Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 117 Undercurrent emerges

The Audi R8 speeds along the New York highway with a strong buzzing sound.

Tony, are you crazy? Pepper, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the sports car, yelled at Tony with a frantic look on his face and asked, I still have more than twenty meetings to deal with today!

. Tony uncharacteristically did not speak, but stared at the road ahead with a sullen face, pressing the accelerator tighter and tighter, as if there was some savage beast behind him chasing the sports car he was driving.

Tony, did you hear what I was saying?! Pepper felt the speed of the car getting faster and looked at Tony's silent expression. Safety belt on the body.

Just when Pepper was panicking, a golden-red afterimage with firelight flashed past the sports car in the sky, and appeared fifty meters away in front of the sports car in an instant.

Tony looked at the steel armor in front of him. After it landed from mid-air, it raised its arms and exposed its palm cannon, which glowed brightly, towards the sports car.

A trace of reluctance appeared on Tony's face, and he stamped his foot on the accelerator hard on the brake.


A strong sense of sudden stop was accompanied by an unpleasant burning smell caused by burnt tires, and the sports car stopped suspended in front of the steel armor.

WTF, Tony, what are you doing!? Pepper looked at the steel armor in front of the car and said a rare curse: So you took me into the sports car early in the morning just to fight with your armor. Go super fast!

Pepper. Tony shook his head slightly, put his hand on Pepper's shoulder, and whispered to her regretfully: I'm sorry.

Tony? At this time, Pepper finally noticed that something was not right about Tony's expression. She calmed down her panic and asked Tony in a low voice: What on earth happened?

It's nothing. Tony raised his head and looked at the steel armor in front of him. The expression on his face looked very complicated and tired. He murmured to Pepper in a low voice: It's just that we were caught.


In the arsenal of Hammer Industries, Gwen was wearing a spider suit, Dr. Otto had mechanical tentacles on his back, and a bunch of messy objects beside him. The two were tens of meters apart, and they were waiting for each other.

Dr. Otto, I'm ready! Gwen nodded towards Dr. Otto.

Then, I'll start! Dr. Otto's sunglasses flashed brightly on the bridge of his nose. The four mechanical tentacles behind him grabbed different debris around him and threw them crazily towards Gwen's location. go.

Gwen's eyes moved wildly under the spider mask, looking at the various debris flying towards her. She gently raised her wrist, and the spider silk launcher in her wrist made different vibration sounds.

Gwen rolled to avoid the debris thrown by Dr. Otto, and the spider silk in her hand shot towards the various types of flying discs marked among the debris.

Different from the previous bursts of spider silk in the battle, this time Gwen faced flying disks marked with different styles. After each shot of spider silk, he would gently raise his wrist, and then shoot out the spider silk again. Silk.

These different styles of flying discs had different reactions after being hit by Gwen's inconsistent spider silk.

The flying disc marked with flames ignited into flames, the flying disc marked with ice cubes was frozen, and the flying disc marked with electric light flashed with a flash of lightning.

But as the frequency of the tentacles behind Dr. Otto throwing debris became faster and faster, Gwen raised her wrist faster.

The excessive speed caused the spider silk launcher on Gwen's wrist to become hotter and hotter.

Click! There was a crisp sound from the spider silk launcher. Gwen raised her wrist, and a stream of black smoke came out of the hot spider silk launcher.

Eh? Gwen looked at the jammed spider silk launcher, which was then buried in countless debris thrown by Dr. Otto.

Okay, it looks like the experiment is over. Dr. Otto took off his sunglasses and walked over to Gwen, who was buried among the debris.

I suggest that the mode switching frequency of your spider silk launcher should be lower.

Dr. Otto pulled the disgraced Gwen up from the pile of debris and suggested to her: Or you can fix the spider silk launchers in both hands to different modes. This can prevent the launcher mode switching frequency from being too high. Fast and cause overload.

Well Gwen took off his spider mask, took off the spider silk launcher that was emitting black smoke from his wrist, walked to the experimental table with Dr. Otto, and started to improve his spider with the tools. Wire launcher.

Gwen had wanted to improve his spider silk launcher a long time ago. After all, starting from several recent battles, Gwen found that the ordinary spider silk of the spider silk launcher could not meet the needs of the battle.

Especially in the battle when Harry went crazy and turned into a burning undead knight, Gwen's most accustomed spider silk-assisted fighting method was completely restrained by Harry at that time.

Although it seemed that Gwen didn't take this matter to heart, in fact, she had been mumbling about it in her heart for who knows how long.

Since that time, Gwen has been taking time to work on her new web launcher.

Huangtian paid off his hard work, and Gwen finally successfully developed this spider silk launcher with freezing, burning, paralysis, electromagnetic pulse and other functions in the near future.

Because Dr. Otto and Gwen had a lot of interactions before when the Chitauri invaded New York.

In addition, during the development of the spider silk launcher, Dr. Otto also gave Gwen a lot of advice, so after Gwen successfully developed the launcher, he immediately found Dr. Otto. Ask him to help you test the functionality of this web launcher.

As for why Gwen didn't ask Tony for help, it was because Gwen could feel that Tony, the old man, always treated her as a child.

Just like the store manager!

Gwen's hand holding the screwdriver tightened, as if she thought of something unhappy.

Obviously he is capable and can help everyone a lot, but both Tony and Su Heng always feel that they should be on campus, not on dangerous battlefields.

Speaking of which, Dr. Otto, how is your new energy research and development going? Gwen shook her head, put aside the messy thoughts in her mind, and turned to Dr. Otto and asked.

