Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 128 The person I miss

In the cemetery outside St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rogers was sitting next to Ms. Carter's tombstone, his eyes full of haggard and sadness.

Captain. Coulson, who was standing behind Rogers, looked at Rogers' appearance and comforted him in a low voice, somewhat unbearably: You have been at Ms. Carter's grave for three full days.

I think Ms. Carter doesn't want to see you so sad for her.

I know. Rogers took a deep breath: Let me stay with her for a few more days, Colson.

Of course. Coulson looked at Rogers' still sad look and sighed softly.

Everyone in the bureau knows that the person most suitable to comfort the captain is no longer alive.

This is not only a regret for the captain, but also a regret for many employees of SHIELD.

When Ms. Carter was alive, she influenced countless agents with her gentle and kind attitude, and made everyone feel at home in S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time.

Unfortunately, the time that gave them this feeling was too short.

Whether it is applied to the mysterious Eastern countries or today's United States, these words are obviously very applicable.

Since Ms. Carter's death, members of Congress and various official agent organizations have been eyeing their piece of SHIELD.

If Rogers hadn't still been in S.H.I.E.L.D., the current S.H.I.E.L.D. would probably have been devoured by those greedy guys.

But both Coulson and current Director Agent Hill know that Rogers can be a team leader in a war, or a soldier at the forefront.

But he will definitely not be a politician who can compromise with those officials.

Now Congress and the leaders of the secret service organizations are only temporarily wary of the captain's majesty and the connections left by Ms. Carter.

If during this period of time, the agents of SHIELD cannot return to their former glory, even if Ms. Carter is resurrected, there will be no way to save SHIELD, which is about to be cannibalized.


The vibrating sound of his cell phone interrupted Coulson's worries about the future of SHIELD.

Coulson glanced at the caller ID, walked aside and answered the call.

Any instructions, Director Hill?

Stop teasing me, Coulson.

The tired voice of Maria Hill, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., sounded on the other end of the phone.

Obviously, since taking over as director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Hill has been in a state of high tension, fearing that his decision-making errors will put S.H.I.E.L.D. into a disadvantageous position.

Captain, is he still in the cemetery?

Agent Hill got back to business and asked Coulson.

That's right. Coulson glanced at Rogers, who was still sitting next to Ms. Carter's tombstone: Is there any mission?

I want to know that the captain told me that he wants to stay with Ms. Carter for a few more days.

But this mission now really belongs to the captain. Agent Hill looked at the report in his hand and said in a strange tone.

According to information sent by agents from the bureau, traces of suspected Ms. Carter were found in the Museum of Modern History in New York.

Who? Colson was stunned, unable to believe what he heard.

That's right, it's Ms. Carter, and she's still wearing the uniform of a British secret agent in World War II.

In Stark Tower, Pepper was at his desk, looking at Tony who was lying on the sofa, drinking red wine and doing nothing, and rubbed his head with a headache.

Tony, if you have nothing to do, it might be a good choice to go to the dessert shop for dessert, or go to the laboratory to continue studying your iron skin.

Dear Pepper, wasn't I waiting for you to get off work? Tony, who was lying on the sofa with his legs crossed, said nonchalantly to Pepper: You must know that you have let me go for several days because of work. ”

You know, even the toughest models in Time magazine have never let me go.

Then you go have your candlelight dinner with your Time magazine model. Pepper angrily threw a pen holder towards Tony.

Isn't the reason why I work overtime here because someone dumped all the mess of the group on me?

Don't be angry, Pepper. Tony said to Pepper with a playful smile: That's why I'm here to accompany you after get off work, isn't it?

I have booked the most luxurious Michelin restaurant in New York tonight. Even if you work overtime until the early morning, they will wait for us to come over.

Then they really have to wait. Pepper gestured with her hands to the three piles of documents that were about the same height as herself on the desk.

Uh-huh. Tony shrugged, started to hold his face up, and drank wine while admiring Pepper who was starting to work hard again.

Sir. At this moment, Jarvis's voice appeared in the ears of Tony and Pepper.

Shh, Jarvis, keep your voice down, don't disturb my dear Pepper while she's working.

Tony looked at Pepper, who was glaring at him, and said quickly to Jarvis.

Yes sir. Jarvis adjusted the volume of his voice to the point where only Tony could hear him.

So is there any memo that I need you to remind me of today? Tony asked Jarvis.

No sir. Following Jarvis's voice, a virtual screen appeared in front of Tony.

On the virtual screen, in a manor with a somewhat depressed atmosphere, a luxury car with an atmosphere of the 1960s and 1970s ushered in.

But what made Tony's eyes freeze were the two strange yet familiar voices stepping out of the luxury car.

The Stark Manor that you ordered to be closed was opened just now by two people with first-level authority.

According to the data, the names of the two first-level people who opened the manor are: Maria Stark and Howard Stark.

Rogers was in the car driven by Agent Coulson.

The expression on Rogers' face, which had returned to the Stars and Stripes uniform, was no longer one of sadness and pain, but full of anger.

He couldn't believe it, but he had to believe it.

Someone would actually appear in the streets of New York wearing the same uniform that Carter once wore when her body was still cold.

Such behavior is not a tribute to Rogers, but pure blasphemy! Disrespect for the dead!

This is why Rodgers changed into this star-striped uniform.

At this moment, Rogers has made up his mind. Regardless of whether he is a man or a woman, he will use his most angry fist to hit the poor imitator in the face!

