Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 120 Sea Warfare


The four steel armors surrounding Peter opened their palms, and screamed and powerful sound waves were stimulated from their palms, causing Peter in the circle to kneel on the ground in great pain, and the black spider suit on his body was constantly shaking. It dripped on the ground like sticky water droplets from time to time, and then tremblingly absorbed back into Peter's body.

Hey brother, if you don't think of a way, I'm going to die here! Venom's desperate cry kept echoing in Peter's mind.

I'm also thinking of a way. Peter raised his head with difficulty and looked at the four steel armors around him, as well as Harry who was fighting several robots in the ice mist on the other side; and at another place. , Professor Connors has been dug out of the wall by a sturdy robot.

Professor. Peter felt even more anxious as he watched the sturdy robot open his chest and stuff the unconscious Professor Connors into it.

He held on to his weak body and slowly stood up from the ground.

One of the steel armors surrounding Peter noticed his movements, retracted the sound waves he was constantly releasing in his hands, stepped forward and kicked Peter, who had barely stood up, to the ground again.

Peter grabbed the thigh that the steel armor was kicking toward him, turned around and hooked the steel armor's head with his legs. Veins popped out on Peter's head, and he used all the strength from his waist and abdomen to pull this steel armor away. The armor spun around and fell to the ground.

Huh - Peter rolled away from the area surrounded by sound waves. Before the other three steel armors could adjust their attack distance against him, the black spider suit on his body expanded instantly, and his body swelled. At the same time, speed and strength also received a strong increase.

Peter's figure turned into an afterimage and hit directly a steel armor that was surrounding Harry and spraying cold mist.

Peter's hands turned into sharp claws under the blessing of venom, and effortlessly penetrated the chest of the steel armor.

Harry! Peter raised his head and shouted at Harry, who was about to be frozen into an ice sculpture.

At Peter's call, a ray of fire flashed in Harry's eyes, and surging flames burst out from his body, melting the ice. At the same time, the glider that fell on the ground in the distance seemed to be summoned. , ignited flames and flew to Harry's side.

Harry stepped on the glider and looked at the group of steel armors behind Peter that could release strong sound waves. His body drew a line of fire in the air and flew towards the steel armors.

Peter looked at the steel armors in front of him that erupted with frost. After seeing Harry leave their attack range, these steel armors spurted flames under their feet, trying to move towards Harry. Lee chased after him.

When Peter saw this, black spider silk erupted from his wrists and wrapped around the feet of the armors.

As Peter struggled to grab it, the group of armors were pulled down from mid-air by Peter.

Yeah! Brother, kill them, kill them!

In Peter's mind, Venom's nagging voice came. At this time, Peter's figure became stronger and stronger under the blessing of venom. The claws in his hands became sharper. Just when Peter wanted to walk towards the armors that hit the ground.


A beam of fire flew back and hit Peter.

Peter caught Harry flying back in mid-air. Six thick black spider tentacles appeared from behind, stabilizing Peter's figure. Then he looked at the group of armors with the ability to release sound waves. on the body.

Beside the group of armors, the sturdy robot that had previously housed Professor Connors in his body patted the burning flames in his hands and returned to his standing state.

Are you okay Harry? Peter placed Harry on the ground.

It's okay. Harry touched the cracks on the skull's face. Under the blessing of the fire of revenge, the cracks on the face quickly disappeared without a trace.

The professor has been put into the body of the robot. Peter whispered towards Harry.

Yes. Harry nodded, looking at the sturdy robot with solemn eyes: And that guy is too strong. If there weren't those obstructive steel armors around him, maybe the two of us could defeat him together. but now

Harry shook his head, looked at the steel armors that continued to fly towards them in the sky, and said with some reluctance: If it really doesn't work, we can only give up on the professor temporarily, and then find a way to escape first. ”

But Professor. Peter hesitated.

They have no idea what these robots want to do. If they are allowed to take away Professor Connors, it is still unknown whether Professor Connors will survive.

Okay! Harry naturally understood Peter's hesitation. He nodded, and strong flames burst out from his body again.

Since you are worried about the professor, let's rescue the professor first and then escape together.

Although he said that, Harry looked at the steel armors that were constantly gathering in the sky, and the armors that were surrounding him and Peter on the ground, and wondered whether they could rescue Professor Connors. Then I always felt very guilty about successfully escaping.

Above the sky, more and more steel armors began to fly in the direction of Peter and the others.

Just when Peter and Harry's hearts sank, lightning flashed from the sky and scattered the armor that was constantly gathering in the sky.


And outside the encirclement, there were also bursts of noises.

Peter! Dr. Otto shouted Peter's name loudly. With the combined efforts of everyone, the encirclement was quickly broken through.

Dr. Otto! Peter looked at Dr. Otto, wanting to explain to him the current situation of Professor Connors: Professor Connors now

We have all seen it. Dr. Otto nodded and looked at the sturdy robot not far away.

We are here to save you.

Wanda spread her hands, and the scarlet aura around her body condensed towards the sturdy robot. Under the control of chaos magic, the sturdy robot's figure was stuck in place.

Now! As Rogers shouted, everyone rushed toward the sturdy robot.

Rogers and Gwen hugged the robot's arms. The tips of the mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Otto kept rotating, disassembling the panel in front of the robot, revealing the unconscious Connor in the robot's chest. Professor Si.

