Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 110 The Bizarre Adventure of Su Heng and Gwen (Part 1)

According to the information Thor brought from Asgard, the lost mind scepter is likely to have a power similar to that of the Cosmic Cube.

Peggy Carter stood at the front of the conference room, pointed with the baton in her hand at the spiritual scepter in the light curtain behind her, and said to everyone in the conference room with a serious face.

Tony, who had just been sitting carelessly between Dr. Banner and Thor, straightened up and turned to look at Thor, with an expression on his face filled with disbelief.

Did you actually remember such a big thing after a few months!?

This is also the information I just got from Loki. Thor sighed tiredly: After we captured Loki back to Asgard, we kept that guy in prison. I have been quelling wars in various places these days. If I hadn’t finally finished my work recently and took the time to visit him in prison, I might have been kept in the dark about this matter.

It seems like you've had a hard time since you got back. Tony, who was still blaming Thor, looked at the tired expression on Thor's face and patted his shoulder sympathetically.

Thor shook his head: As the successor of Asgard, this is my responsibility.

Ahem. Peggy Carter coughed twice, interrupting the conversation between the two, and continued to speak to everyone in the conference room.

Based on the information we compiled after the civil war in SHIELD, we found that the Hydra agents were mainly evacuating in two directions.

One group followed Alexander Pierce to Australia. The other group went to New Jersey and finally disappeared from SHIELD's surveillance sight.

According to our investigation, the Psychic Scepter is in the hands of the group of Hydra agents who traveled to New Jersey.

New Jersey? Tony raised his hand after hearing this familiar place name: So Ms. Carter, are you saying that the Mind Scepter is now in the hands of the artificial intelligence named Zola?

But that thing shouldn't have any effect on artificial intelligence. Tony remembered that at the beginning of the New York war, Loki held the mind scepter, but there was no way to confuse himself who used a remote program to control the armor.

“It’s useless for artificial intelligence, but what if it’s used on other people?”

Moreover, if the Mind Scepter really has a power similar to that of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, then controlling the enemy's mind may only be the most basic function of the Mind Scepter.

What if Hydra really researches something, maybe a new New York war will evolve by then.

After hearing this, everyone in the conference room frowned.

Ms. Carter, we can't control the Australian side, but what about the New Jersey side? Dr. Banner asked Peggy Carter.

It's too late. Peggy Carter shook her head: The civil strife in SHIELD happened too quickly. By the time everyone resumed work, the base in New Jersey had long been empty. What? None stayed.”

Is that so? Dr. Banner sighed regretfully.

But we are pretty lucky. When SHIELD was in civil strife, the Hydra guys wanted to control Su Heng, so they set up a psychic scepter amplification area in the underground laboratory of the headquarters.

In that area, we extracted the wavelength left by the spiritual scepter.

This is why we invite you to come to SHIELD. Carter Page put his hands on the table and looked at the people around the conference table: I hope you can use your respective expertise again to retrieve the Mind Scepter. Come.

Is this why they found you? Tony asked Dr. Banner: The famous doctor of radiation physics?

Almost. Dr. Banner nodded with a gentle smile: After all, I was the one who found the Cosmic Cube. If that thing is really similar to the Cosmic Cube, maybe I can really help.

But I remember you weren't very interested in SHIELD back then? Tony recalled the time when Dr. Banner coldly rejected Nick Fury's invitation after the Battle of New York.

You must know that at that time, they did not know that Nick Fury was missing.

Because the guy who came to me and asked me to join the Avengers list was threatening me with Betty. Dr. Banner said calmly: Fortunately, Ms. Carter came to me specifically to clarify that matter after she became the acting director of SHIELD. .

The guys who threatened me are actually Hydra agents lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dr. Banner narrowed his eyes: And the original plan of those guys was to control Mr. Su Heng with the mind scepter, and then continue to control me and Hulk.

Maybe you were also in their original plan, Mr. Stark. Dr. Banner said lightly towards Tony.

Tony's eyes twitched: Then do I really thank them for putting my name at the bottom?

But speaking of which, where is Su Heng? Tony looked around suspiciously as the meeting was almost over and Su Heng was nowhere to be seen.

Well Dr. Banner shook his head: I didn't see him either.

We have tried to contact Mr. Su Heng before, but were unable to get through to his phone number. Agent Hill on the side explained to the two of them.

Didn't you get through the phone? Tony frowned: Did something happen to this guy?


As for Su Heng in Tony's words, something big has indeed happened now.

At the beginning of today, Su Heng took advantage of his free time to take a lunch break in the dessert shop. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his eyes, his body shrank countless times.

By the way, among those who shrunk with Su Heng was Gwen, who finally returned home after completing her project, but was driven to work in the dessert shop by Ms. Helen.

This is the first time I feel that climbing up on the counter is so tiring. After shrinking, Gwen lay on the counter, panting and breathing in the fresh air around her.

So store manager, have you found the guy who made us smaller? Gwen sat up from the counter, raised her head and shouted loudly towards Su Heng floating in the sky.

Su Heng ignored Gwen, but squinted his eyes and carefully observed the unfamiliar Culuo brand smell in the dessert shop.

Although the breath is very weak, I can already feel it. Su Heng murmured in a low voice.

Over there! Su Heng looked behind a chair in the guest area of ​​the dessert shop. There, there was a small figure sticking out half of its head, its eyes looking indifferently towards where Su Heng was. direction.

