Time went back to when Tony and the others had just finished their meeting in SHIELD.

With previous experience in making a detector for finding the Cosmic Cube, Dr. Banner analyzed the wavelength frequency of the Psychic Scepter left in SHIELD's underground laboratory. With Tony's help, it only took less than two hours. It took time to create the psychic scepter detector.

According to the location given by the detector, the location of the Mind Scepter is Kosovia.

Do we need to wait for Mr. Su Heng? Dr. Banner, standing in front of the detector, asked the people behind him.

We can't even contact that guy. Tony shrugged: Besides, with so many of us, can't we defeat a mere Hydra?

To be on the safe side, I will pretend that everyone is still meeting in the conference room. Peggy Carter said to everyone: Although the agents of Hydra have broken away from SHIELD, I am not sure that they Are there any deep-diving people left in the bureau?

We can understand this. Tony nodded towards everyone: Then, let's all take the Stark Industries industrial transport plane to Kosovia later.

But what if those guys from Hydra have developed a way to use the Mind Scepter? Dr. Banner frowned with some worry: After all, if any of us are controlled by then, If you stay there, it will be dangerous.

SHIELD has already considered this issue. Barton took out a box from under his feet, opened the box, and displayed the contents in front of everyone.

Everyone should know that I have been controlled by Loki before.

When Natasha rescued me, the Bureau's scientists studied my mental state and thinking patterns at the time, and found that when I was controlled by Loki, the neurons in my brain became abnormally active.

So, the bureau made this neuron warning device based on this feature. Barton took out a thumb-sized patch from the box and stuck it on his temple.

This neuron alarm will emit electronic pulses when the neurons in your brain are overactive, soothing your overactive brain neurons.

Barton saw that everyone had picked up the neuron alarm in the box, picked up another button in the box, and continued to introduce to everyone: In addition, in order to prevent accidents, we also designed a manual switch. If we find that our teammates are showing signs of being deceived, we just need to press the button in our hands.”

Ouch! Tony, who had just put the neuron warning device on out of curiosity, felt a sharp tingling sensation from his temple deep into the depths of his brain, and quickly tore off the neuron warning device.

Please, please at least say something before pressing the button. Tony rubbed his head.

This is considered an early experience, isn't it? Natasha picked up the neuron warning device that Tony had thrown away, and put it in his hand with a smile: You have to put this thing away, after all, it concerns us. Everyone’s safety.”

Just this gadget. Tony looked at the neuron warning device in his hand: I'll have Jarvis input its program into the steel suit later.

Okay, without further ado, let's set off quickly. Peggy Carter clapped her hands and said to everyone.


This operation, with Rogers as the captain, headed towards Kosovia under the cover of Stark Industrial transport aircraft.

But when Captain and the others first entered Kosovia, the headquarters lost contact with them. During the phone call, Agent Hill said bitterly to Su Heng: Obviously we have hidden this matter from everyone. , except for the Avengers who participated in this operation, only me, Coulson and Ms. Carter know about the headquarters.

... Su Heng rubbed his head: Those guys shouldn't be completely wiped out as soon as they arrive in Kosovia, right?

Well, that's what we think too. It should be that Kosovia unilaterally interrupted our contact information.

Su Heng sighed: Although Tony and the others shouldn't have any problems, to be on the safe side, I'd better go over and take a look.

It would be great if you, Mr. Su Heng, could come over. Agent Hill said quickly: I will arrange for the bureau's plane to take off from New York in about an hour.

Well, I'm done.

I'll arrange for the bureau's plane to take off from New York in about an hour. Agent Hill's voice sounded in the Hydra basement in Kosovia.

Is this the monitoring equipment of this era? Baron Strucker listened to the voice on the radio in front of him and couldn't help but sigh: If we had such technology back then, how could we have lost so miserably.

Don't be delusional. This is the development of the times. Dr. Zola's voice sounded on the radio: Now that the last big fish is about to take the bait, our plan can start the second step.

Is this guy as mysterious as you said? Baron Strucker tapped his fingers lightly on the table: As for the group of Avengers you mentioned before, I thought he could be so powerful, but it turns out Except for the one with the hammer and Rogers, the others are completely vulnerable.

Especially that Tony Stark. Baron Strucker looked at the unconscious Tony on the monitor in front of him and said with a smile: Speaking of which, if it weren't for this guy, our action this time would have been completely impossible. It went smoothly.

This is the common problem of geniuses. Dr. Zola said calmly: But don't forget, we haven't caught Rogers and the Thor from Asgard yet.

It's not like you don't know how difficult that guy Rogers is, so be careful if he capsizes in the gutter later.

Don't worry, after so many years of fighting, I still don't understand his tricks? A confident smile appeared on Baron Strucker's face.

I've spread the bait a long time ago. Now I'm just waiting for him and that Asgardian god to get into the trap I set.


In a cave in Kosovia, Rogers woke up from a coma.

Are you awake? Thor sat next to the fire not far away and turned to look at Rogers who had woken up.

I didn't expect that we would lose so miserably after leading a team for the first time in many years. Rogers said with a wry smile.

