Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 131 Farewell

As the night approached early in the morning, Tony was debugging a new type of armor in the workshop of Stark Manor.

These two suits of armor were something that Tony planned to take away with the Howard couple who were leaving tomorrow as a parting gift.

Although Tony spent a pleasant week with his parents, he never forgot what his parents would face after they left.

In this case, there should be no problem. Tony looked at the completed armor, picked up a cup of cold coffee on the table and drank it.

Tony Stark.

While Tony was drinking coffee, a voice came from behind him.

Tony turned around and looked over, and the person who appeared in front of him was Master Gu Yi, whom he had met once in a dessert shop.

Isn't this the Archmage? Why are you here? Tony said hello to the Ancient Master.

I'm just here to give you a heads up. The Ancient Master looked at the two armors next to Tony and said quietly: These two are not in line with the mechanical creations of your parents' era. You We can’t let them take it away.”

Why? Tony concentrated and looked at the Ancient Master with some annoyance.

Su Heng has said before that since my parents have come to our current timeline, their original timeline has been separated from ours.

In that case, the changes that occurred after they returned to that era will not affect our world at all.

Master Ancient One looked at the somewhat hysterical Tony and asked him quietly.

Then do you want to guess, if any problems arise in the two branched timelines, who will be the one to solve them?

. Tony was stunned.

You don't think that if there is a deviation in the timeline, no one will deal with it, right? Master Gu Yi continued: If Su Heng doesn't take over, there will be someone dedicated to correct the two worlds.

You have to know that they are not as easy to talk to as me. They don't care about the process and only pursue the results.

If you don't want this mess to be so bad that Su Heng can't catch it, I advise you to give up your current thoughts.

I know. Tony nodded silently.

Well, it's okay if you get it. Master Ancient One looked at the trace of regret flashing in Tony's eyes and knew that Tony had indeed given up his idea. After nodding with satisfaction, he turned around and walked towards the teleportation circle that emerged behind him.

Wait! Just when Master Gu Yi stepped into the teleportation circle, he suddenly heard Tony's cry.

Master Gu Yi turned around.

If I remember correctly, what you just said, Master, is that technological products that do not belong to their era were not allowed to appear in my parents' era, right?

Master Gu Yi raised his eyebrows and finally nodded: That's right.

Then if I use the products made with the science and technology of my father's time, can I let them take them back?

Or in this case, the impact on that timeline will be smaller?

Interesting. Master Ancient One looked at Tony, who suddenly became excited again, with a smile on his face.

If that's what you want to think, that's fine.

Master Ancient One knew that this was Tony's biggest concession.

For Tony, saving his parents' lives is the most important thing, since there is no way to take back the armor with modern technology.

As long as he can save his parents' lives and use the technology of the 1990s to create a technological product, Tony can't do it.

And although Master Gu Yi rarely communicated with Su Heng, Master Gu Yi actually paid quite a lot of attention to Su Heng.

Although Master Gu Yi did this to help Su Heng reduce the difficulty of dealing with problems in the two timelines in the future, he did not tell Su Heng about this matter.

Because Master Gu Yi knew that if Su Heng really knew about this, that guy might even encourage Tony to bring more modern technology products to the Howards.

As for what might happen in the future, it was never within Su Heng's psychological expectations.

After all, in another timeline, the future Master Gu Yi has told his current self what Su Heng did in that timeline.

That was countless times worse than what Su Heng did in this timeline.

Of course, this is also related to the way the future Master Gu Yi used too radical methods when teaching the future Su Heng.

Therefore, in the current timeline, Master Gu Yi adopts a softer attitude towards Su Heng.

Master Gu Yi looked at Tony who was beginning to reassemble his armor. As he waved his hands, the teleportation circle gradually closed.

It was approaching twelve noon the next day. Tony looked at the Howards sitting in the car, and Rogers also looked at Peggy Carter, who was holding his arm.

I hope the little gift I gave you can help you two get through this difficult time. Tony looked at the Howards with some worry.

Don't worry about the child. Howard was not as pessimistic as Tony. He waved to Pepper behind Tony and said to Tony with a smile: Since I can come to this world and see you grow up, it means that the world's You, even without us, can still grow up and become a person like you.

And during this time, I also saw my file in SHIELD. Howard pointed to his head: Don't forget, your father is also a top scientist. Before the crisis occurs, I may not be able to bring him with you. Help your mother get through this difficult time.

On the other side, Peggy Carter touched Rogers' face with some distress.

Sorry Rogers, I'll have to rely on you alone for the rest of the day.

It's okay, Peggy. Rogers held Peggy Carter's hand: At least I completed our agreement.


The two hugged each other tightly and expressed their last feelings to each other.

clang! clang! clang!

The bell at noon rang in everyone's ears.

Goodbye, Rogers!

Goodbye, Tony!

The Howards were seated in the vehicle in which they emerged, with Peggy Carter standing next to Rogers.

The figures of three people and a car began to gradually become illusory when the bell rang, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

Tony looked at the disappeared Howards, and the area that had been gradually filled up over the past few days seemed to become empty again at this moment.

Tony. Pepper noticed Tony's change in mood, walked forward and gently held his hand.

At least your regrets have been resolved, right?

