Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 109 The Avengers assembled again

Since the end of the New York War, Tony Stark has secretly restarted Stark Industries' shuttered arsenals around the world.

A video appeared on Dr. Zola's virtual projector.

In the video, the arsenal assembly line printed with the Stark Industries logo is under the control of artificial intelligence, assembling steel armor in an orderly manner.

So far, the cumulative number of steel armors manufactured by Stark Arsenal has exceeded seven figures.

So many. Baron Strucker looked at Dr. Zola in surprise: Does this guy want to start a new world war on his own?

No, on the contrary. There was obvious ridicule in Dr. Zola's words: This guy wants to use these tin cans to quell the war.

So as you said before, in order to achieve Hydra's goal of dominating the world, are you planning to seize control of these steel armors?

You can say that, but it's not entirely correct. My goal is this.

As Dr. Zola's words stopped, the picture on the virtual projector changed again.

What appeared in front of Baron Strucker was an equipment plan called the Ultron project.

This is a document obtained from the internal archives of SHIELD at the time of the conflict between me and Tony Stark's artificial intelligence.

Ultron is the central robot created by Tony Stark to control the global steel armor. In Tony Stark's plan, Ultron's ideology is derived from the artificial intelligence Jarvis he created. Serve.”

According to the progress of the plan, I am afraid that Ultron has been almost manufactured by Tony Stark.

My plan is very simple. I need you, Baron, to hold Tony Stark and his party in Sokovia where the information barrier has been deployed. My virtual consciousness will take the opportunity to invade Stark Industries and devour the man named Jia After Weiss's artificial intelligence passed through, he uploaded his ideology into Ultron.

It's a good idea. Baron Strucker nodded: But do you think too highly of me?

Baron Strucker clenched his fist: Although this body is indeed very powerful now, I don't think I can withstand those powerful Avengers you mentioned.

Don't worry, of course I can't let you fight alone. Dr. Zola smiled sinisterly, and the content on the virtual projector changed again.

Next, I want to introduce to you the capable people who can help us this time.

Baron Strucker looked along the screen of the virtual projector. At this moment, three surveillance screens appeared on the virtual projector.

The first surveillance picture shows a silver-haired man wearing tights. He is sitting at a desk full of documents, holding a pen in his hand, as if he is in a daze.

Baron Strucker squinted his eyes and discovered the problem.

Although the silver-haired man seemed motionless, the documents on his desk were moving from left to right at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and the coffee on the desk was rising and falling. After a while, the cup was empty. After a while, the cup became full again.

Pietro Django Maximov, codenamed Quicksilver, is my only two successful test subjects. He has the ability to think and move at high speeds.

Baron Strucker nodded clearly and turned his attention to the second surveillance screen.

And this one is the successful experiment with Quicksilver, Wanda Django Maximoff, codenamed Scarlet Witch.

Straker looked at the surveillance screen. The eyes of the test subject codenamed Scarlet Witch glowed with scarlet light. The surrounding objects were instantly attracted to her, and they began to rotate continuously like satellites surrounding the planet. .

Her ability is an ability that cannot be explained by science. She can hypnotize, create illusions, and has unparalleled destructive power. According to the records in the secret documents, I classified it as a mysterious side of magic. .

What about the last guy? Baron Strucker pointed at the familiar cold-faced strong man in the third surveillance picture.

I've wanted to ask from the very beginning, why do I feel like this guy looks so familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before.

Hehehe, of course you look familiar. Dr. Zola said with a sinister smile: Although this guy's abilities are not as good as those of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, he is still an old acquaintance of ours.

Now, I have to introduce you to this--

Dr. Zola enlarged the surveillance screen of the cold-faced strong man in a very naughty way, and then released several photo albums of the cold-faced strong man and a certain person on the other side.

This is it! Baron Strucker looked at the photo album on the right and his eyes widened.

Isn't this guy a follower who has been following Captain America all those years ago?

I still remember that it was because of the tacit cooperation between this guy and Captain America that we, Hydra, suffered a lot.

What's his name? Balak?

Bucky Barnes, or you can call him the Winter Soldier. Dr. Zola said with a sinister smile: Back then, this guy fell into the cliff at the end of the war, and was killed by our people. found it.

In order to retaliate against Captain America, we Hydra did not leave the seriously injured Mr. Bucky until death. Instead, we took good care of him and washed his brain by the way, making him the most loyal to our Hydra. weapons.

During the years when our Hydra was dormant, this gentleman has done a lot of good things for us.

The most impressive thing among them is that he killed Captain America's good friend and the father of our current Iron Man, Howard Stark.

You have to know that our Mr. Winter Soldier was also a good friend of Captain America during the war. I have begun to look forward to having him appear in front of Captain America and Tony Stark.

Interesting. Baron Strucker smiled with interest: Very good, with the help of these three guys, the implementation of the plan should not be as difficult as imagined.


Just as Baron Strucker and Dr. Zola were planning a conspiracy against the Avengers.

The atmosphere in Stark Tower is full of lightness.

Huhu~ Tony was half-lying in a training warehouse, feeling a numbness coming from the hollow in his chest, and couldn't help but let out a light breath.

This is a technology called regenerative cradle.

Regenerative Cradle, a regenerative, self-generating and self-manufacturing technology.

