Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 135 Upgrade and Application of Clow Card’s Abilities


The white figure wandered around in the woods, attracting the attention of giant ants all around.

The tentacles on the heads of the giant ants on the ground trembled, and they followed Gwen in groups as they crawled toward a predetermined location.

The spider silk in Gwen's hand continued to erupt, and his figure kept flashing, until he reached a big tree and stopped moving forward.

Gwen raised her head and looked in another direction that also gave off restlessness.

Where Gwen was looking, Peter was wearing a black spider suit. While spewing spider silk to attract the hatred of the ants above the ground, he also shuttled through the woods and converged in the direction of Gwen. .

Bang! Bang!

Gwen squatted on the branches of the big tree, feeling the tremors coming from the big tree, and she looked down.

The group of ants that surrounded her under the big tree had begun to gnaw at the trunk of the big tree with their giant jaws.

If nothing happens, this big tree will collapse before long.

But Gwen was not in a hurry to leave the big tree, but quietly waited for Peter to approach in the distance.

Peter in the distance was holding the spider silk in his hand, and in the blink of an eye he came to another big tree next to Gwen.

Gwen looked at the ants chasing Peter, as well as the tree under her feet that was becoming more and more shaky due to the gnawing of the ants, and she and Peter nodded to each other.

The two stepped on the branches and jumped. As they turned around, the spider silk on their wrists sprayed towards the ground like flying snow, covering all the ant colonies in layers of spider webs. among.

Squeak! The sticky cobwebs immobilized the ants on the ground, and the pungent smell brought by the cobwebs made them seem to have some kind of stress response, and they began to crawl crazily on the ground. He struggled.

Harry! Gwen and Peter each jumped to two other big trees. Peter stood firm on the branches and shouted loudly toward the sky.

A glider with flames fell from the sky like a meteor, igniting the spider web soaked in flammable liquid on the ground.


Raging fire erupted on the ground in an instant. The burning flames caused the ant colony to scream in pain, and the sizzling sound and burning smell began to disperse from the ground toward the sky.

Almost all the ants within a radius of 200 meters are here. Peter looked at the ants struggling in the flames, but his expression did not relax at all.

But the scope of the national forest park is just a little too big.

Don't worry, besides us, aren't there also agents from SHIELD? Harry stood on the glider and comforted Peter.

With so many people working together, we won't let these big guys escape the confines of Forest Park.

Gwen watched the fire burning more and more intensely, and even started to spread towards the surrounding trees. The corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, and she turned to Peter and Harry and said.

Guys, I feel like we're in trouble.



Peter and Harry looked shocked. If it weren't for Gwen's reminder, they might not have discovered this matter.

So do we have any measures to prevent forest fires? Gwen hesitated and looked at Peter and Harry.

. Peter and Harry fell silent.

Using fire to burn these ants was a temporary idea that the three of them came up with.

But they seem to have completely forgotten the consequences of using fire in the forest.

Hurry up and set up an isolation belt. Gwen ordered towards Peter and Harry.

Otherwise Mr. Stark will scold us when he finds out.

Peter and Harry nodded and hurriedly walked towards the woods where the fire had not yet spread.

Ah, why didn't I use my brain more? Gwen muttered a few words depressingly. The four mechanical spider hands behind him came out of the armor and began to chop down the trees with Peter and the others. Manufacture of vacuum isolation tape.

But they forgot that in this forest, besides flames, there were also more difficult enemies to deal with.

Behind the three of them, another wave of ants attacked them one after another.

Gwen and the others not only had to cut down trees to create a vacuum isolation zone, but also had to guard against the attacks of these ant colonies. They seemed to be in a hurry for a while.

You are so serious. Su Heng's sigh sounded in the ears of the three of them.

The sky suddenly became dense with dark clouds, and heavy rain poured down, instantly suppressing the raging fire.

Store manager!

Gwen looked at Su Heng who appeared in the sky, waving the spider silk in his hand, cutting the surrounding ant colonies into pieces.

Su Heng looked at the ant colonies in front of Gwen and the others that were invading like a tide, and rubbed his head with a headache.

It's really a big Clow card.

Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Tony arrived in time, and the place where the commotion was caused was the sparsely populated Forest Park, so no major losses occurred.

But it's okay

Little! Su Heng took back the cloud card and rain card in the sky, and threw another Clow card towards the ant colony.

The Clow card shimmered in mid-air and turned into the figure of the small card.

The little sign jumped lightly on the bodies of these ants.

Every time they came into contact with an ant, those ants disappeared from Gwen's sight.

It seems a little too slow. Su Heng looked at the scene in front of him, and another Clow card appeared in his hand.

In that case, Xianpai!

At Su Heng's side, Xianpai appeared next to Su Heng holding the rotating clock.

As the clock slowly turned back, the ants that were still attacking them suddenly stopped.

Then, under the sight of Gwen and the others, it began to slowly become smaller.

At Su Heng's signal, Yan Pai turned back the time of these ants to 24 hours ago.

Within Su Heng's expectation, as long as the big names were subdued before these 24 hours and the magic power exerted by the big names on these ants was recovered, these ants would naturally not change back to the huge appearance they had just now.

Gwen and others looked at the disappearing ant colony, and before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they suddenly heard a deafening sound, the earth trembled, and the sky was completely obscured by a huge shadow.

Everyone looked along where the shadow came from.

A centipede as big as a small mountain is winding its body in the center of the forest park, which can cover the sky and the sun.

