Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 132 The beginning of the beginning


The friction sound caused by the sharp sword scratching the ground, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, slowly sounded in this quiet alley.

Su Heng, who was hiding in the trash can, covered his mouth and looked carefully at the figure that appeared from the alley.

The first thing that caught Su Heng's eyes was a familiar-looking face, and the thin sword hanging down to the ground in that person's hand.

That is

Sheriff Stacey’s daughter! ! !

Su Heng finally remembered who the person who appeared in front of him was.

In the past few days after he traveled through time, Su Heng saw Sheriff Stacey taking his family to the amusement park on the street when he was on vacation.

Although they only met once, Su Heng still remembered the appearance of Sheriff Stacey’s wife, Ms. Helen, and her daughter, Gwen Stacey.

But why is she here, and the sword in her hand?

Before Su Heng could hesitate too much, a ray of sword light roared out from Gwen's hand, and struck the middle of the trash can with the sword.

Su Heng was forced to fall out of the broken part of the trash can.

Ahem. Su Heng held Clow's Magic Book in his hand, stood up and coughed twice, looking at Gwen in front of him, a smile appeared on his face: What about that, Miss Gwen, do you remember Me?

I met you two days ago.

. Gwen looked at Su Heng with eyes full of numbness and without any emotion. The sword in her hand was already raised high.

! Su Heng was shocked, holding Clow's Magic Book and staggering to avoid the attack of the sword.

It's over, it's over. Su Heng looked at the sword mark behind him and Gwen, who was holding the sword high again. He shrank his head and quickly moved away from Gwen, whose mind had been controlled by the sword card.

Fortunately, after seeing Su Heng escape, Gwen did not choose to chase him directly. Instead, he quietly watched Su Heng's escape, and then dragged his sword in the opposite direction.

Hoo ho ho— Su Heng hid in the corner and panted heavily. He glanced quietly in the direction of the corner. After making sure that Gwen had not caught up, he slumped down on the ground.

How to fight! Su Heng threw away the Clow's Magic Book that he had been holding in his hand in despair.

There are no Clow cards left for me, so you can give me a little treat!

There's nothing. Are you asking me to take the sword with my bare hands?

Su Heng held his head, and really couldn't figure out why he came to this world and suffered such injustice.

Su? Just when Su Heng was desperate, Sheriff Stacey's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

What are you doing here? Sheriff Stacey, who was holding a flashlight, looked at Su Heng who was slumped on the ground and asked him in confusion.

Chief Stacey. Su Heng originally wanted to stand up, but for some reason, his legs were trembling and he was unable to stand up.

What's wrong with you? Sheriff Stacey looked at Su Heng's cold sweat and frowned slightly: Did you encounter someone robbing you? Or did you meet the mysterious man who stabbed someone recently?

Su Heng's face tightened, he pretended to hit his leg, and shook his head at Chief Stacey: No, no, I just had leg cramps on the way back to the hotel, so I couldn't stand up.

Really? Sheriff Stacey breathed a sigh of relief and asked Su Heng with concern: Do you need me to take you back to the hotel? New York is not very safe at night recently. If you are on the way, I might be able to take you there. One ride.”

No need, Chief Stacey. Su Heng forced a smile: I can do it by myself. After all, you still have official duties, so I can't disturb you.

It's okay. Our job is to wander around the area anyway. Sheriff Stacey helped Su Heng up.

Let's go, my police car is not far ahead.

Su Heng looked at Sheriff Stacey's warm invitation and opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to refuse.


At this moment, the intercom above Sheriff Stacey's shoulder made a murmur.

Mr. Stacey, this is Bob. A more serious voice came from the intercom.

The injured person was found in Area C! According to the information the injured person gave before he fell unconscious, the knife wielder should still be in Area C at midnight and has not gone far!

Area C? Sheriff Stacey looked solemn and turned to look at Su Heng.

Su, it looks like you have to go back alone.

Su Heng's heart sank. He did not expect that Gwen, who was controlled by the sword card, would start hurting people so quickly.

Since the suspect is in area C next door, there should be no big danger in area B now. Sheriff Stacey warned Su Heng: When you go back, be careful not to be stopped by those guys who are still drinking too much outside. That’s it.”

I'm rushing to Area C now, so I won't see you off.

