Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 123 Asking for help and heavy rain in New York

On a quiet and peaceful distant planet, dense jungles spanning land and water are full of life.

In this jungle, there are all kinds of strange creatures living. They can control the elements related to themselves according to the surrounding terrain, and they can also use tools to work like humans.

If given time, these creatures might be able to develop a different kind of civilization on this planet.

But unfortunately, the Creator who created them is unlikely to give them the opportunity to develop civilization.

The Sovereigns, an alien race with a golden appearance, accepted the mission of the high priest Ayesha and went to the planet to recover these strange races and send them to the aerospace bioengineering company - Ogg Group. .

Countless starships and spaceships shuttled through the distant starry sky and arrived at this vibrant planet.

Traction device activated!

Under the command of the spacecraft commander, these starships and spaceships began to project rays of light toward the ground.

Under the pull of these rays of light, these strange creatures on the ground began to gradually levitate and slowly fly towards the sky.




Facing the sudden tractor beam, these creatures on the ground let out a burst of panicked shouts.


And at this moment, waves of frightening roars sounded from various jungles on this planet.

These are overlord-level creatures that occupy different locations on this planet.

Several overlord creatures spread their broad wings and flew towards the sky while bringing up hurricanes, attacking the spaceships in the sky.

On the ground, several other overlord creatures without wings opened their bloody mouths, and various types of elemental light balls shot towards the sky.

In addition, a giant dragon with a flower crown on its head and a pair of rabbit curled ears held its hands in front of its chest, as if it was praying.

With the murmurs of prayers, the trees in the surrounding jungle began to stretch their branches, binding the various parts of the innocent creatures that were rising, and pulled them down from the sky.

I didn't expect these creatures to evolve so fast? The commander in the spaceship faced the attacks of these overlord-level creatures in the sky and on the ground without any panic.

Instead, he focused on the giant dragon praying above the ground.

The initial development of civilization is inseparable from the complementarity of theology. The commander looked at the dragon and sighed in a low voice: If these guys are really allowed to develop, that dragon might become Ayesha. A priest-like existence.”

But it's a pity. The spacecraft commander shook his head and continued to direct the other spacecraft: The capture will continue. We are allowed to use weapons to injure those resisting creatures.

Following the instructions of the spacecraft commander, the few overlord-level creatures in the sky were the first to be hit by the firepower of the surrounding spacecraft.

Ouch! These overlord-level creatures let out a mournful cry and fell from the sky.

But before they could completely fall to the ground, they were illuminated by the tractor beam in mid-air and absorbed into the spacecraft.

Then, the fire strikes in the sky continued to cover the ground.

But just when these fierce fire strikes were about to fall on the ground, the trees suddenly became more and more lush.

Big trees rose from the ground and soared into the sky. Their dense branches and leaves covered the sky and blocked the sun, blocking the fierce firepower that was about to fall on those innocent creatures.

Impossible! The commander looked at the scene in front of him and said in shock: How could this guy have such a powerful power in his body?

Although these firepower coverage is not the full force of the Sovereign spacecraft, it is definitely not something that these creatures that were created not long ago can easily block.

What's more, it can spawn a dense forest that can block fire coverage. The energy contained in it is completely different from the overlord-level creatures that were captured just now.

Commander, something is wrong. A spaceship pilot dodged a huge vine whip protruding from the dense forest and quickly reported to the commander.

This is not something that dragon can do.

Do you still need to talk nonsense?

No, I mean, this forest has its own consciousness.

As the spacecraft pilot reported, nearly one-fifth of the spacecraft in the sky had been penetrated by the soaring vines and fell towards the ground.


The commander looked at the scene in front of him with a gloomy face, and punched the control console.

You must know that he boasted in front of High Priest Ayesha that he would definitely bring the fleet back intact.

But because of this damn planet and damn forest, the fleet suffered serious losses.

The commander gritted his teeth and commanded loudly:

Turn up the firepower to me! I'm going to level this planet!

The fire that filled the sky invaded the ground again.

The planet has been tortured by the long tug-of-war.

The forest of giant trees that originally rose into the sky to protect those creatures has withered under the firepower of the Sovereign spacecraft again and again.

Woo. A dragon that looked exactly like the previous giant dragon, but was smaller in size, pushed his mother's body.

The brilliance from the claws of the little dragon shrouded the body of the giant dragon. Under the radiance, the wounds on the giant dragon began to slowly heal.

Woo The giant dragon opened his eyes with great effort, looked at the little dragon who was trying his best to heal it, raised a paw, and gently rubbed the top of the little dragon's head. of buds.

In the sky, another new round of fire strikes once again invaded the ground.

Seeing this, the giant dragon wanted to protect the little dragon in his arms, and used his own flesh and blood to help the little dragon block this round of fire.

But the feeling of powerlessness coming from the body made it unable to make such movements at all.

The giant dragon closed its eyes in despair.

boom! ! !

The violent explosion sounded in the ears of the two dragons, but the giant dragon did not feel the burning and pain caused by the previous artillery fire.

The giant dragon slowly opened its eyes and looked at the thick vines in front of them that blocked the attack from the artillery fire this time, with a hint of reverence in their eyes.

The vine was gently placed on the head of the giant dragon, as if conveying some message to it.

