Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 115 Concept-level shield and sword

Before Bucky could even raise his head, Su Heng punched Bucky in the abdomen, knocking him away.

Su Heng looked down at Tony and Rogers lying on the ground, with a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

Is this guy so strong? He actually beat you into this.

Ahem, cough, stop talking and go rescue the captain. Tony coughed twice and sat up from the ground.

Yes. Su Heng turned to Gwen, who was wearing a spider suit behind him, and said, Ms. Medical Spider-Woman, it's your turn.

Just leave it to me. Gwen quickly walked to Rogers' side, placed the medical bag behind her on the ground, and quickly began to provide emergency treatment to Rogers.

Fortunately, Ms. Carter has prepared a danger plan that may happen to each of you. Su Heng took out a new Ark reactor from his arms and threw it to Tony.

Thank you. Tony put on the new Ark Reactor, and the armor finally became a little lighter.

Next words. Tony focused his attention on Bucky, who had just been knocked out by Su Heng, and his eyes began to turn scarlet again.

Wait. Su Heng noticed something was wrong with Tony and held his shoulders.

I'm just telling you why I feel like something's not right with you. Su Heng seemed to have noticed something, holding his right hand in the air.

Under Su Heng's actions, the secret room began to gradually tremble. The yellow sand broke through the walls around the secret room, bringing out pieces of metal material originally attached to the wall.

Su Heng kicked the metal material that fell in front of him and muttered in a low voice: Isn't this the amplifying device that Pierce and Loki conspired to control the psychic scepter I used?

As Su Heng broke through the amplification devices hidden in the wall, Tony, whose mind was originally filled with anger, seemed to have a bucket of cold water poured on him, and he instantly regained his original sanity.

. Tony took two deep breaths and looked at Bucky who stood up again. The Ark reactor on his chest began to shine brightly.

The fire was accompanied by the afterimage, and Tony appeared next to Bucky, with the fire on his right foot pushing forward, and he whipped Bucky's head hard in front of him.

Bucky stretched out his vibranium arm, trying to block Tony's whip leg, but was knocked away again by the huge impact.

Tony knelt down on one knee and landed smoothly on the ground. The propellers on the soles of his feet and back burst out with fire again, and appeared in the air next to Bucky who had not yet landed. He clenched his hands and moved toward Bucky. Ji's lower abdomen was hit hard.


Bucky was hit to the ground, blood spurting out from his mouth, but the vibranium arm had already caught Tony's ankle when it landed, as if it wanted to drag Tony down in mid-air and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. .

The armor at Tony's ankle detached and was turned upside down and clasped onto Bucky's vibranium arm. With the light of the propeller, the vibranium arm was firmly bound to the ground.

Tony landed on the ground, and the armor on both his wrists and the other foot fell off as before, and was bound to Bucky's feet and other arm.

Tony sat on Bucky's body and punched Bucky in the face one after another.

Wow, that guy seems to have really provoked Mr. Stark. Gwen, who had already bandaged Rogers, raised her head and looked at the scene in front of her, and said in surprise: I've never seen that before. Mr. Stark would be so out of his mind.

. Rogers sat up from the ground in silence. Seeing Tony's actions that seemed to vent his anger, he breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a touch of shame.

Reasonable and reasonable, Tony could actually kill Bucky now to take revenge, but Tony did not do so.

Rogers understood that although this had something to do with the amplification device being broken by Su Heng, in fact the more reason was that Tony spared Bucky's life for his own sake.

Are you feeling better, captain? Su Heng asked Rogers.

Much better. Rogers endured the pain from his back, stood up from the ground, and forced a smile on his face: The special medicine brought by Spider-Woman is quite effective.

Hey, this is the first aid kit that Ms. Carter asked me to bring. Gwen touched her head in embarrassment: It's really great that it can come in handy.

Speaking of which, where are Thor and the others? Su Heng asked Rogers.

As for Thor, he is currently fighting the out-of-control Hulk. A look of shame appeared on Rogers' face: As for Barton and Natasha, they should still be imprisoned somewhere in this base.

