Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 124 Yunyu and the new suit

Sneeze! Su Heng sneezed and rubbed his nose above the clouds high in New York.

Sure enough, it's still a little cold up there. Su Heng rubbed his arms and looked around at the vast sea of ​​clouds.

At first, when it started to rain, it didn't attract Su Heng's attention.

It wasn't until it rained continuously for several days that Su Heng felt a hint of the magic power of the Clow card from the rain.

While he had nothing to do in the afternoon, Su Heng floated up into the sky with the help of a floating sign to find out the situation.

Sure enough, above the clouds, there were two little guys happily playing hide and seek in the thick clouds.

? Yupai and Yunpai noticed Su Heng's gaze. They stopped playing and tilted their heads to look at Su Heng.

It's almost time to come back, Yun, Yu. Su Heng waved towards the Yunpai and Yupai like coaxing a child.

Yunpai wanted to fly in the direction of Su Heng, but was held in Yupai's arms.

Yupai grabbed Yunpai, made a mischievous face towards Su Heng, and with a slight movement of Yunpai's body, he rushed into the thick clouds.

Alas. Su Heng rubbed his face helplessly as he watched the two little guys rush into the clouds and the clouds began to surge.

Forget it, I'll just play with you.

Su Heng summoned the sword card and looked at the clouds that began to surge around him. He waved the sword card in his hand, and a sword light slashed towards the clouds in front of Su Heng.

A hole was split in the clouds, but it quickly healed back together.

Sure enough, using sword cards alone is still a bit unrealistic? In Su Heng's other free hand, fire cards gradually appeared on the fingertips.


Following Su Heng's summons, the fire card with an unruly expression appeared next to Su Heng.

Go ahead.

Under Su Heng's instructions, Huopai's body was ignited with raging fire, burning towards the clouds in front of him.

But as the fire card approached the clouds, the rain that was originally falling towards the ground seemed to violate the laws of physics and suddenly flowed back towards the sky, pouring down the rain directly on the fire card.


The collision of flames and rain caused wisps of white water vapor to rise from Huopai's body.

But this situation also made Huopai indignant. He saw the flames on his body flourishing again, causing the rainwater flowing back to be burned into steam by the flames before it could get close to his body.

The fire card turned into a fire dragon and went directly into the clouds, and began to search for the rain card and the cloud card.

On the ground, New York citizens felt the rain that suddenly stopped and looked at the bright red clouds in the sky like flames with confusion.

As Huopai hunted wildly among the clouds, Yupai hurriedly emerged from the clouds holding Yunpai in his arms.

She glanced at Su Heng who was not far away, made a face at him again, and then wanted to continue running towards Yunpai into the distance.

But how could Su Heng give her this opportunity.

A Cullo card appeared again on Su Heng's fingertips.


Following Su Heng's call, a little girl who looked like a mermaid appeared next to Su Heng.

Bupai clenched his hands and murmured in a low voice, a pink bubble wrapped the Yupai and Yunpai in it.

Yupai looked at the sudden bubble and knocked on the inner wall of the pink bubble in a panic. However, she was disappointed to find that the inner wall was too hard and she couldn't break it at all.

Paopai waved his hand gently, and the pink bubble gradually floated from the mid-air not far away to Su Heng.

At this time, Huopai emerged from the clouds and guarded Su Heng's side, looking playfully at Yupai, who was struggling in the bubble.

Here, seal! As Su Heng held the sword card high, two Culuo cards began to appear at the tip of the sword. The pink bubbles that made Yu Pai feel indestructible burst out of thin air. Yu Pai and Yun Pai were blown away by the air. The powerful attraction brought by the stock ripples was gradually absorbed into the Clow card.

As Su Heng subdued the Rain Card and the Cloud Card, the New York citizens above the ground gradually discovered that the rain in the sky had stopped, and the originally thick clouds had disappeared without knowing when, revealing the clear sky. The sunshine, and the rainbow that looks particularly gorgeous after the rain.

You're so lucky. In the Stark Tower, Gwen, carrying a backpack, looked at the clearing sky and waved her hand towards Tony excitedly.

Thank you Mr. Stark, I really like this armor.

As long as you like it. Tony held up the champagne in his hand: I hope this thing can play a greater role in your hands.

Hehehe, that's for sure. Gwen smiled stupidly, touched her head, and put the spider mask on her head.

It's getting late, so I'll go back first.

Gwen opened the door to the balcony and pressed the button in her hand. In the backpack behind her, a spider suit full of metallic flavor gradually enveloped her whole body.

Gwen put on the hood, opened her hands and turned it over repeatedly, feeling the lightness of this suit of armor.

Then take your leave first. Gwen said goodbye to Tony, and then jumped off the balcony.

Tony came to the balcony with a wine glass and leaned his whole body on the balcony railing. Looking at Gwen walking back and forth in the city with spider webs, he couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: Sure enough, it's better to be young. ah.

In a sewer further down in the city, a black cave appeared out of thin air, and the figure of the little dragon fell out of the cave.

Woo~ Xiao Yalong felt the stench coming from the surrounding sewers, and took two steps back unaccustomedly, pressing his thick tail against the wall of the sewers.

find him

This voice echoed in Xiao Yalong's mind again.

Only he can save you

The little Yalong's eyes gradually became determined. It took a deep breath of the stench coming from the sewer, as if it wanted to quickly adapt to the conditions of this world, and then find the person who appeared in its mind.

According to the Daily Bugle's morning report, it was said that multiple people saw a dinosaur-like being in different neighborhoods last night.