It's not bad. When he mentioned this, a smile appeared on Dr. Otto's face: If nothing happens, the tritium energy experiment will be officially launched next month.

Although it is not possible to achieve energy reduction like Mr. Tony Stark's, it should be enough to use it as a clean energy source for companies.

Wow, Mr. Justin is so lucky to have hired an employee like you. Gwen couldn't help but sigh.

If I remember correctly, Stark Industries, Osborn Industries, and other companies have offered you olive branches, right? Not only are they willing to bear your contract liquidated damages, but their treatment is better than that of Han The Mo industry is much better, but why do you seem to be indifferent?

Yes. Dr. Otto nodded, as if he was lost in reminiscing: Because my boss is pretty good. When tritium energy was just a theory, he began to fund my experiments, even though he had recruited Ivan Vanke, who also possesses Ark technology, has not given up on me, a guy whose experiments have never been successful.

So, there is no reason for me to abandon my former talent when the experiment is about to succeed.

If Mr. Justin could hear what you said, he would be moved to tears.

Haha, this is indeed something he can do.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gwen and Dr. Otto put down their work and looked doubtfully at the door where the dull noises came from.


The gate of the arsenal was destroyed by a cannonball from the outside in. The smoke gradually dispersed, and five steel armors shining with Senhan's eyes appeared in front of Gwen and Dr. Otto.

This is. Gwen looked at the five silver-colored steel armors and noticed the Stark Industries logo on them.

The steel armor made by Mr. Stark? Gwen murmured in confusion: How did they get here?

Could it be another Stark Industrial armor that the boss secretly obtained from some source? Dr. Otto had a bad feeling in his heart.

After all, Justin Hammer has kept a low profile since the Stark Industry Expo, but does Dr. Otto still know that his boss's unwillingness to admit defeat wants to compete with Tony Stark?

It is entirely possible that Justin Hammer secretly obtained some steel armors produced by Stark Industries from other sources for research.

Then due to research failure, the robot lost control.

Dr. Otto believed that if he were his own boss, he would definitely be able to do such a thing.

Spider-Woman Stacy, danger level B; Doctor Octopus Otto Gunther Octavius, danger level A.

Now, implement containment!

The glowing eyes of these five armors flashed, and mechanical-like sounds came from their mouths.

Be careful, Gwen. Dr. Otto protected Gwen behind him and whispered to Gwen: There seems to be something wrong with these armors.

There is indeed a problem! Gwen put the repaired spider silk launcher on her wrist and muttered in a low voice: This damn rating method is definitely the work of Mr. Stark! I will tell you later We must let these iron skins see the power of Spider-Woman, whose danger level is B-level!

Containment begins! The five steel armors were divided into two parts. Three of the steel armors rushed towards Dr. Otto, and two steel armors rushed towards Gwen.

Gwen raised her eyebrows and tightened the spider silk launcher on her wrist. The ordinary white spider silk stuck to the feet of the steel armor.

The two steel armors seemed to have been prepared for a long time. Rolling flames erupted from their bodies, directly burning up the spider silk launched by Gwen. They continued to rush straight towards Gwen's position with heavy steps. past.

Gwen looked at the flames igniting on the two steel armors, and the expression on his face was not surprised but happy.

What luck! How did they know that I just lacked opponents to test the latest spider silk launcher?

Gwen raised her wrist, and based on the vibration coming from her wrist, she adjusted the spider silk launcher to the most suitable mode for this battle, and excitedly moved towards the two steel armors.

Compared with the calm battle on Gwen's side, the battle on Dr. Otto's side was much more difficult.

The three armors automatically disintegrated before they came close to the attack range of the steel tentacles, turning into scattered parts and heading directly towards the four mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Otto.

The tips of these four mechanical tentacles were directly fixed on the ground.

Dr. Otto gritted his teeth and controlled the mechanical tentacles to wriggle on the ground, hoping to take this opportunity to break free from the constraints of those parts.

But as the parts of the steel armor were all covered on the four mechanical tentacles, Dr. Otto was still unable to control the mechanical tentacles to break free.

As if the palm of one of the armors knew the connection structure between Dr. Otto and the mechanical tentacles very well, it flew directly to the back of Dr. Otto's neck and pressed on the safety device of the mechanical tentacles.

Ah! Accompanied by Dr. Otto's scream, the mechanical tentacles escaped directly from Dr. Otto's back when the safety device was triggered.

The steel armors that had been turned into parts flew up again from the mechanical tentacles that had lost their power, and were reassembled into three steel armors in front of the panting Dr. Otto, and continued to approach Dr. Otto. .

Doctor! As Gwen shouted, three spider webs with electric light shot out from the side and wrapped tightly around the three armors.

The three armors were bound by the electro-optical spider web, and bursts of electric sparks began to appear on their bodies as if under the conduction of the electro-optical spider web.

Before the energy went out, they looked at Gwen who had rushed to Dr. Otto's side, and the armor that had turned into two piles of debris not far away.

The database has been updated. The danger level of Spider-Woman Gwen Stacy has been increased to level A. The ability of the spider web launcher has been increased. The specific ability is tentatively designated as electromagnetic pulse. Breed--

Gwen took out the Ark Reactors from the chests of the three armors and used a little force with his hands to crush the Ark Reactors, which were obviously made on the assembly line. The light in the eyes of the three armors began to dissipate.

What on earth is going on? Gwen supported Dr. Otto on the chair and looked at the steel armors that had lost their voices. Suddenly, she seemed to think of Mr. Stark's visit to Kosovia yesterday. what he said at the time.

Could this be the Ultron Project that Mr. Stark mentioned yesterday?

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