Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 113 Betrayal?

03, 07, report the situation on your side!

03, 07, not found.

What about 02 and 08?

In the cave, Rogers and Thor listened to the voice coming from the intercom. Thor pointed to the ID cards on his and Rogers' chests. The serial numbers on the ID cards were exactly 02 and 08.

02, 08, not found either. Rogers pressed the walkie-talkie and reported the same report to the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Where are 01 and 09?

Report, 01 and 09 were also not found.

Since you haven't found it, let's close the team. The commander on the walkie-talkie told everyone: We will gather with the large troops at the top of the west mountain in ten minutes. Today is the day for the snake cubs to return to their nests. We missed it. At this time, the next time we return home will be next month.”


Rogers and Thor looked at each other.

Fortunately, it seems they didn't realize that 02 and 08 had been replaced. Rogers breathed a sigh of relief.

But what does the return of the snake cubs mean? Thor touched his chin in confusion: Is it some special festival on your earth?

If I guess correctly, it should be time for these guys to report back to the headquarters. Rogers said to Thor.

Then we are really lucky. Thor said happily: Just like what you said before, sneak, disguise, penetrate into the enemy camp, rescue the hostages, and destroy the mission target. In this way, we have completed one task. It’s mostly done, and it doesn’t look too difficult.”

Yeah Rogers frowned and nodded.

This time it really didn't seem too difficult, and it even gave Rogers a feeling of being too simple.

It's so simple, it's as if someone has helped Rogers lay out the path he should take next.

Let's go, Captain. Thor placed his hammer in the cave, stood up and said to Rogers, Don't forget, we only have ten minutes.

Okay. Rogers suppressed the doubts in his heart secretly, and looked at Thor's movements with some confusion: What are you doing? Don't you plan to use the hammer when we fight later?

Of course not. Thor raised his eyebrows at Rogers: My hammer is Asgard's artifact. When I need it, no matter where I am, it will come back to me and stay with me. Fight alongside.

If that's the case Rogers put his shield on Thor's Mjolnir: If there's a fight later, can you bring my shield with your hammer? I'm just worried. How should I carry my shield with me?


By the time Thor and Rogers arrived at the western hilltop, most of Hydra's agents had already gathered there.

Are you from Group D? One of the leading commanders looked at the ID cards on the chests of Rogers and Thor.

Yes, sir! Rogers lowered his chin and replied in a low voice toward the commander.

You are a step late. The people in Group D have already gone in first. The commander frowned and waved to Rogers: Forget it, then you can go in with the people in Group E.

Thank you, sir! Rogers said loudly to the commander.

Yes. The commander waved his hand, signaling Rogers and Thor to quickly follow Group E's team.

Rogers and Thor quickly followed Group E and walked toward a mountain at the top of the west mountain.

With the arrival of Team E personnel, the mountain that was supposed to be a thick rock slowly opened up, revealing an elevator within the mountain.

People from Group D?

As the elevator slowly descended, the leader of Group E glanced at Rogers and Thor who were following them.

Yes, sir. Rogers still repeated the same words.

Well, it just so happens that our genetic breeding room is still short of one person. The leader of Group E glanced at the information on his phone and directed Rogers and Thor: 08 will follow the team to the genetic room for breeding later. ,02Follow me to another place.

On the identity card, 02 is Thor and 08 is Rogers.

Thor looked at Rogers and asked him with his eyes when he could take action.

Okay sir!

Rogers first responded to the team leader of Group E, and then shook his head at Thor.

We will take action after we reach the destination. Rogers whispered to Thor: Right now, we don't understand the situation under the ground.

Thor nodded.

The elevator slowly stopped after going down for an unknown amount of time. The leader of Group E waved his hand: 02, follow me first.

Okay, sir. Thor followed the leader of Group E and left the elevator.

Rogers followed the other members of Group E and continued to slowly descend on the elevator.

Thor followed the leader of Group E and came to a warehouse.

Looking at how big you are, I have to ask you to help me move these things. The team leader of Group E patted the goods in the warehouse and raised his hand from the warehouse window to point to a playground outside the window.

Okay, sir. Thor said casually, picked up a box with both hands, and walked towards the playground.

Click click click.

But as soon as Thor walked out of the warehouse, he heard a violent noise coming from the warehouse.

Thor looked back and saw that the original door and wall of the warehouse had been blocked by an iron wall.

And the box he was holding in his arms suddenly opened at this moment, and a green smoke screen came out of it.

! Thor, who noticed something was wrong, quickly held his breath and threw the box in his hand out.


At this time, a roar familiar to Thor came from within the iron wall on the other side.



Huge fist prints appeared on the iron wall.


With a huge noise, the iron wall was directly hit by the huge force inside and flew onto the playground.

Thor looked over, and under the smoke and dust in the sky, a huge figure appeared in front of him.

Hulk! At this time, Hulk's eyes were scarlet, and his face was full of madness, as if he wanted to destroy everything he saw.

Are we fooled? Thor seemed to understand something. He looked at Hulk who was beating his chest crazily in front of him and couldn't help but lick his lips.

However, this is just right. Thor held his hands in the air.

At least I found a missing member.


With the sound of thunder, Thor held the hammer falling from the sky with one hand and Rogers' shield with the other hand. The Hydra soldier costume on his body was completely shattered, revealing his original Asgardian shirt. .

