Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 111 The Bizarre Adventure of Su Heng and Gwen (Part 2)

What a nice view.

Gwen stared blankly at the fluorescent ocean in front of her and murmured in a low voice.

It's quite beautiful. Su Heng gently placed his hand on a piece of fluorescent grass in front of him.

The fluorescent grass swayed slightly, and the fluorescent ball emitting light at the top suddenly detached the moment Su Heng touched the fluorescent grass and floated upward, as if it had turned into a star in the dark sky. generally.

Then, in the fluorescent ocean, fluorescent balls one after another detached from the top of the fluorescent grass and floated towards the sky.

Wow! Gwen looked at the scene in front of her and opened her mouth in surprise.

Let's follow. Su Heng retracted his hand, as if he felt something on the fluorescent grass.

Su Heng put his hand on Gwen's shoulder. As his figure flickered, Su Heng took Gwen to stand on top of a fluorescent ball that had not yet floated into the sky.

As the two of them stood firm on the fluorescent ball, the fluorescent ball under their feet began to slowly float towards the sky.

Gwen sat carefully on the fluorescent ball, and looked at the surrounding fluorescent balls with Su Heng.

But as the fluorescent balls floated higher and higher, some fluorescent balls seemed to be unable to survive. The originally emitting fluorescent balls began to flicker continuously, and then fell towards the ground after extinguishing.

We shouldn't fall. Gwen looked at the fluorescent balls falling around her and swallowed in fear.

No, haven't you noticed? Su Heng pointed to the fluorescent ball under their feet and motioned Gwen to look down: Whenever the fluorescent ball next to us falls, the brightness of the fluorescent ball under our feet will increase. It will be a little brighter and the speed of the rise will be much faster.

Hey, it seems to be true. After Su Heng reminded her, Gwen finally reacted.

As all the fluorescent balls around them fell, the fluorescent ball under Su Heng and Gwen's feet rose faster and faster.

Gwen sat on the edge of the fluorescent ball and looked down. The original fluorescent sea had become only the size of a palm.

And around the fluorescent sea, there was still a silent darkness.

For some reason, this scene made Gwen feel a little lonely, as if she was riding a small boat, drifting alone in the ocean.


Just when Gwen was sitting on the fluorescent ball holding her thighs and thinking about the meaning of life, Su Heng's hand was pressed on Gwen's head at some point.

I see you have been sitting here for so long. What are you thinking about? Su Heng asked Gwen.


It's fine. Just get ready. We seem to be reaching our destination. Su Heng withdrew his big hand on Gwen's head, turned around and looked up at their current destination - a tower suspended in the sky. Above, there is a small island that also exudes a shimmering light.

Gwen and Su Heng raised their heads together, but her eyes were not on the floating island with Su Heng. Instead, she looked at Su Heng's back, and fell into deep thought for a while.

The fluorescent ball slowly docked on the shimmering floating island. When Su Heng pulled Gwen, who had regained consciousness, to jump to the floating island, the shimmering light in the fluorescent ball turned into Create a continuous link that extends towards the depths of the floating island.

Su Heng and Gwen looked at each other, and followed the bond formed by the glimmer of light and chased toward the depths of the floating island.

This floating island is not that big, so Su Heng and Gwen followed the shimmering link to the deepest part of the island without much effort.

At the end of the bond is an elf holding a miniature version of fluorescent grass in his hand and emitting a shimmering light.

The elf absorbed the shimmering link into his own fluorescent grass. Seeing the originally dim fluorescent grass emitting brilliance again, a smile appeared on his quiet face.

She set her sights on Su Heng and Gwen, who were chasing the shimmering bond, and gently floated next to them.

Su Hengruo stretched out his hand towards the elf floating in front of him as if he had sensed it.

The elf also stretched out a hand and gently placed it on Su Heng's hand.

Amidst the ripples, the elf slowly turned into a Clow card and fell into Su Heng's hands.

But it doesn't seem to be the card that made us smaller, right? Gwen approached Su Heng and asked Su Heng.

Yes. Su Heng nodded and showed the front of the Clow card to Gwen: This is a lamp card with the magic of emitting a faint light.

Hmm, it doesn't sound like it will be very useful. Gwen scratched her head.

That's not necessarily the case. Su Heng smiled: As long as you use it at the right time, it is impossible to use Clow cards that are of little use.

Just after Su Heng subdued the light sign, the floating island, which was still glowing with light, began to shake, and the light on the island began to become weaker and weaker with the vibration.

But that's not the worst.

If Su Heng and Gwen stood on the edge of the island and looked down, the original fluorescent ocean above the ground would have been completely swallowed up by darkness at some point.

The already dark sky began to become darker and darker.

The dark shadows were like floods, eroding towards the floating island from all directions.

The floating island, which had become increasingly bleak, had no ability to resist at all, and was swallowed up bit by bit by the darkness brought by the shadow.

By the time Gwen and Su Heng, who were deep in the floating island, noticed the changes in the outside world, the shadow at this time was about to erode their vicinity.

Su Heng protected Gwen behind him and looked at the darkness getting closer around him.

Fire! Su Heng made a prompt decision and summoned the fire card in his hand.

Huopai crossed his chest with his hands and landed in front of Su Heng and Gwen. The light brought by the flames dispelled the surrounding darkness.

Seeing this, Huopai waved his hand, trying to summon more flames to continue to disperse the surrounding darkness, but found that his body was completely unable to move at some point.

Store manager! It's the shadow under the flame! Gwen, with her sharp eyes, immediately discovered the problem.

At some point, the shadow eroding the floating island has merged with the shadow cast by the fire card on the floating island.

At this time, a black shadow wearing a white robe gradually rose from the ground.

While his hand was slightly raised, the fire card in the sky also made the same movement.