Tsk, tsk, it sounds like the situation is worse than I thought. Su Heng glanced at the camera on the wall that was staring at him, and showed a cold smile to Baron Strucker on the other side of the camera.

Then let me go shopping around first. Su Heng patted the dust on his body, and a Clow card appeared between his two fingers.

The shadows gradually spread towards the surroundings. Baron Strucker, who was originally staring at the surveillance video, looked at the computer screen that suddenly turned black, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

Wanda, Pietro, I leave this guy to you. Baron Strucker turned around and said to Wanda, who was holding the mind scepter in her hand, and the silver-haired man next to her.

Leave it to us, Baron. Quicksilver Pietro looked at the dark surveillance screen with some reluctance, touched the dagger at his waist, and nodded heavily towards Baron Strucker.

If this guy hadn't suddenly appeared, Tony Stark would have died at the hands of the Winter Soldier.

The feeling of not being able to avenge their great revenge simply made Pietro and Wanda feel like they were stuck in their throats.

Tony Stark must die! Anyone who prevents them from killing Tony Stark must die!

Su Heng followed the shadow out of the secret room and came to the square outside.

As soon as Su Heng emerged from the shadows, he saw Hulk fighting Thor.


The roaring Hulk grabbed Thor's ankle like a loach, hitting Thor repeatedly from left to right.

Damn it! The dizzy Thor threw his hammer at Hulk.

The hammer hit Hulk on the chest, sending him flying straight away.

But Hulk's hand still grabbed Thor's ankle, and he flew backwards with Thor.

The moving card in Su Heng's hand flickered, and Thor's figure appeared next to Su Heng from Hulk's hand.

Huh - Thor shook his dizzy head and looked at Su Heng who appeared in front of him, with an awkward expression on his face.

Hahaha, good brother, why are you here? Thor faked a smile and asked Su Heng with a disgraced face.

Come to the rescue. Su Heng looked at Hulk who was standing up again in the corner.

Hulk!!! Hulk's eyes were now full of excitement and confusion, as if someone had given him a little blue pill.

With a slight move of Su Heng's hand, yellow sand emerged from the ground, once again destroying the amplification device buried in the ground.


But Hulk still looked angry and rushed towards Su Heng and Thor crazily.

The sand card appeared above Su Heng's head. As he raised his hand, quicksand emerged from the ground upwards, forming a quicksand waterfall in front of Hulk, hindering Hulk's progress.

Roar! Hulk let out an angry roar, took hard steps and rushed towards Su Heng's position.


The force card appeared in front of him and Thor amidst Su Heng's call.

Lipai bent his legs slightly, jumped towards Hulk's position, kicked Hulk in the face, and knocked him to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Sand Card controlled the quicksand to cover Hulk's body, stacking layers on top of each other, constantly compressing the density of the quicksand.

Roar! Hulk roared again, and the quicksand piled around him continued to tremble.

If I remember correctly. Su Heng seemed to have remembered something, and the magic card appeared in his hand.

Bruce... Betty's voice came to Hulk's ears.

Hulk, who was still angry, suddenly froze and turned to look at Betty who appeared on the quicksand.

Betty... Hulk looked at Betty in front of him, an innocent smile like a child appeared on his face, and his figure began to shrink slowly, gradually turning back into the unconscious Dr. Banner.

The tightly bound sand pile gradually relaxed, and the sand card controlled the quicksand to send Dr. Banner to Su Heng and Thor.

They said it would be solved in ten minutes. Thor shook his head regretfully: It's really a bit too much.

Well, then Barton and Natasha will be next, right? Su Heng tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and the shadows on the ground were already spreading toward the entire base.

Su Heng followed the shadows to sense the situation in this base.


Suddenly, the shield on Su Heng's body showed a translucent light and shadow, blocking the sudden attack.

Su Heng followed the perception of the shadows on the ground and looked into the corner.

There, a silver-haired man wearing special tights was looking at the dagger with a gap in his hand in surprise.

Wanda, be careful, this guy is weird. Pietro warned loudly upward.

