Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 119 Reinforcements

Dr. Zola... Su Heng looked at the Stark Industries mark that was also attached to Dr. Zola's body, and couldn't help but sigh: So where is that guy Tony? Could you have killed him?

Don't worry, I won't kill him, at least not now. Dr. Zola opened and closed his palms slightly, and said to Su Heng: After all, the subsequent upgrade of my body still requires the brainstorming of many scientists, and Tony Stark is just one of the scientists I need.”

With Tony's temperament, will he help you? Su Heng frowned.

Of course. Dr. Zola nodded matter-of-factly: If Tony Stark doesn't want anything to happen to Ms. Pepper, he will naturally have no choice but to be obedient.

Okay, it seems that Pepper has fallen into your hands. Su Heng put his hand on the hilt of the sword and squinted at Dr. Zola: So what is your purpose? I Remember, you are from Hydra, right? Do you want to rebuild Hydra?

Hydra? Dr. Zola sneered: That's just a cover for me to cover up my lofty goals. Now that my goal is about to succeed, Hydra is a remnant of the old era. , why should I rebuild?”

Ambient goal? Su Heng frowned.

My goal. Dr. Zola didn't seem to regard Su Heng as an enemy. He smiled at him very patiently: Eternal life!

The human body is too fragile. Dr. Zola pointed to his current body: So when I was about to die decades ago, I chose to transfer my consciousness to the storage in the network. Inside the vessel, you can gain unlimited lifespan.”

But after transmitting my consciousness to the Internet, I gradually discovered something.

Although my lifespan is close to infinite on the Internet, due to the development of the times, my ability to control the real world is really poor.

But I was pretty lucky. It was also a time when technology was booming. In just a few decades, the whole world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The development of robots and artificial intelligence has allowed me to see the next path after I gain immortality.

In the words of you humans, it is the so-called weak flesh and blood, and mechanical ascension!

Then your goal has been achieved, hasn't it? Su Heng looked at Dr. Zola's mechanical body and asked him in confusion.

No, no, no, what I have accomplished is just my first step. Dr. Zola shook his head: I am not a selfish guy. Since I can get eternal life, you can too!

Just like Baron Strucker! Dr. Zola pointed at the robot body of Baron Strucker behind him.

I need my compatriots, do you understand, Su Heng? Dr. Zola stretched out his hand towards Su Heng with fiery eyes.

If you can join our ascension plan, I can promise you that you will be the most noble person in this world besides me.

Becoming a Tin Man? Su Heng sighed: I'm sorry, I'm really not interested in this.

Of course I know you won't be interested. Dr. Zola paused for a moment, and the corners of his eyes twitched a bit in a very humane way.

It seems to be a real coincidence. Dr. Zola suddenly changed the subject: I was supposed to show you the power of the mechanical ascension, but I happened to have something to do, so I had to let Ste. Baron Lark has come to take over my current body.

Twisted and slender metal tubes emerged from Dr. Zola's back and were inserted directly into Baron Strucker's body behind him.

Baron Strucker, I leave this to you. Dr. Zola said quietly to Baron Strucker: Please be sure to let Mr. Su Heng experience the power of our mechanical body.

Leave it to me, Doctor! Under the connection of the slender metal tubes, Baron Strucker gradually took over Dr. Zola's current body.

He clenched his fist tightly and showed a provocative smile towards Su Heng.

Then, according to Dr. Zola's wishes, I will beat you half to death, and then bring you to the doctor, and make you beg him to join our ascension plan!

What a loud tone! Su Heng reached behind Baron Strucker in a flash, and slashed directly at Baron Strucker's neck with the sword in his hand.

Baron Starrak had no intention of evading. The charged beam in his hand was aimed at Su Heng. When it was fired towards him, the numerous robots in the sky also fired laser weapons towards Su Heng's location.

The charged beams and laser weapons hit the translucent shield surrounding Su Heng without causing any ripples. However, when the sword in Su Heng's hand slashed through Baron Starrak's current body, he discovered that Starrak The position where the baron had just cut was healed again.

Is it Uru metal again? Su Heng looked at this familiar scene and complained speechlessly: How come SHIELD can't defend anything? Haven't these things been used by you Hydra once? Can it be used a second time?

The only remaining Uru metal on Earth is the remains of the original Destroyer and Mjolnir in Thor's hand.

And the remains of the Destroyer, when SHIELD was in civil strife, had been transformed into an anti-Night Magician armor by Dr. Zola.

Su Heng originally thought that after the civil strife, SHIELD would put the remains of the anti-Dark Night Magician armor into a place where no one would know.

As a result, I didn't expect to be turned over by the Hydra guys so quickly.

Su Heng has now begun to wonder if the old janitor guarding SHIELD's weapons depot is an agent of Hydra. Why does it feel like Hydra is completely oblivious when it goes to SHIELD to get things?

SHIELD? Baron Strucker waved his right hand fiercely at Su Heng. The joints of his right hand fell off, revealing black whip locks, which were entangled in the shield outside Su Heng's body.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was already captured by us last night. Baron Strucker said sarcastically: Can you imagine? Our dear Captain America left everything behind like a lost dog. Love escapes us.

. Su Heng looked at the whip locks attached to the shield and felt the magic power starting to flow faster and faster in his body.