Su Heng's figure instantly appeared behind Gwen. While putting his hand on Gwen's shoulder, he reminded Gwen: Next to the chair in the guest area!

Okay! Gwen raised the spider silk launcher in her hand, and with a blur in her eyes, she and Su Heng appeared on the table in the guest area.

Gwen looked at Xiaopai who was looking left and right with his back to her and Su Heng. The spider silk launcher in his hand shot out and tied Xiaopai firmly to the spider silk.

The small card floating in the air glanced at the spider silk tied to her body, turned around and looked quietly at Su Heng and Gwen who had appeared in front of her.

Before Su Heng could summon the sword card, Xiaopai's figure shrank again, turning into a smaller light point and escaping from the shackles of the spider silk.

Don't run! Gwen looked at the small sign that had become smaller, and anxiously shot out the spider silk, pulled it around the guest area, and chased towards the location of the light spot.

But what surprised Gwen was that the small card did not fly too far, but was suspended in mid-air, as if waiting for Gwen to chase her.

There's a chance! Gwen looked at the small sign close at hand, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

As long as she can touch the small card one more time, she can return to her original state. This is what Su Heng told her before.

Wait! But at this moment, Su Heng noticed something was wrong.

He felt that Xiaopai would not be able to stay there so honestly and wait for them to catch her.

Although Su Heng teleported around Gwen with the help of moving cards, the restless Gwen couldn't wait any longer and grabbed the smaller card with one hand.

With the trance feeling in her body again, Gwen found herself getting smaller again.

Su Heng stretched out his hand and held the shrunken Gwen in his palm. Looking at the small card that hit him again, he quickly teleported to other desktops in the guest area.

What's going on, store manager! Gwen asked Su Heng with some confusion: Didn't we agree that if we touch that little guy one more time, we can change back? Why am I changing more and more now? It’s too small.”

. Su Heng looked at the tables and chairs that began to toss back and forth between shrinking and returning to their original shape under the touch of Xiaopai, and he had some guesses in his mind.

I made a mistake. Su Heng said to Gwen: If the small card is still the same size as before, we should be able to change it back if we touch her.

But she shrank again within the reduced range. Su Heng said in a low voice: If we want to change it back, it is equivalent to asking her to change back to her original form, or become as small as you are now. , and then touch her current shrunken form.


Just as Su Heng was explaining to Gwen, the opponent, Xiaopai rushed towards them again.

Seeing this, Su Heng threw Gwen out of his hand.

Gwen also understood what he meant, and the spider silk in her hand flew towards the direction of the small card again, and then she tightened the spider silk, causing herself and the small card to collide with each other.

The moment Gwen touched the small card again, her originally shrunken figure began to gradually grow larger in mid-air.

Gwen, who had returned to her original form and size, landed steadily on the ground and couldn't help but gently wipe the cold sweat on her face.

It was such a close call. I thought it would never come back.

Go away! Su Heng, who was standing on the table in the guest area, looked at Gwen's dazed look and couldn't help shouting at her loudly.

Go away? Before Gwen could recover, the small sign, which had become only the size of a flea, touched Gwen's body again.

Gwen, who had finally returned to normal size, became even smaller than before.

Ahhhhh. Gwen looked at the little card flying in the sky frantically. Didn't he just catch her twice with a spider web? I didn't expect this guy to be so vindictive.

It's true. Su Heng, who had become about the same size as Gwen at some point, appeared next to Gwen and sighed helplessly.

Where did that guy go? Gwen gritted his teeth and asked Su Heng bitterly: I must take revenge!

I don't know. Su Heng shook his head: She disappeared again after shrinking you just now.

Wait. Gwen suddenly froze, looking at the slightly huge figure behind Su Heng, and opened his mouth hesitantly.

Store manager, behind you

! Before Su Heng had time to react, he and Gwen were hugged fiercely by the small card that had returned to its original size.

Sword! Su Heng just took out the sword card, but the small card squatted down slightly and shrank again with Su Heng and Gwen.

This time the shrinking time became extremely long.

Su Heng and Gwen were in Xiaopai's arms, looking at the scene around them that seemed to be in slow motion dozens of times, and opened their mouths very slowly.

The speed at which the sword card in Su Heng's hand stabbed the small card began to become abnormally slow.

And their size continued to shrink from the size of a flea to a more subtle form. It was at this time that the surrounding scene became more and more bizarre.

Su Heng and Gwen could no longer see the appearance of the dessert shop. When they opened their eyes again, the surroundings were already dark, and the small sign disappeared again at this moment.

Gwen? Su Heng felt the warmth coming from his back and shouted to her in a low voice.

Yes, I'm here, store manager. Gwen turned around and put her hand on Su Heng's shoulder.

So where is this? Gwen asked Su Heng.

I don't know. Su Heng looked at the darkness around him and slowly shook his head.

It's too dark here. Gwen murmured softly, It would be nice if there was some light.

Don't be stupid. Although I don't know how small the little sign has shrunk us, it was originally daytime when we shrunk. Since we can't feel the light now, it means there is no light at all in this place.


But before Su Heng finished speaking, rows of dim lights suddenly lit up behind him.

Gwen looked at the sudden light and covered her mouth in surprise.

Su Heng also turned around and looked at the sudden light in front of him.

What appeared in front of Gwen and him were plants that looked like fluorescent grass.

And that light emanates from the small ball on the top of the fluorescent grass.

These fluorescent grasses formed a dim fluorescent sea around them, constantly swaying in front of Su Heng and Gwen with the breeze blowing from nowhere.

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