Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 133 The World in Clow’s Magic Book

Good guy! Su Heng, who was shrouded in time cards, looked at the scene in front of him and his eyes widened in shock.

This was the first time that Su Heng saw what happened to him after he fell into coma.

At that time, after he woke up from the hospital, when he noticed the Clow's Magic Book fused in his body, he was still wondering why a Western magical instrument like the Clow's Magic Book had to be recognized with the blood of the East.

Is this what happened?


The Gan Pai on Su Heng's shoulder looked at the surrounding environment that suddenly began to blur again, and quickly pulled Su Heng's earlobe, signaling him to look at the surrounding environment.

What caught Su Heng's eyes was another Su Heng sitting on a small boat, desperately wielding the oar.

Behind him, the huge waves of the river of chocolate were moving towards Su Heng layer by layer. Above the huge waves of the chocolate river, Gan Pai was holding his hands on his hips, looking at Su Heng who was desperately running away below. He seemed extremely proud of himself.

Su Heng, who was above the sky, tilted his head and looked at Gan Pai, who looked embarrassed.

As Su Heng in the boat was swallowed up by the huge waves of the chocolate river, Gampai stood on the water and was elated. Su Heng slashed open the chocolate river with one sword, and fixed Gampai in mid-air with one sword.

Gampai was subdued, and then the surrounding environment changed again.

The Silent City Incident plunged New York City into silence at night;

The Maze Tower incident where the Times Square building turned into an inextricable maze;

The cinema slumber incident where the crowd entering the cinema fell into a deep sleep;

A 100% immersive horror house fantasy event in the amusement park horror house;

A late-night martial arts girl beat up a martial artist;

Manhattan Bridge Floating Event with vehicles suspended in the air.

After conquering the Gan Pai, he took the Gan Pai around the streets to buy and sell desserts until he was discovered by the school director of Zhongcheng Middle School and successfully opened a dessert shop.

Before subduing the magic cards, he sneaked to the crime scenes of various incidents for fear of being caught by the police and mistaken for a suspect.

And after conquering the phantom card, he can finally appear in front of the public with the title of Dark Night Magician in a high profile.

The scene was finally fixed on Su Heng walking into the alley with Gan Pai.

So many things have happened this year? Su Heng couldn't help but sigh softly as he looked at the scenes flashing through his eyes.

Hey! Gan Pai sat on Su Heng's shoulders, folded his hands around his chest and nodded repeatedly, looking very touched.

It was also at this moment that the surrounding environment once again changed to that of the real world. The only difference was that in the corner, stood a mysterious woman wearing a cloak and holding a reverse clock.

She closed her eyes and raised her head slightly to look at the light that shone on Su Heng's body. It was the blessing of Shi Pai on Su Heng.

The woman sighed with regret, and her whole body turned into a gleam of light and gradually fell into Su Heng's hands.

You're really lucky~ Su Heng looked at the tiles in his hand and whistled lightly.

Although Su Heng seemed relaxed when he said these words, in fact, he was relieved in his heart.

Su Heng knew that the reason why Shi Pai couldn't do anything to him was all because of Shi Pai's contribution.

If Shi Pai had rashly stepped into the interface set by Xian Pai before conquering it, he might have been immersed in the past.

Hey! Gan Pai looked at Su Heng who suddenly fell into a daze and poked his cheek with his little finger.

Yes. Su Heng came back to his senses and turned his head to look at Gan Pai, who was looking at him with his little head tilted over his shoulder.

Sorry, sorry, I was distracted. Su Heng tapped Gan Pai's head with his finger.

Then let's keep going!


Su Heng regained his energy and continued to the dessert raw material store with Gan Pai.

Good evening, listeners, and welcome to the Clarion Daily's nightly business report. I hope the reports in this column can help you find the direction in life for those who are confused.

First of all, the first news is that Hammer Industries announced that they are about to launch a new clean energy ark built with tritium elements.

Obviously, after a long period of silence, Hammer Industries plans to once again compete with Stark Industries on the new energy track.

We must know that Hammer Industries has never won the previous battles. This time, let us hope that Mr. Justin Hammer's loss will not be too heavy this time.

After saying my best wishes to Mr. Justin Hammer, let us focus on the second news.

Mr. Darren Krause, the current CEO of Krause Technology, the former Pym Technology Company, announced to the outside world that he had discovered a technology that changes the distance of molecules and increases density and strength.

The research and development of this technology is now nearing completion. It is expected that this latest scientific research technology will be launched to everyone by the end of the month.

According to Mr. Darren Krause, this technology is very likely to have a truly epoch-making impact and will allow everyone to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Next is the third news

In the room above the dessert shop, Su Heng slowly spread his hands while listening to the radio.

Huh... As Su Heng exhaled gently, the phantom of a thick book gradually formed in his hands.

The phantom gradually solidified and turned into the appearance of Clow's Magic Book.

Su Heng unfolded the magic book that he had not taken out for a long time, and gently opened the thick pages.

In the magic book, various Clow cards are fixed on the pages like bookmarks.

And among these pages, nearly one-third are empty, with nothing on them.

But today Su Heng's goal is not the Clow card, but the Clow Magic Book itself.

He closed the magic book again, put his hand on the cover of the magic book, and slowly closed his eyes.

The magic book glowed slightly, and Su Heng's consciousness sank into the magic book at this moment.

When Su Heng opened his eyes, his consciousness had already entered the world of the magic book.

In this space, every page in the magic book has become a small room, and the Clow Cards are in these rooms with their eyes closed, as if they have entered a deep sleep.