Got it. Wanda's voice came from above the heads of Su Heng and others.

Thor looked up and saw Wanda holding the spiritual scepter, and the scarlet aura swirling around her looked particularly strange.

As Sha Pai raised his hand, the surrounding gravel swept up and flew towards Wanda in mid-air.

But before the flying gravel could reach Wanda, it was completely destroyed by the scarlet aura swirling around her.

Wanda waved the gleaming spiritual scepter in her hand, and the scarlet aura swirling around her expanded towards Su Heng and Thor on the ground.

The translucent shield around Su Heng rapidly expanded, wrapping Thor and the unconscious Dr. Banner within the protective range of the shield.

Chaos magic! Thor recognized the scarlet aura hovering around Wanda's body, turned to Su Heng and reminded: Su Heng, be careful, chaos magic is a very destructive dimensional energy. This Even the gods dare not use this kind of energy at will, but I didn't expect it to be controlled by an earthling.

Very destructive? Su Heng smiled: That's just right. I also want to see if this chaos magic can break through my theoretically indestructible shield.

A glimmer of luster flashed on the shield, as if to refute Su Heng's words.

The shield and the sword are the two most special cards in the Clow deck. In addition to relying on Su Heng's magic power to maintain their shape, the hardness of the shield and the sharpness of the sword all depend on Su Heng. The user’s thoughts.

In Su Heng's mind, if the shield is indestructible, then the shield is really indestructible.

Su Heng didn't think it could break through his shield with just chaos magic.

In Su Heng's calm expression, the scarlet aura revealed by the chaos magic had already hit the translucent light shield of the shield.

The extremely destructive chaos magic constantly rubbed against the shield's light curtain, but failed to cause any damage to the light curtain.

Seeing this, Wanda gritted her teeth and used all her strength to activate the spiritual scepter in her hand, making the scarlet chaos magic around Su Heng become more intense.

Su Heng looked at the corroded ground outside the shield, and looked at the spiritual scepter in Wanda's hand.

Let me tell you, this lady uses the mind scepter much better than your brother. Su Heng teased Thor and slightly grasped it in the air.

! Wanda, who was driving the spiritual scepter, suddenly felt a light touch in her hand. The originally abundant chaotic magic power in her body was instantly depleted by more than half, and she almost couldn't even hold on to the magic power floating in the air.

My scepter! Wanda looked at Su Heng.

Sorry, this thing is mine now. Su Heng turned the spiritual scepter in his hand and looked at Wanda with a smile.

Give it back to me! Wanda panicked, activating the few chaotic magic powers in her body to attack Su Heng under the shield.

Su Heng's hand holding the spiritual scepter turned slightly, and the spiritual scepter disappeared from Su Heng's hand.

Madam, you'd better get some sleep. Su Heng waved his hand towards Wanda, and the sleep card appeared above Wanda's head at some point, spreading the light dust of sleep towards her.

Wanda's mind sank, and a sense of sleepiness continued to spread from her brain to all parts of her body.

Wanda struggled to open her eyes, but still couldn't resist the feeling of sleepiness. While falling into a deep sleep, she fell from the air.

Wanda! Pietro, who was watching the battle, disappeared from the corner, and when he reappeared, he had already caught Wanda who had fallen from mid-air.

Pietro glanced at Su Heng fearfully, and was about to take Wanda away, but suddenly found that his body could not move.

Ninjutsu: Shadow Binding Technique! Su Heng pretended to make a specious seal.

? Thor looked at Su Heng doubtfully.

Ahem, it's okay. Su Heng retracted his hand and looked at Pietro, who was restrained by the shadow card.

You should also take a nap.

Following Su Heng's voice, Pietro felt himself falling into deep sleepiness, and soon fell to the ground with Wanda in his arms, falling into a deep sleep together.

I have found the location of Natasha and Barton. Su Heng said towards Thor.

Thor, you should take Dr. Banner to join the captain and the others first. Before rescuing Natasha and Barton, I have to go and find the culprit who made you so embarrassed...

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