At the same time, Rogers listened to the deafening sound above his head, raised his head slightly and looked at the members of Group E around him.

It turned out that the expressions on the faces of these Group E members were full of calm, a kind of strange calm.

At this time, Rogers had already noticed something was wrong, and leaned slightly towards the corner of the elevator.

Zi-do it!

Following Rogers' movements, a hoarse voice appeared in the headsets of the members of Group E.

Under the command of this voice, the members of Group E all looked at Rogers.

Almost at the same time, the members of Group E rushed towards Rogers' direction.

There were bursts of fighting sounds in the elevator, making the elevator that was already going down become more and more shaky.

Then, the entire elevator seemed to fall off its slide rails, falling directly towards the lowest level of the mountain.


The elevator that fell from high altitude turned into a pile of ruins.


After a long time, Rogers kicked open the deformed elevator door.

Bah. Rogers spat out a mouthful of blood, shook his still dizzy head, and looked at the burly man who appeared in front of him with a mask covering the lower half of his face. He was burly and exuding chills. .

Who are you? For some reason, Rogers noticed a familiar feeling from this strong man.

The strong man did not respond to Rogers' words, but rushed towards him directly.

Rogers quickly reached out to block the strong man's fist.

! So heavy! Rogers felt the heavy feeling from the strong man's fist, took two steps back slightly, and shook his numb wrist.

The strong man pulled forward and continued to attack Rogers with a metallic arm.

Rogers dodged the fatal attack of this strong man while waiting for opportunities to counterattack.

But the longer he waited, the more surprised Rogers became.

This strong man is completely different from the members of Team E that he just met in the elevator. Although he seems to be as fearless of life and death as those members of Team E, it is obvious that whether it is fighting skills or fighting awareness, They are all much better than those members of Group E.

Especially that metal arm.

Rogers looked at the metal arm in the strong man's hand with fear. If he read correctly, the raw material for making this metal arm, like his shield, was the legendary vibranium metal.

Rogers dodged the fist swung by the strong man, bent down, and hit the strong man's open chest.

Rogers punched the strong man in the lower abdomen. His instinctive reaction made the strong man's face flash with a hint of twitching, and he bent down, but a more ferocious light burst out from his eyes.

Rogers pursued the victory, hugged the strong man's lower back, and threw the strong man to the ground with all his strength.

Before the strong man came back to his senses, Rogers sat on the strong man, raised his fist high, and was about to hit the strong man in the face, but he suddenly stopped in place.

Bucky? Rogers looked at the strong man's face after taking off his mask during the battle, and the expression on his face looked very unbelievable.

You, why are you here.

The strong man ignored Rogers' look of surprise. The metal arm took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Rogers' heart viciously.


Just when the strong man was about to succeed, a laser beam from the distance hit the strong man's metal arm, and also knocked the dagger out of the strong man's hand.

Captain, now is not the time to be in a daze. Tony's voice came from not far away.

Rogers looked back and saw that Tony was wearing a steel armor without a helmet, and the palm cannon in his hand was emitting a little bit of fireworks.

Especially when facing an enemy.

Tony looked at the strong man with a cold face, and the palm cannon in his hand condensed again.

Seeing the turn, the strong man quickly rolled to the side, avoiding Tony's palm cannon.

Why are you running? Tony looked at the strong man's movements, the expression on his face became more and more cold, and the palm cannon in his hand kept firing towards the strong man's fatal parts.

The strong man looked for cover everywhere, avoiding Tony's attack while approaching Tony in a roundabout way.

How dare you think of attacking? A cannonball appeared on Tony's shoulder armor and was fired towards the strong man.

The cannonballs exploded in the air and then split into more small cannonballs, which chased in the direction of the strong man.

Wait a minute Tony! Rogers stopped in front of Tony: I wonder if there is some misunderstanding here!

Misunderstanding? Tony pushed Rogers away: Captain, if you stop me again, it will really become a misunderstanding!

The guy opposite is from Hydra! Tony asked Rogers: What are you trying to do by blocking me?

boom! ! !

Just as Tony was angrily scolding Rogers, the ceiling above their heads suddenly cracked, and two figures, one large and one small, fell from the ceiling.

Come on! Thor hit Hulk with a hammer and roared loudly at Hulk.

Roar! The anger in Hulk became stronger and stronger. He glared at Thor in front of him, and smashed towards Thor with the huge fist in his hand with the sound of howling wind.

Thor raised his hammer in front of him, but was still knocked away by Hulk's punch.

Cough, cough, cough. Thor stood up from the ground, rubbed his aching chest, and noticed Tony and Rogers who were watching the battle.

Captain, it looks like we have a draw. Thor said to Rogers.

What are you talking about? Rogers looked at Hulk, who was roaring in the center of the venue, and asked Thor with some confusion.

You found Tony and I found Hulk. Isn't this a draw?

Thor clenched his hammer, looked at Hulk who was still roaring, and walked forward slowly.

Give me ten minutes and I'll turn Hulk back into Dr. Banner!

Rogers opened his mouth, looked at Thor who had rushed forward again, and finally sighed.

After the fuss between Thor and Hulk, the figure of the strong man had long disappeared from the eyes of Tony and Rogers.

But Tony, who had lost his target, didn't feel very angry. He raised his head and looked at the camera not far away, and said over there: Baron, where is that guy's position?

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