Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 129 The friendly joke played by time

Tony thought that he would be very angry after seeing the impostors pretending to be his parents.

But this was not the case. After Tony looked up at his father and mother on the balcony of the main house, he was already convinced.

They are definitely not the so-called fakes!

Rogers? The white-haired Howard looked at Rogers who was hugging Peggy Carter tightly, and the expression on his face was also full of surprise.

But Ms. Maria next to Howard noticed Tony who was wearing steel armor and had complex eyes next to Rogers.

Dear. Maria pressed lightly on Howard's shoulders and whispered to him: Look at the kid who's been staring at us, does he look like Tony?

. Howard focused his attention on Tony. He looked at Tony's somewhat vicissitudes of face, sighed softly, and said to Maria: I think that should be Tony, alone after our death. Tony living in this world.”

Let's go Maria. Howard held Maria's hand: Let us meet him.

Tony watched Howard and Maria upstairs leaving the balcony. He couldn't help but move forward slightly, but his reason stopped Tony from chasing after them.

Peggy, what are you going to do? Rogers held Peggy Carter's shoulders, a little doubtful in his excitement.

Although in Rogers' heart, he was sure that the person in front of him was indeed his Peggy, it was clearly Rogers who sprinkled the first dust on the deceased Peggy a few days ago.

Peggy Carter shook her head gently: Last night I was still in SSR sorting out the closing report of the Leviathan incident, but when I woke up early this morning, I found myself in today's era.

Strategic Scientific Reserve, referred to as S.S.R., is the predecessor of our SHIELD. Coulson turned to Tony and Rogers: The Leviathan incident, if I remember correctly, should be in 1946, Ms. Carter Together with Mr. Howard, they foiled the mysterious organization Leviathan's plot to rule the world. It was also after that incident that Ms. Carter drafted the draft to form S.H.I.E.L.D.

Peggy Carter looked at Coulson in surprise.

This is the history of the creation of SHIELD. Coulson smiled respectfully at Peggy Carter: From the establishment of SHIELD to the present, every agent who has just joined SHIELD must memorize this. share in the creation of history.”

1946? But Tony discovered the problem.

If I remember correctly, in 1946, the old man in my family seemed to be only about thirty years old?? But Tony recalled Howard's white-haired appearance just now. He definitely couldn't be around thirty years old. The appearance you can have at your age.

Because Peggy and we come from different times. Howard's voice sounded from the door of the main building.

Everyone looked over, and Howard Stark appeared in front of everyone holding the hand of his wife Maria.

I was on my way to the Capitol with Maria on Christmas Day 1991 to report on a new trial when I suddenly showed up here.

! Tony suddenly raised his head and looked at Howard.

That Christmas in 1991.

That was the last time Tony saw Howard and Maria.

Colson looked at Tony and Rogers who fell silent with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

After SHIELD imprisoned Bucky in SHIELD's prison, the relevant files on Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes were also updated.

Among them, there is an update to the file After Christmas in 1991, the Winter Soldier killed Mr. and Mrs. Howard who were planning to go to the Bahamas for vacation on a suburban road in New York.

Of course, according to external information, the Howards still died in an accidental car accident.

Why do I feel like you guys look at me weird? Howard touched his face and said with a smile: Didn't it happen that after that day, Maria and I died in a car accident?

Now that I know it, wouldn't it be nice to find a way to avoid this after Maria and I go back later?

As one of the most outstanding scientists in the 1990s, Howard was naturally not too stupid.

During the time when Tony and Rogers found the manor, Howard had already figured out the time point in the current world and what happened after he traveled from his timeline.

However, due to information asymmetry, Howard did not know that he died in Bucky's hands.

But even so, this has already given Tony a wake-up call.

Yes! Tony looked at Howard in front of him and murmured in a low voice: Since you can know the truth of the matter, you can definitely find a way to avoid what will happen next.

I can still do it. I can also hand over the armor to you!

Jarvis! Tony called to Jarvis in the armor.

Send two armors from Stark Tower.

No, bring me the tool room. I want to make two new armors!

Tony! Howard looked at Tony's crazy look and stepped forward to hold Tony's shoulders: Calm down, Maria and I are here.

Huh - Tony took two deep breaths and turned around: I'm sorry, I'm really a little too nervous.

A lot must have happened since we were gone, right? Maria looked at Tony who had his back turned to her with some distress.

Of course. Tony trembled, took off the armor he was wearing in a panic, turned around and hugged Maria and Howard tightly in his arms.

It's great to see you all again.

Me too. Maria patted Tony's back gently, looked at Rogers, Peggy Carter and Colson in front of her, and said towards them.

How about we go in and have a chat? I just made a nice pot of black tea.

Yes. Everyone nodded, and after Tony let go of Maria and Howard, they walked into the main building next to them.

Now, there are several problems.

Tony sat on the sofa and said to everyone with a serious face.

The first thing is about the time paradox.

If Ms. Carter and her father and mother could really go back to their own time, would the things they know in this world make things change now?

But so far, Jarvis has been collecting intelligence from the outside world, but the timeline has not changed in any way.

Does this mean that after you go back, you will still follow the same timeline?

