Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 116 Under Calmness

In the surveillance room, Baron Strucker looked at the dark surveillance screen, turned around and looked behind him with emotion.

Su Heng's figure gradually emerged from the shadows and appeared in front of Baron Strucker.

Hey, so you are the leader of this Hydra base? Su Heng asked Baron Strucker.

Ha. Baron Strucker chuckled and took off his heavy leather jacket: If you want to think so, then there is no problem, although I am just an unlucky guy who has just been resurrected.


Huh? Su Heng felt the authenticity judgment coming from the scale and looked at Baron Strucker in confusion.

It sounds like you are not the real leader of this base?

That's right. Baron Strucker tightened the gloves on his wrists: I know what you want to ask, but I'm sorry, we need to fight again before answering your question.

As soon as he finished speaking, Baron Strucker rushed towards Su Heng. The glove on one of his hands broke open, revealing a ferocious mechanical hand.

This is the mechanical prosthetic arm he specially installed after being resurrected by Dr. Zola - Satan's Claw.

Su Heng looked at Baron Strucker who was rushing towards him, and kicked Baron Strucker in the chest, making a dull sound.

But when Baron Strucker was about to be kicked away, he directly used the claws of Satan with flashing lightning in his hands to grab Su Heng's calf.

The shield attached closely to Su Heng's body, blocking Baron Strucker's Satan's claws, but it also stopped Baron Strucker from flying backwards.

Baron Strucker kicked his feet on the ground and hugged Su Heng's waist. Bubble-like granular objects like spores began to appear all over his body.

Spores began to spread around Su Heng and Baron Strucker. Su Heng punched Baron Strucker in the back, used brute force to tear away Baron Strucker's hands holding him, and then hit him again. Kicked out.


Baron Strucker was kicked into the surveillance screen behind him, setting off bursts of electric sparks and black smoke.

Su Heng looked at the spore-like object that was sticky and attached to his shield, and frowned in disgust.

Clam, clam, clam! Baron Straker, whose back was dented by Su Heng's punch just now, was lying among the remains of the monitoring screen, looking at the spores that had permeated the entire monitoring room. There was blood dripping, and bursts of weird laughter came out.

He took a deep breath and absorbed the spores surrounding him directly into his body.

Following Baron Strucker's movements, Baron Strucker's originally pale face returned to a rosy color, and the depression on his back began to gradually return to a smooth state.

Sure enough, if I just rely on my own strength, it is impossible to defeat you. Baron Strucker wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up from the remains of the monitoring screen.

But unfortunately, since you are here, it means that we have lost everything. Baron Strucker laughed wildly.


Su Heng couldn't help but frowned when he heard what Baron Strucker said.

The scale card is a Cullo card that can be used to test and distinguish authenticity.

What Baron Strucker said passed the test of the scales.

That is to say, in Baron Strucker's heart, he really believed that if Su Heng came here, then Su Heng and the others would really lose everything.

But why lose?

Su Heng has covered the entire base with shadow cards. Apart from the high-explosive bombs buried deep in the ground, he did not find that Baron Strucker had any other means.

Although these high-explosive bombs were enough to blow the underground base into smithereens, Su Heng didn't think that Baron Strucker could use them as a secret weapon to turn the tables.

Su Heng flashed in front of Baron Strucker, grabbed his neck, and looked directly at Baron Strucker with misty eyes: Can you explain this to me, sir?

This is Dr. Zola. Baron Starrak's eyes fell into confusion. Just when he was about to open his mouth to tell the secret between their Hydras, his whole body swelled up instantly.


Under a muffled sound, Baron Strucker's body turned into dense and deadly spores. The spores dripped on the ground, directly corroding a big hole in the ground, and they continued to reproduce underground. corrosion.


Su Heng's face was solemn, and the fire card appeared from behind him.

Huopai raised his hands high, and the hot flames swept through the spore-filled control room.

Under the high-temperature combustion, these highly corrosive spores turned into streaks of purple smoke and disappeared in the monitoring room that had been burned to nothing.

At the lowest level, Thor was carrying Dr. Banner on his back and had already joined Rogers and others.

So now we can only wait for Su Heng to resolve the matter? Tony sat on the steps unwillingly. Behind him were Bucky, who had been beaten into a coma, and the man who had been beating him since just now. Pietro and Wanda fell into deep sleep.

I understand how you feel. Thor patted Tony on the shoulder: When I first went to the battlefield, the team I led was besieged due to lack of experience. If my father, God King Odin, hadn't appeared later, I would have been killed. He was buried in that battlefield with his team.

At that time, my father was killing everyone in the sky, but I could only lie powerless in the mud. I think my mood was similar to that of you now.

Thank you for this completely unnecessary comfort. Tony slapped Thor's hand on his shoulder away and said angrily: I have long passed the age of self-pity.

Tony rubbed his head and murmured in a low voice: In order to prevent this situation from happening again, the Ultron plan should be advanced.

Project Ultron, what is that? Gwen, who was sitting obediently behind Tony, heard Tony's mumbling and asked Tony curiously.

Following Gwen's question, Thor and Rogers both turned their attention to Tony.

It can be seen that they are also very curious about the Ultron project Tony mentioned.

It's nothing, it's just a preliminary plan of mine. Tony said to everyone: Use robots as our agents to patrol possible criminal cases around the world and prevent upcoming vicious cases in advance. .