It's okay, Chief Stacey. Su Heng forced a smile towards Chief Stacy: Since you have something to do, go ahead and get busy, but please pay attention to your safety.

Don't worry. Sheriff Stacey patted the pistol on his waist: He's just a suspect who hurts people with a knife. How can he be faster than my gun?

That's not necessarily the case

Su Heng smiled bitterly and looked at Chief Stacey who was running in the direction of the police car, but his footsteps that should have left remained rooted in place.

After all, Sheriff Stacey was the first person to lend a helping hand to him after he came to this world.

The appearance of the sword card was caused by his appearance, and the person controlled by the sword card now was Sheriff Stacey's daughter Gwen.

If he just let it go, Su Heng's conscience would never be able to live with it.

After all, Gwen is holding a sword card, while Sheriff Stacey is holding a gun.

Whether it was Gwen who slashed Chief Stacey with a sword, or Chief Stacey or other police officers who injured Gwen with a gun, this was not what Su Heng wanted to see.

But myself.

Su Heng looked down at the Clow's Magic Book in his hand and murmured in a low voice.

As the carrier of the Clow Card, you can't even block the attack of the Sword Card, right?

Su Heng didn't have much confidence in whether he could stop it, but Su Heng had to do this!

Su Heng held Clow's Magic Book in his arms, turned around and ran into the alley again.

Since Gwen entered from this alley, this alley must lead to the direction where Gwen is.

Rapid footsteps sounded in the empty alley. Su Heng looked at the forked roads in the alley and gasped.

As for Area C. Su Heng looked in the direction of one of the forked roads and continued walking towards the forked road leading to Area C.

As Su Heng gradually approached Area C, the sound of the siren gradually reached Su Heng's ears from far to near.

Boss, we didn't find anything here!

Not here either.

The voices of New York Police Department officers rang around, and it seemed that a blanket search had been launched.

Now, while Su Heng is chasing Gwen, he must also avoid these New York police officers to avoid being interrogated.

Let's see now, whether Su Heng found Gwen first or the New York police found Gwen first.


Not sure if it was good luck or bad luck, the familiar friction sound caused by the sword tip grinding against the ground sounded in Su Heng's ears again.

Su Heng turned his head suddenly and looked at Gwen who appeared from the corner.

At this time, Gwen, who was controlled by the sword card, also discovered Su Heng.

Su Heng looked at Gwen who was holding the sword high again. This time he did not choose to escape, but looked at Gwen's hand holding the sword.


The sword he held high struck the Clow's magic book that Su Heng had placed on his head.

Sure enough, just as Su Heng thought, the sword card could not break through the defense of Clow's Magic Book.

Now, I just have to think about how to make the sword card fall off Gwen's hand.

Just when Su Heng was lost in thought, the sword card controlled Gwen to raise the sword again and slashed at the Clow Magic Book above Su Heng's head.

There was still a dull sound, and Clow's Magic Book diverted the damage from the sword card through unknown means.

Seeing this, Su Heng slowly approached Gwen.

Although I haven't thought of a way yet, it won't be a big problem to approach Gwen first.

But just when Su Heng was about to approach Gwen, Gwen suddenly changed his sword swing method, from slashing straight up and down to a horizontal slash.

Su Heng quickly turned the direction of Clow's Magic Book again, once again blocking Gwen's horizontal slash.

It was also at this time that Su Heng grabbed Gwen's sword-holding wrist.

He wanted to see if he could get the sword card back from Gwen's hand in this way.

But Gwen's hand holding the sword card was very firm. Su Heng used all the strength in his hand and was unable to pry Gwen's fingers open.

But Su Heng's movements made Gwen, who was controlled by the sword card, reveal a hint of irritation in her originally numb eyes.

Go and have a look over there! Su Heng's expression was startled by the light shining from a short distance away.

We must not let those police discover Gwen!

Follow me! Su Heng forcefully took Gwen's sword-holding wrist and led her to another alley.

Su Heng quietly looked at the New York police officers passing by in the alley next door and breathed a sigh of relief.

But just when he was about to turn back.


Under the control of the sword card, Gwen stabbed Su Heng's chest with the sword.

Su Heng looked at the sword on his chest, and then at Gwen, who was expressionless and was about to pull the sword out.

