Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 108 Hydra’s Ambition

In Asgard's prison, Thor held two bottles of spirits in his hands and looked at Loki, who was imprisoned in the cell.

Celebration wine. Thor raised the strong wine in his hand and asked Loki, Would you like some?

Celebration wine? What are you celebrating? Loki asked sarcastically towards Thor: Is it to celebrate that you have once again successfully repelled the army of dark elves? Or to celebrate that you finally delivered the hot potato of ether particles to the Collector. In your hand?

I've locked you up for so long, but you still haven't figured it out? Thor frowned, looking at the sneer on Loki's face in front of him.

Should I figure it out? Loki said with a sneer: Obviously when that guy was here, if you just killed the leader of the dark elves, so many things would not have happened, but you still want to show off your strength and let Hai Mdahl sent the leader of the dark elves back.

If you are a warrior, this idea is naturally correct, but have you ever thought that in addition to being a warrior, you also have the identity of the heir to the throne of Asgard! Loki asked Thor angrily. road.

Have you ever calculated how many people of Asgard we lost because of the Dark Elves' attack! And all of this is due to your arrogance! But among them, what I can't understand the most is that my father I actually agree with your idea!

Enough! Thor angrily threw the wine jar in his hand to the ground: They are the people of Asgard, and they should fight for Asgard!

So they died on the battlefield where they shouldn't have died?! Loki in the cell was equally angry.

This was a month after Su Heng left Asgard.

During this month, Malekith led the Dark Elf troops to launch dozens of attacks on Asgard in order to seize the ether particles.

Because the divine power in God King Odin's body is too huge, and he has not had Odin's sleep for too long, the imbalance of divine power in his body has caused disorder, making him unable to participate in the battle to defend Asgard.

I could only watch from within the protective shield as Thor led the Asgardians in a bloody battle, repelling the waves of attacks from the dark elves.

But Odin knew that Malekith was coming for the ether particles, so while he signaled Thor to hold back the large army of dark elves, he also ordered Sif to secretly send the ether particles to the star field where the collector was located.

The retreat of the dark elves today shows that Malekith has finally realized that the ether particles are no longer in Asgard.

But during this month of defensive battles, the Asgardians who passed away will no longer come back.

Among the relatives of the deceased, some are proud that their family members sacrificed their lives in the war to defend their homeland.

But some people also raised the same question as Loki: If Thor had not let Malekith go, would this battle still have started?

For a time, Thor's reputation among Asgardians was mixed.

Some people think that he is the hero who leads everyone to repel the attacks of the dark elves again and again.

Some people think that he let the dark elf leader escape at the perfect opportunity, resulting in heavy casualties among his relatives. He is a completely brainless warrior.

The reason why Thor came to look for Loki with two jars of wine during the celebration banquet in Asgard was because he didn't want to feel his people staring at him with hateful eyes during the celebration banquet.

But Thor didn't expect that even Loki in the cell knew information about the outside world. And like those tribesmen who hate him, he feels that he has done something wrong.

Thor? Loki?

Just as the atmosphere in the prison became increasingly solemn, Frigga's gentle voice came from outside the prison.

Did you quarrel? Frigga walked into the prison, looked at the broken wine jar at Thor's feet, and asked the two of them.

No, mother. Thor put away the angry expression on his face, turned his head and smiled at Frigga and said, I just didn't hold it steady just now, so I just broke the jar of wine.

Is that so? Frigga looked at Loki in the cell.

That's right, mother. At this time, Loki also put on a smiling face and explained to Frigga: We were just chatting.

I hope so. Frigga waved her hand lightly, opened the cell where Loki was imprisoned, pulled Loki to Thor's side, and then tapped Loki's and Thor's foreheads with her fingers.

How can I not know about you two brothers? There was no time when you were alone together and you didn't quarrel.

The two of them lowered their heads obediently and listened to Frigga's lesson.

Speaking of which, I have something serious to tell you two.

After Frigga finished teaching Thor and Loki a long lesson, she was finally satisfied and started talking about business.

Frigga looked at Loki, smiled at him and said, Odin decided to release you.

Loki looked at Frigga in surprise: He would actually let me out? I thought he would keep me locked up until the universe collapsed.

You have to thank mother properly. Thor seemed to have known about this for a long time, and said angrily to Loki: If mother hadn't persuaded father for a long time, do you think he would let you out so easily? ?”

Of course I know it's my mother's fault. Loki came from behind Frigga, gently pressed her shoulders with both hands, and looked at Thor mockingly: Otherwise, do you think I would expect you to be so useless? A martial artist with brains?

Loki! Frigga slapped Loki's hands away and scolded him: How can you call your brother like that?

Okay, okay, my fault. Loki raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said something to Thor in an understatement.

My brother, speaking of which, since you brought me back to Asgard, you have never visited me in prison, so there is something I have never had the chance to tell you.

Stop being so pretentious, just say what you have to say! Thor frowned, not thinking that Loki could spit out any ivory from his mouth.

After the battle in New York, you only brought me and the Cube back. Loki said lightly, But you forgot the scepter.

A scepter, so what? Thor said nonchalantly.

Hmm, what if I tell you that I found that the scepter contains the same material as the Cosmic Cube?

?! Thor looked at Loki in shock.

If Thor remembers correctly, Loki's scepter seemed to have been taken away by Hydra people during the civil strife of SHIELD.

But the last time he went to Earth because of ether particles, he heard from SHIELD people that Hydra had disappeared for a long time after the civil strife.