Shadow card? Su Heng looked at the scene in front of him, and the expression on his face became a little serious.

He didn't expect that even the Fire Card would fall into his path.

The shadow card plays with the shadow of the flame in its hand. The fire card in the sky has an angry expression, but its movements are always controlled by the shadow card. The flames in its hand change with the movements of the shadow card.

This is going to be a big trouble. Su Heng couldn't help but sigh.

The two elemental cards in his hand are the sand card and the fire card.

And if Su Heng remembers correctly, the shadow card needs to have strong light to be defeated.

But Su Heng didn't have any light or thunder cards that could represent strong light.

can represent light

Su Heng glanced at the light sign he had just conquered in his hand.

The light sign emits a faint light, as if it is begging for something.

As long as you use it correctly, it is impossible to use the Clow card that is of little use. Su Heng murmured what he just said in a low voice, having already received the intention of the lamp card in his heart.

Then come out, lamp! As Su Heng called, the lamp sign in Su Heng's hand transformed into a human form again, and the fluorescent grass in his hand waved around.

The originally dim floating island once again lit up with its original brilliance.

Such an action made Yingpai's body on the ground stiffen involuntarily.

The light on the floating island is not too strong, but it is just right for dispelling the shadows.

The shadow that originally eroded most of the floating island was forced to retreat outside the floating island.

Therefore, the fire card can break out of the controlled state.

He flew to the light sign and nodded slightly towards the light sign, as if to say thank you.

The light card smiled at the fire card, slowly rose into the sky, and gently shook the seemingly slender fluorescent grass in its hand.

Under the swaying of the light sign, the sky began to light up like stars.

That's... Gwen discovered the true identity of those lights, which were the fluorescent balls that had just brought them to the floating island.

There is more than one of these fluorescent balls, just like stars circling the moon, they are densely circling around the floating island.

Under these dim lights that were enough to disperse the shadows, Shadow Card was forced to reveal himself in a white cloak again.

The light sign with a peaceful smile on its face landed from the sky, took Su Heng's arm and flew in the direction of the shadow sign.

Su Heng naturally understood the meaning of the light card. When she led her to the shadow card, the sword card in Su Heng's hand had already been prepared.

Here, seal! As Su Heng shouted, a card appeared between the shadow card and the sword card. With little ripples, the shadow card was gradually absorbed into the card. Among the cards.

As the shadow card was subdued by Su Heng, the originally dark surroundings began to dissipate.

Revealing the more bizarre side of the surroundings.

The sun shone from above, and Su Heng and Gwen raised their heads.

They discovered that the place where they were at this moment was actually a spherical world covered by a thin film, and the Hanging Island was the place closest to the thin film above the sky.

Outside the film, all kinds of huge creatures with weird shapes were wandering around unconsciously.

I seem to have seen the group of guys outside the film in the microbiology textbook. Gwen said towards Su Heng: But this is the first time I have seen such a large size.

Well Su Heng looked at the small cards wandering around those creatures.

Regardless of whether it is a microorganism or not, as long as it is touched by the small card, no matter how huge the microorganism is at this time, it will become small again.

Found it! Su Heng's figure appeared in front of Xiaopai, and the sword card in his hand was already ready to go.

Seal it here! Su Heng shouted again.

Xiaopai did not feel panic because of this, but wanted to continue hitting Su Heng's chest.

But unfortunately, this time the small-name trick did not succeed.

At some point, her figure had been fixed in place by the shadow of the shadow card in the distance.

Xiaopai was about to cry, but was finally sealed in the Culuo card by Su Heng.


Huhu—— Gwen and Su Heng's figures gradually appeared from the guest area.

By this time, the sky had become dark.

How long have we been staying in that place? Gwen couldn't help but murmured as she looked at the dark sky outside the window.

You're lucky, it's only been about half a day or so. Su Heng walked to the counter and looked at the time on his phone, as well as the missed calls from SHIELD and Tony.

Oops, oops. At this time, Gwen seemed to remember something and quickly looked at the messages on her phone.

Fortunately, my mother didn't rush me too much. Gwen couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the message sent by Ms. Helen.

She went to deliver supper to dad tonight and didn't notice that I hadn't gone back yet.

Would you like to go have something to eat, manager? Gwen asked Su Heng, She left dinner for both of us.

Well Su Heng shook his head: Sorry, if it was normal, maybe I would go back with you.

But I may have something to do today. Su Heng did not show Gwen the information on his phone, but took out Gwen's backpack from under the counter.

So you can go back by yourself tonight.

Oh Gwen nodded a little disappointed.

So what's going on? Do you need my help? Gwen took the backpack Su Heng handed her and put it on her body while asking Su Heng.

No need for the moment. Su Heng shook his head, looked at Gwen's somewhat dejected expression, and gently rubbed her hair: Don't worry, I will call you if I need you.

Really? Gwen raised her head and looked at Su Heng.

Of course. Su Heng pressed Gwen's shoulders and pushed her gently towards the door: It's not too early now, you'd better go back early to avoid Ms. Helen calling Stacey the police later. If I find you haven’t come home after delivering the supper, then I’ll be miserable again.”

Ah, it's true. Gwen reacted and tightened the backpack on her back: Then I'll leave first, store manager.


If you need help with anything, remember to call me!

I know, I know. Su Heng waved towards Gwen: Go back quickly.


After Su Heng watched Gwen gradually walk away, his originally relaxed expression gradually became serious.

He dialed the number on his cell phone.

Hey, I'm Su Heng. What's going on now?

Mr. Su Heng, you finally answered the phone. Agent Hill's relieved voice came from the other end of the phone.

So? What happened? Su Heng asked Agent Hill.

Tony and the others have lost contact.

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