Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 134 The enlarged ant

There is one thing you should understand. Spineru folded his hands on his chest, floated in the air, and said to Su Heng: Your own magic power is actually not very high. Using the magic power of the Clow Cards will consume a lot of power. Most of them are supplied by Clow’s Magic Book.”

So you can't be like Kinomoto Sakura.

In that case, you might as well change your mind and continue to develop and apply the abilities of the Clow Cards in depth.

Well Su Heng frowned slightly: Then what should I do?

Don't worry, I'm just telling you about your future plans. Spineru yawned.

Before you do that, you should continue to collect the lost Clow cards.

Okay. Su Heng looked at Spineru's sleepy look and asked him with some concern: Are you in good condition now?

To be honest, it's not that good. Spineru sat back on the ground and said listlessly: I had planned before I came that I would become a stuffed toy like that guy.

I didn't expect that my situation would be even worse than that. In my current state, I can't even get out of the magic book.

Xiao Ke?

Su Heng guessed who that guy Spineru was talking about.

So if you want to recover, you have to do the same as Xiao Ke and wait until I collect the fire cards and earth cards?

If Su Heng remembers correctly, in the anime, Xiao Ke returned to the appearance of Keruberos after Kinomoto Sakura conquered the fire card and the land card.

No, my situation may be a little worse than that guy Kerubelos. Spineru said listlessly towards Su Heng.

My magic power is yin, but because I was created by Elio, Crowrido, the source of my magic power is yang, just like Kerberos.

So if I want to recover, I need four high-level Clow cards of your Yang and Yin attributes.

That is, the four elemental cards of fire, earth, water, and wind.

Now. Su Heng glanced behind him.

Among these four element cards, Su Heng only collected the fire card.

So I'm sorry. Spineru yawned again, with a somewhat guilty expression on his face: Originally, my duty should have been to assist you in finding these Clow Cards, but now, I can only rely on you alone. Just do it”

It's okay. Su Heng gently touched Spineru's head: Didn't I come here like this before? It's okay.

Yes. Spineru forced open his eyes that were about to close: If there is anything unclear, just like today, just come to me in the magic book.

But now. Sorry, I'm just too sleepy.

Spineru's voice became smaller and smaller. When he finished speaking the last sentence, he still couldn't hold on. He fell to the ground and continued to fall asleep.

I got it. Su Heng held Spineru lying on the ground in his hands, glanced at the Clow cards behind him, and called softly.


Yunpai revealed a small head from the clouds beneath her, and then floated to Su Heng's side.

Build a cloud bed for Spineru. Su Heng held Spineru in his hands and ordered towards the cloud card.

Yunpai nodded obediently, and as he waved his little hand, a soft cloud appeared next to Su Heng.

Thank you. Su Heng put Spinelu into the clouds, then looked at the lively atmosphere around him again, and slowly closed his eyes.

The Clow Cards who were still playing and joking saw Su Heng closing his eyes and stopped their playful movements. They watched as his figure began to become illusory and then disappeared into this space. among.

When Su Heng opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the room above the dessert shop.

Huh-- As Su Heng took a deep breath, the Clow's Magic Book in his hand also disappeared.

Sleep, sleep. Su Heng stood up and stretched.

For Su Heng, the experiences during this period can be said to be fruitful.

Not only did he conquer several Clow Cards in a row, but he also finally learned the secrets that he didn't know when he first crossed over.

After all, Su Heng has never been able to talk to anyone about time travel.

The appearance of Spineru can be said to have given Su Heng a great comfort.

Although Spinel is also a creature that exists in comics and animations, what it just said in the magic book has already shown that it is not simple.

Go to bed early. Su Heng turned off the lights and lay on the bed. He looked at the moonlight by the window and slowly closed his eyes.

“Welcome to the Daily Bugle’s midday business report, and I’m your host Louise.”

“Without further ado, let’s focus on recent business reports.”

“First, there is the bankruptcy and reorganization of Kraus Technologies.”

Previously, Mr. Darren Kraus, CEO of Kraus Technology Company, mysteriously disappeared shortly after he discovered a technology that changed the distance of molecules and increased density and strength in Xuancheng.

When Krause Technology was about to go bankrupt and the company's employees were panicking, the former CEO of the company, Mr. Hank Pym, appeared in front of everyone.

After discussions by the board of directors of Kraus Technology, Mr. Pym returned to Kraus Technology as the CEO of the company, and once again changed Kraus Technology back to its original name - Pym Technology company.

Such changes made Pim Technology's stock fluctuate up and down in the stock market. It also made everyone in the stock market shocked, and some even directly cursed.

Here, the host would like to remind the audience that the stock market is risky, so you need to be cautious when entering the market, and never blindly listen to other people's opinions.


There was a noise from the radio in the dessert shop, which made Su Heng, who was cleaning the glass at the counter, stop what he was doing, walked to the radio and patted it.

Urgent news break!

The host's somewhat serious tone came from the radio that had returned to normal.

Spectators who are currently playing near the National Forest Park are asked to leave the National Forest Park immediately!

According to eyewitness reports, a colony of ants the size of a calf appeared inexplicably in the National Forest Park.

This group of ants is now expanding crazily to the outside. To ensure everyone's safety, spectators who are visiting the National Forest Park are asked to leave there immediately!