Rogers shook his head, held Peggy Carter's hand, and whispered to Tony: But if that's the case, it's impossible for Peggy, who passed away a few days ago, to tell me that she came to this time until she died. thing.

But... Tony bit his finger reluctantly.

It's not easy to see my father and mother, but if nothing can be saved, it will be really disappointing.

At this point, I have to say sorry. Su Heng's figure gradually appeared in the living room.

Su Heng glanced at Ms. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Howard in the living room, and nodded slightly toward them: Hello, you three, I am Tony's friend.

Your appearance has a certain relationship with me, so I will answer your questions about this matter.

The expression on Su Heng's face looked a little helpless.

Originally, he was having a good time in the dessert shop eating and waiting to die, but then the great ancient mage suddenly appeared and gave him a mental breakdown.

This is the trouble caused by your lost ability! The ancient mage looked at Su Heng with dangerous eyes: I have already made enough messes, but I don't have the trouble caused by your ability. I have so much free time to wipe the butt of this guy like you!

You have to finish this matter for me in a week!

After giving the ultimatum, Su Heng was kicked into the main building of Stark Manor by the ancient wizard.

As for the time paradox Tony mentioned, it does exist.

You can think of time as a long river of time that keeps flowing forward, and you are just the fish drifting with the current in the long river of time.

Su Heng explained to everyone.

“Everyone’s different decisions will affect the direction of this river of time and extend new branches of the river of time.”

Although it is a bit regretful, in the current timeline, the deaths of Mr. Howard and Ms. Maria are already an established fact.

Su Heng looked at the Howards and Tony apologetically.

The appearance of the two of you in this timeline shows that your timeline has diverged from our current timeline, which means that a new branch of time has been triggered.

So even if you two, oh by the way, and Ms. Carter, the three of you return to your own timeline, the timeline of this world will not change because of the change of the timeline of your world.

. Tony turned to look at Howard and Maria, licked his dry lips, and asked Su Heng:

That is to say, no matter what efforts I make, my timeline will not change in any way, right?

That's right. Su Heng looked at Tony's unwilling eyes and nodded with some regret.

Then, what if they don't go back to that timeline! Tony suddenly thought of this question.

Now that the branch of the timeline has appeared, if they don't go back, it will not affect the development of any timeline. Tony looked at Su Heng with hope in his eyes: Su Heng, I think so, and that's okay. Bar?

. Su Heng shook his head.

Mr. Howard and the others are not from this era after all. I'm not sure there won't be any side effects from this.

Moreover, the occurrence of this situation is caused by one of my abilities that cannot be recovered. If I let it go, the world will definitely be in chaos.


Tony wanted to say something else.

Tony! But Howard sternly stopped Tony from continuing to speak.

You should be able to think of this with your sense now!

Playing with time will never end well.

And Howard looked at Tony's unwilling look and sighed with regret.

You are my son, but in the timeline where I should be, there is also a Tony Stark. Can you understand?

Yes. Tony closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate, and slumped down on the sofa.

Why hasn't Tony considered this?

It was just selfishness at work, so I ignored this fact that should have been understood in the first place.

Sorry, honey. Maria looked at Tony apologetically, and it was obvious that she had the same idea as Howard.

There was no way they were leaving Tony behind in that timeline.

Rogers Peggy Carter also looked at Rogers with an apologetic look.

After all, she is not a person in this timeline. Even if she can even replace her dead self in this world, for Peggy Carter, who is already strong, such behavior is simply not in line with her character.

She also doesn't think that she will do worse than herself in this world.

So even though Peggy Carter met Rogers, who she thought she would never meet again, she could only say sorry now.

Then Mr. Su Heng. Colson asked Su Heng: As for Mr. Howard, Ms. Maria and Ms. Carter, how long can they stay in this world?

Well Su Heng pondered for a moment, looking at Tony whose face was full of reluctance and unwillingness, he sighed slightly in his heart.

One week, this is the deadline set by the ancient mage. I need to find and conquer the guy who is playing with time within a week.

A week? Howard and Maria looked at each other.

Tony. The expression on Maria's face looked particularly soft: This week, can you take me and your father to have a good stroll in this era?

Tony suppressed his unwillingness, looked up at Maria, who was smiling, and Howard, who still looked serious, and nodded heavily.

Of course, of course!

I believe you will be surprised by the development of this era, especially today's Stark Industry.

Hahaha, more than this, I want to know whether my dear son has taken back his bohemian heart and found a harbor where he can safely dock.

. Although Howard didn't speak, the look he cast towards Tony also showed his curiosity about this matter.

Listening to his mother's inquiry, Tony couldn't help but picture Pepper's face in his mind.

As for this? Tony smiled at Howard and Maria.

That may be more surprising than the surprise you saw when you saw the development of Stark Industries.

Then this gentleman.

On the other side of the sofa, Peggy Carter looked at Rogers beside her, smiled and winked at him.

Although you have only been away for less than two years in my era, I believe you in this era will never forget it. You still owe me a dance, right?

Of course I haven't forgotten. Rogers looked at Peggy Carter who was smiling, gently held her hand, and whispered: This is the agreement between us.

Then I hope that in this era, I have taught you how to dance.

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