Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 107 Thor’s Determination

Send Malekith back?! Frigga listened to what Su Heng said, her eyes showing disbelief.

I'm afraid your idea is not so easy to realize. Frigga slowly shook her head: The dark elves have been Asgard's enemy for thousands of years. Heimdall is not only the controller of the Rainbow Bridge, but also the controller of the Rainbow Bridge. He is the guardian of Asgard, and it is impossible for him to agree to this condition of yours.

Well, what should we do? Su Heng touched his cheek hesitantly: But I just promised Malekith to send him back, how about I regret it?

It's not necessary! Thor glanced at Malekith who was nursing him with his eyes closed not far away, and said in a deep voice to Su Heng: Heimdall, I'll go talk to him!

Thor. Frigga looked at Thor's determined expression and already guessed what he was thinking.

After Thor nodded to everyone, he walked in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge with steady steps.

What nonsense are you talking about! Heimdall, who was guarding the Rainbow Bridge, heard what Thor said. The sword in his hand hit the ground heavily, and he looked straight at Thor with his sharp eyes.

Even if Malekith was captured by a friend, I can't just let him leave Asgard! He is the enemy of us Asgardians!

Of course I know that Malekith is our enemy in Asgard, but that's why I want you to let him go! Thor solemnly said to Heimdall: Asgardians have never I won’t covet other people’s achievements!”

Heimdall listened to what Thor said and finally understood what he meant.

I know this may be a good opportunity to attack the dark elves, but for me, if I really use this method to conquer Watt Alheim, it will be a shame in my life!

Since Su Heng can catch him, I may not be able to!

. Heimdall looked at Thor in silence, and finally nodded: I understand.

If that's what you think, then ask your Earth friends to bring Malekith over.

Thank you for your understanding, Heimdall. A smile appeared on Thor's face: I'll ask Su Heng to bring him here.

Heimdall stood there, quietly watching Thor leave, then slowly released the sword in his hand, and knelt down on one knee behind him.

His Majesty the God King!

Appearing behind Heimdall is none other than the greatest leader in Asgard today, His Majesty the God King Odin.

Heimdall, your perception is still so powerful. The burly Odin walked up to Heimdall and helped Heimdall up from the ground.

Your Majesty is so complimentary. It's just that when Thor said those words just now, my subordinates noticed a trace of your breath leaking from the side.

It seems that I am really old. Odin smiled bitterly and shook his head: I can't even hide my aura as well as I once did.

Your Majesty. Heimdall lowered his head.

So, Heimdall. Odin patted Heimdall on the shoulder: Do you think Thor is qualified now?

. Heimdall naturally knew what Odin was asking. He nodded and said bluntly: After Thor said those words, he already had the courage and courage that a monarch should have. courage.

Really. Odin smiled happily: If that's the case, I should be able to completely hand over Asgard to Thor with peace of mind.

But... Heimdall opened his mouth hesitantly.

If you have anything to say, just say it. Odin looked at Heimdall's hesitant expression and nodded.

But Thor's mind is already focused on that Earth woman named Jane Foster. Heimdall whispered to Odin: If you ask him to take over Asgard now, he will probably not agree.

Let him go. Odin did not take Heimdall's words to heart: The lifespan of the earth's creatures is not very long, and Jane Foster can only be regarded as a passer-by in Thor's life. It’s only ten years, we Asgard can afford to wait.”

Since you said so. Heimdall sighed and said nothing more.


Until Malekith was brought to the Rainbow Bridge again by Su Heng and Thor, he still had that dreamy expression.

Malekith couldn't believe that Su Heng and Thor would send him back to Watt Alheim so easily.

Listen, Malekith!

As the Rainbow Bridge slowly started to move, Thor's solemn words came to Malekith's ears.

I'll let you go this time just because I, Asgard, don't want to win!

But if you dark elves still dare to think of invading other countries, I, the God of Thunder, Thor, will definitely lead the soldiers of Asgard to eradicate all you dark elves!

Humph, is that so? Malekith finally understood why Thor and Su Heng let him go.

It turns out that the proud pride of the Asgardians was at work.

At the last moment when the Rainbow Bridge was activated, Malekith looked at Thor who said these words, with a smile on his lips.

Then, I'll wait and see.

As the Rainbow Bridge was fully activated, Malekith's figure completely disappeared in the light beam of the Rainbow Bridge, leaving only Heimdall with his eyes slightly closed, Thor with fists filled with fighting spirit, and stroking his chin. Su Heng was thinking deeply about something.

As the Rainbow Bridge came to Watt Alheim again, the surroundings of the Rainbow Bridge were already filled with all kinds of combat equipment and dark elves wearing armor who were waiting for them.

Your Majesty! Algorim looked at Malekith who appeared under the mark of the Rainbow Bridge and knelt heavily on the ground, with a look of shame on his face: It was the subordinates who neglected their duties and allowed Your Majesty to do so. Taken away by the damn Asgardians.”

Algorim and the other dark elves did not see the whole picture of Su Heng. After they woke up from their drowsiness, they discovered that Malekith, who was supposed to be in the palace, had disappeared. Combined with what they had seen before, The scene when the Rainbow Bridge landed, and the mark left on the spot after the Rainbow Bridge landed.

This had to lead them to draw an inference that their dark elf lord, the great Majesty Malekith, was taken away by the despicable and damn Asgardians under their guard!

