Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 127 Funeral and Memories

It seems like you and Gwen have something on their mind?

In the living room, Sheriff Stacey opened the refrigerator, took the fruits from Su Heng, and asked Su Heng while sorting the fruits into the refrigerator.

And looking at Gwen's evasive appearance, I must have something to do with this concern?

Ah. Su Heng rolled his eyes and was about to find some reason to fool Chief Stacey.

Let me guess, have you noticed that I know that Gwen is Spider-Woman? Sheriff Stacey closed the refrigerator door and smiled at Su Heng.

As expected of Mr. George. Su Heng looked at Chief Stacey with a smile on his face and couldn't help but sigh: As expected, I still couldn't hide it from you.

Sheriff Stacey glanced at Gwen who was busy with Ms. Helen in the kitchen, and turned sideways: Let's go and have a good chat on the sofa.

Su Heng followed Sheriff Stacey and sat on the sofa.

So Mr. George, when did you discover Gwen's identity? Su Heng took the teacup handed over by Chief Stacey, looked at the expression on his face that was not angry, and asked him curiously .

It must have been quite a long time. Sheriff Stacey blew the hot water in the tea cup and said reminiscingly: It seems that it was the day of the school anniversary of Zhongcheng Middle School. I and a few old friends were not the gods. Have those rookie agents from SHIELD been arrested?

The heads of those rookie agents told me the identity of Gwen they investigated in order to redeem her men.

Has it taken so long? Su Heng's expression was a little surprised: Gwen and I both thought that after knowing her hidden identity, you would not let Gwen do such a dangerous job again.

Aren't you here? Sheriff Stacey looked at Su Heng with a smile: Although this girl Gwen is reckless all day long, I am still relieved to have you by her side.

Su Heng raised his eyebrows, hearing the implication of Chief Stacey's words. He recalled what Chief Stacey said to him at home after the school celebration of Zhongcheng Middle School, and couldn't help but sigh softly: It seems that my identity has been exposed a long time ago.

The identity of your Night Magician is much easier to guess than Gwen's identity as Spider-Woman. Sheriff Stacey shook his head: After all, since you came to New York, the name of the Night Magician has gradually become more and more popular. New York rings.”

And in the first few incidents that made the Night Magician famous, whether it was the Silent City Incident or the Cinema Sleeping Incident or the Cinema Sleeping Incident, you happened to be present, didn't you?

As a veteran policeman for decades, if I can't find any clues like this, then wouldn't all my years of work have been in vain?

Then you still want to hide it from Gwen? Su Heng asked Chief Stacey, About you knowing her identity as Spider-Woman.

Keep it a secret. Sheriff Stacey glanced at Gwen, who was frightened by the fire in the kitchen, and winked at Su Heng jokingly: Isn't this quite interesting?

You are really a bad person. Su Heng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Jingle Bell--

At this moment, Su Heng's cell phone suddenly rang.

Sorry. Su Heng glanced at Sheriff Stacy apologetically and took the phone out of his arms.

This is a text message from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Ms. Peggy Carter passed away peacefully in her bed in a nursing home at 18:25 this evening. All SHIELD staff will hold a memorial ceremony for Ms. Carter at St. Patrick's Cathedral the day after.

. Su Heng looked at the content of the text message and sighed with some regret.

After all, Su Heng was not disgusted with the SHIELD that Ms. Carter was in charge of during this period.

After all, in the short time she took office, it can be said that she gave Su Heng and other people with extraordinary power the greatest respect and freedom.

When Ms. Carter faced Su Heng and other people with extraordinary powers, her attitude was not as condescending as Nick Fury. Instead, she regarded them as friends, or as a kind old man, treating them as... He also tolerated the naughty juniors and tolerated them all the time.

It's a pity that the time is still a little too short.

Sheriff Stacey looked at Su Heng's slightly regretful face and asked him in a low voice, Did something happen?

Yes. Su Heng nodded: An elder whom I met not long ago passed away.

Oh, judging from your expression, you should be a good elder. Sheriff Stacey didn't ask any more questions, and just patted Su Heng's shoulder gently.

My condolences.

How are my cooking skills?

After having enough tea and food, under the instructions of Chief Stacey and Ms. Helen, Gwen sent Su Heng to walk together on the dimly lit street.

Um, do you want me to tell the truth? Su Heng looked at Gwen, who had her hands behind her back.

Forget it. Gwen looked at Su Heng's hesitant expression and shook his head in frustration: Looking at you, you probably can't say anything good.

There's really nothing nice to say. Su Heng smiled and flicked Gwen's forehead with his finger: Although it's hard to eat, at least it's still edible.

I thought you were going to be confused about sugar and salt and let us have a meal of beets.

I'm not that stupid, okay? Gwen angrily kicked Su Heng's calf.

Right. Gwen seemed to have remembered something, glanced at the direction of her home behind her, and nervously asked Su Heng: So did you find out about my father? He found out about my Spider-Woman Do you have an identity?

Well Su Heng recalled Chief Stacey's joking face in his mind, and looked at Gwen with a somewhat pitiful look.

Poor Spider-Woman has no idea that her identity has been exposed to her old father.

Especially when Gwen fought side by side with Chief Stacy several times, Su Heng recalled Gwen's all-encompassing look at that time, as well as Chief Stacey's helpless look behind Gwen.

Su Heng felt that Gwen was too pitiful.

So what kind of look are you looking at! Gwen looked at Su Heng's pitiful eyes with some disgust, and couldn't help but raise her hair coldly: Is it possible that my father found out?

Of course not. Su Heng shook his head repeatedly, opened his eyes and began to tell lies: At least in my test, Mr. George did not reveal that he knew about this matter.