Pa! Su Heng grabbed Gwen's wrist, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth as he smiled miserably.

After all, I can be considered half a magician, right? Su Heng looked at the sword in Gwen's hand and murmured in a low voice: Striking me like this is like holding back, isn't it a bit unreasonable?

Gwen ignored the muttering Su Heng and continued to try to pull the sword out of Su Heng's chest.

Forget it. Su Heng grabbed Gwen's wrist with one hand, and the hand that originally held Clow's Magic Book began to pick up Gwen's fingers one by one.

The Clow Magic Book, which was originally regarded as a treasure by Su Heng, had been thrown to the ground by Su Heng at some unknown time.

Sure enough, it's better to use both hands together. Su Heng's mouth was already covered with blood, and the expression on his face was helpless.

Unfortunately, I understood it too late.

With Su Heng's efforts, he finally took the sword hilt out of Gwen's hand.

Gwen's body left the hilt of the sword in his hand, and his whole body fell to the ground, as if he had lost consciousness.

Cough cough cough. Su Heng laughed miserably, coughed twice, and sat down on the ground helplessly.

I just discovered something now. Su Heng looked at the Clow's Magic Book beside him and muttered to himself, as if he was expressing his last words and dissatisfaction.

Not only is there no Xiao Ke, you didn't even give me the wand to conquer the Clow Cards?

But... forget it. Su Heng sighed and closed his eyes gently, feeling his breath becoming weaker and weaker: I hope that when I wake up, I can return to my own. in the world.”

Su Heng, who closed his eyes, did not notice that Clow's Magic Book, which was stained red by his own blood, glowed with a certain glimmer of light at this moment.

Huh? What happened? A sleepy-sounding voice came from the magic book.

A ragdoll-like figure like a black kitten climbed out of the magic book with a piece of dessert in its hand.

Eh? It widened its eyes and looked at Su Heng, who was almost out of breath, and the sword card inserted in Su Heng's chest, and was stunned for a moment.

Oops! Oops! The black kitten Spineru felt the magic power emanating from Su Heng's body and broke into a cold sweat: I think I overslept.

Isn't this the magic user that Crowrido chose? Why did he almost lose his life after just one sleep?

What should I do? Spineru looked at Su Heng with tears in his eyes.

Don't die. I'll be in trouble if you die.

Hoo ho ho ho, Sibi~

A voice of gloating sounded in Spineru's ears.

Ruby! Is that you? Spineru heard the voice, and the wings behind his back started to flicker.

What should we do! The heir chosen by Crowley is going to die! Spineru looked up to the sky and cried.

So who asked you to eat so many desserts while traveling through time and space?

Isn't it okay that I was wrong? Ruby, can you save him? Spineru looked around pitifully, but could never find Ruby.

I can't save him, and this is obviously your mistake.

Then what should we do? Crowrido will definitely kill me! Spineru hugged his head in despair.

Although I can't save him, you can! Ruby's voice continued to ring in Spineru's ears.

Really? This also made Spineru raise his head, his eyes full of hope.

Of course, as long as you are willing to integrate the magic power of yourself and the magic book into this little guy's body, this little guy will naturally be able to get the magic power repaired and be cured~

Integrate? Integrate? Spineru looked at Su Heng in front of him dumbfounded.

Otherwise? This is the best solution at present. Let me remind you first, if you don't act quickly, this little guy will really be hopeless~

Okay, okay. Spineru looked bitterly at Su Heng, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker. The magic power on his body began to combine with the magic power of Clow's Magic Book.

Immediately, Spineru and Clow's magic books turned into an identical light and merged into Su Heng's body.

Just when Spineru and Clow's magic books were integrated into Su Heng's body, the sword card that had originally been pierced into Su Heng's chest slowly fell out at this time.

And as Su Heng's wounds healed, the sword card gradually changed back to the appearance of the Clow card.

Speaking of which, we really haven't considered the key aspect. Ruby's voice still surrounded the alley.

Well, but since you are his first Clow card, let me let you take care of the role of the key~

It's such a happy decision.

The breeze blew on the sword Kuluo Pai, causing the sword to glow slightly mottled under the moonlight, as if in response to the answer of the figure hidden in the moonlight.

Do you agree? Then it's a deal~

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