Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 122 What happened here

The Stark Industrial robot rampage incident has finally come to an end, but the consequences of this incident are not so easy to solve.

Even though not many ordinary people were killed or injured in this incident, it still caused politicians in Congress to use this incident as a means of attacking Tony.

After all, these politicians have always been coveting the steel armor and miniature Ark reactor that Tony built. This incident just allowed them to catch Tony's sore feet.

Hypocritical Tony Stark.

The warmongers never stop.

Behind new energy are weapons of war.

With all the robots in the sky, what does Tony Stark want to do?

Under the covert instigation of politicians, the news media publicized Tony's hypocrisy, belligerence and danger on the Internet and in real life.

But just when the politicians were planning to further threaten Tony and ask him to hand over the Ark reactor technology and control of the remaining armor robots around the world, Tony took the initiative and publicized a public list.

This public list marks the locations of Stark Industries arsenals around the world, as well as the number of remaining armor robots in the arsenals.

Stark Industries solemnly announced that it will completely shut down Stark Industries arsenals around the world on Wednesday next week, and send the armor robots in these arsenals into incinerators for incineration. Media from various countries are welcome to comment. Stark Industries will supervise and guide this behavior.

This trick made the politicians in Congress feel distressed. They did not expect that Tony Stark would dare to be so decisive and burn so many robots at his word.

In this incident, Stark Industries not only provided the highest monetary compensation to the people who were killed or injured after being violently treated by the armored robots, but also bought a hospital to provide free treatment to the injured people. They are undergoing treatment.

It can only be said that thanks to Tony having a capable right-hand man like Pepper, he can handle these tedious chores in an orderly manner, and it also frees him from the intrigues of congressional politicians and the old guys on the board of directors.

You are really an irresponsible guy.

Su Heng looked at Tony, who was sitting in the guest area showing off Pepper to everyone, and complained with some disgust.

Leaving all these matters to Pepper alone, won't your conscience hurt?

That's right! Gwen, who was standing next to Su Heng, nodded angrily.

You little guys won't understand. Tony shrugged and said lightly: This is the tacit understanding between me and Pepper over the years. I am responsible for causing trouble, and she is responsible for helping me deal with the aftermath.

Tsk. Su Heng and Gwen looked at Tony's shameless look and couldn't help curling their lips.

So where's the dessert? Tony knocked on the table lightly and asked Su Heng, With so many of us coming to your place, you can't just give each of us a cup of hot milk, right?

It should be almost ready. Su Heng turned his head and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and said to Gwen: Gwen, let's go, let's go bring out the desserts.

Okay store manager. Gwen followed Su Heng and walked into the baking room together.

At this time, in the guest area, except for Captain Rogers, Wanda, and Pietro, all the people who played a vital role in this incident were sitting in the guest area.

Ms. Peggy Carter was overworked during the period after she took over as the acting director of SHIELD, and finally collapsed on the hospital bed from exhaustion. Captain Rogers was worried about Ms. Carter's physical condition, so he accompanied her in the SHIELD nursing ward. Ms. Carter.

As for siblings Wanda and Pietro, it was because of Tony.

Although Wanda and Pietro had a conversation with Ms. Carter and Captain Rogers on the night they were imprisoned and returned to SHIELD, they already understood that the culprit who killed their parents during the war was not Tony, but Stark. Industrial weapons warmongers.

But even so, the long-term hatred for Tony still could not make the two siblings look directly at Tony, so they returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. with Captain Rogers.

Harry. In the guest area, Peter looked at Tony, Dr. Banner, Thor, Professor Connors, and Dr. Otto in the guest area. He swallowed nervously and whispered to Harry: I don't think either of us should have come.

After all, among the people present, except for Gwen, Su Heng, Peter, Harry, and Thor's uncle who calls himself the Asgardian Thunder God, the others are all leading figures in various academic circles.

Except for Professor Connors who worked at Osborne Industries, Peter never dreamed that he would see these big figures with his own eyes.

Don't worry, Peter. Harry also licked his lips nervously, but his expression seemed slightly more relaxed than Peter: After all, we have done our best to help, otherwise the store manager wouldn't have called us over. Come to this party.”

Little guys, relax, don't be nervous. Tony noticed Peter and Harry who were whispering, and said to them with his chin in his hand: This is just a communication party between comrades, no need to Too concerned with our identity.”

Okay, Mr. Stark. Harry nodded towards Tony.

I still don't quite believe that your hammer can be as mysterious as you say.

While Tony was calming the emotions of the two little guys, Peter and Harry, Professor Connors and others were already having a heated discussion about Thor's hammer.

Only those recognized by the hammer can lift this hammer. Professor Connors shook his head: I am more inclined to think that this is just a technology that is more developed than the earth.

In other words, it is an anti-theft measure. Dr. Otto said half-jokingly: An anti-theft measure similar to fingerprint authentication.

I don't quite understand what you call science. Thor took out the hammer from behind and put it on the table: But I know one of the most common methods used by people on earth - seeing is believing. .

Since you have doubts, why not give it a try using the so-called science you say and see if you can lift my hammer.

It feels interesting. Tony listened to the argument between several people and came over from behind them: Add me to try.

Peter and Harry also looked over curiously.

After all, idleness is idleness, so everyone gathered together in front of the table with the hammer.

Let me try it first. Professor Connors put his hand on the handle of the hammer, weighed it lightly, and then gradually increased his strength.

After Professor Connors discovered that there was really no way to lift the hammer, he shook his head at everyone.

Huh? Tony looked at Professor Connors doubtfully: If I remember correctly, Connors, don't you have a potion that can turn you into a lizard man? Why don't you try it?