Pietro's body turned into an afterimage, and he took Professor Connors out of the robot's chest, and then came to the middle of the crowd.

Thor swung his hammer, constantly attracting thunder, and cleaning up more and more robots around him.

Let's break out. Rogers looked at Professor Connors who had been rescued by Pietro and said to everyone.

But Thor, who was cleaning up the locust-like robots around him, suddenly fell from the sky to the ground.

Everyone looked towards the sky.

Several robots of different shapes were casting cold glances at them.

Ahem, cough, cough. Thor stood up from the ground, coughed twice, and said to Rogers and others: Captain, be careful, there are some weird things about those robots in the sky, especially one of them. Absorb the thunder I summoned.

In the sky, huge steel armors flew behind the robots of different shapes, and the light in their collective hands shocked everyone.

Countless beams of light, like meteors falling to the ground, turned into thin lines in mid-air and shot towards the direction of Rogers and the others.

Rogers clenched the shield in his hand, but looking at so many people behind him, facing swarm attacks from all directions, they had no way to avoid it.

The spider senses in Peter and Gwen's hearts were beating non-stop, reminding them of the coming danger.

But there are no bunkers around that can block the attacks of these cluster beams.

What, am I going to die here so hastily? Gwen looked at the light beam that was so close, and a wry smile appeared on her face: Store manager.


Just when everyone felt extremely desperate, along with Su Heng's voice, a translucent light shield appeared on everyone, blocking the attacks of the cluster beams.

Everyone looked over following the sound.

A wall of fire soared into the sky and burned away the ordinary steel armors in the sky. Countless armors melted into molten iron and fell to the ground.

A light curtain appeared around those more special armors, blocking the wall of fire from burning.

But Su Heng's figure appeared behind these armors at this moment. The elimination cards hovering around him waved their cloaks and touched two of the armors, causing the two armors to disappear from everyone's sight. among.

The sand gravel turned into several sharp sand cones in the air, which also pierced the chest of one of the steel armors.

Several other steel armors barely managed to avoid the attacks of Xiao Pai and Sha Pai, but the figure that had been retreating suddenly appeared in front of Su Heng.

At this time, Su Heng held a sword card in his hand, and with a wave, he cut the last remaining steel armors in front of him into two pieces.

Su Heng fell back to the ground, looked at the people in front of him, and asked them, Are you okay?

It's okay. Rogers looked at the clear sky again and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now we are going to Manhattan Island. Su Heng said to everyone: Tony just contacted me and explained the situation to me. Now he has the method to restore these steel armors to their factory settings. The secret key requires us to take him to Stark Tower.

Tony? Rogers frowned and asked worriedly, Is he okay now?

Ever since SHIELD was captured by a robot sent by Dr. Zola last night, Rogers had understood that something was probably wrong with Tony.

It's not that good. Su Heng shook his head: That guy just wanted to take back control of these armors from Dr. Zola, but he was discovered by Dr. Zola half way through. If it weren't for With that half of control, Tony and Pepper may have been buried under the sea by now.

Is that so? Rogers looked at Wanda and Pietro with some concern.

During last night's interrogation, Rogers also found out why Wanda and Pietro helped Hydra deal with them.

Rogers was very grateful that the two siblings could help him escape from S.H.I.E.L.D. in times of crisis, regardless of previous suspicions, but if they were asked to rescue Tony, who was already regarded as their enemy, it would be too much. .

Su Heng also noticed Rogers' somewhat troubled gaze. Although he didn't know what happened between them, he still spoke to everyone based on his intuition.

Now, we need to divide into two waves. One wave of people will follow me to rescue Tony, and the other wave of people will go to Stark Tower to clean up the remaining robots.

Captain, in terms of cleaning up the remaining robots, I'd like you to bring someone there.

My word, Gwen, Harry, Peter, you three follow me.

Su Heng called out the names of these three little guys.

Okay. Rogers finally breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Su Heng's arrangements.

Then I'll leave it to you to take care of Tony, Su Heng.

Yes. Su Heng responded, putting his hands on Gwen and Peter's shoulders.

Peter followed Su Heng's signal and put his hand on Harry's shoulder.

The figures of the four people instantly disappeared in front of Rogers and others.

Okay. Rogers looked at the remaining people and said to them: Then while Su Heng and the others go to rescue Tony, the cleanup of the armor in Stark Tower will be troublesome for you.

The coast of Manhattan Island.

In the sky, two waves of robots of the same model were fighting crazily.

Tony Stark, please stop resisting. In the undersea cave, Dr. Zola's voice came from Tony's armor.

Even if you take back control of half of the armor, what will happen?

There was a hint of anger in Dr. Zola's sharp voice.

It's just a matter of time before I take back that part of control. You're just doing useless work now.

To make you so angry. Tony saw Dr. Zola's guilty conscience, and a smile appeared on his face: It seems that Su Heng and the others made you suffer a lot on land, right?

Hmph, if you hadn't escaped suddenly! Dr. Zola's voice became even more angry after listening to Tony's words: That guy Su Heng would have been defeated by me long ago!

Oh? Really? Tony glanced at the sea surface through the screen, and couldn't help but chuckled at Dr. Zola: Then you can continue to fulfill your wish now.

Above the sea, the figures of Su Heng and others have emerged!

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