Where is that guy? Baron Strucker was sitting in the monitoring room, looking at Bucky in another room above the monitoring room, dialing the microphone in front of him with his hand, and said to Tony: Turn right twenty Mi, there is a secret room at the corner there, and the Winter Soldier escaped into it just now.

Very good. Tony's steel armor spurted flames from his feet and flew towards the location mentioned by Baron Strucker.

Tony! Rogers, who was following Tony, quickly chased after him, fearing that anything might happen to Tony or Bucky.

Hey Captain, your shield! Thor, who was fighting with Hulk on the side, threw the shield on his back towards Rogers.

Thanks Thor. Rogers took the shield and was about to nod towards Thor, but found that Thor was slapped away by Hulk.

Rogers looked at Thor who was sent flying out, and then at the wall that had been used as a bunker outside the secret room with a laser beam.

I'm fine. Thor pulled himself out of the wall, held the hammer and said to Rogers: You should hurry up and chase Tony and the others.

Roar! Hulk howled and jumped in the direction of Thor. He raised his fists with both hands and hit Thor fiercely.

Thor swung his hammer and hit Hulk on the head. While knocking Hulk away, he looked at Rogers again.

I have no problem captain. Thor said towards Rogers.

Okay. Rogers nodded and began to chase Tony in the direction he left.

Tony flew into the secret room in his armor. On a high platform not far away, Bucky, the Winter Soldier, stood there, looking at Tony who was chasing him indifferently.

Tony looked at Bucky and couldn't help but recall the video that Baron Strucker continued to show him in order to strengthen cooperation after agreeing to cooperate with Baron Strucker.

In the video, it was the guy in front of me who tortured his parents to death!

Although Tony had always believed that his father did not care enough about him, it was not until he was deeply hurt by palladium poisoning after becoming Iron Man that Tony successfully analyzed the new energy element left by his father. , replacing palladium.

By that time, Tony finally understood that it wasn't that his father didn't care about him, but that he had been fighting to keep the best for himself.

No matter what, my greatest invention is always you.

Tony once again recalled the words his father had left for him in his mind. He looked at Bucky with bloodshot eyes filled with murderous intent, and the laser beam in his hand shot towards Bucky's body.

Bucky raised his vibranium arm and easily blocked the laser beam Tony shot at him. With his other hand, he took out a blast bomb from his waist and threw it in the direction of Tony. past.

Tony stopped the laser beam in his hand and rolled to dodge the shock bomb thrown by Bucky.

Just as Tony was dodging, Bucky had already pulled forward and launched a fierce offensive towards Tony.

Damn it, if this area hadn't cut off the connection between me and Jarvis. Tony struggled to resist Bucky's attack.

Normally, Tony would let Jarvis be responsible for the auxiliary functions of the suit.

But since they landed in Kosovia, the electromagnetic pulse set up in this area has blocked the communication between Tony and Jarvis. Although this does not affect the use of the armor, it makes Tony have trouble with the armor. Control has become much more cumbersome than before.

And this also makes many programs set by Jarvis unable to work properly, including the Neuron Alert program that Tony asked Jarvis to re-create when he left SHIELD.

Just when Tony was annoyed at the impasse, the shield flew from behind him and hit Bucky.


Bucky used his vibranium arm to catch the shield and set his sights on Rogers at the entrance.

Now! Tony watched as Bucky's attention was attracted by Rogers. The laser beam in his hand burst out with a strong light, directly knocking Bucky away. Then the flames under the armor's feet surged, and he flew to the ground in an instant. In front of Bucky who fell to the ground, the palm cannons in his hands shot towards Bucky one after another.

Rogers looked at Tony who was almost frantic and kept pouring out the palm cannons in his hands. He quickly rolled to Bucky's side and raised his shield to resist Tony's palm cannons.

Tony! Rogers shouted towards Tony: Calm down, there might be some misunderstanding here!