I can't blame you. Thor shook his head helplessly: Who made Tony trust his precious armor too much?

. Rogers fell silent.

When they just landed in Kosovia from the Stark Industries transport plane, they were surrounded by Hydra agents.

Although everyone does not know which link is the problem, they are still ready to actively respond.

At the beginning, the group of Hydra agents surrounding everyone were no match for Rogers and others. Even Dr. Banner hadn't awakened the Hulk in his body. Those Hydra agents were directly killed by many Avengers. They were defeated steadily.

But the turn of the battle was so sudden.

This time, it was not the Hulk in Dr. Banner's body who caused the problem first, but Tony.

Tony did not wear the neuron warning device on his temples. Instead, he used the suit to copy a similar program, which would have the same effect.

It is because of this that Dr. Zola was given an opportunity. He used electromagnetic pulse to damage Tony's armor, and then used the fluctuations of the psychic scepter to control Tony.

The Hydra agents learned from Tony, who was under control, the function of the neuron warning devices that everyone attached to their temples.

In just a moment, everyone's neuron warning device was taken away by a guy with silver hair.

Then, as expected, Hulk rioted under the influence of the psychic scepter.

Although Thor was somewhat immune to the Mind Scepter, he could not survive the Hulk's uprising for long, and could only escape from the area surrounding them with Rogers, who was closest to him at the time.

The life detector is showing something near here!

Just when Rogers and Thor fell silent at the same time, the voices of Hydra agents were heard nearby.

Rogers and Thor looked at each other, Thor picked up his hammer, Rogers picked up his shield, and quietly walked towards the entrance of the cave.

There is fire inside the cave!

quick notification

Before the two Hydra agents outside the cave could finish the rest of their words, they were knocked unconscious by hammers and shields flying from the cave entrance.

Rogers caught the shield that flew back, and Thor caught the hammer that flew back. The two looked at each other.

Nice hammer.

Your shield isn't bad either.

After complimenting each other's weapons, Thor looked at Rogers, who was rummaging for something at the two Hydra agents, and asked him, So what should we do?

If Tony and the others were not in the hands of the Hydra group, I might still be able to try to rush into the opposite camp by myself, but in this situation... Thor shook his head.

In the wars of my time, besides facing the enemy head-on, we usually had other methods. Rogers took off the clothes of the two Hydra agents and raised his head to look at Thor.

For example, sneak, disguise, penetrate into enemy camps, rescue hostages, and destroy mission targets.

In Hydra's underground base, Tony gradually woke up from his cell.

Hiss— Tony rubbed his head, recalling his previous behavior, and his face couldn't help but turn blue and white.

Tony Stark. Baron Strucker came to Tony, with a sinister expression on his face: It's our first time meeting you. Hello.

Looking at your appearance, you should be the leader of Hydra. Tony, who was in a very bad mood, had no intention of chatting with Baron Strucker: If you have anything to say, just say it. I won't agree to it anyway. of.

Hey, sometimes you can't speak so fully. Baron Strucker clapped the information in his hand: Especially when I come with sincerity.

Sincerity? A joke. Tony curled his lips: So do you think you can impress me with my sincerity?

Of course. Baron Strucker placed the information in his hand in front of Tony: For example, this thing.

This information is not too long, you can read it slowly. Baron Strucker turned around and walked towards the outside of the prison: After you finish reading, I will be outside and wait for you. Cooperation.

Tony lowered his head and looked at the information given by Baron Strucker, but it was just a few big words on the cover of the information that were enough to make Tony's eyes widen.

Report on the Death of Howard Stark and His Wife

This report is indeed not too long. The first few pages are all about the autopsy report of Howard Stark and his wife.

But this autopsy report was completely different from the autopsy report he had received.

The original autopsy report only stated that Howard Stark and his wife died in a car accident.

But the autopsy report before Tony showed that Howard Stark and his wife suffered extremely severe torture before they died, and then were stuffed into a car with failed brakes.

In addition to the written report, there are also bloody photos of Howard Stark and his wife when they were tortured.

Just looking at the photos on the report was enough to make Tony grit his teeth.

He suppressed his anger and turned to the last page of the report.

This one is a report called the Winter Soldier project. The report states that a soldier named Bucky Barnes was brainwashed into an exclusive agent of Hydra and executed The mission to kill Howard Stark and his wife.

Huh - Tony took a deep breath, looked at the unclosed cell door, and walked out of the cell door.

Outside the cell door, Baron Strucker was sitting on a sofa, leisurely drinking black tea from his cup.

Have you finished reading? Baron Strucker asked Tony, who was expressionless.

Are you also from Hydra? Tony asked Baron Strucker with a stiff face: The information you showed me will only make me hate you Hydra even more.

But what does it have to do with me? Baron Strucker shrugged: As the saying goes, every injustice has its own debtor. I am just a clone who has just been resurrected. If you really want revenge, If so, I will not stop you, but will support you.

After all, I don't want to live in this dark underground like this.

You? Support me? Tony frowned: So what is your purpose?

Didn't I tell you everything? Baron Strucker took a sip of black tea: Helping you is equivalent to helping myself.

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