Here we are, Captain. Agent Coulson parked the car outside a manor, turned to Rogers and said, According to reports from his agents, the target's last whereabouts was into this manor.

Is that so? Rogers tightened the shield in his hand and nodded towards Colson: Thank you for your hard work, Colson.

This is what I should do. Coulson waved heavily towards Rogers: Captain must punch the imitator twice for us!

No problem. Rogers got out of the car, looked at the luxurious manor in front of him but lacked some popularity, took a few steps to help him, and immediately turned over and crossed the towering wall in front of him.

But Captain Rogers, who had just crossed the wall and landed on the ground, suddenly froze in place.

To his left, right, front and back, black gun barrels were erected one after another.

Rogers glanced at the gun barrels around him, identified the location of the main building of the manor not far away, bent his legs slightly, and rushed towards the location of the main building.


As Rogers moved, the dark gun barrels around him made bursts of shelling sounds.

Rogers charged towards the main building while holding up the shield in his hand, hoping to take this opportunity to block the cannonballs fired from the barrel.

But among these shells, there is no gunpowder that can blow people into pieces. Instead, there are bundles of catching nets wrapped around them.

Although Rogers was aware of these nets when they were opened, the number of nets was too dense.

In the end, Rogers was entangled in several bunches of catching nets, blocking him from moving forward.

Damn it! Rogers tore at the bunches of catching nets on his body, but before he could tear one of them away, the cannon barrels behind him began to spit out huge catching nets towards Rogers, directly killing Rogers' whole body. All surrounded by it.

team leader?

Just as Rogers kept struggling, Tony's voice came from the sky.

Jarvis, turn off the anti-theft function.

Following Tony's voice, the cannon barrels on the lawn that were spraying catching nets at Rogers stopped their movements and retracted into the original lawn.

Tony shot a laser beam from his hand, and Rogers, who had been wrapped into a ball, was finally rescued from the catching net by Tony.

Tony? Rogers, who was relieved, unexpectedly looked at Tony in the mid-air, wearing a steel armor, and asked him doubtfully: Why are you here?

I should be the one to ask you this. Tony took off the helmet of the steel armor and held it in his hand. The expression on his face was also full of surprise: This is my home.

your home?

That's right, Captain. Colson's voice sounded from above the wall.

Colson lay on the wall, wiped the sweat from his head, and said to Rogers: You got off the car too fast just now. Before I had time to tell you, this is where Mr. Stark and Mr. and Mrs. Howard used to be. A manor to live together.”

After the death of Mr. and Mrs. Howard that year, Mr. Stark sealed the manor and did not allow others to enter. Even the cleaning to maintain hygiene was done by robots made by Mr. Stark himself.

So why are you SHIELD people coming to my house? Tony looked at Coulson with an unkind expression: I hope SHIELD can give me a reasonable explanation, so as not to lower my feelings for you. Sensitivity.

Because a SHIELD agent discovered that someone suspected of being Ms. Carter entered your manor. Coulson jumped off the wall and explained to Tony why they were here.

Jarvis? Tony tilted his ear.

Sir, Ms. Carter entered the manor through the formal channel of ringing the doorbell. Jarvis's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Ms. Maria received Ms. Carter in person. This is a normal visitor in the procedure, so she was not reported to you.

But Ms. Carter has been buried a few days ago. Tony rubbed his head: Shouldn't I put so many restrictions on your underlying algorithm? I feel like you already lack common sense. theory.

Maria? Rogers looked a little surprised when he heard the name Jarvis said.

If Rogers guessed correctly, there can only be one Maria who can appear in Stark Manor.

But that lady Maria, should.

In Rogers' mind, he thought of Bucky, who is still imprisoned in SHIELD prison.

That's right, Bucky killed Howard and his wife, Ms. Maria.

It looks like there are more than two imitators. Tony was the first to understand the reason.

I just received news from Jarvis that my father and mother appeared at the manor.

Tony shared the information he got with Rogers, and Rogers frowned when he heard the information Tony said.

He didn't quite understand what these imitators wanted to do.

Rogers? But at this moment, the people in the main building seemed to notice the commotion in the manor.

The balcony door of the living room on the second floor was slowly opened, and Ms. Carter appeared in front of everyone holding a cup of black tea.

She looked at Rogers in Stars and Stripes uniform downstairs in astonishment, the expression on her face was full of disbelief.

Peggy. Rogers also looked at Ms. Carter upstairs, the expression on her face looked so confused.

In Rogers' perception, the Ms. Carter in front of him was exactly the same as the Ms. Carter he saw in the military camp.

Is this really a dream? Ms. Carter threw the cup on the table at a loss. Looking at Rogers downstairs, she could no longer conceal her inner excitement and jumped down from the stairs.

! Upon seeing this, Rogers quickly ran forward and held Ms. Carter in his arms when she was about to fall to the ground.

Oh my God! Ms. Carter felt the warmth coming from Rogers' body, her hand had touched Rogers' cheek, her eyes were filled with tears: This is actually true, we actually meet again!


Just as Rogers and the Ms. Carter in his arms were looking at each other, Tony, who was wearing steel armor, looked towards the balcony on the second floor, and his body was frozen in place like Rogers just now.

The white-haired Howard Stark and the still graceful Maria Stark also walked from the living room to the balcony, looking curiously at the scene downstairs.

Mother, and father. Tony looked at the two people upstairs, opened his mouth, and seemed to be suddenly speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say at this time.

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