Misunderstanding!? Tony still didn't stop with the palm cannon in his hand, and roared angrily at Rogers: This guy killed my father and mother! Can this be considered a misunderstanding?

Who did you hear this from? Rogers glanced at Bucky behind him, whose eyes were still indifferent, but he still didn't believe the news from Tony: What if you were misled?

Captain, I don't like what you say. Baron Strucker's voice sounded from one side of the room.

The film and television information and written information about your friend Bucky Barnes killing the Howards are all completely preserved in Hydra's archives. There is no doubt about this.

If you want to overturn this fact with just a few words of yours, then you are really wishful thinking.

Who are you? Rogers looked at the camera on the side angrily: You have been bewitching Tony since just now, right?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what you said is really ugly. What I said is obviously the truth, okay? Baron Strucker said politely: As for who I am? It's just a man who died who knows how many years later. Just a poor guy who was resurrected by Zola.

Rogers did not believe anything Baron Strucker said. Instead, he turned to look at Tony and shouted at him: Are you crazy? Tony, this guy is obviously from Hydra. He said Do you believe it?

Captain, I give you the last chance. Tony's expression gradually changed from anger to calm, and the energy in his palms continued to accumulate and gather: Get out of the way! Let me kill this guy! Otherwise, I will kill you too!

Impossible! Rogers gritted his teeth, one hand already holding the edge of the shield, his eyes fixed on the Ark reactor on Tony's chest.

Rogers knew that Tony's weakness was the Ark Reactor on his chest. As long as his Ark Reactor was destroyed with a shield, Tony's iron skin would be useless.

Don't force me!

Calm down!

Just when Rogers was guarding Tony, Bucky behind him seemed to have received some message. He took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Rogers directly in the back of the heart.


The dagger passed through the muscles of Rogers' back without any hindrance and pierced into his heart. Rogers, who was still guarding Tony, turned around with a look of disbelief. Bucky, who was holding the dagger, still had a look of indifference in his eyes. .

Bucky twisted the dagger in his hand, causing the wound on Rogers to get wider and wider.

Bucky. Rogers whispered Bucky's name.

He still can't believe that Bucky would actually kill him.

You know, Bucky has been Rogers' best friend since he didn't start serving as a soldier.

It was the same after joining the army.

Bucky has never had any discrimination against himself because of his thin body. After he gained extraordinary energy after being injected with the super soldier serum, he didn't have any jealousy or dissatisfaction.

The two supported each other during the war and went through countless hails of bullets together.

In Rogers' heart, Bucky has always been a close comrade worth trusting.

But today, Bucky's behavior made Rogers feel a little chilled.

Bucky gently pushed Rogers to the ground, took off the shield from Rogers' arm with one hand, and looked at Tony in mid-air.

Captain! Tony didn't realize what happened between the two of them until he saw Rogers falling to the ground.

The charged beam that had been accumulated in Tony's palm for a long time was already ready and shot towards Bucky again.

Bucky stretched out his vibranium arm and stepped back slightly with one foot, blocking Tony's charged beam. He glanced at his somewhat red vibranium arm, looked up at Tony, and looked at the other The shield in his hand was thrown towards Tony's chest.

Bang! Tony listened to the shattering sound coming from his chest, looked down at the shield inserted on the Ark reactor in front of his armor, a helpless smile appeared on his face, and he fell from mid-air. Go down.

Bucky bent down slightly and took out the dagger from Rogers's back, blood gurgling from the wound.

Bucky. Rogers looked extremely pale as he watched Bucky holding a dagger dripping with blood and slowly walking towards Tony's direction.


Ha ha ha ha!

In the monitoring room, Baron Strucker looked at Rogers' desperate expression through the camera and couldn't help but cover his face and let out strange laughter.

Well done, Wanda. Baron Strucker sat on the chair and raised his head, looking at the woman behind him with long brown wavy hair and wearing a red leather coat and praised.