Ants the size of calves, Su Heng retracted his hand on the radio and muttered in a low voice with some confusion.

So, is this something done by Pym Technology or the Big Clow Card?

Su Heng listened to the warning sounds that kept coming from the radio and sighed softly.

Just in case, let's go take a look.

Scott Lang and Dr. Pym, who had recently gained notoriety in the stock market, were somewhat confused as they listened to the inquiries from SHIELD on their mobile phones.

Captain, neither Scott nor I have been to the National Forest recently.

Pim, it's not that I can't trust you. Rogers' faint voice came from the phone.

But those ants in the National Forest Park suddenly became so big. In the eyes of people who know the relevant situation, they will definitely recognize you. After all, in this world now, only you have mastered the ability to grow bigger and smaller. Mu particles.

This is indeed a problem. Dr. Pym's eyes flashed with a hint of haze.

Apart from him, Scott, and his daughter Hope, there should be no one else who controls the Pym Particle technology.


Dr. Pym thought of his beloved disciple, Darren Krause.

What if that guy placed something in the National Forest Park before he was defeated by Scott and entered the quantum realm?

Let's do this, Captain. Dr. Pym said towards the other end of the phone: Scott and I will also go over to see what the reason is.

Okay. Rogers' voice was accompanied by the howling of the wind: But you two better hurry up, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will survive the siege of those big guys.

Don't be kidding, you are Captain America. Dr. Pym gestured to Scott, walked to the laboratory with him, and continued to say to Rogers: Before we come here, Captain, you must Keep it.

Don't worry, with these big guys, I might be able to spend a whole day with them! Rogers said half-jokingly towards Dr. Pym.

Then hang up first.

Dr. Pym hung up the phone and opened the door to the laboratory in front of him.

It looks like we may be in trouble. Scott said towards Dr. Pym.

Yes, after all, those politicians above are not easy to deal with. Dr. Pym looked at the two sets of combat uniforms in the laboratory and continued: After all, this time it is an enlarged ant. Even if it has nothing to do with us, it has nothing to do with us. Those greedy guys might pour dirty water on us.

So for safety reasons, we have to go there and investigate this matter.

How about you let me go. Scott looked at Dr. Pym's old face and said half-jokingly: After all, you are old, so you should leave this kind of thing to a young man like me.

Dr. Pym, who was putting his hand on the combat uniform, paused.

Yes, I am old after all. Dr. Pym sighed.

Then let's do the same as before. Scott put down Dr. Pym's hand on the combat uniform: How about you be responsible for backstage support in the laboratory, and I'll be responsible for charging into the battle.

Yes, yes. Dr. Pym retracted his hand, glanced at Scott's attentive look, and said angrily: But no matter how you please me, I have nothing to do with you and Hope. I will agree.

After all, Hope is my only daughter.

Tsk. Scott, who was still smiling, smacked his lips, looked at Dr. Pim's resentful look, and said with some regret: Have you been discovered?

Ha. Dr. Pim snorted, turned around and walked towards the laboratory console.

Since you are willing to die, then go ahead!

Hey Doc, that sounds very ominous.

Scott complained to Dr. Pym while wearing his combat uniform.

Stop talking nonsense, put on your combat uniform and set off quickly. Dr. Pim clicked on the keyboard of the console, and the tragic situation of the National Forest Park appeared on the screen.

All the trees in the center of the National Forest Park have collapsed. On the edge of the center, ants as big as calves are waving their giant jaws, frantically clearing the surrounding trees.

Dr. Pym mobilized satellite monitoring and discovered that there was a large hole in the center. Those calf-sized ants came out of this large hole in a steady stream.

If I knew the truth, I almost thought we did it. Scott, who had put on his combat uniform, stared blankly at the screen and murmured in a low voice.

Hurry up and set off! Dr. Pym turned around, looked at Scott who was still in a daze, and warned him: Remember to bring more shrinking Pym particles.

I know, I know. Scott waved his hand and gestured towards Dr. Pym to the filled box on his waist.

Wait! Dr. Pim watched Scott walk out of the laboratory and suddenly reacted.

Who sent him to the National Forest Park!?

Dr. Pym quickly turned on the surveillance outside Pym Technology Company and found that Scott had merged with Hope who was driving a car, and they were kissing each other very intimately at the company gate.


Dr. Pym roared.

In the National Forest Park.


Rogers caught the flying shield and frowned as he looked at the smelly slime at the corners of the shield.

In front of him, more than a dozen ants the size of calves were already lying down.

But even so, the situation has not improved.

After all, a dozen ants are not even a drop in the bucket for an ant colony.

The dead ants did not bring any fear to the other living ants. The fishy smell coming from the ant corpses made the ants behind them even more crazy.

I don't know if they can handle it. Rogers tightened the shield in his hand and looked in other directions with some concern.

In this forest, Tony was flying in mid-air, and the firepower in his armor was pouring crazily towards the ground.

Due to the previous incident with Dr. Zola, Tony destroyed most of the unused steel armors.

In order to avoid the stress reaction of the victims in that incident, Tony has been living in a solitary life during this period, and no longer flies around the city wearing a suit as flamboyantly as before.

How about those little guys? Tony and Rogers obviously had the same worries.

After all, these ants were really big. Although Tony could handle them, he was a little unsure about the other little guys who came to support them.

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