The reporter from the Bugle Daily made a special trip to the police station to check the surveillance of the crime scene, but was told by the police that this was probably a prank by some citizens. Now they have the specific location of the prankster. I plan to go and catch that prankster.

I heard from George that the dinosaur was probably some good guy dressed up as a dinosaur. In the dessert shop, Gwen wiped the water glass in her hand and said to Su Heng: The purpose is to cause panic or heat.

Why did you change your name to your father George recently? Su Heng didn't pay too much attention to the dinosaur. Instead, he looked at Gwen in confusion.

Because you don't treat me as an adult! Gwen's hand inserted into the wall of the water glass became harder and harder: So from today on, I will call you by your names! Until you treat me as an adult That’s it.”

It's really the way of a child. Su Heng listened to the reason Gwen said and shook his head in confusion.

Who is the kid! Gwen bared her teeth at Su Heng.

Okay, okay, Ms. Gwen. Su Heng looked at Gwen's frizzy appearance, raised his hands in a French military salute, and quickly changed the subject.

Humph. Gwen snorted coldly, looked at Su Heng's obedient appearance, and continued to explain to him.

Because George showed me the internal surveillance of their police station. The dinosaur-like creature was colorful and colorful. It was really different from the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park.

And the so-called dragon is only about the same height as a human when it stands up. It is more like a busybody disguised as a dinosaur than a dinosaur.

After all, George encounters several cases of this kind every year, and most of them are done by overfed Californians.

The Daily Bugle reports the latest news in the morning. The reporter at the front has followed the police car and will soon arrive at the location of the prankster.

Z-Oh my god, that's not a prank! Z-it's actually a real dinosaur!

Stop! Don't go forward!

From the TV, the surprised voices of the reporters in front were heard, as well as the accompanying policemen who pointed their guns at the little Yalong, who was about the size of an adult.


One of the policemen shot at Little Yalong, but the bullet failed to break through Little Yalong's hard skin and only left a few white marks on it.

Although this move did not hurt Xiao Yalong, Xiao Yalong's eyes gradually turned red when he looked at the dark guns in the hands of these policemen.

It seemed like he was reminded of the similar weapons of the invaders far away in his hometown.

Woo!! accompanied by an angry cry from the little Yalong.

Thin vines extended from Xiao Yalong's feet and waved towards the police and reporters.

Ah!!! The reporter's screams came from the TV.

Gwen retracted her gaze from the TV, put down the cup in her hand that had been polished until it was almost shiny, and nodded towards Su Heng.

Store manager, it looks like it's time for me to take action.

Well, go ahead. Su Heng waved his hand towards Gwen.

Hehehe, but there is a problem. Gwen put on her backpack and suddenly seemed to remember something, and smiled at Su Heng.

Store manager, would you like to come with me?

Huh? Su Heng looked at Gwen in confusion, and then at the little dragon on the TV that looked very harmless.

Why, are you still worried that you can't handle that little guy on your own?

No. Gwen pointed towards Su Heng at the backpack behind her.

This is the new spider armor Mr. Stark gave me yesterday. Gwen got behind Su Heng and rubbed Su Heng's shoulders coquettishly: So I need to work with a photographer who has not been out for a long time. Mr. Shi, come and take some handsome photos for me.

A new spider armor? Su Heng glanced at the morning broadcast that had been cut off by the Daily Bugle and nodded.

Okay, there hasn't been much business in the store these two days anyway, so I'll take some pictures for you.

Yeah! That's great, thank you manager!

Outside the New York National Forest Park, there was a dense traffic jam of police cars. The police chief and police officers stood outside the cordon and loudly drove away the onlookers who wanted to see the dinosaurs.

Don't come in again! It's dangerous inside!

That's a living dinosaur. Is there really a Jurassic Park? Is there really a Hammond International Gene Technology Company?

I told you it's dangerous inside, so don't go in.

Just as the police officers were performing their duties, a hooded man with a slight metallic light flew into the forest park from above their heads, swinging on spider silk.

Wait? Is that Spider-Woman? The onlookers rubbed their eyes, watching Gwen getting farther and farther away from them with her spider silk, and pointed to the one on Gwen's body with some unconfidence. Set of metal armor.

So, she has changed into new clothes?

Inside the Forest Park, Chief George and several other colleagues held up explosion-proof shields. They looked at the light that gradually began to appear in Xiao Yalong's mouth and hurriedly spoke to everyone.

Be careful and defend yourself!

Under Chief George's warning, as the little dragon spit out a purple light that could span 180 degrees, the others quickly raised their shields to avoid the light.

But the trees or explosion-proof shields illuminated by this purple light all had a rotten smell. As the black smoke rose, pungent foam began to rise in those places.

Toxic! Wear a gas mask! One of the police chiefs shook off the anti-explosion shield that had been corroded until only half of it was left in his hand. Feeling that his head became dizzy just after absorbing two breaths of rotten breath, he quickly lay down. He fell to the ground and shouted a warning to everyone.

Woo~~ Following Little Yalong's chant-like voice, countless vines swept from behind the policemen in the forest, directly tying them up tightly.

Little Yalong aimed at the policemen who were tied up by the vines. When he raised his head, purple light appeared in his mouth again.

George and other police colleagues struggled but could not break free from the vines.

They couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts when they looked at Xiao Yalong's power-charging movements.

It's over now

But just when the little dragon was about to spit out the dragon's breath at George and the others, white spider silk spurted out from the side and tied directly to the mouth of the little dragon.

Sorry, I'm not late, am I? Gwen rolled to the ground in mid-air. While staring at the little dragon, she shot the spider silk in her hand toward the vines that tied Sheriff George and the others.

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