If according to what Loki said, the scepter has the same power as the Cosmic Cube, then the Hydra has been dormant for so long, and it is definitely not doing anything good to benefit the country and the people.

Thor's eyes became determined. He looked at Loki and said calmly: I'm sorry, it seems I can't celebrate your new life.

It's up to you. I think having my mother by your side on such a big day is the best thing. Loki said with a smile.

Thor. Frigga also guessed what Thor planned to do. She walked up to Thor, gently stroked Thor's somewhat wrinkled collar, and told him: Now that you have decided, , then go ahead.”

Yeah! Thor nodded heavily: Then I'm leaving, mother.

Under Frigga's slightly worried gaze, Thor strode towards the outside of the prison.

Although the battle with the dark elves had just ended, the sense of mission on his shoulders was urging Thor.

His next destination - Earth!

But when Thor went to the earth with the ambition to save the earth, neither he nor Frigga noticed that there was a glimmer of success in Loki's eyes.

And the reality was exactly what Loki expected.

Sokovia is a small, mountainous and barren country located in the interior of Eastern Europe.

On the surface, although the country is poor, the people of this country are content with themselves. They do not seek to make progress but are not willing to fall. Everyone guards their own one-third of an acre and lives a good life.

But in fact, the country's interior has been riddled with holes by Hydra, and most government officials are controlled by Hydra.

The reason why this country appears to be so content with the status quo is because of the policies issued by officials controlled by Hydra.

This is to facilitate the concealment of Hydra's actions behind the scenes.

After all, no one would have thought that in such a country there would be a Hydra that wanted to dominate the world.

Deep underground in Sokovia, inside the Hydra base, under the leadership of a cold-faced strong man with disheveled hair, a group of Hydra agents opened the training chamber in the base.

It's time to wake up, Baron Strucker.

The cold-faced strong man called to the people in the training warehouse.

Following the call of the cold-faced strong man, the training chamber slowly opened. The bald man named Baron Strucker inside opened his eyes and walked out of the training chamber.

So I was resurrected by you? Baron Strucker took the clothes handed by one of the Hydra agents, put them on, and then put on the single piece that was enough to prove his identity. Glasses.

If I remember correctly, I was vaporized by the death spore bomb during the fight with Nick Fury.

Wolfgang von Strucker, along with the Red Skull John Schmidt and another guy named Heinrich Zemo, were the right-hand men of the Führer during World War II.

Like the Red Skull, he is also one of the leaders of Hydra, and has led Hydra to rampage again and again during that turbulent era.

Until late in the war, he was designed by Nick Fury, who was working in the Howling Commandos at the time, and died tragically under Hydra's death spore bomb.

This is genetic technology, Baron. The cold-faced strong man explained calmly to Baron Strucker: We are already in the 21st century.

As for the Nick Fury you are talking about, he is no longer there.

Oh? Baron Strucker looked at the cold-faced strong man with interest: That's such a shame. I thought I could kill that guy with my own hands.

But speaking of which, you seem familiar? Baron Strucker adjusted the monocle on his eye socket and asked the cold-faced man, Have we met somewhere?


The cold-faced strong man did not answer Baron Strucker's question, but turned sideways and said rather mechanically: Now that the Baron is awake, please go this way, Dr. Zola wants to see you.

Zola? Baron Strucker was stunned and suddenly realized: Is it him? That's no wonder.

As the chief genetic engineer of the head of state, Dr. Zola, Baron Strucker naturally met him several times, but Baron Strucker did not expect that Dr. Zola would use genetic technology to resurrect himself.

Then lead the way. It's rare to see an old friend. Baron Strucker ordered towards the cold-faced strong man.

Yes. The cold-faced strong man nodded and left the room with Baron Strucker.

Baron Strucker walked on the road, looking at the dim lights above his head and the too dull air, and fell into silence for a while.

We're here. The cold-faced strong man opened a door and said to Baron Strucker: Baron, Dr. Zola is waiting for you here.

Yes. Baron Strucker responded and slowly walked into the room.

But inside the room, Baron Strucker did not see the familiar dwarf figure, only a heavy computer monitor.

Is that guy tricking me?

Just when Baron Strucker thought that the cold-faced burly man was tricking him, Dr. Zola's voice came from the speaker next to the heavy computer monitor.

Long time no see, Baron Strucker.

Baron Strucker turned his head, looked at the big pie face in the computer monitor, and couldn't help but frown.

Zola, what are you doing?

Nothing. A faint smile appeared on Dr. Zola's face: I just realized my wish of immortality.

You mean in this broken can? Baron Strucker looked at Dr. Zola mockingly.

It seems like Hydra is not being run very well by you now.

The dark Hydra base, you trapped in a broken can, and me resurrected by you. Baron Strucker sat in the chair in the room, crossed his legs and asked Dr. Zola: So how bad does Hydra's situation have to be now?

Actually, it's not as bad as you think. The expression on Dr. Zola's face looked a little helpless: At least half a year ago, our Hydra situation was much better than it is now.

So, what do you want me to do? Baron Strucker asked Dr. Zola.

Nothing, just for Hydra's goal of dominating the world. Dr. Zola smiled: I just need you to do me a small favor.

Sorry, I have been in a bad state these past two days, and I have to prepare to go home for the New Year, so I decided to start with four thousand words a day at the end of the month. When the next month starts, the author will work hard to write six thousand words a day (bow)

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