Ah? Gwen reacted: Doesn't that mean that when Mr. Stark's Ultron plan is successful, I, Spider-Woman, will be completely unemployed?

Robot? Rogers frowned. It was obvious that he was not as optimistic as Gwen: Tony, you never told us that you had such a plan.

Of course, after all, this is still a plan under preparation. Tony shrugged: I originally planned to trial this plan in New York next year, but looking at the current situation, I'd better wait until I get back to start it. Bar.

But it is impossible for the leaders in Congress to accept your plan. Rogers analyzed rationally towards Tony: If you really do this, it will definitely infringe on most of their interests. You should know , over there in the Middle East.”

Rogers reminded Tony vaguely.

It's because of their group of moths that the world is in such unrest. A sneer appeared on Tony's face: Don't worry, captain, if this plan is successful, the favorable point of public opinion will only be Stand with me.

After all, I have money and I am doing things that are conducive to world peace.

But Rogers looked at Tony's firm gaze and knew that he probably couldn't persuade him anymore, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Let’s talk to Peggy about this matter after we get back.

Rogers felt that there was still something wrong with Tony's plan.

While everyone was talking, Su Heng, holding Natasha in one hand and Barton in the other, gradually emerged from the shadows behind everyone.

Store manager, you are finally back. Gwen jumped up from the steps, took Natasha and Barton from Su Heng's hands, and began to fulfill the responsibilities of a medical soldier.

Everyone, I think we have to go back early. Su Heng felt the gazes from Tony and the others and said to everyone: Although I barely managed to get rid of the guy named Baron Strucker, I always feel that Something feels wrong.

Especially the words Dr. Zola that guy said before he died.

Dr. Zola, is it him again? Tony recalled the huge anti-Night Magician armor when SHIELD was in civil strife.

That abominable thief! Tony said bitterly.

That guy actually dared to steal his blueprint for the bottom of the box! Although the design was not yet complete, for Tony, the early appearance of the anti-night magician armor really made Tony lose face in front of Su Heng.

After all, he secretly researched counter-armor, but was caught by the real owner.

The most embarrassing thing was that the counter-armor could not last even ten minutes in front of Su Heng.

This seems to indicate that Tony, who designed the counter-armor, is somewhat unsmart.

In order to prevent accidents, we should return to New York now. Su Heng asked everyone for their opinions.

No problem. Everyone nodded.

Okay. After getting everyone's consent, the shadow under Su Heng's feet gradually expanded, wrapping everyone in the shadow.

The shadow gradually sank and disappeared into the base.

Just after Su Heng disappeared, a piece of text gradually appeared on an unmanned computer display in a computer room in the base.

Ideology transferred, archive named - Wolfgang von Strucker.


When Tony and others opened their eyes again, everyone was already in the SHIELD conference room.

Peggy Carter sat on the main seat of the conference room, looked at the people who appeared in the conference room, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone, thank you for your hard work. Peggy Carter smiled at everyone: Then, welcome back.

Everyone looked at the time. Less than three minutes had passed since they left the Hydra base in Kosovia.

Huh—— Su Heng breathed out softly.

This was the first time for Su Heng to move so many people with a moving card, and the magic power deficit in his body was indeed quite large.

After all, although Yipai has the magic of instant movement, considering the size of Yipai, it cannot move larger creatures or objects.

If you want to break the limit of moving cards and let it move so many people, you can only double your magic power.

Ms. Carter, I have cleaned up the Kosovia side. Su Heng said to Peggy Carter: All the Hydra soldiers inside and outside have fallen into a deep sleep. Just look at S.H.I.E.L.D. When will it be time to take in those guys.”

I have brought Captain and the others back safely. If nothing happens now, I will take Gwen and leave first.

Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Su Heng. Peggy Carter nodded towards Su Heng, looked at the unconscious Natasha, Barton, Dr. Banner, Wanda and Piero, and lightly He lightly pressed the call button in front of him.

Hill, please ask the doctors who have been waiting downstairs to come up quickly. We have a lot of patients here.

Su Heng nodded towards everyone, put his hand on Gwen's shoulder, and the two disappeared into the conference room together.

On top of a high-rise building in New York, the figures of Su Heng and Gwen slowly emerged. The two quietly looked at the peaceful and peaceful New York under the high-rise building.

Store manager. Gwen shook her head gently towards Su Heng: I didn't sense any danger.

Is that so? Su Heng breathed a sigh of relief when Gwen said this.

Since there is no danger, I will send you home to rest first. Su Heng said to Gwen.

Yes. Gwen nodded and disappeared from the tall building together with Su Heng.

On the top floor of SHIELD, Tony looked at the patients being carried onto ambulances on stretchers downstairs, and rubbed his tired face.

I can finally go back and take a rest. Tony exhaled and pressed the steel mask on his head.



Jarvis's familiar voice did not come from the steel mask.

Jarvis? Tony called Jarvis's name again with some confusion.

Yes, sir. Jarvis's voice finally sounded in Tony's ears.

Didn't I upgrade your core algorithm before I left? Tony heard Jarvis's voice and muttered: Why does it feel like your reaction is much slower than before.

Sorry sir, there seems to be some problem with your armor. Jarvis said to Tony: Do you need me to test it for you first?

Let's talk about it when we get home. Tony yawned: By the way, help me make an appointment for Pepper tomorrow. I've finally finished my work. I have to take her out for a good date.

But Ms. Pepper has a lot of work tomorrow.

Then to hell with those jobs!

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