methods. Gwen turned sideways uncomfortably.

This is the first time that Gwen has met his fan in his true identity, and this fan is also the teacher of his practical course.

But speaking of which, Ms. Frigga is really amazing. Gwen quickly changed the topic and looked at the smiling Queen Frigga who was standing on the side of the balcony.

Was the movement just now all an illusion?

That's right. Frigga smiled a little apologetically: It was indeed an illusion just now, but just now we encountered a rare moment in a thousand years when the nine realms met, so the illusion was slightly deviated. .”

This deviation is too terrifying. Gwen patted her chest with lingering fear.

Just now Frigga was worried that Gwen and Jane would be bored staying in the palace, and she learned from Jane that they had been studying the stars.

So Frigga cast an illusion spell, turning the palace into a starry sky, and by the way, she learned about the layout of the stars around Asgard.

But she happened to encounter a visionary moment when the nine worlds converged, which caused Frigga's fantasy to become disordered, and some scenes that should not have appeared in the predetermined illusion appeared.

It was also because of this that Gwen grabbed Jane nervously, and then reacted in an extraordinary way.

The familiar spider silk and standard movements made Jane immediately recognize Gwen as the Spider-Woman who is famous throughout the United States.

Mother, we are back. Just when the three women of different ages were chatting happily, Thor's rough voice rang at the door of the palace.

Are you back so soon? Frigga looked towards the palace entrance with some surprise.

He found that behind Thor, he was following Su Heng, whose clothes were not stained with gray, and the dejected dark elf behind Su Heng.

Malekis! Frigga looked at Malekith unexpectedly.

You actually caught him. Frigga looked at Su Heng, her words full of surprise.

It's just good luck. Su Heng said hello to Frigga: How are you, Ms. Frigga.

Hello. Frigga glanced at Malekith, then turned around: Since you really brought Malekith here, let's go to a quieter place to transfer the ether particles. Let’s go through the process.”

Everyone quickly followed Frigga's footsteps and quickly walked down the stairs from the palace to a quiet basement.

This area is relatively quiet. I will stay up there and wait for the completion of your transfer process.

Frigga looked at Su Heng: Since you can subdue Malekith, it should be no problem to leave the basement to you.

Yeah. Su Heng nodded.

Thor, Jane, you can't help much, just go up with me and guard. Frigga said to Thor and Jane.

Come on, brother! Thor patted Su Heng on the shoulder, and then followed Frigga out of the basement with Jane.

Then, let's get started. Su Heng gently waved his hand and released the shackles set by the ingot in Malekith's hand.

So can I still go back? Malekith smiled miserably at Su Heng: You know, the Asgardians and our dark elves have had a feud for thousands of years.

Even if I really pull the ether particles out of this little girl's body, you still won't let me go, right?

As long as you don't have any evil intentions, why would I embarrass you? Su Heng looked at the miserable-looking Malekith inexplicably.

That? Malekith's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

Don't even think about ether particles. Su Heng shrugged: As you said, the Asgardians and you dark elves have had a feud for thousands of years. I can keep you from returning to your Watts. Alheim is interesting enough.”

Okay. Malekith sighed, finally accepting his fate: It might be pretty good to save my life.

Malekith pinched his wrist and signaled to Su Heng: Then, I'll get started.


Su Heng took two steps back, waiting for Malekith to cast the spell.

Malekith pressed his hand in front of Gwen through the void. As he murmured softly, streams of dark red liquid slowly emerged from Gwen's body and moved towards Malekith. The outstretched hand gradually condensed away.

As time passed, the dark red liquid accumulated more and more in Malekith's hands, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on Malekith's forehead.

At this time, Malekith seemed to be very focused.

As the last stream of dark red liquid separated from Gwen's body, Gwen instantly felt a light feeling.

Store manager, I seem to have no problem! Gwen jumped on the spot and walked to Su Heng's side with a smile.

As long as it's okay. Su Heng rubbed Gwen's head.

Malekith listened to the interaction between Su Heng and Gwen and looked at the attractive dark red liquid in his hand.

This may be his last chance.

As long as he can swallow up the ether particles while Su Heng is not paying attention at this time, then the originally unfavorable battle situation is likely to change!

You know, he is in Asgard now!

As long as Malekith swallows the ether particles, use the power of the ether particles to kill these two eyesores in front of him, and then destroy Asgard, shrouding the entire universe in darkness!

Then the long-term persistence of their dark elves has been completely successful!

Why are you dazed?

But before Malekith could take action, the ether particles that originally stayed in his hands suddenly disappeared.

Su Heng stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Malekith.

Wake up, since you have done well, according to the agreement, I have to find a way to send you back to Watt Alheim.

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