Such behavior has made Algorim and others feel ashamed.

During the period after they woke up, they prepared their weapons and equipment, planning to attack Asgard and rescue Malekith, but Malekith unexpectedly returned to Watt Alheim.

Your Majesty, we are ready now! Algorim looked at Malekith, waiting for his instructions.

Then let's temporarily turn on the war defense mode. Malekith glanced at the sky and said calmly: We need to wait for that guy to leave Asgard.

That guy? Algorim looked at Malekith in confusion.

Well, a guy with a weird spell. Malekith nodded and murmured in a low voice: I have almost memorized Asgard's defense layout. Now I just need to wait for that guy to leave. After that, we can attack at any time.”

Now, I just hope that the people in Asgard can be stronger and let that guy leave the ether particles behind, so that our invasion can have the greatest impact.

These are ether particles. In the palace of Rainbow Bridge, Su Heng threw the ether particles in the box to Thor.

Ah? Thor caught the ether particle thrown by Su Heng and looked at him with confusion: You don't want to?

What do I need this for? Su Heng shrugged towards Thor: This thing is just a hot potato. Are you going to wait for the dark elves to invade the earth with it?

That's true. Thor frowned: But Asgard has already contained the Cosmic Cube. For safety reasons, Asgard can no longer contain ether particles.

Then give it to the Collector.

Just when Thor felt distressed, Odin's figure came out from behind everyone.

Father. Thor bowed slightly towards Odin.

Odin nodded towards everyone, took the box containing the ether particles from Thor's hand, and explained to everyone.

As one of the elders of the universe, the Collector possesses powerful power, and he also likes to collect these weird things. Even if Malekith is greedy for ether particles, he would not dare to provoke him.

Odin, who was explaining, suddenly looked stunned and opened the box in his hand.

What's wrong? Father. Thor looked at Odin's movements in confusion.

Nothing? Odin looked at the intact ether particles in the box, shook his head slowly, and said with emotion: It seems that I am indeed old, and I have problems with my perception.

Just now, I almost thought the ether particles in my hand were fake.

Odin handed the box in his hand to Thor: Thor, after you send your friend away from Asgard, set off to the star field where the Collector is located to give him the ether particles.

Yes, father.

After explaining the whereabouts of Thor's ether particles, Odin left the palace where the Rainbow Bridge was located.

Odin, what's on your mind? Frigga, who left with Odin, looked at Odin's expression and asked him.

Yeah. Odin frowned and nodded.

The illusion just now was a bit wrong. Odin said to Frigga: As a god, it is impossible for illusions to occur easily.

But the ether particles in the box just now gave me a strange illusion.

It does seem to be an ether particle, but it seems to be different.

Maybe you are too tired. Frigga gently stroked the white hair at Odin's temples: You haven't had a good rest during this period. The last night of Odin's sleep was because of Loki. be broken.

Loki. Odin listened to what Frigga said and sighed helplessly: Is he okay in prison?

How good can he be in prison? Frigga said softly: He just wants to use his own method to prove to us that he is no worse than Thor.

But his method is wrong. Odin shook his head and said with some disappointment: It's been so long, hasn't he figured it out yet?

When this period of time has passed, I will go and talk to him again.

Huh—— In the palace of Rainbow Bridge, Su Heng watched Odin leave and heaved a sigh of relief.

Hey brother, you seem a little nervous. Thor hammered Su Heng's chest.

After all, your father is Odin. Su Heng said half-jokingly: The huge energy contained in his body makes me tremble.

Oh? I didn't see you trembling just now. Thor said with a smile: Instead, you looked like you had done something sinister and were afraid of being discovered by my father.

Uh, is it so obvious? Su Heng rubbed his face and said with some self-doubt.

You're kidding! Thor laughed loudly: After all, as you said, no one will be nervous when they see my father for the first time.

This is not funny at all. Su Heng muttered.

In fact, the reason Su Heng saw Odin being nervous was not only because he felt the huge power contained in Odin's body, but also because of the ether particles in Thor's hand.

After all, the ether particles Su Heng gave Thor were not genuine, but copies made using double cards.

As for why Odin can't detect the genuine ether particles, the reason is actually very simple.

After Su Heng used the double cards to copy the ether particles, he used the elimination cards to eliminate the genuine ether particles from the world.

Everything eliminated by Xiaopai will appear in a space that only Su Heng and Xiaopai can perceive.

Therefore, even Odin cannot detect where the genuine ether particles are.

The ether particles copied with double cards can be said to have the full capabilities of genuine ether particles, except that the energy consumed has changed from the original ether particles to consuming the magic power in Su Heng's body.

The reason why Su Heng preferred to hide Thor was not because Su Heng didn't trust him.

It was just because Su Heng wanted to lay out an idle chess piece for the future.

After all, Su Heng didn't think he could change the original historical trajectory. If the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit really collected all six infinite gems, Su Heng was not sure whether he could really handle the snap of his fingers. Live.

What we are doing now is just a precaution.

But what Su Heng didn't expect was that Odin would actually appear in front of them. But luckily, Odin didn't discover the problem with the ether particles.

This made Su Heng breathe a sigh of relief and at the same time have some expectations for the future.

He couldn't wait to see the worried expression on Zisha Jing's face when the ether particles in his hands suddenly disappeared when he snapped his fingers.

Sorry, I really can’t write 6,000 words today. Let the author get some clues first and continue updating tomorrow (bow)

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