What about that? Professor Connors touched the lizard gene serum in his arms and shook his head at Tony, who looked puzzled: Although I have improved the lizard gene serum, the serum is still in the experimental stage, and it is inevitable that there will be some changes. There will be some unknown side effects, and some of them are not suitable when used for fun.

Is that so? Tony nodded clearly.

Let me try it. Dr. Otto took out a backpack from under the chair where he was sitting. After opening the backpack, four smaller mechanical tentacles were revealed.

Just in time to test the capabilities of the portable mechanical tentacles.

Dr. Otto took out the four portable mechanical tentacles from his backpack. Unlike the previous thick mechanical tentacles, these four portable mechanical tentacles did not need to be connected to Dr. Otto's nerve center. Instead, they could be carried directly on Otto's body like a strap. Behind Dr. To.

Dr. Otto pressed the button on the strap and activated the four portable mechanical tentacles.

After the four mechanical tentacles were activated, they grabbed the hammer handle under the control of Dr. Otto.


The four mechanical tentacles made a manic sound, and the mechanical joints were tightly stretched together, as if they were about to break at the next moment.

Forget it, forget it. The mechanical tentacles relaxed, and Dr. Otto put down the strap connected to the mechanical tentacles.

Can we try? Harry and Peter walked to the crowd and asked Thor.

Of course. Thor smiled at Harry and Peter and made a gesture of invitation to them.

Dr. Otto put the mechanical tentacles into his backpack and looked at Peter and Harry who were eager to try.

Harry first tentatively grabbed the handle of the hammer. After finding that he could not lift it normally, Harry nodded with Peter.


Peter's arms became thicker under the influence of venom.

Flames erupted from Harry's body, and Harry in the form of a skeleton appeared in front of everyone at this moment.

Wow! This was the first time Tony saw Harry and Peter transform into this form, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Harry and Peter once again grabbed the handle of the hammer and began to exert force all over their bodies.

Drink! As the two of them shouted, the fire of revenge in Harry became more and more surging, and Peter's arms covered with venom became thicker and thicker.

It won't work, it won't work. Venom's voice sounded in Peter's mind.

This thing is more evil than me. It can't be pulled out at all.

On the side, the flames on Harry's body began to become a little weaker.

Peter. Harry shook his head at Peter and took his hand off the hammer's handle.

And the venom slowly faded from Peter's hands.

What are you doing?

Just when Peter's hand let go of the hammer handle, Su Heng's voice sounded from behind everyone.

Everyone turned their heads and looked over. Su Heng's head was sticking out of the food outlet of the baking room.

Come and help with the desserts. Su Heng placed the desserts out of the dining area.

Then let's go help Peter. Harry said to Peter.

Huh? Okay. Peter glanced at the hammer in his hand strangely.

For some reason, when the venom faded from his hand, Peter felt as if he could hold the hammer.

But how is this possible.

Peter tentatively lifted the hammer up again, but it still didn't move at all.

Am I really overthinking it?

Peter decisively let go of his hand and headed to the dining outlet with Harry.

But no one noticed that the moment Peter let go, the hammer trembled slightly.

Then it's my turn next. Tony watched Harry and Peter leave, stretched out the armored mechanical arm that he had donned at some point, and grabbed the handle of the hammer.

Hahaha, come on, come on, now it's just you and Dr. Banner who haven't tried it.

Thor said with a laugh, as if he already knew the determined outcome.

When Su Heng and three little guys appeared in the guest area with a tray, Tony was pushing the propeller on the mechanical arm with a look of reluctance.

Give up Tony, I told you, you can't pick up Mjolnir. Thor said with a smile towards Tony.

It's such a familiar scene. Looking at the scene in front of her, Gwen felt like she was dreaming about the hammer-pulling competition in New Mexico.

Forget it, this thing must be equipped with some kind of authentication function. It's impossible for anyone except you to pull it out. Tony said to Thor with an unlucky look on his face.

That's not necessarily the case. Thor said quite complacently: I have already said that if you want to lift the hammer, you must be recognized by the hammer.

If you can't lift it, it means you are not qualified.

Oh, really? Su Heng put the dessert on the tray on the table with a half-smile.

Ahem, of course there are accidents. Thor looked at Su Heng's expression and suddenly remembered that Su Heng actually had something in his hand that he could lift with just brute force without Mjolnir's approval.

Thor also recalled that rainy night in New Mexico, when the harmless little girl raised the hammer.

Little girl, do you want to come and try? Tony didn't notice the uneasiness on Thor's face and waved to Gwen.

I'll forget it. Gwen shrank her head and said with some embarrassment: I already tried it when I was in New Mexico, and I couldn't pull it out.

Tsk, is that so? Tony focused his attention on Su Heng and Dr. Banner, and asked them.

What about you?

I'll forget it. Dr. Banner shook his head, with a trace of bitterness on his face: If I don't transform, I will only have the strength of an ordinary person. If I transform... you probably don't want to see it either. Hulk shows up here, right?”

That's true. Tony nodded, turned to look at Su Heng, and suddenly remembered something.

Su Heng, I remember that you have a very powerful, pink and tender little guy in your hand, right?

! Thor's heart tightened and he looked at Su Heng with a wry smile.

Well... Su Heng glanced at Thor and shook his head at Tony: It's not necessary. She also tried it in New Mexico before.

Can't even the little girl pull it out? Tony might have misunderstood. He shook his head in disappointment and muttered:

So it's definitely a problem with the hammer. Otherwise, with so many of us, how could there not be anyone who can pull it out...

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