On the contrary, you have been asking me to find a way to change your lazy temperament.

Tsk, Dad is really serious. Gwen curled her lips and said, How could I be lazy? My mother can obviously do everything at home by herself. I'm just doing my duty as a daughter.

It's not easy for you to call me so grandiose when you're lazy. Su Heng shook his head.

Humph. Gwen Jiao snorted and tilted her head unconvinced.

Speaking of which, have you received the text message? The two were walking quietly on the road, and Su Heng suddenly asked Gwen.

What text message? Gwen took out her phone in confusion: I was busy in the kitchen with my mother just now, so I didn't pay attention to it.

Gwen turned on her phone, and the message from SHIELD came into her eyes.

Ah, how could that happen? Gwen covered her mouth in shock.

Ms. Carter is such a wonderful person

Although Gwen and Peggy Carter didn't have much interaction, the one or two times they met by chance gave Gwen an excellent impression of Ms. Carter.

Gwen also didn't expect that the young lady who looked a little like a kind old lady would die so early.

Su Heng sighed and said to Gwen, who looked a little sad.

Let's go together the day after tomorrow.


Two days later, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, people who were familiar with Ms. Carter were wearing black suits, solemn and solemn.

Su Heng and Gwen stood on a seat together, looking seriously at the people in the aisle carrying Ms. Carter's coffin into the church.

Among these people, the leader was Captain Rogers, who looked sad.

As the coffin bearers moved forward with heavy steps, the church gradually began to resound with mournful music in memory of the deceased.

There were obviously hundreds of people in the church, but apart from the sounds of mourning and music, there was no other noise.

White petals of chrysanthemums, lilies and carnations slowly fell from the top of the church to the sound of mourning music.

Little by little it fell on everyone's shoulders.

Store manager. Gwen noticed a certain figure on the top of the church and gently tugged on Su Heng's sleeve.

Yes. Su Heng nodded slightly and said with a sigh: Since that guy is not here to cause trouble, let's wait until the funeral is over.

There were not many petals accumulated. Except for the two or three petals on the shoulders of those who came to attend the funeral, there was only a shallow layer of white petals on the ground and Ms. Carter's body.

Although the person in charge of the funeral was shocked, he did not take this matter too seriously and listened quietly to the priest's eulogy.

Today, we sadly lost a respectable lady.

After the priest's eulogy, everyone placed the white bouquets next to the coffin containing Ms. Carter one by one as a way of mourning.

When everything was over, everyone left the church with a little sadness and regret on their faces.

Su Heng and Gwen came last.

When there were only a few scattered people left in the church, the two disappeared into the church while others were not paying attention.

When they appeared again, the two of them had already reached the eaves of the church.

Huapai sat quietly on the eaves, looking at the tombstones not far outside the church, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Heng led Gwen forward and sat next to Huapai, looking at the distant scenery with her.

Come back. Su Heng said softly towards the flower cards.

Seeing too many sad things will always affect your mood.

The flower card nodded quietly, and gradually turned into a Clow card in the bursts of brilliance.

Su Heng picked up the flower card next to him that turned into a Clow card, and then stood up with Gwen.

Let's go back.


Try to remember that September, when the grass was still green.

The singing was accompanied by melodious piano tunes. In the living room, a graceful woman looked at the white-haired old man in a suit who walked out of the room. She tilted her head slightly and looked towards the sofa covered with a red blanket. The person called softly.

Wake up baby, it's time to say goodbye to your father.

Howard Stark stretched out his hand to lift the top of the blanket, looked at the familiar face, retracted his hand and pinned the buttons on his suit again, and joked to his wife Maria: I thought something was broken into the house. The famous bum.

Huh-- Young Tony Stark, wearing a Santa hat, stretched out from the sofa, and then stood up.

He said to his father with a cheerful expression: I just like to go home for Christmas, because you leave as soon as I come back.

Howard looked at the young Tony with an unfriendly expression.

Don't be like this, dear. Maria tilted her head and said to Howard: Tony has been studying and doing research overseas, and it is rare for him to come back.

It's not bad to pick up girls overseas. Howard glanced at Tony angrily and pulled off the Santa hat on Tony's head.

Please be kind to Mr. Tony Stark, who is now an adult, and don't turn the house upside down before next Monday.

Hey, so you guys will be back on Monday? A trace of regret flashed in Tony's eyes, and he said slightly relaxedly: Thank you for telling me the news. It seems that I have enough time to plan my robe party.

So where are you going? Tony walked around Howard, who had his hands in his pockets and looked unhappy, walked to his mother's side, and asked her.

Well, your father is going to take me to the Bahamas for a little vacation.

But we have to go to another place halfway. Howard looked at Tony: You should know.

Of course I know, it's another damn experiment report, right? Tony tilted his head in disgust and held Maria's shoulders: Father, I know, I just hope you will like the holiday meal in the cafeteria over there. .”

I'll go in and pack my luggage first. Howard glanced at Tony angrily, turned around and walked into the room.

Tony. Maria looked at Tony who was unconvinced.

Actually, your father missed you very much when you were away. It's just because of work needs that we spend less time together and more time apart.

Perhaps, you should know what you want to say to your father. Maria held Tony's shoulders and said to him.

Of course I know. The originally bright room gradually dispersed and turned into darkness.

The adult Tony was sitting on the sofa in the living room, holding a bottle of red wine that he had already drank more than half of.

But I wish I could really say that to you.

Tony put the glasses he had already taken off on the table and rubbed his somewhat dusty eyes.

Jarvis. Tony raised his head.

Yes, sir.

Tell them that I voted for this experimental project of Dual Backward Transformation Architecture.

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