Su Heng looked up at the top of these rooms. A black kitten-shaped stuffed doll was lying on an empty ground, sleeping soundly.

With a thought in his mind, Su Heng appeared next to the black kitten puppet.

Spinairu? Su Heng poked Spinelu's belly, which was heaving as he slept soundly.

Spineru, who was sleeping, unconsciously scratched the spot where Su Heng had poked his belly, turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

Hey! Su Heng pushed Spineru's shoulder: Wake up!

What are you doing? I slept so soundly. Spineru slapped Su Heng's hand on his shoulder away, smacked his lips and continued to sleep soundly.

Really. Su Heng sighed.

But at this moment, a faint light appeared behind Su Heng.

In a room, Gan Pai rubbed his eyes, and suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he sensed Su Heng's aura, and quickly flew out of the room. After looking around for a moment, he saw Su Heng at the top.

Hey! Gan Pai waved his wings behind him and hovered around Su Heng, as if to welcome him.

Following Gan Pai's movements, the Culuo Pai who were still sleeping began to wake up one after another.

At this moment, the originally empty space gradually began to show life as the Clow Cards woke up.

Clouds and rain intertwined, trees grew thickly, flowers drifted in the sea, and flames were like the sea.

Various abilities are distributed throughout the space without interfering with each other.

Such a scene made Su Heng rub his eyes in discomfort.

Well, it's so noisy. Spineru, who was still sleeping, seemed to have noticed the movement around him, and his nose moved slightly.

It tastes so sweet. Spineru licked his lips, and then made a look of disgust.

The figures of many Clow Cards gathered behind Su Heng, and looked with him at Spineru who was lying on the ground and was about to wake up.

! Spineru opened his eyes first, and what he saw was Su Heng and a group of Clow cards staring directly at him.

Wow! Spineru screamed and turned around helplessly to escape from this place.

Wait! Su Heng grabbed the back of Spineru's neck and brought him back to him.

Are you awake now?

Wait! Spineru rubbed his eyes and looked at the familiar face in front of him.

Ah, it's you! Spineru suddenly realized.

The heir chosen by Crowrido!

After waking up, Spineru no longer panicked as before. He stood on Su Heng's palm and looked at the Clow cards behind Su Heng, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Wow, how long have I been asleep? You have recovered so many Clow cards.

It's been almost a year. Su Heng shrugged towards Spineru.

If I hadn't seen the scene when I was unconscious during the recent flashback of Xian Pai, I really wouldn't have known that you still existed in Clow's Magic Book.

Ah? Spineru's originally amazed face stiffened, and he asked Su Heng with some embarrassment, Have you seen everything?

Yes, I have seen it all. Su Heng said with a smile: Including the scene where a certain guy who looked like me woke up from Clow's Magic Book after I was stabbed by the sword and fell into coma.

Ah hahaha. Spineru looked at Su Heng's smiling eyes and couldn't help but laugh twice.



Spineru quickly knelt down in Su Heng's palm and said pitifully: I didn't mean to do it. I was too bored when traveling through time and space, so I asked Ganpai to make me some desserts as a pastime.

But I didn't expect that just because of this, I would oversleep and almost kill you.

Okay, okay, everything is over. Su Heng touched Spineru's head.

If you hadn't saved me at that time, I wouldn't be alive today, right?

Hehehe. Spineru smiled sheepishly.

That's right. Spineru glanced at the chaotic distribution of magic power around him, frowned slightly, turned his head and asked Su Heng.

So why did you come to see me?

Of course. Su Heng nodded.

I have many questions that I want to ask you!

Well, if it's about why you came to this world with us, I can tell you directly.

Spineru shook his head.

I don't know either.


After all, you are the heir chosen by Crowley. Even Ruby and I have no idea why Crowley chose you.

Is that so? Su Heng sighed with regret.

Don't be discouraged. Spineru flew to Su Heng's side, looked around at the Clow cards, gently patted his shoulder, and comforted him.

At least you're doing quite well now, aren't you?

If there is really any problem, once you collect all the Crow cards again, maybe the reason why Crow Rido chose you will appear.

Yes. Su Heng nodded and murmured in a low voice: If I just collect Qikuluo cards, according to the current trend of collecting cards, I should be quick.

Yeah! Spineru flew in the air and nodded heavily: That's right, that's right, you just have to have such momentum, and then take back all the lost Clow cards in one go!

But speaking of it, Su Heng suddenly thought of something and asked Spineru, I still have some questions about the Clow card that I would like to ask you.

Su Heng told Spineru about the recent discovery that the abilities of the Clow Cards deviated from those previously understood in comics and animations.

Animation and comics? Spineru touched his chin.

Didn't you expect that someone could draw things in that world? It's no wonder Crowley is so good at it.

Ahem. Spineru coughed twice and turned to look at Su Heng.

Regarding this issue, do you think there is a possibility? Spineru asked Su Heng mysteriously.

Perhaps what you have seen in the so-called comics and animations before is just the tip of the iceberg of the Clow Cards. The true abilities of most of the Clow Cards have not been fully revealed in the so-called comics and animations. .

you mean?

No, no, no, no. Spineru closed his eyes and shook his head.

What you see is not necessarily all the abilities of the Clow Cards. Their abilities are definitely not as simple as you think.

Speaking of which, maybe you can take a completely different path from Kinomoto Sakura! Spineru touched his chin and said decisively towards Su Heng.

For example, the complete development and application of Clow cards!

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