Sure enough, handing you the spiritual scepter is the right choice.

Baron Strucker looked at the gleaming spiritual scepter in Wanda's hand.

That's why I feel that the ability of the current Hydra leader is really bad. Baron Strucker thought again when he was looking through the files a few days ago and saw the exposure of Hydra that led to the internal strife of S.H.I.E.L.D. What happened.

What Pierce did almost made Baron Strucker laugh out loud.

The idea of ​​using the psychic scepter to control all people with extraordinary abilities is indeed good, but the actual action is too hasty.

Especially when Pierce chose Su Heng as his primary target, this really made Baron Strucker want to dig out Pierce's brain to see what he was thinking.

Normal people understand that the last person they should not mess with is an enigmatic guy like Su Heng. Fortunately, Pierce was once the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he doesn't even understand this most basic truth.

However, thanks to Pierce's suffocation operation, Dr. Zola was left unavailable and could only resurrect himself to take over the current mess.

It's a pity that Zola resurrected me too late. Baron Strucker shook his head with regret.

If I had been asked to take over Hydra, the plan would not have been so crude.

Especially with the use of the Mind Scepter. Baron Strucker looked at Wanda and the silver-haired man standing behind Wanda: Use the psychic loopholes of the Avengers, and then use them one by one. It is clearly the correct use of the spiritual scepter to dig out the edges of the big loopholes and let them continue to sink in their own emotions.

But this really disappoints me, Rogers. Baron Strucker looked at Rogers who fell to the ground with a look of despair, chuckled and murmured: I thought you could hold on longer.

Baron Strucker was very satisfied with his layout.

Before Tony and the others even set foot in Kosovia, Baron Strucker had already planned everyone's outcome.

Although some accidents occurred during the process, allowing Rogers and Thor to escape from his encirclement, this was harmless and did not affect Baron Strucker's subsequent layout.

As Thor, a foreign god, Baron Strucker carefully arranged for him to have the Hulk, who lost control under the disturbance of the mind scepter.

Rogers' former rival, Baron Strucker, arranged an elaborate performance for him.

First let Mr. Captain America meet Bucky, his former teammate who shared life and death, and then let Tony, who learned the truth about his parents' death, hunt down Bucky.

His current teammates want to kill Rogers' former teammates whom he reunited with after a long absence.

The reason turned out to be that his former teammates killed his former friends, who were also the parents of his current teammates.

The teammate who once relied on him for life and death stabbed him in the back when he was protecting him, and then wanted to kill his current teammate.

In Baron Strack's view, Rogers must have had a more complex psychological emotion than Hamlet in his heart.

But this is exactly what Baron Strucker wants to see.

Bucky, no! Rogers felt his body getting weaker and weaker. Seeing that Bucky had walked in front of Tony, who was struggling to stand up on the ground, Rogers felt his heart full of anxiety.

If Bucky really killed the Howards, then he could never watch Bucky kill Tony again.

Bucky looked at Tony struggling on the ground and punched him in the chest. When Tony lost his resistance, he raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed Tony in the chest fiercely.

But at this moment, Rogers used all his strength to fly over, lay on top of Tony, and blocked the knife for Tony.


This knife stabbed Rogers hard in the back again.

Rogers looked at Tony under him guiltily, opened his teeth stained red with blood, and weakly whispered to Tony: Sorry, run away.

Bucky once again pulled out the dagger inserted into Rogers' body, kicked Rogers' body away, continued to hold the dagger high, and stabbed Tony in the chest.

This time, Rogers no longer had the strength to stop Bucky's actions and could only watch this scene happen.

But just when the dagger was about to stab Tony's chest, a hand suddenly appeared in front of Bucky and Tony's eyes, and grabbed Bucky's wrist heavily, stopping Bucky from stabbing downward.

Sorry, I'm late. Su Heng's apologetic voice rang in everyone's ears.

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