Based on human tissue cells, it integrates genetic technology, nanotechnology, and intelligent technology for comprehensive application in the medical field. It can repair wounds, reconstruct tissues and organs, and even reconstruct the human body.

Helen, if you had told me earlier that you had developed this technology, I wouldn't have had such a hard time in the past two months.

Tony looked at Dr. Zhao Helen, who was facing away from him, and said frivolously: So after the body is repaired, can you have dinner with me?

No need. Dr. Zhao Hailun, the founder of regenerative cradle technology, who was only twenty-five years old, turned around and covered his chest with a thick folder, blocking out Tony's leering smile. While looking at him, he rejected Tony mercilessly.

I have received my reward. If there is nothing to do with work, I think I have to stay away from you, a playboy with a global reputation.

What you said hurts my heart too much. Tony pretended to be in pain and covered his repaired chest: You know, I have been clean and tidy since I became Iron Man. If you don't believe it, , if you have dinner with me tonight, you will know how much of a gentleman I really am.

Really? Gentleman Mr. Stark.

Just when Tony was about to continue attacking Dr. Zhao Helen beyond words, Pepper's slightly angry voice sounded in Tony's ears.

Uh Tony's original words were instantly forgotten, and he turned his head away with a stiff expression.

Pepper was crossing her arms and looking at Tony who was talking angrily.

Pepper, when did you come? Tony asked Pepper with an embarrassed look on his face.

I've been here since you said, I won't have to live so hard these two months.

Under Dr. Zhao Helen's suppressed smile, Pepper threw the clothes in Tony's hands, turned and walked towards the door: I have really wronged you in the past two months, the upright and gentleman Mr. Stark. .

Hey, Pepper! Tony looked at Pepper who was leaving in a panic, and asked Dr. Helen Zhao anxiously: Helen, can I leave this cultivation warehouse?

Of course. Dr. Zhao Hailun smiled and pressed the button on the remote control in his hand, and the culture chamber opened instantly.

Thanks. Tony put the clothes on his body and chased after Pepper's leaving figure.

Pepper, believe me, I really just want to treat Dr. Helen to a meal.

Dr. Helen Zhao looked at Tony and Pepper who were chasing and entangled, shook his head with a chuckle, turned around and started packing his things.

Get off work, get off work~

In the corridor of Stark Tower, under Tony's persistent stalking, Pepper finally forgave him.

Just as the two hugged each other tightly, Jarvis interrupted their tender time at an inappropriate time.

Sir, SHIELD is looking for you. Jarvis reported to Tony.

There's no point in calling me now. Tony hugged Pepper gently and said nonchalantly, Just tell them I'm busy right now.

But it's Ms. Carter who's looking for you, Jarvis continued.

Is it actually her? Tony sighed helplessly.

After Peggy Carter became the acting director of S.H.I.E.L.D., it can be said that she fully gave Tony and the Avengers the freedom they deserved.

Except for Hawkeye Barton, Black Widow Natasha and Captain America Rogers who are already affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. would not disturb the peaceful lives of Tony and others.

But such a peaceful life naturally comes with a price.

When S.H.I.E.L.D. really needs the help of Avengers like them, they naturally have a duty to each other.

What's more, this time Peggy Carter personally called Tony.

Go answer the phone, Tony. Pepper let go of Tony's hand and gently pushed him out of her arms: Since it was Ms. Carter who called you, it means there is really something important. Waiting for you.

Yeah. Tony touched Pepper's cheek: I will solve the trouble with SHIELD as soon as possible, and then rush back to accompany you.

After comforting Pepper, Tony turned to Jarvis and said, Jarvis, get on the phone.

.Sorry sir, Ms. Carter has hung up the phone.

But she left a message for you, asking you to rush to SHIELD as soon as possible after finishing what you are doing.

Are you actually going to SHIELD? Tony touched his chin and murmured in a low voice: It seems that this time things will be quite difficult.

Tony nodded towards Pepper. Under her worried gaze, Tony gradually put on the steel armor and flew towards the location of SHIELD.

When Tony arrived at the SHIELD headquarters, he found Peggy Carter standing on the top balcony of the SHIELD building, quietly waiting for something.

Rogers is still by Peggy Carter's side.


Tony drove the steel suit and landed in front of the two of them.

Should I feel flattered? Tony stepped out of the open armor and opened his hands toward Peggy Carter.

Long time no see, Tony. Peggy Carter hugged Tony and said with a smile: Since you are here, let's go in together.

No, Ms. Peggy, are you really waiting for me? Tony looked at Peggy Carter in surprise: I thought you were waiting for someone important!

In my opinion, aren't you an important person? Peggy Carter said with a smile.

Peggy has been waiting for all of you. Steve explained to Tony: It's just that you are the last one to come.

Everyone? Tony looked at Steve's slightly serious face and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

It seemed that things were more difficult than he imagined.

Tony followed Steve and Peggy Carter to the conference room on the top floor.

In the conference room, in addition to Natasha and Barton who were supposed to be here, even Thor and Bruce Banner, who had been extremely disinterested in SHIELD after the New York War, appeared in the conference room. among.

Well, now that everyone is here, let me tell you why I summoned everyone to SHIELD.

The most important reason for this is the news about the psychic scepter that Hydra took away when SHIELD was in civil strife.

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