The giant dragon nodded, looked at the little dragon with a nostalgic look, and then used his last strength to look up to the sky and roar.


Following this cry of shouting to the sky, the remaining creatures in this dilapidated forest seemed to have been summoned, and rushed towards the place where the giant dragon was.

As these creatures moved forward, large trees rose from the ground again, blocking the movement tracks of these creatures.

At this time, the vines were tightly bound to the body of the little dragon, throwing it into a deep black cave that suddenly appeared in the sky.

find him

A gentle voice sounded in Xiao Yalong's mind.

The black cave was bottomless, and Little Yalong didn't know how long he had fallen in this cave.

The last scene it saw before entering the black cave appeared in its mind.

It was a scene where the sky was filled with all kinds of firepower, the fellows were covered by vines and trees, and his mother fell helplessly on the ground.

find him


The little dragon let out a low cry.


It has been raining continuously in New York in recent days, and the dark clouds in the sky have made the office workers holding umbrellas on the streets feel even heavier.

Ah!!! My bag!!!

On a street, a woman's scream was heard.

People walking on the street looked over and saw a pale and thin man wearing a raincoat, holding a women's handbag in his hand and running crazily towards the front of the road.

Behind the man, a woman was sitting in the puddle. The umbrella in her hand had already fallen to the ground. She was pointing at the escaping man in the raincoat and shouting loudly.

That guy, that guy stole my bag!

Several men who looked back heard the words and were about to stop the escaping man in the raincoat, but found that the man in the raincoat had already taken out a knife from his arms. While waving the knife in his hand, he continued to move forward. Running.

Get out of my way!!!

The men who originally wanted to act bravely looked at the knife so close at hand, and quickly stepped aside, leaving a small path for the man in the raincoat to escape.

The man in the raincoat looked at the alley around the corner, holding a full handbag in his hand, his eyes full of excitement.


Unfortunately, before the raincoat man ran into the alley, three white spider threads shot out from the air one after another. One spider thread knocked away the knife in the raincoat man's hand, and the other two spider threads were tied to the raincoat man's hand. legs and body.

The man in the raincoat fell to the ground and rolled several times on the ground with the inertia of his escape. He did not stop until he hit the wall.

Gwen, who was wearing a spider suit, fell from mid-air and took the bag in the raincoat man's hand into her own hands as soon as the spider silk was sprayed.

Madam, this is your bag. Gwen helped the lady who fell on the ground up and put the handbag into her hands.

Be careful next time. After Gwen warned the lady, she sprayed the spider silk in her hand into the sky and disappeared from everyone's sight in a few leaps.

That's Spider-Woman! Only then did everyone onlookers react.

Damn it, I was so close just now, why did I forget to take a photo?

Several passers-by had expressions of regret on their faces.

After all, Spider-Woman's popularity in New York, or in the United States as a whole, has surpassed superheroes such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Nightmare, becoming the most popular superhero in the United States.

And among other boroughs in New York.

Ah, Spider-Man!

Damn it, why not Spider-Woman!

Spider-Man Peter also just finished a good deed in this city.

Peter landed on the rooftop and wiped the eyepatch on the spider mask.

Hey brother, can you bear to let that little girl be ranked ahead of us?

A black arm grew on Peter's body, and Venom took out Peter's cell phone and used Peter's eyes to watch a list called The Popularity of the Best Superheroes in the United States of the Year.

On this list, Spider-Woman's popularity has grown dramatically, surpassing Iron Man and Spider-Man, ranking first by a long way.

She obviously does the same amount of things, so why is she so popular than you? Venom said angrily towards Peter.

And it's obvious that our fighting power is countless times stronger than that little girl! Why is she so popular? There is definitely a shady secret! A shady secret!

Venom. Peter took the phone back from Venom's hand and said nonchalantly: We are doing good things anyway, why do we care so much.

Brother, I'm speaking for you! Venom said dissatisfied: Can't you worry more about your own affairs?!

I think it's okay. Peter sat on the top of the rooftop: If you have time to look at these things, you might as well look around and see where you need help.

After all, in this rainy weather, if we don't pay more attention, it is very likely that we will ignore the calls for help from people in need.

Tsk, to be honest, brother, when you said this, I almost thought Jesus had arrived.

Venom muttered.

You still read the Bible?

It's okay to be idle, just watch and play.

On the other side, Gwen had reached the balcony on the top floor of the Stark Tower by hanging on the spider's thread.

Hey, little girl, are you finally here? Tony in the office quickly opened the door and welcomed Gwen in.

Hoo ho— Gwen took off her spider mask, took a deep breath, and asked Tony curiously: Mr. Stark, what's the reason you called me here?

Of course. Tony nodded and asked Gwen: Do you still remember what I told you about making you a suit of armor?

Ah? Gwen was stunned, frowning and thinking hard for a long time: It seems that this is really happening?

I thought you were just joking. Gwen touched her head in confusion: So did you really do it?

Uh-huh. Tony said with some satisfaction, I never make such a joke.

Let's go, let me take you to see your armor. Tony took Gwen and walked towards the warehouse on the side.

It's a pity that guy Su Heng isn't here, otherwise this suit of armor will definitely make people so coveted that they beg me to make one for him too.

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