Oh my God. Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe what they were seeing.


The centipede looked up to the sky and roared, spitting a stream of smelly liquid from its mouth into the sky.

After the liquid rose for a certain distance in the air, it fell towards the forest park with a free fall.

Fxxx! Tony, who had just arrived at the centipede, looked at the smelly liquid whistling down from the sky, cursed in a low voice, and quickly controlled the armor to avoid it.

But the giant centipede next to him began to squirm at this moment, and its sharp legs set off a huge wave of sand and dust, causing Tony to stumble and be knocked to the ground.

Tony looked at the fishy-smelling liquid above his head that could drown him, and his face turned pale.

He didn't think this big bug was a non-venomous species, and with such a large pool of saliva, even if it couldn't poison him to death, it could completely drown him.

Just when Tony controlled the suit again and wanted to leave the range of the liquid above his head, two tiny discs shot out from the forest.

One shot into the giant centipede, and the other shot into the pool of liquid just a stone's throw away from Tony.

Tick ​​tock.

The steel armor felt the sound of raindrops coming from above the head, and the engine that had been started directly took Tony flying out.

Sir, the crisis has been resolved.

Tony heard Jarvis's reminder in his ears, and turned around to look at the location where the giant centipede was. At this time, the place was empty. Except for the environment left by the giant centipede, he could no longer see it. There is no other figure.


It's so dangerous. Scott stepped out of the forest, nodded to the surprised Tony, and picked up the centipede on the ground that had become only as wide as a thumb again.

How did this thing become so big? Scott put the centipede into the glass bottle he carried with him and murmured in a low voice.

Tony! Rogers also rushed over from the other direction.

Su Heng and Gwen followed closely behind.

Who are you? Rogers looked at Scott's familiar appearance and asked doubtfully: Pim?

No, no, no. Scott shook his head: Hello, Captain, I'm Scott. I think the doctor should have introduced me when he reported to you some time ago.

Scott? Rogers recalled for a moment before remembering that Scott's name was indeed included in the incident report where Dr. Pym had a dispute with his student Darren Krause some time ago.

It's really thrilling. Tony also walked to Scott and Rogers. He took off his helmet, wiped the cold sweat from his head and nodded to Scott: Thank you.

It's okay. Scott quietly took a step back with some caution. Under the mask, the expression on his face looked a little reluctant.

After all, Dr. Pym's teachings told him to stay away from Tony Stark.

Although I don’t know what the grudge is between Dr. Pym and Tony Stark, it’s better to listen to Dr. Pym’s words.

Tony didn't pay attention to Scott's inexplicable defensiveness. He turned to Rogers and asked, So is this settled?

Hard to say. Rogers frowned and looked at the huge ant cave not far away.

After all, we haven't figured out how those things appeared.

That. Su Heng opened his mouth and was about to explain the reason for this matter to the captain and Tony.


A strange fluctuation came from the ant cave.

Under this wave of fluctuation, everyone watched helplessly as the surrounding plants began to grow taller and larger.

What happened? Tony saw that the weeds under his feet suddenly became as tall as half his body, and the originally tall trees became invisible. He quickly put on his helmet.

Is this an illusion? Or are we being shrunk?

Scott looked at the monitor on his combat uniform, and his face became a little solemn.

No, it should be said that the surrounding area has been magnified.

In Pym Technology Company, Dr. Pym used a satellite camera to look at the territory of the Forest Park that suddenly became larger. The expression on his face also looked very surprised.

How can it be

This kind of thing that violates scientific common sense has completely exceeded what Pym particles can do.

But this really appeared in front of Dr. Pym.

Damn, how on earth did this happen. Dr. Pym stood up from his chair.

James! Prepare a car for me to go to Forest Park! Dr. Pym dialed the number of the company's employees, and then began to search for measuring instruments in the laboratory.

In Forest Park, Rogers and others looked at the surrounding scene with solemn faces.

Crickets as big as cars, the same calf-like ant colony as before, and dragonflies flying in the sky.

This is like an alternative Alice in Wonderland. Gwen sighed in a low voice.

After all, there is actually no difference between the enlargement of the surrounding environment and the reduction of oneself.

. Su Heng tilted his head, looked at the small sign standing on his shoulder, and asked her in a low voice.

Can you restore the surrounding area to its original size?

Xiaopai looked at the surrounding scene, shook his head with some regret, and turned into light and shadow, turning into a Culuo card and returned to Su Heng's body.

Well, why did you leave? Su Heng looked at Xiaopai who suddenly returned to his body, with a confused expression on his face.

But soon, the voice in his mind made Su Heng understand what Xiaopai was going to do.

Oh! Can a big name actually do this? Spineru's sleepy voice came out in Su Heng's mind.

Sibi? Su Heng was a little surprised. He didn't expect Spineru to wake up so quickly.

I was woken up by the trump card. In Clow's Magic Book, Spineru's big eyes were surrounded by dark circles.

Also, call me Spineru!

So do you have any clues? Si Bi. Su Heng asked Si Bi Nailu silently in his heart.

Isn't this what I told you before? The development of Clow Card's abilities. Spineru looked at the surrounding scene through Su Heng's eyes and continued to talk to Su Heng.

I think you should know from the abilities of the small cards. Their initial application can only be targeted at individuals.

But as their proficiency is developed and used, their abilities can be upgraded from individuals to groups, and then to affect the surrounding environment.

And what you see now is the ability upgrade of big names.

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