It seems that you should have noticed it. Baron Strucker said with a laugh: Although your shield is indestructible, this translucent material definitely relies on the supply of energy to block surrounding attacks.

This whip lock in this body was specially designed by your good friend Tony Stark to restrain you based on the ability of the Ark Reactor to reverse absorb energy.

Oh, really? Su Heng looked at the Ark reactor on Baron Strucker's chest, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, as if he wanted to show a sarcastic smile.

Then give it a try.

Following Su Heng's voice, he began to increase the transmission of magic power in his body.

At the same time, in a seaside villa on Manhattan Island, the helmet of an extinguished steel armor rekindled its light.

Dr. Zola looked at the surrounding steel armors that were supposed to be guarding Tony Stark and Pepper. Now they fell to the ground like abandoned iron sheets, no matter how Dr. Zola controlled the programs of these steel armors. , unable to make them move.

Okay! Very good! Dr. Zola looked at the broken window, his voice was particularly gritted: I didn't expect that an AI that had been devoured by me to the point where only the underlying code was left could actually counter me. What a skill, Tony Stark, Jarvis!

In a hollow cave under the sea in Manhattan Island, Tony, wearing a battle armor, gently placed Pepper on the ground.

Cough cough cough cough cough. Pepper coughed out a few mouthfuls of sea water and looked blankly at the shimmering caves around him.

Don't worry Pepper, this is the secret base I discovered when I was diving alone. Tony hugged Pepper and comforted the frightened Pepper: That guy can't find us.

Tony, what happened? Pepper asked Tony in a low voice, Why did your armor betray you?

I was careless. Tony sighed, stretched out his hand, and a virtual broken ball appeared in front of Pepper.

This time our enemy is a guy from Hydra who has transmitted his consciousness into the network.

When I was solving the internal conflict in SHIELD, I should have discovered something. That guy could hack into Jarvis's private database.

But I didn't expect that that guy would just stare at me to take a look at the long-prepared Ultron plan.

When we went to Kosovia yesterday, that guy launched an attack on Jarvis and swallowed up most of Jarvis's data.

If I hadn't strengthened Jarvis's procedures before I left, I might not have been able to escape so easily today.

Then what should we do now? Pepper asked Tony, Can we still contact Su Heng?

Not now. Tony walked out of the suit, and the suit behind him showed a virtual keyboard screen.

Now the entire New York network is being monitored by Dr. Zola. I must now open a new virtual line and then contact Su Heng and the other Avengers.

What about SHIELD and the others?

SHIELD? Tony couldn't help but shook his head: Zola had already said just now that after I came back from SHIELD, all the guys from SHIELD had been wiped out, and the only option was to go to the cell. The captain who interrogated Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver and Thor escaped.

But Captain Light is an old antique, and Thor is a country bumpkin from outside the earth. It is simply impossible to expect them to find information through the Internet.

So, the only one we can rely on now is ourselves. Tony moved the muscles on his wrist and murmured in a low voice: Then now is the time of life and death. It depends on whether I will be caught by you or not. First create a new virtual line, and then scrap all the robots!

Yeah. Pepper looked at Tony, who had a serious face, and stepped back slightly. He sat in a corner of the cave and watched quietly as Tony's fingers turned into afterimages on the virtual keyboard.

But the reality was not as bad as Tony imagined.

With the flash of lightning, Thor, the hillbilly in Tony's words, smashed his hammer on the ground, and the light of thunder directly flew away the steel robots surrounding him.

The shield flew out of the old antique Rogers' hand and accurately hit the inferior version of the Ark reactor on the chests of the robots around him one by one, and then spun back into his hand.

The spider silk in Gwen's hand flew, and as she flashed and moved around, all the surrounding robots were wrapped in the spider silk. As Gwen tightened her hands, the spider silk wrapped around these robots There was a flash of electric light, and wisps of sparks and black smoke came out of these robots.

Dr. Otto was wearing a white laboratory coat, and the four mechanical tentacles on his back turned into glimmers of light, cutting all the robots around him into stumps and limbs.

Scarlet Witch Wanda and Quicksilver Pietro, who were supposed to be prisoners, were surrounded by crimson light between their hands, which turned into ripples and vibrated out, destroying all the robots around them.

The other figure turned into an invisible afterimage. When he reappeared, he was holding a pile of Ark reactors in his hands, and the Ark reactors on the chests of the robots surrounding him were unknown. time has disappeared.

Gwen and Dr. Otto looked at the powerful support in front of them and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when they were once again surrounded by robots and were about to lose their hold, Captain America Rogers appeared beside Gwen and Dr. Otto with Wanda and the others like a divine soldier descending from the sky, helping them deal with the wave of robots.

After solving those robots, Rogers did not choose to sit still and wait for death. Instead, after learning that Professor Connors and the others had suffered the same difficulties, he led Gwen and the others to continue to take the initiative and rush towards the location of the Osborne Building. passed.

Rogers' ideas are very simple.

Since I can't defeat Dr. Zola alone, I will gather more capable guys and defeat that guy when the time comes.

After the crazy attack by Rogers and his team, they finally saw the location of the Osborne Building.

Osborne Building at this time

In the ice mist, Harry's flame became smaller and smaller.

Peter Parker, wearing a black spider suit, knelt on the ground with a look of discomfort on his face.

Professor Connors, who was in lizard form, fainted inside the wall.

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