On the clock tower at the top of Times Square in New York, Master Gu Yi looked at the time card that Su Heng had conquered.

Very good power. Master Gu Yi praised in a low voice, then set his sights on a place in the distance, and then asked Su Heng.

If I guessed correctly, there should be another similar card in this world, right?

Yes. Su Heng stood on the top of the tower, gently twirling the Time Card with his fingers, and answered Master Gu Yi's question: There is another card that has the ability to reverse time and go back to the past.

Huh? Mage Gu Yi looked at Su Heng doubtfully: Isn't that the same power as the card in your hand now?

Yes, according to common sense

Su Heng looked at the smile outlined on the corner of Shi Pai's mouth in the front of the Clow Card, took out the previously subdued drawing card, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

According to common sense, the target of the ability cast by the time card should not be so detailed. It should usually affect a certain area.

But this time the time card is so accurate that it can directly transport a single person or object through time.

I have a hunch that my Clow cards may be undergoing some changes that I don't know about.

Following Su Heng's words, the Culuo cards in his body that had been subdued trembled slightly at this moment.

In the quiet dessert shop, Su Heng sat on the bar counter with nothing to do and let out a big yawn.


But at this moment, Gan Pai flew out of the baking room anxiously, pulling Su Heng's collar with all his strength, as if he wanted to take him somewhere.

What's wrong? Su Heng looked at Gan Pai's face that turned red because he was pulling his collar in confusion. He stood up in confusion and headed to the baking room under Gan Pai's guidance.

In the baking room, Gan Pai pointed pitifully at the shelves where raw materials were stored. The shelves were empty at this time, and it was obvious that there was nothing left that could be made into desserts.

Ah. Su Heng patted his head and suddenly realized.

I've been idle for so long that I even forgot to reorder raw materials.

But if you order online now, Su Heng took out his mobile phone and looked at the time it would take for the order to be delivered. Then he looked at Gan Pai's pitiful eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

Okay, then let's go out and purchase raw materials in person for the first time in a long time!

Hey! Gan Pai raised his fist excitedly.

With Gan Pai sitting on Su Heng's shoulders, he locked the door of the dessert shop and went to the supermarket where he purchased the raw materials for the dessert after a long absence.

Speaking of which, I haven't walked this road for a long time.

Su Heng said towards the Gan Pai on his shoulder.

Ganpai, whose figure was hidden by the magic cards, nodded obediently.

Before Su Heng conquered Gan Pai and obtained his pastry chef certificate, Su Heng had not yet rented the dessert shop outside Zhongcheng Middle School and relied entirely on a human-powered tricycle to sell desserts.

At that time, Su Heng couldn't afford online shopping at all, so he could only walk to the raw material supermarket of the dessert shop to purchase raw materials like today.

Now that I think about it, that time is actually quite memorable. Su Heng's eyes were filled with memories.

Especially here. Su Heng looked at a nearby alley, and a sword card suddenly appeared on his waist.

Do you still remember? Su Heng gently touched the hilt of the sword and said with a low smile: You almost killed me at that time.

Probably out of nostalgia, Su Heng couldn't help but walk towards the alley again.

The sky turned dark at some point.

Su Heng felt the sudden changes around him. The emergence of the Shipai shrouded Su Heng's body, preventing this inexplicable change from being exerted on Su Heng.

Oh? Su Heng touched the hilt of the sword and watched the scene in the alley in front of him begin to change rapidly.

From day to night to day again, from cloudy to heavy snow.

Finally, the changes in the alley began to slow down.

Returning to a dark night that was too familiar to Su Heng.

According to the Daily Bugle, there are already signs of multiple homeless people being slashed at night in New York.

According to the reporter's investigation, these homeless people were sleeping in the alleys and were later stabbed by an unknown mysterious man holding a sharp sword.

Now the New York police have taken over the case and are warning many New Yorkers to try not to walk into alleys at night in the near future. If you encounter an accident, please call the police in time. The police on duty at night will report the case as soon as possible. Rush to the location.”

As the hoarse report from the radio above the corridor came, Su Heng, who looked a little green, was walking in an alley holding a thick Clow's Magic Book.

This is the third day that he has received financial assistance from Sheriff Stacey. Naturally, he will gain nothing by sitting on his hands.

Su Heng knew that if he didn't find a job that could support him soon, he might have to face the embarrassment of the past few days again.

As for why Su Heng appeared in this alley.

That's what the Daily Bugle's previous report prompted.

According to Su Heng's judgment, the guy who hurt people with a knife might be the incarnation of the Clow card.

Su Heng knew that although he had no fighting ability, he still wanted to try his luck. What if, like a certain first-generation cute king, he could shake his body and summon the Ten Thousand Buddhas of Culu Card to come to court?

Even though he said this, Su Heng was actually very uneasy in his heart.

After all, according to the description in the report, if it is really a Clow card, it should be a very lethal Clow card.

If it weren't for the Clow card, Su Heng might really be in bad luck this time.

For a moment, Su Heng began to regret his hasty behavior.

Maybe I should go back? Su Heng stood in the alley, looking at the empty alley, and swallowed worriedly.


But at this moment, a sound of metal scraping against the wall sounded from behind Su Heng. The coldness made Su Heng stiffen involuntarily, and the expression on his face was even more like crying and laughing.

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